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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27233 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #120 on: June 06, 2015, 08:27:36 pm »

You have had enough of this. You are Alyssa. You are immortal. You killed yourself. Now you're going to bring yourself back.
Reality be damned, This. Ends. Now.


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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #121 on: June 06, 2015, 08:31:56 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(we already do this. its like....our entire thing!)

Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #122 on: June 06, 2015, 10:26:58 pm »

Personally, I'd steal an idea from last game...

Spark Power: Flames of the Phoenix

Upon incapacitation or sleep, Alyssa becomes wreathed in mystical flames that completely heal and restore her without damaging her or the surrounding area. However, she does not possess any increased regeneration outside of this rebirth.

If not that, I'd lean towards 2 or 3. If the last game is anything to go by, we'll probably end up coming back from death at least a few times.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #123 on: June 06, 2015, 10:29:29 pm »

............................................................................considering we are technically immortal I doubt we need healing powers to badly.
Personally, I'd steal an idea from last game...

Spark Power: Flames of the Phoenix

Upon incapacitation or sleep, Alyssa becomes wreathed in mystical flames that completely heal and restore her without damaging her or the surrounding area. However, she does not possess any increased regeneration outside of this rebirth.

If not that, I'd lean towards 2 or 3. If the last game is anything to go by, we'll probably end up coming back from death at least a few times.
.......but I love this idea to much.

Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #124 on: June 06, 2015, 10:41:54 pm »

(we already do this. its like....our entire thing!)

Which is why we should just forgo the entire "have our body repaired and ribs taken out of our hearth" thing and just do it ourselves.
Imagine their faces when our body just "decides" to start putting its ribs back and repair its hearth without outside assistance.
Maybe even have the wind rustle a bit as it happens, Or some kind of energy is felt in the room. Something that hints (Just hints) At how powerful we are/can become to these mortals.
A bit of two a little bit of one and three n' four.

and also, If violence, Only harm the surface we are lying on. we're not gonna try to hurt someone that's trying to help us without any reason to do so, Are we now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #125 on: June 07, 2015, 01:15:48 am »

I vote for delayed regeneration...
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #126 on: June 07, 2015, 03:29:29 am »

You feel it now.. You can almost grasp it.
For just a moment you feel the source of your power, Of your "impossibility". You are one, I am one.
And they shall know your presence.
You proceed to slam the the ground with such force it cracks in a glass like pattern around your body. (Choice #1 selected)
..And then it passes. You feel reality reassert itself and your body being restor-ed! YEAOWCH!!! FUCKFUCKFUCK FUCK!! THAT HURTS! WHY DOES A DEAD BODY BEING BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE HURT SO GODDAMN MUCH!!! Whaititsbecauseofyourribsandshitisntit- PAINPAINPAINPAIN! OKAY! It's getting better now you think- NOPE!...
...Aaaand it's gone. Pain replaced with utter exhaustion, And unconsciousness it seems... Huh. Always thought my dreams would have less vast dark void and more, You know.. Vidja games and.. Stuff...
Okay. Moment over, What the hell is up with that shit?


Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #127 on: June 07, 2015, 04:34:32 am »

"How come you can see me?" you asked as you felt a slight twinge in your chest. That was odd, it felt like a stirring sensation, as if the manner in what you were interlinked with your physical form was permitting you to feel some power building within you.
Or you were about to fade away.
You weren't about to fade away, were you?
No, this was... This was more of a building power than a diminishing sense of self.

"Ah, I uh... It is what is special about me, I suppose you could say," came the bosses response, though a voice in the back ofyour mind screamed that this was a lie. His body language was all wrong, it was a deception intended to throw you off what he truly was.
These people all seemed to favour lying about what they could do, so you were hardly surprised by this - you were hurt though, here you were laying dead in the middle of a library and they still had the nerve to lie to you.
A sensation within your chest fluttered, followed by shocked murmers from the medics that where in the midst of trying to set a stretcher up to move you.

"Is something wrong?" you asked, watching as the boss awkwardly turned to the group to relay your question.
"She wants to know if something is wrong."
"She... We have a pulse again, it's weak, but... That's impossible, her... Her body is repairing itself," came the medic's shocked response.
"Why is this impossible?" you asked, waiting for the boss to awkwardly relay this question, too.
"Is there some reason this shouldn't happen?"
"Well... I don't know, to be honest."

Was he enlightened?
Simply gifted with more power than he let on?

"Now, Alyssa, we need to talk about how this irresponsible display, had it not been for how you are fortunate to be blessed with these talents, could have resulted in us sending home the sad news to your family that you-"
"Shut the fuck up you wretched asshole, if she is able to hear you, reprimanding her at a time like this is the last thing she needs!" came Millicent's yelling from nearby. "It's always the same with you, bark bark bark, you must be in control of any situation regardless of if it needs your meddling or not. She has enough on her plate right now."

This was kinda awesome now you thought about it.
It was like what happened after your character died on some games, only this was the real thing - you were here, you were about to revive and continue your battle against...
Yourself, mainly.
You were your biggest challenge right now.

"Yeah, shut up," you gasped as your arms flopped leadenly to cover your chest - you'd been expecting something more than to suddenly find yourself in your body again. You could feel bones shifting within you, repositioning themselves so that they could fuse.
It was like your innards had been turned into a bag of meat full of shards of broken glass, glass, that wanted to repair itself to reform the supporting structure that was supposed to keep that meat in place.
"Why'd you cut my top open?" you asked as you patted the ground beside you, awkwardly, as you sought your hoodie out.
"Uh, protocol says that in the event of a serious injury we're to cut all clothing away to avoid agitating an injury further while assessing it and that your..."
"Okay, I get- Oh god, that shouldn't move like that," you wheezed as you rolled onto your side. You'd felt a rib pull, or at least that was what you assumed, against everything in its path to re-set itself properly. "As for irresponsible, all I tried to do was create a tiny gust of wind out of curiosity."

You paused to assess what this 'tiny' gust had done. There were books all over the floor, one of the shelves had been wrecked by you slamming into it. The gash to your side it had dealt seemed to be gone, but considering the amount of blood over the case, splattering the floor between it and where you lay...
For that matter, there was a fair amount of blood about you, and you could feel your prior fatigue slowly asserting itself again as the pain faded and your adrenaline settled back to more normal levels.
Books had been blown all over the room from everywhere in the room.

"I needa nuu tohp," was all you could manage to utter as your slurred words reflecting the onrushing sense of exaustion that was overtaking you.
And then after expressing your distaste over your current lack of decency, all was black.

You welcomed it in this case, you were dealing with exaustion that went beyond that what you should have been capable of feeling.
You had burned impossible amounts of energy today to put your hand through a wall, to make a 'little' gust of wind.

Everything was black, and then it wasn't as you stirred, bleary eyes opening to...
...The clinical white of a medical ward's ceiling.
Beep, beep, beep.
The steady sound of some machine you'd never learned the name of monitored your heart rate, while various things stuck out of you and on you were the next thing to catch your attention.
They were monitoring your heart rate, had drip feeds in your veins, tubes up your nose.
Ugh, that last detail was uncomfortable.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," came a familiar voice as you turned your head to see Millicent sat beside you. "You've been out for two days since that scene you caused."
"Where's arse face?"
"Arse face. You... You were seriously injured and... Who?"
"Your boss."
"Oh, right. Why do you want to speak with him?"
"You were right, he was completely out of line. He was more interested in power games than my well being in the middle of a..." you paused, you'd also seen Millicent's reaction when she'd discovered you. "Oh, am I properly healed?" you asked, you were leading somewhere with this.
"Yeah, we took x-rays after we got you here, then more later. Within two hours it looked like everything had repaired itself, but lets-"
"One moment," you paused.
Hospital gown.
Good enough, you told yourself as you sat up, before leaning over to the woman sat beside you to embrace her - awkwardly, given your positioning.
"I'm sorry I scared you like I did, I was pretty much aware of everything and..."
"Wait, everything?" Millicent's shock was evident.
"Yeah, I saw how horrified you were, I feel bad about that."
"You're not going to tell anyone, are you?"
"That you're human?" you laughed weakly. "No, I'll let them continue to believe that all government agents are reptilian spies. What are you doing here, anyway?"
"I've been assigned to you full time as you're a danger to yourself and others. Plus the boss is furious with me."
"Never mind. Two days though?"
"Yeah, you went into a coma, they think that you did so because your body needed a chance to rest after being pushed so hard. Hey, promise me something Alyssa?"
"What's that?"
"Be more careful."
"I can't promise that, I was trying to be careful and..." you shifted to pat at your body. You felt tender in some places still. "I thought you said I fully healed?"
"Bruising apparently doesn't qualify as something your body cares about fixing."
"...I look terrible, don't I?"
"It's not that bad, the black eyes are fading."
"Oh, so I look like a panda. Awesome."
"No, it's really not that bad."

You took a deep breath as you stretched out, as you felt your body protest these movements simply because it had been able to spend so much time relaxing.
Two days, that meant...
"Did anyone call my family?"
"Yeah, we told them that you're with us still, that you'd call as soon as you could. Your sister's fine, she wants you to know you're still a stupid nerd. She went quiet and handed the phone back to your parents after was told you'd been really worried about her."
"What about my parents?"
"Your father managed to get a new job, mother's still looking. They send their love."
"Did you... Did you tell them anything?"
"Nope, it isn't my place to talk about that kind of stuff."
"Right. So... Clothes," you mumbled as you started plucking the various things attached to you off.
"Alyssa, you should wait until-"
Within fifteen seconds of this a medic rushed into the room.
"Hey," you started as the medic ground to a halt upon seeing you sat upright like this. "Can you give me a hand removing the rest of these?" you asked, gesturing to the various IV lines. You weren't certain if there was a certain way to remove these or not.
While it was potentially a non-issue, you didn't want to take chances with something sticking out your veins right now.
You'd seen enough of your own blood recently.
"I do have replacement clothes, right?" you asked Millicent as the medic, with a sigh, moved to your side to start removing the rest of the tubes from you.
"Yeah, top drawer of the beside cabinet, it's all new."
"All of it?"
"All of it. Do you have any idea how much blood you got over everything?"
"Vaguely. Even my shoes were ruined?"
"Damn. I loved my hoodie, too."

For a moment you sullenly slouched forwards, you had many good memories of that hoodie, like... The time you... Stood at the buss stop for half an hour and it kept you warm.
Okay, maybe not, but it had been a favourite garment of yours to wear for the comfort and sense of security it gave you.
You were antsy though, you'd been asleep for two days and you just wanted to do... Something, anything!
Maybe you could visit those people mentioned before, or you could explore London or...
Something. Anything?

Spoiler: Alyssa (click to show/hide)


Just a note; I'll leave it open for delayed regeneration as it won out here to evolve - later - either way as interest was shown in a phoenix-eque power. It could be the flawed start of that, or it could turn into full fledged regeneration. It'll be up to everyone else later.
Though she didn't quite walk it off, as I do try to take some flavour from all over, too, where I can.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 04:36:24 am by Silleh Boy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #128 on: June 07, 2015, 05:28:14 am »

First things first. you could eat, Like, Half a restaurant right now. Then maybe some sightseeing, Take in the world for some time, Just zoning out. Maybe play some video games or two-Oh that's right, You don't have any with you...
Oh and ask about how much their testing revealed. They did test you while you were comatose didn't they? otherwise that would be horribly wasteful of them.
And you should probably call your family and tell them you're alright! But what if they ask about stuff? just tell them the truth, That you just ended up overexerting yourself a bit and had to rest up...
But what if they'd question what you did to overexert yourself? or why it took two days to recover? Or.. what if they're worried sick about you? Ugh, At times like these you'd normally just relax with some games and get your thoughts sorted out, But you don't have any!
Blargh. Too early. People relation module still booting up, Think later. Breakfast first. Then sightseeing.

Also, I wonder if by regeneration it can also eventually mean regeneration of our very existence. Such that we can never truly cease to exist. So that we'd be.. Eternal, Truly Eternal.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 05:34:55 am by Fallatus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #129 on: June 07, 2015, 06:32:40 pm »

Eat food, then go out and explore London a bit.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #130 on: June 08, 2015, 01:01:00 am »

We should also ask how someone like us actually hones our abilities... without blowing up a room.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #131 on: June 08, 2015, 01:22:52 am »

We should also ask how someone like us actually hones our abilities... without blowing up a room.

Also +1.

Generally me

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #132 on: June 08, 2015, 01:38:41 am »

Eat food, then go out and explore London a bit.
We should also ask how someone like us actually hones our abilities... without blowing up a room.

Also +1.

Silleh Boy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #133 on: June 08, 2015, 05:54:18 am »

Millicent hadn't been kidding you when she said that absolutely everything you'd been wearing had been replaced. As you searched through the garments left for you in the bedside cabinet you noted how much of it was better than the cheap garments you'd been wearing - not by much, but this stuff wouldn't come apart at the seams like your old clothes were due to do so.
Blue jeans, white trainers, a black t-shirt and a plain navy blue hoodie. It wasn't your first choices, but they were servicable - at least until you could get some clothes of your own sent down, or get them to provide you with more than one set of clothes.
Honestly, it looked like an attempt to be inconspicuous from the nineties, but you'd live, even with a fashion no-no like that.

Nobody did the nineties anymore, nobody.
Especially not the bold and colourful horrors that had once cropped up.
Even the entire retarded 'swag' culture had died down in recent years, in favour of a new cycle of more conservative and sensible fashion.
Perhaps the 'swag' thing was a resurgance of nineties fashion and things really did go in cycles.

There were some timeless classics however, like the kinds of little black dress you'd go out to party in.
Not that you partied much.
No, you were pretty much an unfashionable nerd, but you knew this stuff by proxy, some of your friends from school as you'd grown up had become the popular girls, and well, they'd always tried to get you to go out more.
With limited success.

And here you were, self proclaimed genius and unstoppable force, in a hospital bed, reflecting on life.
You should be reaching forwards, redefining yourself, growing!
Not concerning yourself with such things as fashion, no.
You were a leader in a field now, you just needed to figure out how to define that field and how to graciously accept the reverence of-

No, you were getting delusional.
Maybe breakfast would help?

"So, I have a plan of action for the-" you paused. "Did they throw away the money in my pockets, too?"
"No, you'll be reimbursed for that, they can send that off to replace the soiled notes."
"You make it sound like I wet myself or something."
"Bloodied notes. Better?"
"Not really, ugh. Did that really happen?"
"Oh yeah, you killed yourself. Whatever you said to the boss while you were dead made him all the more grumpy than usual, too. Then you got up, grumped at people and passed out for two days."
"You forgot the part where I was awesome."
"Did you bang your head, too?"
"No, but-"
"Funny thing about all this, you caused a few hundred pounds of damage at the most as the boss is too cheap to spend money on proper shelves and such, so technically you caused more damage to yourself than the library. That you're currently banned from."
"I'm banned from it?"
"That comes as a surprise?"

That indignant anger you felt may not have been justified, but you felt that banning you from a place where you could learn was an insult that went too far.
Learning went hand in hand with gaming, it was all about discovery and adventure in a field that you enjoyed, and this...
Oh, this was clearly a targeted means of punishing you.
Despite you not working for them yet.

"Yes, frankly."
"Why would you impose sanctions that hit on someones biggest interested, if you want them to work for you instead of another agency or group?"
"I..." Millicent paused as she shook her head. She seemed shocked to find that you'd caught her out here. "Lets get back to your plan, please."
"Right. I want to get breakfast. Reasonable enough, no?" you gestured to yourself. "I haven't eaten in two days and I was famished the first time I used my powers. I think i'm numb to my hunger this time, as it's so beyond what it was last time."
"Or, you know, you're fine because we pumped you full of drip feeds and such and just have an empty stomach."
"Do you have to argue against me eating?"
"No, but I'm arguing against you eating until you're sick, just incase."
"Ugh, fine."
"You're not a morning person, are you?"
"No, i'm not. Anyway. Eating, sight seeing, calling family. Calling them can be done outside the facility, so they can't monitor my call."
"They don't actually do that, we're not that kind of agency."
"As far as you know."
"You're very paranoid, aren't you."
"I have reason to be, given I've never heard of people like me before. What if there's more and they simply make people like me vanish because we don't want to work with them?"
"Alyssa, you're the first person i've seen with powers of your magnitude and the last person we saw who had anything that looked quite so special that didn't want to work with us or anyone else came back to work with us five years later after they came to terms with it."
"You've lied to me, too."
"Yeah, and you saw me on the verge of tears when I saw you laying broken over a book case."
"I... Okay, you have me there, but that doesn't mean that you're getting a free pass."
"Of course I'll lie to you at times, Alyssa. When I do so, it's in your best interests because you're either not ready to, or not permitted to know something. That, or it's for your own safety."
"Was the supermarket-"
"That was a fucking skin walker, I could have lied and said it was nothing."
"I never saw anything about them in the books I read," you mused aloud as you slumped back against the bed.
"Of course not, they censor the shit out of those books to hide the worst horrors that have happened."
"Like the thousand soul?"

Millicent tensed up as she drew her arms about herself.
For a moment you could see a look in her eyes that was anything but friendly, as if you'd just stirred a wasp nest and were about to get stung.

"Lets go get you breakfast now?" she stated as her mood snapped, almost violently, towards forced cheer.
"One more question?"
"What is it?" came her response, one that was forced as she almost gritted her teeth. You could see the subtle shift in bodylanguage that suggested she was certain you weren't going to drop the subject.
"Actually, two. Did they do more tests on me while I was out to understand things better, and, how do they train someone like me to not kill themselves with their powers?"
"No, they couldn't and they have training facilities and programmes for this. Breakfast."

Oh, she was being short with you now.
You had to wonder exactly why she was so annoyed though by that question.
Was she actually one of the enlightened, hiding her nature from you for your own good?
Was she a relative of someone who had been touched by them?
Did it relate to the founding of this place?

You'd find out, sooner or later.

Even if madness lay at the end of that path.
You'd stare into that abyss and you'd tell it, Hi, I'm Alyssa, nice to meet you madness.
And then you'd inflict the internet upon it and show it the true horror and insanity of humanity.
That, and cat memes.

After dressing, you followed Millicent to the cafeteria, shifting uncomfortably the entire time as the new clothing you wore irritated you ever so slightly.
It was new, though, it was bound to be a little uncomfortable until it was worn and broken in.

Of course, Millicent wasn't the only one that exibited wild mood swings - by the time you had your breakfast you'd gone all the way over to the other side of the spectrum.
No longer were you grumpy and confrontational.
No, now you were loopy and overly cheerful.
Had that head injury you'd taken had a lasting effect?
No, that would have healed too, you assumed.
Perhaps it was that awakening power within you affecting you as it amplified your very nature to be your nature squared.

Or perhaps you were just jovial because you had breakfast coming soon, and you'd already ordered a full english breakfast and hot chocolate because you could.
Tea was all well and good, but you felt like you hadn't had chocolate in a thousand years.

Breakfast arrived and was demolished, your chocolate was consumed and an order of toast was added to the pile when you figured that you were still a little hungry.
All this was done in relative silence however, as Millicent held her tongue through the entire thing - doing little more than to make non-commital responses to your own attempts at small talk.
This was annoying.
You hadn't done something to deserve that, had you?
No, you couldn't have, you couldn't see what in your recent actions beyond the mention of the thousand soul could have triggered that reaction.
That mention was the only wild card that had any relevance.
You'd been grumpy, sure, but you'd admitted to it.
You'd been confrontational, but you'd held off any jabs at her.

This was why you preferred games - Everything was so much straight forward and the right dialogue options would get people to resume talking as if everything was fine once more.

By the time you were on your way to the bosses office to tell him - in person as Millicent had insisted - that you wanted to go out into the city itself, your mood had swung once more.
You'd become sullen, barely responsive, lethargy creeping through you as you lay across several of the chairs in the waiting area.

You hadn't moved when you'd been called in.
Instead, after Millicent had stepped into the office without you, he came out to speak with you.
Your response was to draw your hoodie over your knees, the hood over your face and...
You didn't even know why you were crying, but it helped block their voices out.
Their voices fading to murmers that only briefly pierced the misery you felt.
"She was perfectly happy during breakfast," you caught from Millicent, followed by "I don't understand."
"Perhaps testing and training should be delayed," came her bosses words some long moments later, "She's too volatile," came even later.
"I want to go home," you blurted in response, prompting the pair of them to stop their mumbled conversation with each other and for one of them - Millicent of course, you didn't need to see what one of them it was to know she was the only one that'd dare - to kneel beside you.
"Alyssa, I know that you're-" started the voice of her boss, only for Millicent to yell back at him in response.
"Shut up!" She snapped. "She's here feeling isolated and alone, you're actively putting her at risk by denying her distractions to punish her for not being able to control her powers AND denying her training to get her power under control. If you keep this shit up, I swear, I'll swing by every agency you hate while I take her out to see the city and cheer her up and I will tell them just how much of an incompetant you are."
"Millicent, if you do not-"
"You'll fire me?" she laughed, "Please, go ahead, then you'll have two people you don't have authority over walking out the doors."
"If your insubordination continues-"
"You'll let me go, so one of the watchdog agencies will come interrogate me?" she laughed again. "Please, I'll tell them about the nepotism that put you in charge, then I'll take... Hell, I don't know, maybe The Guild's open job offer, or the LPD's, or..."
"Agent Cross, this is your final warning," growled the man though you could feel even now that his rage was impotent.
"Shut it, I'm going to do whatever it is she wants to in the city, then when we get back, you can tell her how deeply sorry you are and hope that she doesn't go home after all," came Millicent's words as she reached down to haul you to your feet. "Okay, you can stop crying, he's not that ugly," she added after marching you out of earshot.
You wiped your eyes on the back of one sleeve, though forcing a smile wasn't happening right now.
"Do you have moodswings like this a lot?" Millicent asked, pausing as she did so. "Or need to take anti-depressants or anything?"
"No, I don't," you mumbled as you pulled the hood forward a little more. You were going to look like the poster child of domestic abuse at this rate, what with the bruising you still had and the red eyes from crying.
"I'll tell the medics to check that out then incase it's something to worry about. Hopefully it'll just pass, though I'm hardly qualified to make that judgement," she paused as she ushered you into the lift - and the people who were already in it, out. "Now, assuming ass-hat doesn't fire me in the mean time, what'd you like to do?"

You took a deep breath as you reflected upon this.
It'd pass, you were sure of it.
Your body was just a chaotic mess of chemicals, hormones and potential that was trying to settle down.
And if it didn't?
Well, you'd figure a way to make it do so.
You were certain that fixing yourself wasn't beyond the scope of your powers, given time and effort to learn it.

But this didn't answer the question posed to you, where did you want to go?
Did you want to go sight seeing?
There were alsorts of tourist attractions.
Maybe you could go eat later, too, given that anything'd be better than the cafeteria.
Or you could... Nah, you didn't want to pursue business, did you?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #134 on: June 08, 2015, 07:39:07 am »

We want to go see the world, Sure. But right now what we need, No , Want is to control our powers. What if it suddenly goes out of control without our using it? For all we know, When we "triggered" our powers for the first time we opened a well of unimaginable power and right now the floodgates can start pouring out at any moment. Aaand, Right now our powers are the one anchor of stability in this unfamiliar place. If we cant be safe with our own powers how are we going to be safe anywhere? We could be a walking disaster area! Well, We already kinda are, But the point still stands!

On the other hand, Maybe going out and seeing stuff and relaxing might be just what we need. Maybe we can increase our understanding by taking in the sights?
Yes, Lets go look at stuff. It'll be good for us.
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