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Author Topic: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads  (Read 16804 times)


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #105 on: October 19, 2014, 06:18:31 pm »

Sorry for double posting, but the reign of UltraMagnus's first round is 1/4 complete.
I'm sorry, I didn't keep track of the dates that these events occurred in.

Spring, 121

Seeing a power void, I decided to do what was only sensible at the time and made myself the unquestioning leader of the military. While I didn't want to dance around in front lines all day, it was important to increase troop morale and to help expand our armed presence.

Shortly after I left to resume normal duties (learning so that if the military falls I could hopefully lead the civilians in a last-ditch counteroffensive), our main melee fighters were reassigned to metal uniforms. The resources at our disposal should allow us to completely re-armor all units in the squadron within the year.

An archery squadron was created shortly after a new wave of immigrants. However, not seeing a ready place to construct an archery range, I've decided to make a new one. Maybe I'll convert that hallway above the foyer into one, but I don't know if Psych would get on my ass if I did. Someone might have plans for it, so I've made a notice in the bulletin boards near the alcohol stockpiles. Unfortunately, I don't think that any of the numbnuts around the fort really know how to read, or if they're sober enough to.
When passing by the bulletin on my way to overview the construction of the range, the smell of urine is choking me down. I have my own deductions for what the tube's purpose is, but I'm going to wait to see if a dwarf speaks up.

Of all of the immigrants of the season, only two stuck our for me, a high master doctor and a jungle savage hunter. Just thinking of both of them is making my pussy quiver in delight, but sadly they must be put to work. Our doctor hopefully isn't going to be busy, while our hunter is now assigned to his own unit as a Military Captain. (It'll probably be converted to a special ops unit, but I have no idea how these drunken SoBitches are supposed to do anything stealthy, so probably just a mid-ranged engagement guard unit, or something.)

Recently, though, I've taken a liking to status in the fortress. Yessiree! I've ordered several of them in all sorts of colors to be made, and placed around the fortress. Why, near the execution pit construction site there's a cluster of three of them dedicated to Brisby.
Why, our masons (totally not under my command, they did this on their own, I swear!) crafted this little gem.

Wickys busted into my office recently. Apparently some dwarf wanted to know about some rocks for a cloth craft, or something. I don't know, just sounds silly.
There wasn't anything that I could do about it other than walk over to his little outpost to see what the hubbub was about.

Fantastic, now all I need is an artifact chair to stand on and I'm good to go for the winter!

Brisby I'm starting to sympathize with. He's still very much the biggest wuss I've ever had the displeasure of having a drunken ramble with, an increasingly uncomfortable amount of our dwarves are getting dizzy from walking in the sunlight. To combat this, I'm arranging for a skylight to be dug in the main barracks for our melee units to fight against, an outdoor garden to grow raspberries, and a reworked entrance to the fortress that will hopefully replace the donation drive that's previously been set up.

The goal of this area I hope will be to engage the enemy while keeping our military primarily underground and in a location away from the civilians. The area is also being converted into a flood chamber.

Well, future attacks are in the future. The horrible screeching from the cages outside reminded me that I still had prisoners to attend to.

While the execution pit isn't finished, some of the jail cells are operational. Three goblins are contained in them (two are released so that a screw pump above the cell can hopefully pump water and drown them before my time here is up, with two prepared for the "finishing touch" of the execution pit.

Now, I you don't excuse me, the leaves are changing color.

UPDATE: Holy crap guys, a lot of my current time is taken up by Midterms. Sorry that I'm taking so long, but I'm just posting so that you guys didn't think I forgot about it or anything.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 12:01:55 am by UltraMagnus »


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #106 on: October 22, 2014, 03:11:08 pm »

It's okay, Magnus.
Just keep us posted on how much time you might need and it should be just fine.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #107 on: October 25, 2014, 01:57:13 pm »

It's okay, Magnus.
Just keep us posted on how much time you might need and it should be just fine.
Thanks. My weekend is mostly free, and I just got summer finished.

Summer, 121:
Oh yes, the leaves are changing color. To demonstrate just why a Boatmurdered-style lava trap is ineffective on a base dug into a hill, I took the liberty of constructing a miniature replication. Hopefully I can convert this into a lava drain sometime in the future.

We set the manotaur corpse to be reclaimed so that we can make all sorts of chairs and nicknacks with it. Feeling a bit dangerous, this was also a good time to activate the lava drain.

Turns out he had plenty of time to haul the corpse, even when he was vomiting. We only lost one dwarf to the magma (one of the miners that was digging an alternate drain).

All that resulted was a large portion of forests to the south burning, but I instructed the woodcutters to swiftly race against the flames in order to control the fire. Clay, for some reason, was forming on the trees as they fell to the ground, resulting in such a large inconvenience that I needed to cancel zooming and pausing for collapse events.

The end result was just that, clay hurting the woodcutters and no scorched earth. Lava just runs down the mountain, we don't have the geography to make an efficient magma weapon. I etched this with a pencil on Brisby's chair as we constructed another statue of him in the Brisby corner of shame.
(Don't worry though, I was smart enough to install a floodgate before setting the lava free. There currently isn't any flowing as far as I'm aware).

Another caravan came as usual, so we decided for shits and giggles to give them several statues of Id. For free.

I don't know why, but id made me giggle like a drunken schoolgirl whenever I read those descriptions out loud.

Perhaps though burning the south forests wasn't enough, as showing mercy on the land was enough for the dwarves to disobey my commends.
The execution pit was restricted, and the area was too. No room had been set, the dwarves standing here had no reason to do so.

Still, the public needed a demonstration, and if a bleeding goblin corpse wasn't enough to make them leave then gravity was to do the work for me.

Pit designations were made, and all of the remaining goblins were either thrown in to drown or executed by the military. They splashed around before accepting their fate, the waters have claimed their offering.

To continue with my plans of revamping the foyer, I've ordered the dwarves to work on some of the mechanics relating to our current waterway. Noticing an open hole in the ceiling above a pump, it's all too clear that somebody had plans to automate this waterway. For the erratic nature of a flood-room's input, I decided to go ahead and make this part of my main goal for revamping the foyer.

I think I'm getting the hang of this whole "overseer" thing. Maybe I'll give Wickys a bit of thanks.

Overall, a very peaceful season minus the woodlands burning.


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #108 on: October 25, 2014, 03:40:54 pm »

Oh very nice

What's the description?

Is it me portrayed as the savior of Carnagecrafts? The bringer of clothes? The killer of weregeckoes? The painter of gold.

Ah... I really am great aren't I.


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #109 on: October 26, 2014, 10:16:53 am »

Oh very nice

What's the description?

Is it me portrayed as the savior of Carnagecrafts? The bringer of clothes? The killer of weregeckoes? The painter of gold.

Ah... I really am great aren't I.

I went on a placing spree before I thought to check the description. Sorry!
Update: Found it!

« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 10:54:38 am by UltraMagnus »


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #110 on: October 26, 2014, 11:50:28 am »

Update: Found it!

Oh my. That really is a classic. :P


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #111 on: October 26, 2014, 12:49:29 pm »

oi u wot

Ungrateful bastards

This will have consequences


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #112 on: October 26, 2014, 01:01:15 pm »

oi u wot

Ungrateful bastards

This will have consequences

They misspelt 'Righteous Pricks'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #113 on: October 26, 2014, 04:55:52 pm »

Seems like for whatever reason I'm the only person people make nice things about. And they're all of me being surrounded by figurines...
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #114 on: October 26, 2014, 05:12:15 pm »

Seems like for whatever reason I'm the only person people make nice things about. And they're all of me being surrounded by figurines...
Spoiler for next update: PsychoAngel loves his figurines
I wish I was joking.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #115 on: October 27, 2014, 01:41:36 am »

(Double posting so you guys know the next season is out. All genders here are reference to our dwarf representation's genders.)

She walked into my office, calm as any rational leader more fit to run this fortress than I. I didn't bother to meet his gaze, as I stood there contemplating my gaze on the circles I doodled on my table the first time I was appointed overseer of Carnagecrafts while poking the center of the circle with my finger.

"Magnus, Ma'am, It's making it's way to the foyer just like the last one. Only it's not... as bad yet."

I started to slide my finger along the horizontal diameter of the circle. I don't know if Psycho heard me muttering.. Just more time, Armok.

"Is the military ready to make another stand?" I still had yet to return my focus on the well-respected duchess.

She responded back with a solemn reply, "All of them except the four." In a chipper mood, she added, "Maybe you could try stationing him. That might work."

"I'll try, but I don't trust that he'll make it back in time."

I couldn't tell by the silence if she was either disappointed or worried for me. I didn't care at the moment, the autosave had taken effect, and there was no turning back now. I heard the faint crinkling of paper as I knew she was looking through my logbook.

"Psycho, bring me my logbook. I want to remind myself just how I got us into this mess."

Autumn 121:

The season greeted us with the standard outpost liason visit from the mountainhome.

The consensus with our wealth and population was enough to appease the mountainhome into making us into a duchy. As expected, PsychoAngel happily took the role and an office upgrade.

Immediately afterwards, PsychoAngel decided to completely ruin our plans for trade by banning export on figurines, which mad our bins full of useless gold shit un-tradable.

(At this point in the reading, I leered over to PsychoAngel. She barked back at me "As if those pig iron twigs were going to help us later. Did you forget that we have forges?")

As also per usual, we had the welcome addition of more immigrants. A master stonecrafter, or something, a few babies, a couple cash-grabbing get-rich-quick bums... you know, the usual.

("They were pretty balsy though to enter on the rim of the volcano.")

Also, an artifact in the making.

A short time after the merchants unpacked, I finished the power plant's perpetual motion generator. So long as the ocean has water, we have power. The flood chamber foyer was way ahead of schedule.

("Heh Psych, it almost seems like a movie."
"How so?"
"Once upon a time it was happy. Then it turned to shit."
"Look around you Magnus, it was always shit. You were just too drunk to notice."
"Thanks for the pep talk.")

("I don't see that many paragraphs, Magnus. How do you recall the battle?"
"I scribbled a few sketches. I thought it was obvious if you look at the paper. I'm no artist unless it's when I'm making statues."
"Heh, don't think the dwarves didn't see that. Wickys was a little pissed."
"Regardless of the joking, though,Wickys probably would have done well in this fight.")

("Anyway, it jumped off the Fortress overhang to attack a dog below. My guess is that it jumped on the poor thing and killed it on impact, but I'm not sure. It couldn't make a careful jump into the upper balcony over the fortress entrance, so it just jumped off the top of our gate.")

("This was after the beast had been spotted, and the military had been ordered to fight it. It was too fast for our troops, both mentally and physically. Three of the soldiers continued to run up the mountain to confront the beast that already jumped off of it.")

("Once inside, the not-archery squad that was protecting the merchants and fort from thieves engaged the beast, along with the troops smart enough to turn around. The beast had a field day, killing numerous dogs simply because it could.")

("When the merchants were about to leave, we shut the door in front of them hoping to force their guards to help us. I guess they didn't care about helping our dogs and innocent tanners...")
("I'm glad we didn't give those sniveling bastards a huge profit.")

("Anyway, the Axe Lord decided to try to divert the beast's attention and use his awesome dodging to stay alive. Our soldiers followed suit and baited the beast for a couple days until it reverted into a human.")

("Which was a better strategy than the one some of our other troops were using..")

("It gave our soldiers a wild goose chase and tried to ask for mercy.")

("Eventually it was cornered in the armory where it was shot, slowed down because he was shot, mauled by our dogs that it previously decided to have a fun time slaughtering, and beaten numerous times until it gave into the pain. Then it was beaten some more until it was no more.")

("Shortly afterwards our new artifact was made.")

("The survivors of the battle were taken to the hospital. Casualties were mostly animals with the exception of few haulers that decided to walk into the middle of the brawl. Shortly afterwards, our Axe Dwarf started to throw a tantrum.")
("These were the crimes he was convicted of.")

("Our Axe Lord decided in a fit to try to get into fist fights with innocent dwarves. Unfortunately their skulls did not last long before he bashed their heads in. About two or three additional casualties were a result because he didn't expect to see death in the militia.")

(PsychoAngel started to stare down at my hand, which was tapping furiously at the edge of the circle. She interrupted the pause that followed the accusation, "I completely understand. Understand though that you can't convict him of numerous counts of murder without any witnesses.")
The finger tapping turned into a fist slam on the table. "That... two faced elf-lover. What immediately ended his rampage was the fact that somebody saw him wailing on some bystander. The only reason he bothered to take the bystander to the hospital was because he was seen, otherwise he'd just be another cracked skull. I don't care whether or not he killed the minotaur, he's not a hero to the fortress.")

(PsychoAngel kept her composure, not responding to my increasingly intense tone. "He's also one of the best fighters we have, and you know it.")
(My blood needed to cool down a bit. I could feel the heat off of my forehead as I rubbed the sweat off of my brow. "I was hoping that he's be obsolete when project Eon was completed. Until then.. Oh duchess, with brave dwarves like this one, how could we ever let ourselves be caught off guard?")

("I've been in charge of this fortress longer than you have. You know what I'd do?")
("Exactly. You don't.")

(I didn't have an answer to that. PychoAngel maybe would have done something similar, or maybe she knows that I don't know if she would do the same. Eh.. too much thinking, and that's what's been getting me in trouble lately.)

(PsychoAngel skimmed the rest of the logbook. "Besides, you don't have any mention of just what in Armok's name 'Project Eon' is.")
(I didn't have an honest answer to this that would make me look at all sane. Maybe this mercy was what was endangering our fortress. I inhaled slowly, preparing to explain my ambition to the grand leader of the fortress.

"A werebeast dwarf does not die of old age, nor does it need to eat or sleep. a tower outside of our main fortress with its own farms for stills would be enough then, in theory, to keep a squadron of werebeasts happy until they master every weapon art known to dwarfkind. They would later go into the core for an elite armor-less military of super-soldiers and help along and citizen labor decisions, all of that whatnot. If our fortress withers down due to a tantrum spiral, this garrison of dwarves would lead the way as a second chance, mastering every possible skill they have access to. All of the benefits of large werebeast squadrons while being able to manage the drawbacks...")

("A wrestler during the battle had a head artery torn from a bite. He was contained within our hospital until he transformed. His transformation healed the otherwise major wound, and proper precautions were taken to lock him within his hospital room in time for his transformation to wear off.")

("We nicknamed him 'LizardSoldier' for obvious reasons, but let's just call him 'Sold' for short. Sold is what he is, he's the accepted price the fortress is paying for my hesitation to lay down the hammer.")

("I personally went to see how far the one-floor containment room was doing for his squadron.")

("Armor stand ready, stairs ready to be knocked out, bridge linked and lever ready to pull, all of the preparations. Until he had to said that one line...")

("'I'll be right back guys, I just need to get some provisions. I shouldn't take that long.")


PsychoAngel closed the notebook, setting it back daintily in the exact position that I set it before, mimicking my panic with her grace exactly.

We stared at each other for a moment, just thinking over what wasn't going on in Sold's mind, unaware that he was about to turn into a one-man slaughterhouse surrounded by fleshy targets.
"If stationing doesn't work, Magnus, you know that somebody is going to die from this."
My fist unclenched, back to the usual circular outline tracing along my desk.
"It's a lot of pressure, but you're the overseer. What do you plan to do, now we have less than 5000 ticks until a berserk lizard demon starts attacking civilians in the heart of our fortress, and our absolute best dwarf, mind you one capable of killing almost our entire military with his bare hands if he wanted to, locked up in a hole?"

The tracing stopped.
PsychoAngel and I stared down at each other, before I mustered up the last bit of courage from my proven cowardly lips to tell her,
"I'm going all in. This is my legacy, and it's either going to be a horrible civil battle or the start of something that's going to give me more time to party."
PsychoAngel's smile has a certain charm to it. She let one loose, pleased with my attitude change. Either I make a convincing liar or I really don't know what I'm doing. I call as many shots as I want, but the duchess knew that she was likely the one with a final say in the matter.

I told her coldly, "Duchess, please leave my office. I need to make a few last minute preparations."

PsychoAngel walked out, with a strange aura of confidence. Whether she was teasing me or optimistic I don't care to dwell on. I have other things to worry about...
The extent of this inevitable battle, I don't know. Burrows will just round the civilians up into convenient targets, and cause traffic problems if a battle occurs within the fortress walls. This could be close to nothing, but the beginning of the season sure as hell isn't going to be as comfortable as my summer here, and I don't intend to let go of my command until year is over, not even for death.

Is Carnagecrafts ready?


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #116 on: October 27, 2014, 04:11:04 am »

Our only hope now is Nish.

The retarded supersoldier that killed another werebeast.


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #117 on: October 28, 2014, 01:54:53 am »

Our only hope now is Nish.

The retarded supersoldier that killed another werebeast.

Nish is still in jail.

Tomorrow, I'll have an update for the first week of winter. It's enough to warrant a post. Sold is an absolute bad. ass.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 02:01:44 am by UltraMagnus »


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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #118 on: October 28, 2014, 04:19:55 pm »

First week of winter: 121

"The citizens are evacuating into the burrows, but Sold is already inside. We don't know how long he'll be until he transforms." I passed a glance over to Brisby, the dwarf brave enough to approach me in my office to give me a report on the fortress's current situation. Brisby deserved no response, the wheels of fate were in motion and complaining wasn't going to change any of this. Out of the kindness of my heart, though, I dignified him with my aloud thoughts.
"If we pull out our workers, the tower will be put behind schedule. That's going to delay our goals for next month's transformation. If we station the military nearby, we risk heavy casualties with the werelizard. If we kill Sold, then project Eon must be abandoned, and we lose a chance to form a military not based on a psychopathic axe lord."

I never stood up from my chair, just scratching a knife recklessly on the side of my mug to carve random lines in it. "Brisby, we wait. Sold still experiences nausea from the sun; I can't tell you if he's going to make it back to the tower in time."

Brisby walked out of my office, informing the military commanders and captains to prepare their squadrons for worst-case-scenario. Meanwhile, I was stuck sitting in my office contemplating a few things. The original lizard that infected Sold was a human. That human either committed blasphemy towards one of its gods or migrated from an area with another werelizard. Most likely, there are other humans that know of the lizard's existence. If the lizard was capable of causing enough damage as it did to our hardened dwarves, I wonder how angry it made the humans?

A recruit stormed into my office, creating a gust of wind that blew all of my sketches of Wickys experiencing all sorts of terrible things into various fluttered piles scattered across the room. He screamed in panic, "SIEGE!!"

First a werelizard and now a siege? I can name a few fortresses that would have let themselves crumble from this. My grandmother used to tell me about them... magical cities of useless elves and... I need a few pints to focus.

The actual structure of the siege, according to the recruit's reports, was odd.

The human and the dwarf each stood in front of a small band of goblins. Either they were to be bait or they were leading the charge. The entered from the volcano rim near where our last batch of immigrants came from.

"What's Nish doing?" I asked.
Nobody ever said that Nish was a slacker. Evidently he doesn't want to let his skills rust while he's in jail

The recruit stood dumbfounded, just waiting for my orders.
We waited a day for the invasion force to come closer to our fortress. I grinned almost the entire time.
"Evacuate all civilians and inactive military into the burrows. Station our third squadron outside and shut the door."
The recruit ran out of my office to deliver the orders. I readied a few waterskins of booze and some snacks and left my office about five minutes later. I wanted to watch all of this go down.

Sold was approximately one or two days away from transformation. I ordered him to re-station himself above the slope where the invaders were passing. Unfortunately, being the unpredictable shit he was, Sold decided to engage all of the invaders directly, armed with leather armor and a spear.

Sold ran down the mountainside after hearing the footsteps of a dwarven traitor, smelly goblins, and a human cur. The skirmish began almost immediately with him slaughtering on of the goblin bowmen in a heavily one-sided fight.

At this point I remembered something, Sold had survived a battle with a werelizard in which his primary weapons were his fists. Sold was a legendary observer and a powerful fighter that could probably clash against Nish in a close one-on-one battle. Other highlights from the slaughterfest include overwhelming a goblin with pain by punching it twice...

Getting shot in the leg and in response kicking with the other leg so hard that a goblin's hand exploded...

Deflecting blows by using his spear and in response mauling the ever-living fuck out of a goblin with his bare hands...

Then systematically stabbing all of said goblin's limbs...

And then mixing the two strategies on the same goblin...

(Mind you though that he wasn't an unrefined fighter, for Sold was capable of knocking a goblin out with one precise blow of mercy...)

And generally being such a slaughterhouse that even the goblins used what little brainpower they had to know that invading the fortress was a mistake.

Unfortunately, the human was slightly smarter than the goblins. The human managed to get a few strikes in the tired Sold into unconsciousness.

The two remaining crossbowmen did absolutely nothing but try to prolong Sold's suffering. Maybe it was revenge. After all, at this point Sold had slaughtered almost the entire invasion force while sustaining only one real injury prior to being gunned down.

Things looked grim for Sold, until I decided to retreat back into the fortress before the bridge was closed. You see, the clock was about to strike midnight.

And the invasion force was soon no more.

Sold spent the remaining time as a beast loitering around the pastures, not bothering to kill anything else. He eventually reverted back into a dwarf, which was our cue to open the gate and resume both construction of the flood chamber and the tower.

Carnagecrafts casualties from the invasion: 0
Carnagecrafts casualties from werelizard transformation: 0

I reclined in my office, sharing a pint or seven with the other nobles of the fortress. This was, in retrospect, a great week.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Carnagecrafts: Story of the Nameless Nomads
« Reply #119 on: October 28, 2014, 08:38:38 pm »

Likin' the story my friend. I feel as though Project Eon will be useful although it will hinder progress if we are unprepared. I'm certain you know the risks of it, however, and can adjust accordingly. Keep it up.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.
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