I just minted my second platinum coin, which means my fort reached 20 years of age.
I started with 10 dwarves. Four of my starting 7 got married in the first year. There's two clans growing now, with a 15 child hard cap and a 50% cap as well. After 20 years, I'm up to 23 dwarves now including children. I am really starting to like playing this way. It's nice to not get overwhelming waves of random migrants, but instead build and nourish a population literally from birth. I am hoping for my clan children to get married, so I can have 3d generation children.
I just got the option for a barony, and now one of my fort's clan fathers is a baron. I'm curious to see if his title will go to one of his children once he croaks.
On a side note, I am very happy to not have lost a single FPS yet in 20 years (still 70 out of 70), even though I have 100 livestock, most of which are giant grizzlies. Every child that grows up gets it's own personal giant war grizzly.
It's a 2x2 embark, only 60-ish z-levels from ground to bottom. I reduced sky height to 8 on worldgen, and set minimum cavern openness to 30, and embarked on a rocky surface without vegetation. I have no visitors yet though, and invaders are turned off until I have enough workforce to be able to keep the map from cluttering with goblin loot, but I do think this site will give me good FPS for a very long time. If anyone's interested in the save, I could upload it, it's a nice setup. PM if interested. Also features a library with over 50 masterworks bought from the dwarven caravan, including a few books on useful values.