(( Well androids have their electric ones. So either The Sheep, or, I don't know, Xan style ones for cyborgs ))
Keep with the sleeping and dreaming. Gotta get my beauty sleep!
Are you expecting to have some Revelations from these dreams? 5,6 bits of info with which to complete the mission? Thats rather unlikely, though you might get something, if you really think about it.
I assume they DO occasionally clear the floors of the vault and the safety deposit box room, so we may have an in. And even it they don't, we can still break into the vault from there.
While waiting through the day for the time BAM services shows up again, Michael puruses an idea he had for a device for eliminating pursuit and checks whether any of the fronts has the following:Custom metalworking for a housing, a powerful, compact battery, a strong laser emitter, and custom lensing that refracts light into many beams.
Are you trying to make a laser discoball?
Keep watching the bank.
Let's study local traffic regulations: Does driving a car require licence here? If yes, do we have such licences? How about motorcycles or local variant? Or trucks? Locate stores selling and/or renting cars.
What is required to purchase or rent a flying vehicle (helicopters, small planes)? Look up where we can obtain ones that are capable of lifting off on the roads near the bank. Also where we can get training to fly those.
Find a large storage halls for sale where we could temporarily store/hide our bigger/dangerous purchases.
Preliminary data about that mob building next to the bank: look up info based on its address. Public offices usually have info about who owns what pieces of land.
Things at the bank seem to be playing out basically the same as before. Employee times are about the same, morning rush is the same, all of it like clockwork. It is another weekday though, maybe weekends are different.
In order:
Yes, all vehicles require a license, but you've got one that is good for anything smaller then an 18 wheeler.
Flying ones require a different license, not to mention a large background check and other difficult things.
Anything small enough to land on a street between buildings is only gonna hold 2 or 3 people at best, unfortunately.
Flight school. Assuming you have a few weeks for a crash course. Pardon the foreshadowing pun~.
There are several old warehouses out on the edge of the industrial district. Perfect place. Low rent too, as if it mattered.
According to all the public info you can find it was bought 3 years ago, paid for completely and is owned by someone named Mr. J. Smith.
I assume they DO occasionally clear the floors of the vault and the safety deposit box room, so we may have an in. And even it they don't, we can still break into the vault from there.
Yeah, get in, take note of where security is, and remove them from play. We should have lots of time if we can get control of the security booth without alarm.
Anyway, today I'd like one or two of us to go in and open an account. Let's check with Steve, get an account setup to transfer from, make sure these backgrounds will hold up to that, and get a separate address to give the bank. Say we're new to the area and wanted to move some cash today and look into safety deposit boxes to move some assets later in the week. We can get an eye on day-time procedures and security in customer areas, and we'll get some idea of their box policy.
We may want to leave some minicams in the public area. If we can drop some without them or us getting spotted, we should. Otherwise, they'll just tip the bank's hand early.
We also need eyes on that shielded building. We need to know something before we can move. The most important question to answer is who. We are going to be in a lot of trouble if that's a UWM outfit, but if that's anyone else, we may want to make contact. They must be shielded for a reason, and we may be able to exploit that reason to our ends.
Inquire with Steve about how solid our background will be to the bank, and if we could secure other addresses to use, either nearby here or in this apartment building. Also ask if he can setup an account at a prominent bank in a different city for us to transfer money from.
Also ask if his contacts in the city happen to have any information about the shielded building, by address or reputation.
Solid enough for a background search on their level. Your backgrounds put you as offworlders from a planet that doesn't have FTL communication abilities. A quaint backwater. But that also means it will take years for them to get any info on you other then what they have in your files. That planet has never heard of you, obviously, but we should be lightyears away before that becomes a problem. And I doubt the police will follow you that far.
You're already transferring money from a well known bank, thats where your account is. So you're good there.
They have no real info, but some thing it's government, others think it's mob or even Flesh hackers. It's shady, thats all they really know. People rarely come or go.