*Scene: a knot of armed and armored dwarves are pounding on a dwarf in similiar attire. Two more are already laying in pool of their own blood. A purple-clad dwarf enters.*
- What in the seven hells is going on in here?
*The purple-clad dwarf is upset. The beating pauses for a moment, a dwarf with a fine steel sword steps forth to answer.*
- A murderer is being apprehended, mayor, sah.
- A murderer? What, who, when? First I ever hear of this.
*Steel-sword dwarf points to one of the bodies. The criminal wails.*
- This here, Mörul, went to apprehend a killer. Killer had slain a tantruming dwarf in self-defence. Mörul decided to administer a beating, but took it little too far, and killed the... Well, killer.
*The sword points at another dead dwarf.*
- Then, sah, Rith here, she's- I mean was, new. She decided that Mörul had gone far enough and decided to punish him. She administred an axe to his windpipe, she did.
*Lastly, the sword points at the dwarf amidst the ring of annoyed-looking dwarves. He whimpers a bit, nursing a broken arm.*
- So, now we come to Stodir, here, sah. He was not impressed by Rith's judgement, not at all. Carried a spanking at her, he did, sadly with his silver warhammer there. Now, we are in process of dealing with a murderer of a murderer of a mur-
*The face of the purple-clad is almost in hue with his clothing.*
- You whatnow, why... Idiots, are you going to kill each other in turn? Why?
*The steel-clad's expression is deadpan.*
- It's the dwarven law, sah.
- Is that helmet perhaps too tight, you git? And where the hell does our law state that eye for an eye is the solution?
*The steel-clad is visibly puzzled at his superior's outburst. He points at an engraving on a wall.*
- It's right there.
*On the wall is an exeptionally engraved picture of dwarves. Dwarves are dying. Dwarves are striking down dwarves. Dwarves are contemplating.*
* The purple-clad draws deep breath, and shuts his eyes. He is counting under his breath. He points at the whimpering dwarf.*
- You, there. You are no longer welcome here at Diamondspiraled, I am casting you out. Guards, deal with the outlaw.
- Yessah.
* The dwarves resume the pounding of now-outlawed dwarf. Soon after there's third dead dwarf on the floor.*
- Now, you idiots, will clean up this hallway and no more of this sort of idiocy. You there, you are now in charge of the squad- I'll send new recruits and you will train them. Congratulations, capitain of the guard. Dig into Mörul's pockets, he has the keys to your new office, dining room and bedroom.