Flowchart Fort just had it's first casualties. I had to slightly deviate from plan and build up a mausoleum/tomb for my fallen. Simple for simple folk with minimal impact (like 2 recent migrants, died while being the only fight-capable ones defending the fort from a weregecko; their lost lives were not in vain (they kept it distracted until it reverted back into a human), so a proper burial was in order). I also just got started on building my swankiest dining hall to-date. It also has a direct-ish path that leads to it straight from the tavern. The most-direct approach is down the central shaft. You can pay your respects to the dead left of the dining hall.
I decided on a somewhat cathedral-ish carving out style for the dining hall, with the upper floor being designed like an axe, with 3 VIP wings; the center post, and the ends of the axe head (I'm working out how I'll get the plumbing done without compromising the overall fort-aesthetic). The lower floor is designed more like a basilica, with the main vault of the hall populated with tables and chairs, and on the wings, the food and booze for the common folk to reach. Up-top the altar is the VIP section, and within said altar is the VIP personal stock. Finest of cuisine and booze, reserved for the classiest of dwarves. The rafters are decorated with the finest in dwarven statuary, crafted by the fortress's very own resident mason and leader.
As of now, that awesome dining hall is halfway done being dug out. I just smoothed out the walls, and engraved the rafters. The upper and lower levels are next. The mausoleum has been expanded, along with central storage as the engravers were doing their thing, as to keep everyone busy, and efficiently working.
Oh yeah, I also decided to line my entrance with a few serrated blade traps for anyone skulking around the bend. Already nabbed one poor, not so sly, fox.