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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27252 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #165 on: June 13, 2015, 01:27:43 pm »

They'd roused you to question you about the incident in person - they were especially concerned about the revolver cylinder they'd recovered.
Then the boss arrived and began causing a scene, Millicent was in trouble, you were in trouble, the director of HMSO had sent a representative.
And as if it couldn't get worse, You keept catching glimpses of... things in the corner of your eyes, Skittering about in the darkness.

Oooooooo. I know. ClF3. That should be a fun surprise.

Generally me

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #166 on: June 13, 2015, 04:30:54 pm »

They'd roused you to question you about the incident in person - they were especially concerned about the revolver cylinder they'd recovered.
Then the boss arrived and began causing a scene, Millicent was in trouble, you were in trouble, the director of HMSO had sent a representative.
And as if it couldn't get worse, You keept catching glimpses of... things in the corner of your eyes, Skittering about in the darkness.

+1 without the 3rd bit


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #167 on: June 13, 2015, 06:38:49 pm »

Also, +1 to cake.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #168 on: June 13, 2015, 09:39:54 pm »

They'd roused you to question you about the incident in person - they were especially concerned about the revolver cylinder they'd recovered.
Then the boss arrived and began causing a scene, Millicent was in trouble, you were in trouble, the director of HMSO had sent a representative.
And as if it couldn't get worse, You keept catching glimpses of... things in the corner of your eyes, Skittering about in the darkness.

+1 without the 3rd bit
+1, also without the third bit.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #169 on: June 13, 2015, 10:02:18 pm »

They'd roused you to question you about the incident in person - they were especially concerned about the revolver cylinder they'd recovered.
Then the boss arrived and began causing a scene, Millicent was in trouble, you were in trouble, the director of HMSO had sent a representative.
And as if it couldn't get worse, You keept catching glimpses of... things in the corner of your eyes, Skittering about in the darkness.

+1 without the 3rd bit
+1, also without the third bit.
Agreed, +1, but let's ignore that third bit.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #170 on: June 14, 2015, 12:02:31 pm »

"This is a mess," came a voice, filtering through the veil of darkness that had been your bodies attempt to shut down and recover.
You were fairly certain at this point that this was how it was working, that it was utilising the same biological mechanisms that were normally associated with recovery from serious injury to go into the same state where it could more rapidly repair itself.
Or as was the case, recover from the strain of your powers.
You felt as if you had perfect clarity in this moment, and then there was this voice, piercing the inky blackness.

"You're telling me, we have to rouse her though, we don't have long to question her before one of those two assholes out there goes ape-shit and throws their weight about," came a second voice as you steeled yourself, noting that you were lucid despite how your body was curently still not responding.
You weren't concerned though, you knew that you were okay, that you were laying down and that you were warm.
Why couldn't you have been dreaming though, why couldn't you have some scenario playing out where you were being pampered by grateful people, fanned with palm leaves.
A little dream of how you'd saved the people of a lost civilisation from extinction and they were worshipping you as their god, while you made reasonable requests of them.
Fan me, show me the sights of your wonderful tropical paradise, teach me all about your wonderful culture.

You'd never have that outside of dreams.

"Miss Smith, it's time for you to wake up," came the first voice as you felt a hand against your shoulder, the steady rocking of your form telling you that they were trying their best to rouse you, gently.
"I'm glad we're dealing with her instead of that... Thing she came in with," came the second voice as you slowly felt the haze lifting.
"You're telling me, apparently it's registered and all that's why we didn't just shoot it on sight."
"Even its boss seems terrified of it."
"You dare shoot Millicent," you mumbled as your eyes opened, the back of your hand moving to rub at your eyes as you sat upright.

You were laying across a few chairs in a break room by the look of it, atop and under a pair of blankets.
It was as you snapped back to full awareness that you could feel that state of perfect clarity fade away, as if it was both just a dream and that your senses had overwhelmed it and taken away from it.
Distractions, too many distractions to maintain that state of being.
You were certain that in that moment you could have quantified anything, reduced things to their interconnected links and classifications, peeled back the facade of the world and seen the workings underneath.

And now it was gone leaving you feeling a vague sense of regret.

"Ah, you're awake Miss Smith, are you fit to answer a few questions?" came the first voice, the officer it was attached to a soft spoken man with brown hair and eyes and slightly tanned skin.
"I, um," you rubbed at your eyes as you glanced at the second officer, a man whom appeared to be of indian decent. "Am I under arrest?"
"No Miss Smith, we simply want to have a statement on record from you over a few details related to the incident, if that is okay with you?"
"Okay... I," you paused as you swung your legs down. The blood that had soaked your new jeans had dried and ruined them. Not that they would have been salvagable given you'd been shot in the manner you had.

Still, it was enough to get a look of concern from the officers.
"Are you hurt, Miss Smith?"
"Not anymore, I don't think," you paused you glance between yourself. You could see the holes in your jeans, you could see dried blood over flawless skin telling you that your injuries had healed.
"Okay, if you'll... If you'll follow us, we'll bring you to speak with-"

The mans efforts to direct the conversation were disrupted as your stomach growled noisily, leaving you glancing to the side to avoid eye contact as you awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
Of course, your body didn't like the fact that you were doing something other than feeding it after this.
"Um, sorry, I don't know when I last ate," you mumbled as you turned your attention back towards the officers.
"Ah, I suppose it wouldn't hurt for us to bring you a sandwich or something while you're being spoken with about the incident."
"I was going to eat cake and then we were hit by a car and... Can I have cake?"
"If that's what you want, we'll see what we can get," then second one responed this time, before the pair of them started you along the corridors towards yet another room.

The room you were ushered into was enclosed and intimidating.
The ceiling was covered in polystyrene tiles by the look of it, with square lights framed by grimy white plastic breaking up the uniform pattern to bathe the room in their baleful glow.
The walls where clinical white - or had once been, and the carpet was a tan colour that looked as if it had seen better days.
On the far wall there was a cork board with various papers pinned to it and in the middle of the room there was an old office table with several chairs tucked under it.
It was like every grim drama's portrayal of an interrogation room and you were being ushered into it alone.

"Someone on the case'll be along to question you soon, we'll get your cake in the meantime, make yourself comfortable," came one of the two's voices.
Comfortable, yes.
You could see yourself being comfortable here.

Making the most of this moment's silence you shifted to settle down at one of the chairs facing the door.
Hands clasped before you, a stern expression.
You were the interrogator now.

Or at least you were until the officer who had been sent to question you arrived.

The woman that arrived to speak with you lacked height, but she carried herself with confidence that made you mentally falter.
She was a woman whom looked to be older, a woman with deep set frown lines and grey streaked hair, yet her skin contrasted the apparent age by appearing flawless apart from seeming to be lightly weathered.
Bar the scales.
You could just about catch the sight of scales against her neck, making you wonder if she was another of the-

"Alyssa Smith?" came her voice, with the same tone devoid of emotion that the Guardian had used with you.
"That's me," you confirmed as the woman made her way towards the table with papers beneath her arm. A woman thats eyes seemed older still than her hair suggested she was.
She stood for a moment.
Hands gripping the back of a chair as impossibly strong fingers made the frame creak in protest.
Those eyes, those ancient eyes reflecting the faintest hint of confusion.

"Is there something wrong?" you asked as this moment drew onward, prompting the woman to shake her head slowly.
"You remind me of somebody I once knew. Regardless, I am Joy. Comments about the irony of my name will not endear you to me," came her words as she pulled the chair out to settle down opposite you. "Now, as we understand you were involved in an incident earlier today. While the majority of the details were cleared up while you were unconscious, there are a few remaining details that concern us," Joy paused as she set the papers she had brought with her down.

You knew where this was going.

"There are reports that you spoke with a-"
"Is that the transcription?"
"If you pass it here I can verify it's accuracy," there was a pause before the woman pushed the paper across the table towards you, a paper that you merely had to glance at before you slid it back. "That's correct, yes."
"Then the problem we have has become all the more complex. Your companion stated that you were presented with a revolver cylinder that we recovered at the scene. Can you confirm this?"
"I was, but I don't-"
"Please do not interrupt me," came Joy's words, prompting you to draw your arms about yourself. "That was part of one of the weapons carried by an individual during the victorian war. It was considered lost, likely destroyed, until today."

Joy fell silent for a moment as she shuffled the papers about.
This woman, it clicked, was the one you'd read about in the library.
She was THAT Joy, she was-
"Yes Miss Smith?"
"Was this one of the weapons belonging to the thousand-"
"Eurochkoles. That was his name."
"I've seen a little about him in books, and-"
"Miss Smith, I believe you were presented with that component mistakenly."
"But you said I remind you of-"
"A reminder, yes. A sorry echo of what once was. You were presented this component mistakenly, I see this now. I am sorry to have wasted your time," came Joy's impassive words as she went to stand.

A sorry echo?
You'd show her a sorry Echo.

"An echo?" you snapped "A sorry echo?" you responded as you pressed your hands to the table, rising as you tensed your shoulders. "What gives you the right to so disdainfully cast me aside after you use me to sate your curiosity?"
"Miss Smith, please calm down," came her words as she tucked her chair back under the table.
"No, you used me. You wanted to know if I could be something you lost, you wanted to see if it could be true that I am him and then you callously cast me aside once you'd sated that curiosity."
"Miss Smith-" Joy stepped backwards as you stepped forward. You could feel a chill in your legs as your heart raced, the edges of your vision blurring as they went black, as purple and red sparks crept into that blackness and faded.
"I've been asking myself questions since I was brought to this damn city, who am I, what am I, why is there a connection between me and that man?" you hissed as you prodded your chest with one finger to punctuate each of those questions. "And you... Your fixation with him, you don't care about me, you just... You just... You want to wash your hands of the guilt you feel for running away when you lost him."
"His death almost cost us the war, he was the only thing I could trust in this world at the time-"
"SILENCE!" you roared as you felt pain lance through your head. You could feel the room tremble as the lights flickered, as one hissed and went dark. "I am not to be used," you whispered as you trembled with conviction, another step taken forward as Joy stepped away from you.
You could see fear in this womans eyes now, a woman who had no doubt seen horrors you could only dream of and she was-

She was afraid of you.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I..." you reached out with one hand as you took another step forward, feeling the chill receed as you became dimly aware you'd just walked clean through the table. Joy continued to back away, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes as she pressed her back to the wall of the room.
"No, you're not him, he was... He was warm. I hated him, but he never stopped trying... And then he was gone before I could tell him I forgave him for all he had done. She took him from me, she took the only friend I had from me and I... I walked into the oceans holding him as I tried to wash the sorrow I felt from me."
"Joy, I'm sorry," you whispered as you watched the woman sink down to the floor as your vision slowly cleared. The pain in your head remained, along with a dull ache in your chest that reminded you that you'd just exercised your powers again - this time without intending to. Even as you knelt beside the woman she brought her legs up to her chest and buried her face against her knees.
"You're not him... Even at his worst he wasn't a monster like you," she sobbed as you recoiled away from her as if you'd been burned.

You weren't a monster, were you?

"I'm not... I'm..." you started to protest as Joy looked up from her knees, the redness about her eyes telling you how she was crying in earnest. Oh, how that hurt you to see.
"Scarecrow child, leave me," she hissed with bared teeth as she pointed to the door.

You felt it was in your best interests to do so at this point, that stepping outside the room and waiting for the officers who had gone for cake to lead you out was wise.
You struggled to your feet as you felt your stomach turn.
You could feel your anxiety getting the better of you now, making you wonder if her choice to call you a monster could be correct after all.
Had she called you such out of digust and anger, or did she see something about you that you yourself didn't see yet?
It didn't matter, you had to leave this room.

With that you opened the door, stepped into the hallway and inwardly cursed as you saw a number of armed police rushing down the corridor towards you.
Of course!
Every time you used their power they were all over it.

"Put your hands on your head and get on the floor!" came one's voice as the armed and armoured police fanned out about you, assault rifles pointed at you as slowly sank down to one knee, then the other.
You wanted to do your best to appear unthreatening, you didn't want to end up shot again.
That was an experience you were in no way keen to repeat.
Especially as you could feel your anxiety giving way to fear in this situation.
"Ignore them. Stand down officers," came another voice as a slender, balding, suited man pushed through the group towards you. "So, you're the one tripping our warning systems. I was expecting someone more... Impressive."
"Uh, Director-"
"Unless you wish to be placed under review, you are dismissed."
"Yes sir," came the mumbled response of the group as they awkwardly backed away.
"Ah, but you-" the man paused as he levelled a finger with the man who had spoken. "Can escort her down to the front desk."
"Uh... Yes Director Ego, Sir," the man mumbled as he offered you a hand to help you back to your feet.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to speak with Officer Joy," came the mans words once more as he stepped into the room you'd just left, leaving you with the confused first response group.
"Well... Uh. This way, Miss." came the mans mumbled words as he lead you towards the end of the hall.
It wasn't far from there to the front desk - just a walk down a hall, down the stairwell and down a further hall to the reception area where you could see two people engaged in a shouting match.

You recognised the boss, a man you made a note never to learn the name of given it was the same level of respect he held for you.
He was a tool.
Not the kind you wished to use, the kind kind you had no respect for.
The other figure was yet another suited man, one that made a point of jabbing at the boss of the agency that had picked you up with one finger every time he shouted at him.

It was your arrival that had a break in that shouting match, doubled with the fact you'd arrived with an armed escort.
That silence didn't last long.
"Alyssa, do you know how much trouble you are in now?" came his words as he shifted his anger towards you - you had the feeling that his anger was being directed towards you as you were the easier target, the weaker in his eyes. He was a small minded bully, looking for an easy means of venting when he couldn't possibly hope to win the argument he was having with the other person.
"Is he from H-M-S-O?" you asked as you ignored the initial outburst, prompting a smirk from the other man.
"I am a representative from-"
"You assholes attacked and shot me," you gestured towards your legs, knowing full well that the blood stains were visible even from the front. "And you," you snorted as you turned towards Millicent's boss, "sent chavs to trail us, you slack jawed classless fuck."

There was silence from pair of them that was finally broken as Millicent's boss raised his voice once more.
"When we get back you are going to be punished accordingly-"
"Yes, punish the person that doesn't work for you, I mean, I'm pretty sure the guy right beside you is hiring."
"I am authorised to offer you-" the other man started, only for you to hold a finger up.
"You assholes shot me, these assholes want to punish me for you assholes shooting me. Why should I care about either of you?"
"Alyssa, we can talk about this-" the boss started, only for you to laugh.
"Wi-kan-terk-ehlerseh!" you mocked as you wiggled your head from side to side with each syllable. "Fine, lets talk. Why are they trying to forcefully poach me from-"
"That was a mistake."
"You're damn right it was a mistake, you lost four people because your agents went gun crazy and-"
"We only sent three, this is a further complication," came the mans response, his expression souring as he reached into his pocket for his phone. Even as that man stepped away the boss was once more attempting to smooth things over.

"Alyssa, why don't you come back and-"
"Shut up. The LPD offered me cake, I'm not moving without it or answers. Are you going to offer me answers?" you tilted your head. "No?"
"Very well," he sighed as he moved to settle down on one of the nearby chairs. "What do I have to tell you to get you to co-operate with me again?"

You pursed your lips, folded your arms over your chest and frowned. You hadn't actually expected him to fold in such a manner.
He really was desperate, wasn't he?
It did mean that you had a chance to get answers or dismissively brush him off.
Or anything else really. Everything was a mess, but you were sure you were going to come out on top regardless.
What remained was for you to decide your next course of action.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #171 on: June 14, 2015, 02:24:38 pm »

Alyssa, do not not worry about the harsh words of Joy. You did not exactly make the best first impression and you cannot deny that you are quite intimidating when exercising your powers. Plus, You walked through a table like it wasn't there. That's plenty of terrifying. Awesome, But terrifying.

As for questions.. How about something...
What exactly was it that we did that was so wrong? Apart from killing four people that is, Even though they tried to kill us first.
Then there's the subject of learning. Books, Information, Knowledge. We want to know more.
We also want somewhere we can safely train and use our powers without causing harm to others, Being monitored would be acceptable.
And lastly, Am i a monster...?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #172 on: June 14, 2015, 10:06:27 pm »

First things first, why were those three agents sent to retrieve us like this? I don't want to hear that it's a mistake, THAT is obvious (and if not, we'll make it so), but I want to know what delusional train of thought lead to the conclusion that it was ever a good idea in the first place.

Secondly, who is this fourth agent that slipped in, and what were his goals? Was he the one Millie took over, or one of the ones that got shot? If the former, can she retrieve his memories? If the latter, can we confirm he's really dead?

Third, what do we know about the Jotun thing that approached us? How'd he even come across that revolver piece anyway?

Fourth, does anyone involved know why we remind everyone of the thousand soul aside from us both being immortals? For that matter, since it's been over a hundred years since his death, shouldn't the thousand soul have shown up again?

Fifth, tone down the attitude a bit on our end. Yes, we're immortal, but we don't have the experience or resources to back up this level of arrogance, and burning bridges before we know the situation is a bit foolish.

Sixth, how's Millie doing? She saved us from being captured, and she's the only character I'd currently trust.

Finally... if we offer to cooperate or even consider working for her majesty's people, could we talk with Anxiety?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #173 on: June 15, 2015, 12:47:20 am »

First things first, why were those three agents sent to retrieve us like this? I don't want to hear that it's a mistake, THAT is obvious (and if not, we'll make it so), but I want to know what delusional train of thought lead to the conclusion that it was ever a good idea in the first place.

Secondly, who is this fourth agent that slipped in, and what were his goals? Was he the one Millie took over, or one of the ones that got shot? If the former, can she retrieve his memories? If the latter, can we confirm he's really dead?

Third, what do we know about the Jotun thing that approached us? How'd he even come across that revolver piece anyway?

Fourth, does anyone involved know why we remind everyone of the thousand soul aside from us both being immortals? For that matter, since it's been over a hundred years since his death, shouldn't the thousand soul have shown up again?

Fifth, tone down the attitude a bit on our end. Yes, we're immortal, but we don't have the experience or resources to back up this level of arrogance, and burning bridges before we know the situation is a bit foolish.

Sixth, how's Millie doing? She saved us from being captured, and she's the only character I'd currently trust.

Finally... if we offer to cooperate or even consider working for her majesty's people, could we talk with Anxiety?

Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #174 on: June 15, 2015, 03:06:24 pm »

First things first, why were those three agents sent to retrieve us like this? I don't want to hear that it's a mistake, THAT is obvious (and if not, we'll make it so), but I want to know what delusional train of thought lead to the conclusion that it was ever a good idea in the first place.

Secondly, who is this fourth agent that slipped in, and what were his goals? Was he the one Millie took over, or one of the ones that got shot? If the former, can she retrieve his memories? If the latter, can we confirm he's really dead?

Third, what do we know about the Jotun thing that approached us? How'd he even come across that revolver piece anyway?

Fourth, does anyone involved know why we remind everyone of the thousand soul aside from us both being immortals? For that matter, since it's been over a hundred years since his death, shouldn't the thousand soul have shown up again?

Fifth, tone down the attitude a bit on our end. Yes, we're immortal, but we don't have the experience or resources to back up this level of arrogance, and burning bridges before we know the situation is a bit foolish.

Sixth, how's Millie doing? She saved us from being captured, and she's the only character I'd currently trust.

Finally... if we offer to cooperate or even consider working for her majesty's people, could we talk with Anxiety?

+1, And ask about Millie first.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #175 on: June 15, 2015, 03:19:21 pm »

First things first, why were those three agents sent to retrieve us like this? I don't want to hear that it's a mistake, THAT is obvious (and if not, we'll make it so), but I want to know what delusional train of thought lead to the conclusion that it was ever a good idea in the first place.

Secondly, who is this fourth agent that slipped in, and what were his goals? Was he the one Millie took over, or one of the ones that got shot? If the former, can she retrieve his memories? If the latter, can we confirm he's really dead?

Third, what do we know about the Jotun thing that approached us? How'd he even come across that revolver piece anyway?

Fourth, does anyone involved know why we remind everyone of the thousand soul aside from us both being immortals? For that matter, since it's been over a hundred years since his death, shouldn't the thousand soul have shown up again?

Fifth, tone down the attitude a bit on our end. Yes, we're immortal, but we don't have the experience or resources to back up this level of arrogance, and burning bridges before we know the situation is a bit foolish.

Sixth, how's Millie doing? She saved us from being captured, and she's the only character I'd currently trust.

Finally... if we offer to cooperate or even consider working for her majesty's people, could we talk with Anxiety?

+1, And ask about Millie first.
+1 Indeed.
Oooooooo. I know. ClF3. That should be a fun surprise.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #176 on: June 15, 2015, 06:51:32 pm »

"Okay, I'll try and keep this to just the most important questions," you sighed as you brought a hand to brush over your forehead.
Your ego was running rampant, it seemed as if you couldn't manage any sense of balance as the chaos within you raged.
You kept bouncing from timid and afraid to a rampaging... Monster.
You had to swallow your pride and treat these people like fellow humans, not push them simply because you were blessed with some spectacular ability.
One that you couldn't even control yet, at this point you knew that it meant that your actual worth was a lot lower than your potential worth to these people and there was only so much they would tolerate.
There was only so much you would tolerate too for that matter.

The only person you could remotely trust so far was Millicent, she had at least been honest with you that her dishonesty was to protect you instead of to deceive you.
She'd also put herself on the line for you back when the agents had attacked you.
That was a good place to start, though - Did the boss know anything about this?

You settle down, ready to question the pair as you steeled yourself.

"They sent three agents, you sent people to trail me, what kind of delusional train of thought do you people run that makes you think that this kind of thing is a good idea?" came your first question as you glanced between the man and the boss, the man was busying himself with a mumbled conversation over a phone, but...
"Don't pretend you can't hear me, you're hovering within earshot and if you want me to consider working with you at all, you'll stop pretending you're absolved from your responsibility simply because you believe you can slip beneath the radar."
The man gave you a dirty look that made it clear you'd caught him out, though he was fast to recover from this as he responded with something that was just what you wanted to hear.
"I am currently inquiring with my superiors to get the story there. As an act of good faith, I'll share as much as I am authorised," came the man's response.

"So tell me, the goons you sent to trail me. They chose to get close and harass us as part of the image of them just being common thugs on the street. Why?" an elaboration upon your question to the boss wasn't going to hurt, especially if both these people were going to suddenly ride each others coat tails and try to give you half answers and deflections as it was all they knew how to do.
"They were out of agency employee's that were sent to-"
"What does that mean?"
"Hired thugs on his payroll, to lower his accountability," the man nearby inserted before returning his attention to his phone. The lack of response from the boss made it clear this was accurate enough and he'd been caught there.
"Right. So, why?"
"I believed that it was unwise to leave you in the hands of a single agent given that you are a unique-"
"I get it, you see me as an asset, you only call me by name to appear personable and you don't trust me or Millicent, thus you did the physical equivilent of second-guessing us."

You could feel the childish sense of shame washing from him as he attempted to collect himself once more.

"You. Can you tell me who the fourth agent that concerns you was?" you asked as you looked up at the man nearby.
"At this moment, no, there's nothing on file about this individual."
"So, an agency such as yours that I believe does intelligence work too, was caught with its pants down."
"Er..." came the mans response as he flounded for a way of explaining this away.
"Lets make this easier. Did Millicent take his form, or was he one of the ones she shot in self defence?"
"I hardly believe it was a case of self defence-"
"I was there, they shot me in the back of the legs. They assumed they'd managed to shoot her to death while she was unarmed. Don't even try and tell me she had a gun and they were threatened, as I know she didn't after we encountered something prior to this. I'm trying to be fair with you here, but if you won't be level with me, then I'll have less reason to co-operate with you. Was the individual she took the form of one of yours, or the rogue agent?"
"She took one of ours, the LPD are currently performing an autopsy on the rogue agent and will forward both our agencies the results."
"Better. Thank you."

Now was a good time to steer this towards something a little easier for the one of them, and a little harder for the other - the well being amongst other things of that one person who you felt you could place any measure of trust in at this time.

"So, lets change the subject for a moment from how much of a cosmic fuckup this entire situation is and talk about Millicent herself's well being."
There was an awkward silence from the pair of them.
"I actually do wish to know about her well being, I mean, they did shoot her several times before she... She uh... Grabbed one of them. Will she be okay?"
"Millicent is... A complicated matter," came the bosses response as he finally spoke up. "You see, she has taken full responsibility for the deaths of the agents and what that may entail as she... Made it quite clear that you made no attempt to engage them with your powers. This has been verified with records of the various blips that certain individuals power usage causes over time, and-" You could tell he was out of his depth here, but it wasn't the right moment to press this.
"I understand. Is she physically okay, though?"
"Her kind are not often troubled by a few stray gunshots striking them."
"What's going to happen to her?"
"Most likely, they will question her and she will be held until it is determined if her actions were justified or not, should they not be, she will be tried like any other citizen of this country," came the other man's words as he interrupted the faltering man before you.
"I see," you paused as you slouched against the chair, idly picking at the seams of the damaged jeans you wore.
Hard wearing clothes your ass, even ignoring the bullet holes in the back of the legs these looked like they'd last months tops given the way the stitching showed signs of giving.

"Okay, we've covered Millicent, we've covered that you can't tell me about the incident that brought us all here as you don't have answers yet," you paused as you tapped your fingers against your chin.
Ah, you knew what would be good to inquire about next.

"That thing... The Jötunn that spoke with me earlier in the day-"
"We wished to speak with you about that incident ourselves," came the voice of the other man.
"I'm sure you did. Do either of you have any clue why it approached me in the first place?"
"Honestly, no," came the response of the boss. "There have been few recorded incidents of the more intelligent corrupted creatures interacting with people in a manner that does not... Cause them great trouble."
"You just have to look at Parliment to know that," snorted the other man.
"This is hardly a time to make snide comments of that nature," the boss grumbled.
"You would say that, given they fund your sorry excuse for a department. I'm sure she'll be thilled when she finds out you're the obsolete goverment funded equivilent of our agency."
"You can both wave dicks later, I don't care whom has the better department," you sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose. Maybe the best way to go about this would be to petition whomever funded both of them to liquidate the agencies and start over with you in charge, so you alone could be the pain in your ass. "I'll take it that this also means that neither of you know why it'd give me a piece of a revolver, then."
"No, I'm afraid-"
"Revolver, you say?" came the other man's tone.
"Yes, a revolver."
"Can you give me any identifying features?"
"Not really, it was the part you put bullets in."
"Interesting. I'll relay this, perhaps it's signifigant."
"You know very well that-" the boss interrupted, only for the other man to silence him with a wave of his hand as he turned his attention back to his phone.
"Are there any further details that you can share, that would assist us in determining the purpose behind this?" came the other mans voice after a moment.
"Are you going to share that information with me, or just use it to further your own goals."
"One moment," the man paused as he turned back to his phone, speaking loudly enough for you to hear now. "Permission to activate the phone's speakers, ma'am?"
A pause.
"No ma'am, I don't think she'll co-operate unless we meet her half way. Very well, ma'am," there was a pause as he reached to press a button on the phone's faceplate.
"Greetings Miss Smith. I am agent fifteen, I have granted authority to our representative to-" came the voice through the phone. You wouldn't have been able to tell that you were speaking with a woman had the agent not addressed them as such. The voice that you heard while clear and understandable had been shifted until they sounded like an anonymous contact from a spy movie.
"You don't need to do the entire protocol thing, I get it. You want me to tell you anything I remember, and you're going to share what you know in return, right?"
"Yes Miss Smith, that is our intent. You have stated thus far that a Jötunn presented you with a cylinder from a revolver?"
"That is correct, yes."
"Are there further details that you may relay to help us narrow down-"
"The Jötunn presented it to me after making an attempt to tell me that it meant me no harm, it stated that... I had lost it and it was returning it, it mentioned flashes and rumbling, the ground shaking. Um... The part it gave me was heavily coated in mud and weeds from the river, it had probably been in there a long time. And... Um..." you were stalling, you could easily add that there was a positive identification on its nature.
"One moment, the database reports two matches but both of them require higher authority."
"What kind of higher authority?" you sighed, tapping your foot as you did so. "The kind that tells you to cut the line and-"
"No Miss Smith, the kind that requires this to be escalated to the agencies director and for Her Majesty to be informed. If you will hold, we will relay what information we can once clearance has been obtained."

It was in this moment that one of the officers from earlier arrived - this time bearing a large slice of a dark coloured cake wrapped in clingfilm and sat upon a paper plate.
This was just what you needed right now.
Better still, in his other hand he had a small plastic fork for you to use to eat the cake - saving you from getting your fingers sticky, as well, you could tell from here that whatever this cake was, it was likely that kind of cake.
The jam in the middle was the biggest give away.
"Ah, there you are. It took a little time for me to find someone who could tell me where you'd moved to. And, uh, I realised I hadn't asked you what flavour of cake you wanted, so I made a judgement call, it's chocolate and cherry."
"That sounds wonderful, thank you," you responded, giving the man a tired smile as you reahed for the plate.

No sooner had he left, you turned to look at the shocked expressions of the two men.
"What?" you started as you removed the packaging the cake had come in. "I told you the LPD promised me cake,"
You savoured what you could of that cake as you picked away at it, the glacé cherries set aside for after.
Little by little, until the voice of the agent on the other end of the phone rang out once more.
"Miss Smith, are you still with us?"
"Yes, I am," you stated. It was better than screaming profanites at the secret agents trying to deny you cake. Profanities were tempting, however.
"The director has given authorisation for the files to be unlocked and... What we're seeing her is confusing. Both potential weapons that this cylinder may have come from are listed as having been lost during the war, their prior owner was an immortal whom was slain during the same war."
You knew this so far, but you had no intent to interrupt them yet.
"At this time, that's all we can tell you," came the voice, a voice that you were about to call out when they continued. "First thing tomorrow morning, our director will meet with Her Majesty and discuss this with her. It is likely that Her Majesty shall wish to speak with you too, as there are some rather troubling implications behind this."
And with that, the representative snapped his phone shut.

"Unless you have anything else of note that requires discussion with me, I shall be off," came the other mans voice as he nodded politely to both you and his boss.
There was no smug joy behind this gesture, no pleasure that they had got something from you without giving you anything in return, no.
The man seemed weary, deflated.

"I do have one more question for you," you started, watching as the man tensed in response. "If I was to co-operate with you in some manner, would I be able to speak with one 'Anxiety'?"
"I'm not familiar with that name," came the mans words, words that you knew to be a lie as you watched the subtle shift in bodylanguage. "But, I will relay that to my people and we will come back to you with an offer," he smiled, stepping towards the exit with another nod to the pair of you and an almost old fashioned declaration of "For Queen and Country."

"So..." you started as you turned towards the boss, the remaining person you had at your mercy. "Do you know why I keep getting mistaken for this dead immortal?"
"I... I don't," came the awkward response of a man put on the spot without a clue.
"I see, in that case I have no more to discuss with you," you stated calmly as you turned your attention back towards your cake.

You were calm, imperious.

And this man had been let off the hook, graciously.
For now.

Your attention returned to your cake as your savoured the sweet sponge.
It was this moment of calm in what you could feel yourself returning to a state of equilibrium, tempered by the punishment you had endured so far.

And so you would remain for as long as your cake did, before you made an effort to carry out whatever plan of action you felt you should work towards next.
Surely, that would come to you, but for now...
Now, you were content.

Did you have a course of action or anything you wished to do beyond resting and waiting for the inevitable dissappointment that tomorrow would bring?

+1 Upgrade point, you may upgrade one of your base stats or upgrade Delayed Regeneration.

Delayed Regeneration -> Rapid Regeneration (Alyssa's body begins knitting damage almost immediately, though it's taxing)
Delayed Regeneration -> Phoenix (Any major lapse of consciousness has Alyssa revert to a healthy state.)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Requires music to get through the working day.
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #177 on: June 15, 2015, 10:12:58 pm »

Rapid Regeneration
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Level 1
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #178 on: June 16, 2015, 02:36:36 am »

Either put the point into Phoenix or our Water stat.

Phoenix because I really like the theme of the power, and water because it feels like diplomacy is going to be our highest priority for a bit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #179 on: June 16, 2015, 02:26:09 pm »

What are our stats currently? And i will choose rapid regeneration if nothing changes.
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