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Author Topic: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!  (Read 23113 times)

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #150 on: November 22, 2014, 06:43:37 pm »

Who needs punji sticks when we have trap silk? It will also cut the body into easily cooked meat cubes.

Won't it completely drown them in acid? Is it fine to eat stuff that was just melted in acid? I mean for the drider sure but say a Elf who's anatomy doesn't work the way we do could cause bodily problems or even outright kill them.
Well the GM said it burned through the muscle and skin. It seems more like the silk is acidic but not covered in acid. So it effectively just cuts them up like really sharp razor wire.


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #151 on: November 22, 2014, 08:24:51 pm »

Who needs punji sticks when we have trap silk? It will also cut the body into easily cooked meat cubes.

Won't it completely drown them in acid? Is it fine to eat stuff that was just melted in acid? I mean for the drider sure but say a Elf who's anatomy doesn't work the way we do could cause bodily problems or even outright kill them.
Well the GM said it burned through the muscle and skin. It seems more like the silk is acidic but not covered in acid. So it effectively just cuts them up like really sharp razor wire.

So would there be a dangerous after taste?

Popular of the empire. And we do it from behind the scenes, using agents and such to manipulate everything until the time is right. Basically don't get caught and all though. Furthermore, it need not be us that actually takes over as a puppet would work just fine.

As for the stream of drow, they're already getting that. Value-wise there'd be an oversupply of them. Furthermore, I doubt that, while their gods are fine with us, backstabbing the empire here just means we get killed due to the invaders. And given that they would reasonably have more favour with those gods, it's something we shouldn't be doing. Fighting in an area where they have a marked advantage over us.

As for the general, I'm pretty sure that's solved by NOT acting like a dick and actually being decent enough to help him out, though we'd have to send our own representative to him.

What agents? We don't have a diplomatic corp but if we could substitute the altar for one of those i'd be on board. Diplomatic coups sound just too fun. That said there will be those who will oppose us to there dying breath, as such we may split the empire into a civil war. Which could break there war effort, lead to us fighting against the deep on our own, and give them a chance to invade during all of the strife. Which would be bad. Not kicking this out of the window i just want to point it out.


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #152 on: November 23, 2014, 05:00:52 pm »

(Just a note, this turn doesn't take into account any suggestions posted after Friday, when I said I had started this turn.)

Empress of Souls
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The Empire has made a policy of offering titles and eventually land in the conquered deep realms for brood mothers willing to defect, but said policy brought about more out of necessity and desperation than any sort of fondness or acceptance. The empire is usually tolerant most religions, as they rule over a diverse population, but many of their officials distrust citizens who worship living physical gods, as such beings could easily have agendas in conflict with the Emperors. Some Drider Broods, your own included, are not entirely sure the imperials can be trusted to keep their promises, which in large part why you turned to the Council.

The Council claims to represent all wizards, many of which are at least as strange as your own race. A good handful of acknowledged mages even claim godhood for themselves. There are some quirks to their views on religion; They view priests as extensions of their god's power, and refuse to recognize them as wizards in their own right. Furthermore some religious folks their requirement that the Overmages of the High Chamber must relinquish all other titles and responsibilities, including godhood, before taking their seat. You have mixed feelings about that one, as although it means you cannot be both brood mother and overmage, neither can your mother, meaning that the former title will be passed down fairly soon.

If your mother's challenge, successful or failure, sours the council's view on your brood, your relative distance from mother and friendly relations with several Overmages would make you the only obvious choice for Brood Mother who could patch things up. If, however, by some small miracle, your mother mounts her challenge without ruffling too many feathers, some of your other sisters would be in the mix, but you would still have a chance...


Evening 6:

The one downside to specializing in Theoretical Magic, and none of the other Application Skills, is that your ability to highhandedly sling spells is rather limited. You could plan, design, and even explain or publish a spell to read the minds of some of the mightiest beings, but because you lack the conjuration to set up particularly stable Mind hooks on your own, even a person of average willpower could complicate your own mind reading attempts. Luckily for you, two of participants in the Grog incident were specifically bred to lack such spine.

You send for one of the Silk Trolls involved...

(Conjuration & Ego Magic = Pass)

Instructing the apprentice to sit still, you wave your hand and conjure some mind hooks and mind lines, invisible, intangible, and temporary constructs that allow your consciousness to climb over and access the troll's memories. The bridge you build is shaky, to say the least, but the troll does little to disrupt it as you pass over, and once you are in its head the hard part is more or less over.

From there, your expertise in Ego Magic takes over, and in less than the time it takes for a human to blink its eye you locate the relevant memories and begin watching. You find more or less what you had expected; that neither party was entirely telling the truth.

Malfang did indeed make a token effort to negotiate the purchase of the grog, but her language was clearly designed to provoke a fight. Your sister carefully and not-so-subtlety weaved words of condescension and racism into the discussion, until the gullible Orc took the bait and attacked. From there, things more or less followed Malfang's story, with the exception of the dwarves.

Two dwarves were indeed present, but they were not the ones accused by the victim. You don't even recognize them as apprentices. The additional perpetrators, you figure, must be kin of the apprentices named. It makes sense; You technically have no authority over the non-mages in the village, which you suppose doesn't have any sort of law enforcement in place yet, so the Orc must have just named somebody related who you could punish. You vaguely recall that punishing others and taking the punishment for crimes committed by kin is a thing that occurs in many Orcish tribes. There is the very real chance the de-grogged woman might not have known that framing the incorrect dwarves was an inappropriate action to take.

With the facts clear, you dismiss the troll to ponder your response. Malfang's version of the story is technically closer to the truth, but the Orc woman is quite clearly the victim of the incident.

Day 7:

You spend the morning producing Heavy Silk for the magic to come. Several hours after sunrise Emfangrin returns with his report on the area.

"There are three easily accessible populated sites in the area, sister dearest," he explains, "there is a dwarven hillock called Milkgrass a ways down the hill. The state of affairs there is rather sad right now; The Empire is holding a bit of a witch hunt. Every child under eighteen, they being the children conceived under Drugar Occupation, is a suspected halfbreed. Just a simple accusation is enough to get a kid dragged off for bearing enemy blood, and her mother taken away for fornication with the enemy."

He shakes his head. "The Drugar, of course, were not much better while they were here. They slaughtered everybody in this valley, save their surface dwelling cousins, when they first took over. There is, however, another group trying to set up shop. A family of goblin migrants, about sixty strong I'd say, are attempting to rebuild a ruined Deep Forces fortress into a proper dark tower. They already have some industry set up; alot of wool is produced there - they breed one of those large, stupid, shaggy troll species - and they have a fairly skilled alchemist among them who can produce more useful metals from local rock and tin ore. They intend to send their child-snatchers into deep forces controlled land, and their Chief was interested when I mentioned we had a cavern entrance."

"Last and of least use to us is the large fort and camp run by our good friend and patron General Frevious. The freshly constructed Fort Legion is home to a good fifteenhundred will entrenched soldiers, and blocks the Twistroads, a mountain pass connecting to a neighboring valley that is still occupied by the enemy. From what I understand, the sutuation is a stalemate; The Deep Forces outnumber the empire at least threefold, but both sides have extremely defend-able positions so as to render any sort of offensive push a fools errand. Fort Legion is also home to Tin-Camp, a mine run by prisoners of war, suspected half Drugar from the Hillock, and anybody else the general doesn't like." Your brother give a slight shudder, "the imperials make little secret about the fact that prisoners are worked until they can work no more, and then promptly executed."

Your brother offers a grim smile, and changes the subject. "I need to do something about the food supply soon. I might send the troops out to gather food under the command of one of our other siblings, and stay back to see if any of our villagers can be trained in the outdoor arts. Ideally, at some point, I'd like my soldiers to be soldiers and not hunters."


You spend the afternoon with Maleflare, teaching her some of the basics of Omega Magic, starting with simple soul traps made from organic material. Leading the Imp outside, you show her the basics using twigs, grass, leaves, and other available components. She picks the trick up after several hours of attempts, at which point you have her trap the area all around the tower. You doubt Maleflare will ever catch anything this way, but it is a good drill for a young Omega Mage nonetheless.

By the end of the session, you feel as if the imp has the art of the trap down pat. If she is clever, all you need to do is show her a few tricks involving playing with corpses and souls, and Maleflare will be able to connect the dots and become a competent Omega mage herself from there.


You lead Maleflare inside, make a quick stop on your floor to gather supplies, and then lead the imp down to Rivialia's workspace.

(Diplomacy = Pass)

The former dwarf agrees to help you put the battery together without much complaint; Without raw materials in abundance to work with, there is little else for her to do anyway.

The two of you work into the early hours of darkness putting the battery together as per your plans, and from there Maleflare is allowed to ignite the device. There is a small puff of flame, and you at once begin to feel the soul within slowly, yet efficiently, burning up as fuel. Thanking the Steel of Steel, you take the battery, and pay a visit to Archer on floor two.

(Diplomacy = Borderline)

The Orc takes the battery, thanks you for it, but when you suggest that he go power up the shovel at once, he balks. He uses the excuse that he already sent his apprentices away for the evening, and that he want to show them how to repair a shovel, but you suspect that he simply doesn't want to travel alone after dark. Deciding that him wanting to put the work off until tomorrow isn't worth making a fuss over, you drop the issue rather quickly, and bid Archer goodnight before retiring to your chambers.

Westward Tower:
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Other Assets:
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The World:
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Planned Magic:
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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #153 on: November 23, 2014, 05:57:48 pm »

1. Have Archer, Rivalia, Malfang, and the Orc girl come to receive our decisions at our floor. Have trolls nearby in case things get violent or physical or magical.

 "I Have taken the liberty of looking into the mind of one of the silk trolls. From there, i saw very words of racism and condensation trown in by Malfang to provoke a fight with the (Name of said apprentice is to be said. We want to look precise) orc apprentice as an offer. Unfortunately, the orc was provoked and did indeed begin the fighting. The dwarves in question were not apprentices and i suspect they are from the village which harbors no police force to keep people in line there. I can put two and two together that my sister made a good offer to the dwarves regarding a taste of the grog...

Before i continue, i'd like to say that the Council of Mages is a large racial organization as such we must tolerate all members of our allied towers as wizards. Any racist slang will not be tolerated even by memebers of my beloved brood. However, i will not be punishing the kin of said dwarves as would be the case in Orc law. If (orc girls name) cannot give me there names i will only punish malfang. I will not be looking into the village below for vagabonds..not now at least.

*Clap hands*

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.

*very seriously*

Archer, i'd like you and rivalia to stay behind."

With them in private

"I aim for this tower to one of power, of knowledge, and finesse. Keep the apprentices from going at each others throats, not just with this incident, but going here on. We're still fighting an enemy that wants nothing more but to genoicde us all and steal our knowledge to call it there own. I speak of the Deep forces. *tilt head* so play nice and may your dreams be achieved in this lifetime."

2. Tell our brother he's to expect Malfang to heal the scout. Tell him it look for her if she doesn't show up in 2 days. Also encourage him to do what he must to get food supply up again. If that means taking time to get the villagers to hunt, then so be it. But farmers are to be left to farm were going to need them for a stable food supplies.

3. Ask archer about the digging.

4. Continue to teach the imp Omega magic and then do some research on how to create get a animated body to be a burning slave zombie thing. Basically a zombie that's on fire so it can do extra burning damage and scare people to death. If not that, then research how to better control the minds of people. We are after all good at mind contol: Master Ego mage.

5. whatever else or maybe my speech is bad.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 06:01:54 pm by 3man75 »

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #154 on: November 23, 2014, 06:31:26 pm »

1. Have Archer, Rivalia, Malfang, and the Orc girl come to receive our decisions at our floor. Have trolls nearby in case things get violent or physical or magical.

 "I Have taken the liberty of looking into the mind of one of the silk trolls. From there, i saw very words of racism and condensation trown in by Malfang to provoke a fight with the (Name of said apprentice is to be said. We want to look precise) orc apprentice as an offer. Unfortunately, the orc was provoked and did indeed begin the fighting. The dwarves in question were not apprentices and i suspect they are from the village which harbors no police force to keep people in line there. I can put two and two together that my sister made a good offer to the dwarves regarding a taste of the grog...

Before i continue, i'd like to say that the Council of Mages is a large racial organization as such we must tolerate all members of our allied towers as wizards. Any racist slang will not be tolerated even by memebers of my beloved brood. However, i will not be punishing the kin of said dwarves as would be the case in Orc law. If (orc girls name) cannot give me there names i will only punish malfang. I will not be looking into the village below for vagabonds..not now at least.

*Clap hands*

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.

*very seriously*

Archer, i'd like you and rivalia to stay behind."

With them in private

"I aim for this tower to one of power, of knowledge, and finesse. Keep the apprentices from going at each others throats, not just with this incident, but going here on. We're still fighting an enemy that wants nothing more but to genoicde us all and steal our knowledge to call it there own. I speak of the Deep forces. *tilt head* so play nice and may your dreams be achieved in this lifetime."

2. Tell our brother he's to expect Malfang to heal the scout. Tell him it look for her if she doesn't show up in 2 days. Also encourage him to do what he must to get food supply up again. If that means taking time to get the villagers to hunt, then so be it. But farmers are to be left to farm were going to need them for a stable food supplies.

3. Ask archer about the digging.

4. Continue to teach the imp Omega magic and then do some research on how to create get a animated body to be a burning slave zombie thing. Basically a zombie that's on fire so it can do extra burning damage and scare people to death. If not that, then research how to better control the minds of people. We are after all good at mind contol: Master Ego mage.

5. whatever else or maybe my speech is bad.
We know that we need conjuration for mind reading and likely control so I would just say practice conjuration. Other than that +1


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #155 on: November 23, 2014, 07:37:34 pm »

1. Have Archer, Rivalia, Malfang, and the Orc girl come to receive our decisions at our floor. Have trolls nearby in case things get violent or physical or magical.

 "I Have taken the liberty of looking into the mind of one of the silk trolls. From there, i saw very words of racism and condensation trown in by Malfang to provoke a fight with the (Name of said apprentice is to be said. We want to look precise) orc apprentice as an offer. Unfortunately, the orc was provoked and did indeed begin the fighting. The dwarves in question were not apprentices and i suspect they are from the village which harbors no police force to keep people in line there. I can put two and two together that my sister made a good offer to the dwarves regarding a taste of the grog...

Before i continue, i'd like to say that the Council of Mages is a large racial organization as such we must tolerate all members of our allied towers as wizards. Any racist slang will not be tolerated even by memebers of my beloved brood. However, i will not be punishing the kin of said dwarves as would be the case in Orc law. If (orc girls name) cannot give me there names i will only punish malfang. I will not be looking into the village below for vagabonds..not now at least.

*Clap hands*

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.

*very seriously*

Archer, i'd like you and rivalia to stay behind."

With them in private

"I aim for this tower to one of power, of knowledge, and finesse. Keep the apprentices from going at each others throats, not just with this incident, but going here on. We're still fighting an enemy that wants nothing more but to genoicde us all and steal our knowledge to call it there own. I speak of the Deep forces. *tilt head* so play nice and may your dreams be achieved in this lifetime."

2. Tell our brother he's to expect Malfang to heal the scout. Tell him it look for her if she doesn't show up in 2 days. Also encourage him to do what he must to get food supply up again. If that means taking time to get the villagers to hunt, then so be it. But farmers are to be left to farm were going to need them for a stable food supplies.

3. Ask archer about the digging.

4. Continue to teach the imp Omega magic and then do some research on how to create get a animated body to be a burning slave zombie thing. Basically a zombie that's on fire so it can do extra burning damage and scare people to death. If not that, then research how to better control the minds of people. We are after all good at mind contol: Master Ego mage.

5. whatever else or maybe my speech is bad.
We know that we need conjuration for mind reading and likely control so I would just say practice conjuration. Other than that +1
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #156 on: November 23, 2014, 07:48:43 pm »

Things to do:
Jorgen: Traveling. What are Jorgen's apprentices doing?
Archer: Strike the Earth
Emeraldithine: Heal Orbus, Teach Marelflare Omega Magic
Emfangrin: Teach villagers archery and hunting.
Rivialia: ? She work on whatever project she is doing.
Cayon Village:The village will not be able to get a lot of farming done as it will be fall and later winter soon. From the description of this area, there the land does not have trees so we lack fuel, building materials, orchards. See if animals live in the river for fishing. Start hunting for cayon animals and gathering plants.

We need to start collecting resources for trade. Can our mages make little magical trinkets? Archer might find resources in the ground. We are going to come into conflict (not full out war, but probably disagreements) with the General because he doesn't like us and Jorgen is half demon (I think). To curb the general's power, maybe we should look for some legal way to have Milkgrass become our second village or find a way to stop the death camp. The goblins seem to be friendly, which is good. If we have someone with trapping skills we could probably investigate the gnome village to make sure hostiles are not hiding up there or possibly find allies. In the future, we should also scout out the underworld for resources and the precise location of Rugonuld's home.
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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #157 on: November 23, 2014, 08:44:24 pm »

-How much steel silk would be needed to make a golem?
-The stream in the canyon, does it flow into the cavern entrance or from it?
-Seriously, what's the name of the orc girl this case is about?

I was going to just say +1 to 3man75's speech, but then I got to this part.

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.
This is going to get both Rivialia and Archer angry at us. Rivialia because we're taking her apprentice away and Archer because we're going to get one of his civilians poisoned by our sister who lacks any and all medical training. Can we please just go for a simple announcement?

"I have elected to examine the mind of one of the silk trolls implicated. His memories make it clear that, while Malfang clearly went with the intent of starting a fight and used several racial slurs to provoke the orc in question, her account of what happened is otherwise accurate: an attempt at negotiation was made before things turned violent. It was further revealed that two of the apprentices accused were not present, only their kin. I expect Rivialia to speak with her apprentices about appropriate behavior around civilians and the wisdom of giving fully accurate testimony to Archmages who can read minds. Furthermore, I am awarding the remaining grog to Archer, who will be tasked with finding some productive use for it and with punishing his civilian for lying to a judge."

Then explain, in private, to Archer that we don't like being lied to and that we would have ruled much more harshly against Malfang if she had been the only one trying to cover up what happened. Also, be subtle when returning the grog to the rightful owner. We don't want Rivialia making a fuss.

Go to the Wagon Train and tell them that we expect them to appoint some sort of Judge to handle future disputes.
We're perfectly willing to consult when mages are involved, but are much too busy to be conducting trials full time. Also, find out why they've not started building houses yet and what they need to do so.

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #158 on: November 23, 2014, 09:14:06 pm »

-How much steel silk would be needed to make a golem?
-The stream in the canyon, does it flow into the cavern entrance or from it?
-Seriously, what's the name of the orc girl this case is about?

I was going to just say +1 to 3man75's speech, but then I got to this part.

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.
This is going to get both Rivialia and Archer angry at us. Rivialia because we're taking her apprentice away and Archer because we're going to get one of his civilians poisoned by our sister who lacks any and all medical training. Can we please just go for a simple announcement?

"I have elected to examine the mind of one of the silk trolls implicated. His memories make it clear that, while Malfang clearly went with the intent of starting a fight and used several racial slurs to provoke the orc in question, her account of what happened is otherwise accurate: an attempt at negotiation was made before things turned violent. It was further revealed that two of the apprentices accused were not present, only their kin. I expect Rivialia to speak with her apprentices about appropriate behavior around civilians and the wisdom of giving fully accurate testimony to Archmages who can read minds. Furthermore, I am awarding the remaining grog to Archer, who will be tasked with finding some productive use for it and with punishing his civilian for lying to a judge."

Then explain, in private, to Archer that we don't like being lied to and that we would have ruled much more harshly against Malfang if she had been the only one trying to cover up what happened. Also, be subtle when returning the grog to the rightful owner. We don't want Rivialia making a fuss.

Go to the Wagon Train and tell them that we expect them to appoint some sort of Judge to handle future disputes.
We're perfectly willing to consult when mages are involved, but are much too busy to be conducting trials full time. Also, find out why they've not started building houses yet and what they need to do so.
Good point Malfang is a Omega mage not Bio so no magic healing. +1


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #159 on: November 23, 2014, 09:27:09 pm »

-How much steel silk would be needed to make a golem?
-The stream in the canyon, does it flow into the cavern entrance or from it?
-Seriously, what's the name of the orc girl this case is about?

I was going to just say +1 to 3man75's speech, but then I got to this part.

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.
This is going to get both Rivialia and Archer angry at us. Rivialia because we're taking her apprentice away and Archer because we're going to get one of his civilians poisoned by our sister who lacks any and all medical training. Can we please just go for a simple announcement?

"I have elected to examine the mind of one of the silk trolls implicated. His memories make it clear that, while Malfang clearly went with the intent of starting a fight and used several racial slurs to provoke the orc in question, her account of what happened is otherwise accurate: an attempt at negotiation was made before things turned violent. It was further revealed that two of the apprentices accused were not present, only their kin. I expect Rivialia to speak with her apprentices about appropriate behavior around civilians and the wisdom of giving fully accurate testimony to Archmages who can read minds. Furthermore, I am awarding the remaining grog to Archer, who will be tasked with finding some productive use for it and with punishing his civilian for lying to a judge."

Then explain, in private, to Archer that we don't like being lied to and that we would have ruled much more harshly against Malfang if she had been the only one trying to cover up what happened. Also, be subtle when returning the grog to the rightful owner. We don't want Rivialia making a fuss.

Go to the Wagon Train and tell them that we expect them to appoint some sort of Judge to handle future disputes.
We're perfectly willing to consult when mages are involved, but are much too busy to be conducting trials full time. Also, find out why they've not started building houses yet and what they need to do so.
Good point Malfang is a Omega mage not Bio so no magic healing. +1

Messed up bio and omega mages (slaps head) also your announcement seems better grek so +1.

Things to do:
Jorgen: Traveling. What are Jorgen's apprentices doing?
Archer: Strike the Earth
Emeraldithine: Heal Orbus, Teach Marelflare Omega Magic
Emfangrin: Teach villagers archery and hunting.
Rivialia: ? She work on whatever project she is doing.
Cayon Village:The village will not be able to get a lot of farming done as it will be fall and later winter soon. From the description of this area, there the land does not have trees so we lack fuel, building materials, orchards. See if animals live in the river for fishing. Start hunting for cayon animals and gathering plants.

We need to start collecting resources for trade. Can our mages make little magical trinkets? Archer might find resources in the ground. We are going to come into conflict (not full out war, but probably disagreements) with the General because he doesn't like us and Jorgen is half demon (I think). To curb the general's power, maybe we should look for some legal way to have Milkgrass become our second village or find a way to stop the death camp. The goblins seem to be friendly, which is good. If we have someone with trapping skills we could probably investigate the gnome village to make sure hostiles are not hiding up there or possibly find allies. In the future, we should also scout out the underworld for resources and the precise location of Rugonuld's home.

This looks good but we should also practice our mind controlling and mind reading powers to make them stronger. Maybe we can design some kind of magic pill that once ingested helps lower the mental defense of the people we try to get readings from. This seems like our Sunday punch so we should make sure it sticks well to anything, even lying subordinates, cowards, demonic worshiping en slavers, and General "take your shirt because i can" pants.

Seriously that guy needs a girl friend and if we ever see him we should point that out to him. Mind raping him would be nice also.

EDIT: Also, the fort the general is in is blocking a mountain pass right? What if we could offer a deal where we send one of our driders to scout up there for them, say a month, and maybe he can give us back our magic equipment as repayment. Archers stuff is particularly valuable. Our Drider legs are good at going up and if well clothed should be able to stand the winds of the mountain.

Another question to GM, how would we be able to get more driders? They're so legit i can't help but love them intently :3
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 09:30:24 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #160 on: November 23, 2014, 09:38:05 pm »

-How much steel silk would be needed to make a golem?
-The stream in the canyon, does it flow into the cavern entrance or from it?
-Seriously, what's the name of the orc girl this case is about?

I was going to just say +1 to 3man75's speech, but then I got to this part.

Now then as for punishments: Malfang will help (name of orc girl) with her wounds and help her brothers wounds also, as he was wounded when scouting. Return the grog and pay back all of the lost grog with labor work in the village for a week. You may only return to the tower for food and lodging for the night.

Rivalia, i will be taken Malfang (an if the other perpetrator can be found to be in the tower and also them) off your hands for disciplinary measures regarding the grog incident.
This is going to get both Rivialia and Archer angry at us. Rivialia because we're taking her apprentice away and Archer because we're going to get one of his civilians poisoned by our sister who lacks any and all medical training. Can we please just go for a simple announcement?

"I have elected to examine the mind of one of the silk trolls implicated. His memories make it clear that, while Malfang clearly went with the intent of starting a fight and used several racial slurs to provoke the orc in question, her account of what happened is otherwise accurate: an attempt at negotiation was made before things turned violent. It was further revealed that two of the apprentices accused were not present, only their kin. I expect Rivialia to speak with her apprentices about appropriate behavior around civilians and the wisdom of giving fully accurate testimony to Archmages who can read minds. Furthermore, I am awarding the remaining grog to Archer, who will be tasked with finding some productive use for it and with punishing his civilian for lying to a judge."

Then explain, in private, to Archer that we don't like being lied to and that we would have ruled much more harshly against Malfang if she had been the only one trying to cover up what happened. Also, be subtle when returning the grog to the rightful owner. We don't want Rivialia making a fuss.

Go to the Wagon Train and tell them that we expect them to appoint some sort of Judge to handle future disputes.
We're perfectly willing to consult when mages are involved, but are much too busy to be conducting trials full time. Also, find out why they've not started building houses yet and what they need to do so.
Good point Malfang is a Omega mage not Bio so no magic healing. +1
Also changing my vote to this
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #161 on: November 23, 2014, 09:48:42 pm »

-How much steel silk would be needed to make a golem?
-The stream in the canyon, does it flow into the cavern entrance or from it?
-Seriously, what's the name of the orc girl this case is about?

1. Depends on the size, density, and purpose of the golem in question.
2. The stream emerges from springwaters higher up on the mountians, and flows to the end of the canyon where it vanishes underground. It does not interact with the cavern entrance at all.
3. The girl has a traditional Orcish Name, in that she is named after the profession of a same gendered ancestor. In her case, it is 'Woman who cleans the blood from the weapons of victorious soldiers and cleanses them of any guilt'. Unlike 'Archer', it dosn't translate well to common tounge, and she dosn't speak enough to pick up a nickname that could be pronouced with an A-Z alphabet. If she did, you suspect she might be called 'Priestess', 'washer', or 'Wisewoman'

EDIT: Also, the fort the general is in is blocking a mountain pass right? What if we could offer a deal where we send one of our driders to scout up there for them, say a month, and maybe he can give us back our magic equipment as repayment. Archers stuff is particularly valuable. Our Drider legs are good at going up and if well clothed should be able to stand the winds of the mountain.

Another question to GM, how would we be able to get more driders? They're so legit i can't help but love them intently :3

1. Archer and Jorgen's supplies were sent to a different front under the command of another general or War-Sage. You doubt this loser would want anything to do with a council approved mage's belongings.

2. Brood Mothers can mass produce offspring, but to do so, or even to simply mate, without being a brood-mother is the highest crime one can commit against one's family. If you want more Driders for now, you will likely have to find and recruit other Driders.


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #162 on: November 23, 2014, 09:58:48 pm »

Could we ask our mother for more support in the future? Also if she can mass produce offspring then why don't we?

An by support i mean sending more drider or helping us build a silk troll hive thing.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 11:02:46 pm by 3man75 »

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #163 on: November 24, 2014, 09:11:14 am »

Also if she can mass produce offspring then why don't we?
  Brood Mothers can mass produce offspring, but to do so, or even to simply mate, without being a brood-mother is the highest crime one can commit against one's family. If you want more Driders for now, you will likely have to find and recruit other Driders.


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Re: (TSG) Reclaim a Wizard's Tower!
« Reply #164 on: November 24, 2014, 12:59:51 pm »

We as in her, I thought the brood was one team in the end of the day.

Maybe it's a food thing.
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