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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27267 times)


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #135 on: June 08, 2015, 07:45:36 am »

You know what'd cheer you up?  Talking to your family. I think we should call them.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #136 on: June 08, 2015, 08:26:37 am »

You know what'd cheer you up?  Talking to your family. I think we should call them.

Generally me

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #137 on: June 08, 2015, 12:06:46 pm »

You know what'd cheer you up?  Talking to your family. I think we should call them.
And the going to the city


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #138 on: June 08, 2015, 02:21:41 pm »

You know what'd cheer you up?  Talking to your family. I think we should call them.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #139 on: June 09, 2015, 08:01:11 am »

You had a plan, or at least something that resembled one.
You'd get out of this place, make a call from a pay phone just as soon as you were a comfortable distance into the city.
After calling your family, you'd go sight seeing.

That was what you needed - a chance to talk with your family.

You could find out what work your father had managed to get, what your mother was doing to stay busy while she looked for work, see if they'd given your room to your sister yet.
If that brat had your room, you wouldn't be happy.
No, they wouldn't do that, they'd just tease about it and-

"Come on, lets get out of here before you-" you shot Millicent a glance as she paused to brush a thumb over your cheek. "Okay, that's a bruise, we'll pick up some makeup while we're out too, foundation and such, you can disguise the worst of it."
"Before I what?" you asked, as you turned your attention towards the lobby beyond the lift. "You were going to accuse me of being accident prone again, weren't you."
"No, you were zoning out. You're clearly far from your best, so, perhaps... Yeah, lets pick up coffee on the way too, we can get something strong to perk you up. That's assuming though..."
"Assuming what?"
"Hell if I know, but what if your body purges that kind of stuff now?"
"Then we'll find out?"
"Sure, we'll get you a strong coffee and..." Millicent paused as a frown came to her features.
"And...?" you asked, waiting for a answer that would never come.
"Lets just go," she responded as she forced a smile, leaving you wondering once more just what... No, you didn't care at this point, she could be as secretive and mysterious as she liked, your concerns were calling your family and sight seeing.

Not the petty interpersonal drama of a bunch of agents with dwindling power, or their fears that you'd be snatched up by people who actually had funding.
You didn't care for their drama, their goals, dreams, whatever.
What you did with your power would be to serve your own goals once you had them.
You alone would ultimately decide if what they requested of you was an acceptable use of your powers.

In time, at least.
You just had to remember you, Alyssa, had what they desired.
They would come to you, they would pay you tribute.
You would never again have to feel as if you were second rate, the girl that would get passed over.
A little ego would carry you through these times.

Millicent marched you out to her car after a few hushed words with the person behind the desk, taking you through doors that you had seen a few days ago last.
A few days ago enshrouded in fog, all you could see was the looming facade of this building with lights bleeding through into the darkness of night.
Now, you could see the dull facade as you glanced backwards, the steady rise of the building a counterpoint to your fall as you descended the steps away from it and to freedom. Freedom that had never tasted so sweet as it did now, for this freedom was one in what you could finally get a taste for something you yearned for.
Oh, did you yearn for that connection with your family.

Step, after step away from this oppresive and dreary symbol of what could be, into the freedom - however brief - that the city itself represented at this time.
The buildings about this one were as dreary, with the road that weaved past them leading to a shared parking lot. One of them was converted housing, the other office buildings, the other businesses and residences... Well, you didn't know.
You didn't care either.

And there was Millicent's car, just visible in the distance.
That tatty old thing that made you question what someone with her apparent job prospects was doing with these people.
Just what kept her from leaving them to pursue a career that would pay her what you could only assume was substantially better with, well, anyone?

"Phone call first. Coffee second. Sightseeing after that," you stated as you approached the car, prompting Millicent to glance your way. "That's my priorities, I really, really need to talk with my family. But..." you patted your pockets.
"We forgot to claim replacement funding for you. Don't worry, I'll cover it and get it covered as an expense."
"Thank you," you responded, figuring that as small a gesture as that brief mention of gratitude was, that it would be appreciated none the less.

You clambered into her car, belting yourself in as it roared to life and lurched from the parking lot.
Here you were, back where you had started with her - inside a vehicle going places unknown.
This time though, it was away from this place that sought to oppress you, a place in what the man atop the pile sought to throw his weight around to hold onto power he had never had. He was a literal fish out of water, yet he had betrayed that he himself had a power to you when he had addressed you after you had...
Could you really call that a moment in what you were dead, given you had quite literally gotten better?
You'd been out of comission and he had addressed a projected form.

Several miles went by in a blur as you idly started to draw shapes in the growing condensation on the windows, adding your mark to a landscape that would never persist.
The windows would be cleaned, the shapes you left would be lost.
It was like the world about you, if your mark was just footprints in the sands of time, you'd never leave a persisting mark.

That meant whatever you did, it had to be substantial.
The mark that this thousand soul had left was one that persisted, he had created what had become the modern day LPD Guardian division.

The car pulled to a halt in a parking area in a run down and frankly seedy looking neighbourhood. It was one that's very appearance made you feel uncomfortable, the dillapidated fencing, pockmarked road and boarded up windows told you that this was a bad place, yet it was clear why Millicent had picked this location.
There was a phone here that was just a few feet past the end of the community parking bay, yet...
"I don't feel safe here, Millicent, can't we use a phone-"
"You'll be fine, I'll be out there with you," came her response as she unfastened her seatbelt.
"What if-"
"Shush, here's some change for the phone-" she paused as she passed you several large, silver coins. Three pounds in fifty pence pieces. "The worst you'll catch here's a case of poverty."
"I'm from an area like this," you mumbled indignantly as you clambered from the car. "Tories ruined abso-fucking-lutely everything everywhere north of London," you added as you stomped your way over to the phone.
They were still doing so, too.
More austerity, kill the common man - workers didn't need to eat, they needed to obey.
That was the theme they were giving with their recent political drive.
Not that you'd actually looked into it too much, no, that'd require more effort than just grumbling in an ill informed manner, and hey, grumbling like that had its place.
"Could be worse, the UKEP could have won," Millicent called after you.
"The United Kingdom Eurozone Party's a bunch of lunatics, that farage-day cage guy's a nutjob."
"Rather them than the BNP," she retorted, while moving to sit on the bonnet of her car.
"Lesser of evils, the lot of it. Why'd you even bring the British Nazi Party into-" you huffed as Millicent gave you a dirty look.
"That isn't what it stands for."
"It isn't?"
"Fuck it, it is now," you responded as you brought the phone receiver to your ear. It had a tone, meaning it would work.

A coin was fed into the slot as your fingers danced over the keys, tapping in a less familiar area code, followed by the much more familiar number of your home phone.

Ring, ring.
Ring, ring.
"This is the Smith household, nobody-" came the answer phone, your heart sinking at first until the click of a phone being lifted was followed by a familiar voice. "Hello?"
"Mom!" your face lightened up as you heard one of the voices you'd longed to hear since you left home in the first place.
"Oh, Alyssa, we've been hoping you'd get in touch soon, how are you, how is-"
"I'm sorry I didn't earlier, things have been complicated. They did tests, told me I'm all special and stuff, so I guess they're going to want to find me a job down here. If all goes well, I can send some money to you guys to help out. How's dad? How's she-who-cannot-be-named?"
"Your father's at work, he got a job with the local council that gets him up at the crack of dawn-"
"A bin man?"
"Yeah, don't you put him down for it, he-"
"I know, he's doing an awful job because he cares and... I miss him. I miss you. I miss Jennifer less."
Another coin was fed into the slot as a small warning came up on the LCD display.
"Your sister asked if she can have your room if you die, then she asked if she could have it anyway."
"Why does she want my room so badly?" you paused. "Hers is bigger."
"Honestly, it's probably because yours is better kept than hers."

This back and forth conversation went on until the money you had dwindled, leaving you with regret in your voice to tell your mother that you had to go - to tell her to give your love to your father and maybe, just maybe your sister.
And then you turned to Millicent, pausing as you looked up at the sunglasses she had donned in the meantime as a look of clear confusion crossed your features.
"What are you..." you started, glancing at the sky briefly as you did so. "It's overcast, why are you..."
"If we're going into the city, I need to look the part. Most people don't question a flashed badge and an agency with a name like ours, if you won't question the abuse of power, I'll get you ice cream."
"It's too cold for ice cream, though."
"Make it fudge and you have a deal."
"How about we get whatever catches our attention and don't limit ourselves to-"
"What do you have against fudge?"
"Nothing, it's just the best fudge doesn't come from tourist stands in London."
"Okay, okay," you gave a sigh of mock exasperation before turning to make your way towards Millicent's car, only to pause as a group in hoodies started walking up the street towards you. "Oh great, chavs. They're probably going to-"
"Stop your worrying."
"They're a bunch of teenage boys, if they-" A wolf whistle came from the group as they approached, you could almost see Millicent's eyes rolling behind her sunglasses. "See, boys, not a bunch of thugs."
"Uh-huh, I feel all the more uncomfortable now."
"Stop being a baby. Oh fine, I'll handle this." Millicent paused as she glanced back at the group as she rolled her shoulders. "Could you not do that, please?"
"You gonna make us?"
"Whom shall impose this decree," Millicent responded.
"I shall impose such a decree."
"The fuck?"
"Let me put this in terms you understand then. Cut that shit and tell my charge here you're sorry, or I will fuck your scrawny ass up."
"I'd like to see you... Try..." The guys response came as Millicent paced towards him. Even as she did he was balling his fist to throw a clumbsy punch - one that Millicent caught with seemingly little effort before she started to apply pressure down on his hand.
You could hear him whimpering as she forced him down to one knee, begging her now to release his hand as his shocked friends looked on.
"They're not going to help you. Nobody will help you," Millicent's words tickled your senses in a way that told you she was using her talents to hold them off. "Now, you're going to tell her you're sorry, or-"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it, please let go!" came the guys immediate response as Millicent shoved him backwards.
"Good. Remember to respect others, as not everyone'll meekly tolerate your shit," Millicent responded as she moved back to the car, leaving the shocked group awkwardly shuffling away.
"You didn't need to escalate it in that manner, we could have just... Got in the car and left," you mumbled as Millicent unlocked the doors.
"They don't smell right."
"They smell of designer aftershave and their clothes are new. Should be tatty, smell of cheap cider. Not clean shaven and..."
"What are you saying?"
"We're being followed."
"So, we should... Do what about it?" you asked as your stomach turned. The concept of others sending people to follow you made you uncomfortable to say the least.
"We should go sight seeing, they're likely a bunch of goons working for people the boss is friendly with. I'd know if it was some of ours tailing us."
"Why would-"
"Alyssa, if you were in charge and you were keeping it quiet about having done the equivilent of winning the lottery, wouldn't you send people to keep an eye on things?"
"I guess, I don't... I don't like it though."
"Get used to it, we'll see them again later - Just you watch. Now!" she brightened up as she clambered into her car. "Where'd you like to go?"

There were various options - the museums, the bridges, the dome, the various tourists traps.
You could see whatever you wanted, eat junk, spend time relaxing - Millicent was simply waiting for you to give her some direction over what took your fancy now.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #140 on: June 09, 2015, 05:01:46 pm »

Cake first, then go to see one of the big tourist traps. (Big Ben, etc.) Ask Millicent if there's any history behind them that most wouldn't know. Namely immortal-related.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #141 on: June 10, 2015, 12:10:17 am »

Cake first, then go to see one of the big tourist traps. (Big Ben, etc.) Ask Millicent if there's any history behind them that most wouldn't know. Namely immortal-related.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #142 on: June 10, 2015, 06:41:37 am »

"We could put cake and such first," you started as the car lurched forwards and Millicent started in the direction of London's built up center all too fast.
"You've been prioritising that kind of thing a lot I've noticed. How do you stay so skinny?"
"I've been prioritising it because any time I use power, I burn so much energy I feel like I'm going to die."
"Makes sense, I suppose. So, cake first, we can stop at one of the tourist places and get some of the overly priced, but sickly sweet crap. That's the kind of stuff you want, right?"
"If it wasn't sweet, it'd be bread."
"I knew you had your priorities straight there."
"So, once we have cake and such, we can move deeper into the city, see a few of the sights, like Big Ben and-"
"Big Ben's been out of bounds since the war."
"It has?"
"Yeah, it was under Guardian watch before the war, then they found after the war that Jacques Dupont had used it for some experiments with his perfect immortal."
"That's not so bad, is it?"
"Two words. Mutilated corpses."
"Oh. So he's the guy that..."
"Wrote the book on you, that nobody can quite understand, yeah."
"So he never actually got anywhere with his work?"
"No idea, it went above our agencies authority and need to know. Frankly, I should remind the boss of it, tell him we have a physical and legitimate need to know, now."

You settled back in your seat for a moment as you mused over this - If Big Ben was out of bounds, then what else was possibly out of bounds?
What else had history that you hadn't heard of due to how they had hidden it in plain sight and the general apathy of the public had directed eyes away from it?

"Hey, Millicent, are there any other places that have history like that?"
"Like Big Ben's?" she paused. "Sure."
"Big Ben's history is related to a murderer, the Tower of London has a captive from the war. I'm betting they don't let people up near her... Well, I'm sure a lot of places have history like that, what I really mean is, what ones have history relating to immortals?"
"Oh. That narrows it down then. Are you including all classifications of immortal?"
"Why not."
"Well..." she drummed her fingers against the steering wheel as she mused over this for a long moment. "We have a few cathedrals and churches that had angels appear in them during the eighteen hundreds, we believe they were immortal imposters who'd assumed that form."
"Why'd they do that?"
"Lonely, probably. What better way to get attention than to take a form that would invoke reverence and permit you to get close to others safely."
"So, they took advantage of people?"
"No idea, probably viewed them as their flock, told them to be faithful, then vanished later. Other than those imposters, we have the... Ugh... Thousand soul. Apparently they've a hand in both of the organisations who later went on to merge into The Guild. They have a big hall, though it's not really a tourist attraction. Not sure what else they fucked up around this place, history around them is a mess. Parliment's had a few scandals with immortals, though it's often fast forgotten. Even the incident where a Guardian assassinated a politician, who turned out to be a Ghoul."
"Why would one do that?"
"Don't know, you'd have to ask them yourself. Good luck figuring out who it was and finding out if they're still alive and still remember it."
"What about the Victorian Palace-"
"Currently out of bounds, the Queen has no love for tourists. There's been some scandals recently with her though," Millicent shrugged as you perked up, sitting upright as you turned to look at her.
"Are these ones you're allowed to repeat?"
"Well, the tabloids have reported that a certain minister... Jack Smith?" she paused, shaking her head as she did so. "I don't know, probably. Anyway, a certain minister has been going into the palace grounds a lot. Even the Prime Minister's been turned away by her, so there's rumours abound that he's her boy toy."
You gagged, Queen Victoria was in the centuries region age wise now.
"That's disgusting."
"It's also probably not true, half truths and incidental occurances breed rumour. He might simply be going there for tea and crumpets because she's lonely."
"Okay. What about... Um... Stone henge?"
"Ugh, again with the thousand soul?"

You slumped back in the car seat, admitting briefly as it was, that you felt defeat in this matter.
She didn't want to talk about that immortal, but he seemed to have touched upon many things - and a lot of it in this country it seemed.
"How about the Millenium Dome?"
"What about it?"
"Is there anything about it of-"
"No, that was straight up political failing."
"Oh. Do they have things on immortals in museums?"
"I thought you wanted to get out to relax, not do work."
"You're awfully interested in learning about this kind of stuff for someone who wanted to relax."
"No, I'm awfully interested in learning the fun stuff, like when people learn about ancient egypt and they go hey, how did the pyramids-"
"Thousand soul had a hand in THOSE too."
"You're fucking... Oh my god, you're not," you shook your head. You could see why she was frustrated with this figure when all the magic and wonder of the world had a handful of key players touch upon it. "So, history is just full of... Immortal's playing chess with each other, with the world as their board?"
"That's a good way of putting it, I suppose. Here we are, lets forget about immortal assholes, present company excluded and get some cake?" Millicent's attitude shifted from mild aggravation to the same forced cheer she used when changing the subject as her car pulled up by a riverside café.

The Thames was as murky and unappealing as ever, but the café itself was a nice one.
White cladding with rustic brickwork allowed to show around windows and doors, hanging baskets full of plants and people sat out front enjoying coffee together.
It wasn't overly busy, it wasn't too sparsesly populated.
It was horribly overpriced though, wow.
The prices on things here could have fed you for a few days back home.
The fragrant late bloomers in those baskets held on with the fading summer, adding a favourable image to this establishment as you stepped inside.
Inside you were assaulted by the scents of a hundred different types of food - from bacon to pastry - as well as drinks that ranged from tea and coffee to wine.

"Could we get some cakes to go?" Millicent asked the person behind the counter.
"Certainly, what kind would you like?"
"I'd like a vanilla sponge with lemon icing and," she glanced at you. "I think she's going to make me guess what she wants. Uh... Caramel fudge cake?"
"Actually, I wasn't going to make you guess, but that does sound good," you laughed.
"Coming right up, that'll be-"
Your attention wandered as you looked around the interior of the café, plastered walls were bordered with rustic brickwork, glazed terracotta tiles covered the floor.
It made the tables, fairly modern looking glass and steel ones, look out of place.
This place had a charm to it, but it wasn't worth those prices.

As Millicent passed you your cake you offered thanks before cradling it against you in the napkins it was wrapped in.
This was going to be much needed calories to offset the amount you'd no doubt burn while walking around gawking at the tourist traps, or help take the edge off how much you'd burn if you used your powers.

As the pair of you approached the car again the waters of the Thames started to lap at the riverbank with increased vigour, surging up against the flood guards that had proven time and time again to be woefully inadequate.
You were about to draw Millicent's attention towards it yet you knew there was no need as you could hear her mumbling profanely under her breath.
It was as the waters started to surge upwards that she shoved you - almost violently - back towards the passenger side of the car.
As the doors unlocked and she jumped in to start the engine the waters broke, you caught a glimpse of something that frankly scared the crap out of you, you didn't know what it was, but you could see Millicent's expression said that this was every bit as bad as it seemed.

Out of the waters came...
...A giant shelled thing with a body easily the size of four cars laid side by side, a crab mutated by the same taint as the Vultures.
...A humanoid figure that must've stood ten feet tall, a figure that was covered in scales that gazed at you - YOU - with beady eyes as its clawed hand curled to point a finger at you.
...A bloated thing that was possibly once human, with fangs like a pirana that screeched as it splashed towards the shore?

Whatever it was, it was probably a good idea to run, wasn't it?


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #143 on: June 10, 2015, 09:08:47 am »

...A humanoid figure that must've stood ten feet tall, a figure that was covered in scales that gazed at you - YOU - with beady eyes as its clawed hand curled to point a finger at you.

As for our response...

Ask what they want, try to hold a conversation and stall for time until Millie gets the car stated. Once conversation fails, run for it (preferably in the car) and try blasting him with lightning if he pursues.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #144 on: June 10, 2015, 11:50:57 am »

A humanoid figure that must've stood ten feet tall, a figure that was covered in scales with fangs like a piranha that gazed at you - YOU - with beady eyes as its clawed hand curled to point a finger at you.
It utters an apology for scaring us and states that we're not safe here.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #145 on: June 10, 2015, 01:36:11 pm »

A humanoid figure that must've stood ten feet tall, a figure that was covered in scales that gazed at you - YOU - with beady eyes as its clawed hand curled to point a finger at you.
Oooooooo. I know. ClF3. That should be a fun surprise.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #146 on: June 10, 2015, 08:52:21 pm »

A humanoid figure that must've stood ten feet tall, a figure that was covered in scales with fangs like a piranha that gazed at you - YOU - with beady eyes as its clawed hand curled to point a finger at you.
It utters an apology for scaring us and states that we're not safe here.

I mean for the strikethrough to be removed in this vote.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #147 on: June 11, 2015, 06:21:51 am »

The thing that rose from the waters of the Thames was huge, standing at what you estimated to be ten feet tall despite it still being partially submerged in the river's murky depths.
With a disproportionate upper body that tapered away to a more slender, though no less heavy muscled lower body, the thing had an appearance vaguely akin to that of an ape.
If an ape had been a scale covered aquatic creature with gills and a lizard like head.
The things eyes, beady as they were shone with a firece intelligence as it seemed to recognise the manner in what you were fearfully backing up and assume a more passive, almost submissive postured, though its one arm extended.
One finger pointed straight at you.
Then itself.

And then that hand simply fell away as it allowed its powerful shoulders to slouch.
"Leehr... Sehrn," the thing uttered in a low grumble as it took a careful, testing step towards you. Your instinctual response was to step back, prompting it to adopt an even more submissive gesture as it stooped and half turned its body away.
For all its attempts to be unthreatening, this thing was still a massive muscular creature that looked like it could snap a man in two.
"Mehr... Huhrn-grr. Hull-din. Leehrsern. Ehyr spey-keh."
"Alyssa, get in the car!" came Millicent's yelled words, though you couldn't tear yourself away from this terrifying spectacle of an entity attempting to communicate with you as the water of the river poured from its mouth.

Behind you, you were vaguely aware of the screams of people fleeting, running for their cars and pulling away, yet you continued to maintain eye contact with this beady eyed beast.
"I don't... I don't understand you," you offered, as you shuffled backwards.
"Ehy spyke... War-ds. Yehr lehrsyn. Steh. Nuu-mehve, muhs ruh-tun. Steh," it uttered as it held up a finger, before backing away into the river, glancing back at you several times to ensure that you were... Not running?
And then it ducked under the surface of the waters.

"Alyssa, what are you-" Millicent started as she ran towards you, a hand grabbing for your own as she started to pull you over towards the car. "That's a fucking Jötunn, are you stupid, or didn't the size of the fucking thing tell you how dangerous it is?"
"Why was it trying to speak to me?"
"They're not stupid. They're predators that eat flesh, it could have learned to immitate behaviours that would lull you into a false sense of-"

The waters parted with a rush as the Jötunn once more emerged, though this time it took one look at Millicent, roared and started to rush towards the bank of the river, vaulting from it as the metal pipe fence lining the road that ran alongside buckled and broke.
The thing was much too powerful and heavy for a fence that could stop a car to support, but it was enough for it to cover the distance between the river and you, landing a tiny distance from you as it held one fist clenched to its chest.
The other thrust towards Millicent, bowling her over as it let out another roar, this one filled with a snarling undertone as the pair of you were bowled over and seperated.

"Lher-syn," the thing once more started as it looked down at you, though this time all you could do was scream in terror.
How could you not?
This thing was a vast entity covered in scars scales, an entity that stunk of the river water with an oily undertone that was more than just the pollution that had been pumped into the Thames.
And there it was, looming over you as it reached out with one hand towards you, a hand that you attempted to roll away from only to find it had pinned you against the road and-
You were going to die, it was going to-
"Shhh-rrr..." came the things rumbling tone as it... Stroked your back?

Your screaming stopped more out of confusion than confidence.

"Eyh R-tun whr-t yuh haaaav luhs. Muhs gev," it grunted as it almost gingerly seemed to try to flip you back over, its vast, clawed hand manuevered in a manner that suggested it was attempting to avoid harming you.
But all you could do was tremble as this thing gazed down at you with its beady eyes.
From a distance, you were braver.
"Liyt fehl owl eh-buhrv. Rrruhm-buhls owl eh-buhv. Grrrow-und rrruhm-buhl. Yew luuhs th-ehs. Eye r-tuhrrrrn," came the things attempts at vocalising, yet you didn't have a clue what it was trying to tell you as it attempted to settle down before you in as unthreatening a manner as it could. It was like a ten foot tall monster assuming the kind of posture a dog would when it knew it was in trouble.
The clenched hand reached forwards, opening above your lap as it dropped something hard and heavy, something that was coated in river weeds and mud.

"Eye hrrv r-tuhrn. Muh-sss goh. Sssys-teh curhm. Wyll kihl eye. Eye noh whnt kihl. Ur-verrs curhm. Wyll kihl yew. Noh whrnt yew kihl. Yew leahf. Yehs?"
You nodded, agreeing with whatever this thing was trying to convey as it reached down to pat your head - a gesture that bumped you down as this things immense strength, restrained as it was, brought into play.

With that the thing turned away from you, slinking through the broken fence and into the rivers.
The rivers, where it sank once more without trace into the muddy hued Thames.

"Alyssa," wheezed Millicent as she struggled to her feet, holding her chest as she grabbed your arm. "We're getting out of here, NOW. Leave whatever that... That is," she continued as she gestured to the lump left atop your lap.
"No, it... It might be..."
"Fine, just... Just get in the car, and you... Ugh, my ribs, that's going to bruise," she paused as she stumbled up against the side of her car for support. "You can... Can listen to the recording while we get somewhere away from water and you can find a reason for me not to take your ass back to the agency. Do you even know how reckless what you did was?"
You could feel her use of her ability to warp others perception in her favour washing over you, as she attempted - or subconsciously, you couldn't tell - to use it to drive her point home, to bring you under her thumb.
To bring this entire situation under her control.
You weren't having it, you weren't allowing her to manipulate you in that way, even if you were going to co-operate with whatever she said.
You were no pawn, you were free willed and you would not be controlled in that way.
No, you had choice and you were going to exercise it.

"Give me the recording then," you muttered as you clambered into the car, belting yourself in as Millicent pulled out of the café's grounds and onto the road. "I'll listen to it again and..."
Millicent fumbled with something in one of her inner pockets for a moment as she pulled out a small device, a device that looked like it'd been cracked by the manner she'd been shoved.
Though, you rationalised, it could also have been damaged at any other point.
She tapped at its screen for a moment before bringing up the recording she'd made of the things attempts to vocalise at you.
"If you try and access any other recording on there, I will punch you in the throat and take it back, just so we're clear."

Oh, she was serious.
You could feel that she meant that.

"I understand," you mumbled as you started the recording to listen to what the thing had said again, before pausing it as you glanced at Millicent. "Do you have any tissues, so I can clean this off and find what it is?" you asked as you gestured to the wet mass you held just above your lap.
"You should have left it, whatever it is, it's trouble," came her response, though she shifted to retrieve a box of tissues from under her seat.
"How is it trouble?"
"Ever hear of a monster giving someone a gift?"
"A few times, yeah."
"What was the outcome of it?"
"It varies wildly depending on the story. Sometimes it gives a gift to trick someone, others to aide them. Often, the monster still suffers even when the gift was benevolent."
"I was trying to get at it being a trick."
"Covered in mud and-"
"Yes. Now shut up and give me reason not to take you back."

You huffed at the other woman as you used tissues to pry away vegetation, to wipe away mud, all while listening to the recording as you made an effort to discover what lay beneath.

Even as you did, you could see the sleek forms of two things accompanied by the roar of jet engines - two guardians, they had to be - rush overhead leaving vapour trails in their wake.
From here, you could make out that these things bore humanoid shapes, that they were blue and silver against the grey skies, though from here you couldn't make out fine details beyond that.

You glanced back down at the object you were cleaning, you could see... Well, it looked like a dark, possibly metal item was starting to appear in the midst of the filth.
An item that was composed of six honeycomb shaped cylinders, an item that you found yourself gazing at in confusion as the words, if they could be called such, of the creature continued to play back at you on repeat.

It'd given you... This and... Said things.

Millicent was waiting for you to give her reason not to turn back, for you to tell her what this all meant.
Did you even have the slightest clue, though?


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #148 on: June 11, 2015, 09:33:14 am »

Okay, Made a rough transcription of what the Jötunn said. Accuracy not guaranteed.

"Leehr... Sehrn,"
Listen (?)

"Mehr... Huhrn-grr. Hull-din. Leehrsern. Ehyr spey-keh."
(????) I hear speaking.(?)

"Ehy spyke... War-ds. Yehr lehrsyn. Steh. Nuu-mehve, muhs ruh-tun. Steh,"
I speak/spoke(?) words. You listen(?). Stay. No moving, Must return(?). Stay,



"Eyh R-tun whr-t yuh haaaav luhs. Muhs gev,"
I return What you have lost. Must give(go?),

"Liyt fehl owl eh-buhrv. Rrruhm-buhls owl eh-buhv. Grrrow-und rrruhm-buhl. Yew luuhs th-ehs. Eye r-tuhrrrrn,"
Light fell over(From?)(?) above(?). Rumbles (??) above(?). Grow(ing? And?) rumble. You lost this. I return.

"Eye hrrv r-tuhrn. Muh-sss goh. Sssys-teh curhm. Wyll kihl eye. Eye noh whnt kihl. Ur-verrs curhm. Wyll kihl yew. Noh whrnt yew kihl. Yew leahf. Yehs?"
I have return.(?) Must go. Sister(?) come(?). Will kill i. I not want kill. Others come(?). Will kill you. (???). You leave. Yes?

So... What now?


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #149 on: June 11, 2015, 09:43:52 am »

I think he's talking about being hungry in the second line, and the ground rumbling in the seventh.

I never actually finished the previous story (last I recall, we'd just found Joy). Is this gift sounding like one of the Thousand Souls's gadgets?
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