Can I ask what Rapid Fire actually does, within the context of the game mechanics?
As well, I found something interesting but at the same time buggy; the call and response (which was pretty damn awesome, I must say) was followed up by the 'normal' battle cry, which kinda ruined it. I think it would be awesome if custom chapters could have something like that, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon.
Also when I reset the equipment for devastators to include boarding shields, they all dropped their heavy ranged weapons, and now it thinks I don't have enough to equip them properly (it also thought I had 160 boarding shields when I had 80...).
Rapid Fire/Splash allows the weapon to kill more than one entity at a time. Weapons without it can only ever kill up to one unit per shot, potentially overkilling severely.
Was hoping that no one would notice the bugged battlecry for Salamanders and Iron Hands. It's been on the top of my to-fix list for some time, but I recall looking at it and not finding the cause. Since then I've kept putting it off. Every time I remember the awesome battle-cries are bugged I die a little inside.
Not sure what's going on with Equip All, but I have some ideas of what might be causing it.
I was talking about the ones he mentioned not being there like Lightning claws, Plasma cannons, Heavy flamer (Cant be used) and Cyclone missile launchers Atleast i cant find them
Taking a look at Heavy Flamers now, but I'm pretty sure I'm out of space in the UI for 'Change Equipment', with fitting in more weapons. We'll see. One solution might be having Missile Launchers simply appear as cyclone ones when equip to Terminators.
Moreover, new patch. Some of the recently reported bugs will be fixed in the next one. Planning on having another debugging patch and perhaps more stuff after that.
0.6537Note: Old saves are compatible (sort of) but it is highly advised that you clean them out and start anew. Alternatively you may use that nifty 'Restart Game' feature.
Major Changes:
Map dimensions have been increased by 25%. There are now around 70 stars on each map.
The Imperial Guard/Navy rework has arrived. In order to balance out the larger map size, and more planets, the Navy should actually help the player now. The former stationary garrisons at each planet have been reduced to half their old size and renamed to Defense Fleets. There are now six Navy 'Battlefleets' that will patrol around the map. Battlefleets can:
-Engage enemy fleets in space combat
-Bombard planets to remove enemy forces, also potentially removing corruption
-Unload/Reload Guardsmen onto/from planets to combat enemy forces
-Visit worlds to recruit new Guardsmen
-Go to Forge Worlds to replace lost ships
-Be rebuilt entirely at a Forge World, should a Battlefleet be lost
Other Changes:
Inquisition Mission time requirements have been fiddled with.
Dead Planets should no longer gain corruption.
The code that handled Imperial Guard vs other factions, in ground combat, has been rewritten. They should hammer enemy forces a bit more now.
Random event generator has been rewritten and improved. Can now roll for events off multiple lists and easily add new ones.
When changing equipment, empty slots are denoted as (Empty) instead of being entirely blank.
Tyranid units that are denoted as 'vehicles' may no longer be targeted by the Machine Curse power.
Having war declared on you can now revoke the Recruiting rights / Control of a planet, unless the respective planetary governor has a high enough disposition.
Fixed a bug that prevented Recruiting Worlds from working.
Fixed a bug where a destroyed player fleet might still trigger consecutive space battles.
Gene Tithes are no longer taken when at war with the Imperium.
If you are only at war with the Mechanicus they refuse to take your Gene Tithe to the High Lords of Terra, building up an IOU and docking your loyalty.
You are no longer asked to go on a Crusade if Excomunicatus Traitorus.
Walls no longer prevent enemy units from attacking.
Player vehicles may once more be attacked.
Losing a ship in fleet combat should no longer grant an amount of ghost marines equal to your specialist count.
Librarians may now be transferred to the various companies.
Librarians may no longer become Greater Daemons of Khorne by perils.
The Inquisition yelling at you when trading away Gene-Seed, or calling you traitor for trading it to Xenos, can no longer repeat each turn.
In diplomacy, when you click 'Accept' for the number of trade items, it no longer also hits the 'Gene-Seed offered' button and overwrites the first item.
Heavy Flamers have been added to the second Equip tab.
Homeworld/Recruiting information is properly called when Restarting a game.
You may no longer edit the Battle Cry or Advisor names when Restarting a game.