Kinda like building illegal settlements in occupied territories.
...yeah, I went there.
If there's one thing that I think this is all revealing, it's that any talk of this being a "post-racial" country is total and utter bullshit. The blatant racism coming out of the woodwork now is just jaw-dropping. The comments sections on the local news stations and whatnot are I think a terrifyingly large number of people are actually gleefully looking forward to seeing just how many more black people can get killed.
It's the internet... People exaggerate to get noticed. The racists in my family don't want anyone to get killed. They think the other races are stealing jobs, and predisposed to crime. Which is due to the BS they hear from Fox. (They're right about certain minorities statistically *committing* more crimes, but that's because of impoverished racially homogenous communities with a lack of stability).
There obviously are people who straight-up want to kill other races. People like that exist *everywhere*. We've abolished and *reversed* the incredibly racist laws which literally oppressed minorities. Nowadays the American taxpayer pays a considerable amount of money towards affirmative action, trying to undo the damage of the past. That causes a lot of resentment (*I* never oppressed anyone, says the average Joe) but it's necessary.
So many race-based scholarships. Even in corporations we have minority quotas. Is that a fair solution for anybody? Nope, but it's also necessary. Because these unfair, hamfisted actions are the only way to eventually achieve actual racial parity.
White Americans are literally paying to make this happen, and a lot aren't happy about it. But it's happening, and it's far different from the *actual* oppressive systems we had in place in the SIXTIES. America has come a long way in a very short time, and is actively funding its minority population at the moment.
Of course, that runs counter to the race-blind machinations of the neocons in the 1%, who are destroying the middle class and upward mobility. But at least we're all going to be poor together.