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Author Topic: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Back to the Action  (Read 52315 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #255 on: August 25, 2014, 12:02:03 am »

Wallop him, straight in the jaw
Blood Opal Smirks. The wonderful thing about this country was that now matter how peaceful and boring times got, you could always find a stiff drink and a bar fight when you needed one. In this case, the smaller fighter was more interesting than the bigger one, he had picked the fight, and in all likelihood he was motivated by some combination of simple greed and drunken bravado. She could work with that.

She aproaches the bartender with a wide smile and a soft voice. "I have two dollars that say you end the fight early if it looks like the big guy is winning..."

Blood Opal, certified Chaotic Evil, approaches the Bartender with a wide grin, attempting to capitalize on the scuffle between Greg Whiskey and Mammoth outside. "I have two dollars that say you end the fight early if it looks like the big guy is winning..." The Bartender looks up at her, pausing his work momentarily. "It's two boys having a fight, nothing to stop. It ain't serious...."

Outside, a small crowd forms around the two combatants, edging both of them on as they each circled. Greg Whiskey lunges forward with a hook, [4 vs. 6] but Mammoth is able to block in time, the only thing that Greg's fist comes into contact with is the bigger man's bulky forearm. [7+1 vs. 5] He hits back with a jab, the blow directly to the drunk's chest causing him to stagger backwards, clutching his sternum. [3 vs. 10] Greg grabs onto Mammoth's forearm in an attempt to get a grip on him, but the latter uses it as leverage to throw him to the ground. [4+1 vs. 3] As Greg gets to his feet, Mammoth gives him a half hearted kick to the hip. [2 vs. 8] Greg stumble forward, getting a hand around Mammoth's belt, only for the big man to shove him to the ground, Greg's face hitting the dirt. [5+1 vs. 2] Mammoth gives him a sharp kick to the side, this one much more effective, the drunk convulsing in pain. "Where's my money, huh?"

Right then, off I trot.

"*oh little dar-Lin, in the moon-light, I see you standin' there, please don't leave meee oh noooo...*

"..Still, that was a fine job of tying."
jeez, was I really in here that long? I don't remember any tying going on, wonder what he's taking about.
Oh wait, shit, forgot about the revolver thing, that can wait.

After waiting for them to finish talking, Joe finally decides to interject.
"hey, mate, what's been going on out there? What, some kind of lasso fetish thing going on?"

Joe Baxter inquires onto why two men have attempted to tie each other up. A bystander gives him the rundown: Apparently, nasty business was going on in the local Brothel, so a volunteer challenged the owner to a Lasso Duel. In the end, the owner lost and gave up part of his portions profit, and was forced to limit the more deviant acts that went on inside.

Pay $10 for the information.

Micheal Shawns hands over ten bucks to the Gun Stand associate. "Thank you partner, now then..." He leans in close, his voice hushed..."You see those mountains over yonder?" He points to a set of mountains to the North of New Jamestown. "Those are called the Indigo Mountains, cuz' the plants that grow all over give 'em that look. There's a community of mountain men there, a lot of them army veterans. I'm sure they still have a lot of firepower they'd be willin' to trade. Besides money, booze and hookers are other forms of payment that are popular, if you got any. Don't tell anyone I told you this, specially' my boss, you hear me now?"

The Shadow nods.
"Thank ya. Try not to look in the back."
Drive back to New Jamestown.

After liberating the older wealthy couple in the carriage, The Shadow moves them into his Wagon. They take his advice not to look out the back, where Stamping Feet's corpse now lies on the side of the road. He starts the horses, turning them back to town. [7] The trip is thankfully less eventful. The couple exits the Wagon, the man hurrying to the Sheriff's house to inform him of what happened. The woman asks The Shadow, "Lad, is there someway we can repay you for this incident?"

"I am a doctor. These mean brought me here, as he is hurt, so I can help him."

With her permission, try to do healy stuff.

The Hontato woman glares at Doctor Drew Whiteford and speaks to the warrior in their dialect. He responds in a softer, pleading tone. She turns back to Whiteford, "Fix him. Quick."
Despite Whiteford's expanse of medical knowledge, the wound is too grave for him to attempt anything, without a good chance of making it worse than it already is. The Hontato warrior picks up on the fact that the Doctor isn't doing much, "I thought you were health doctor? Or was that joke?"

"The duel's over, big fella. Stop trying to cause a riot or I'll have to throw you in jail."
Jonah looks the man over, taking note of his badge, then spits on the ground to one side with a derisive scowl.
"Seems ta me like you ain't much'f a lawman, lettin' yer people be exposed to such depravity," he says, hooking his thumbs through his belt and glancing about the crowd briefly, checking that they can hear him before continuing, "Ain't you s'posed to protect folks? Keep 'em safe from scum such as what we're dealing with here? I'm startin' ta think the fella greased your palm nicely before he opened the place.
Is that it, 'lawman'?"

Make one last attempt to get the crowd riled up, casting doubts as to the lawman's care for their wellbeing, suggest that perhaps he accepted bribes to keep them from torching the place. Speak in a raised voice, preferably not a shout but loud enough that the crowd can hear me.

If that fails to incite any further excitement, give up and head to the saloon.
Jim smiles at the rabble rouser.

"I guess you haven't been in town long, big fella. I don't have opinions. I don't take bribes. I do enforce the law. The law that says running a brothel is not illegal, while inciting a riot is. Do you understand me?"

After the conversation is over, Jim walks over to the saloon, shooting Blood Opal a suspicious look, and notices the bar fight. He then walks over to the bartender, ordering a drink, and watches the fight.

"You want me to put a stop to this?"

Jim also signs up for the poker tournament, although he's a bit rusty, so he decides to play a standard game of poker.

Jonah Clay decides to turn the tables on Jim Henson, pinning lawman for the problems of the township. [2] Jonah begins talking loudly, only for the sound of a large brawler beating up a drunk, and the accompanying jeers and hollering, all form a cloud of noise that overpowers his rant against the speech. Additionally, he gets a bit of a headache from all the nonsense. He gives Jim the evil eye before calling it quits, seeing that no one wants to do much rioting tonight, and heads into the Saloon. The Poker Tournament is in full swing and the bar is quite busy.

Jim gives Jonah a few choice words, but the instigator seems to capitulate before Jim is even finished with his speech. Satisfied, he watches Jonah retreat to the Saloon. Henson follows him, and flashes Blood Opal a suspicious glance before witnessing the Whiskey-Mammoth duel outside. "You want me to put a stop to this?" The Bartender shrugs, "Not really, but try and make sure they don't kill each other. Would be shame, and I'd lose two customers." Jim calls for a Beer to unwind. [7] The bubbling taste goes down pretty easily. He finishes his glass and then promptly signs up for the Poker Tournament. He puts in his ten bucks and sits down for a game....

Hm. Inspect the arrows. Do they carry any peculiarities? Any tribal identifications? What are they made of, and what is the quality of their make?

If there are no conclusive results, get back to New Jamestown. See if I can't enter the poker tournament. If yes, play normally, utilizing my general ability to keep up a pleasant, unruffled demeanor to give me an advantage in the game.

Sister Marjorie Swift steps off her Horse, observing the Arrows at ground level. She picks them up, studying their design for any clues. [9] From the carvings and colors of the arrows, they are definitely of Hontato origin, and in their current condition, couldn't have been left here long ago. Judging by the pattern of their placement,  Swift can deduct that they were shot from North-West of her position. A quick search of the North-West area reveals that multiple people have moved through the tall grass here in the last few hours.

Carter will try to negotiate the rental fee down, with promise of more lucrative business in the future. If the bartender doesn't agree to better terms, he won't spend too much time trying to convince him, spending more time trying to advertise the tournament.

Also, if I understand the terms correctly after a bit of Googling, I think the Small and Large Blind should be 1 and 2 poker chips, respectively.

Carter speaks with the Bartender over the cost of the rental fee for his tournament, claiming that with a lower fee, he'll reward the establishment with more profiting deals in the upcoming future. [6+1] The Bartender is convinced to the extent that he lowers the cost to $38. Not too worried with the price overall, Carter pays it off, leaving to advertise the tournament a bit more before it starts. [10+1] The word spreads much faster than he had expected, and soon it seems that every man off of work in town is coming to play his game. By the end of the campaign, he has attracted an additional 44 in addition to the 10 he had to start with, bringing up his total to 54 players, and netting him a staggering $440 payment.

enjoy the celebration for a short while whilst trying to find recruits and other benefits (cash, free drinks)of being hailed a champion, then either find someone willing to lend me a room for the night or find an inn, or sleep in a barrel or something if neither is available. The next morning, head out to the Homesteads to see what kind of place it is and who lives there.

Keld enjoys the spoils of victory, including booze, some extra cash, and even solicitations from a few admiring single young ladies. Life is good at the moment, and one man even offers Keld a place to stay during the night. With Night just around the corner, the Seugdian has plenty of time to spend before laying down.

well it seems that the town dosent know im a honato speaker however i dont think i will mention that for a while i want to avoid trouble

run my business it seems the deputy upholds the law quite well so report any problems with customers or people still trying to cause trouble about the place straight to him

Tuypo incorporates the girls into his business and gets things running. While only a few hours ago, many of the townspeople were preparing to burn the Brothel to the ground, several of them are now utilizing its services. [8] With just a few transactions, Tuypo manages to get $28 under his belt, although he has to figure out a way to deliver half of his profits to Father Gregory and the Law, as was agreed in his deal.

"Amigos, let's have a fair game here. After all it's just fun."

I say it as a way of throwing off my competition. I will use all the tricks in the book instead. (play aggressive)
Join the poker tournament. Be agressive.

The Poker Tournament is now underway! Notable contestants are Jim Henson, Josse and John Ashwood, both of the latter contestants taking on an Aggressive style, while Jim goes for a Standard Strategy. With 54 total contestants in 6-player matches, there are 9 tables set up. At each corresponding table, we have:

Jim - 4
Josse - 5
John - 3

Let's see how these games go!

Spoiler: Table 3 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Table 4 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Josse (click to show/hide)

Match 1 draws to a close. Jim, John and 45 other men are now out. Josse and 8 competitors are left to enter the next phase of the Tournament.

It is now night.

Spoiler: Characters (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Reserve (click to show/hide)

I'm back, staving off that horrible plague our rulers are content to call the "American Education System" or something like that. Anyways, have this turn, in which I realize I should probably come up with a better system for Poker in-game, if y'all wish.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #256 on: August 25, 2014, 12:11:30 am »

The Shadow shakes his head.
"No need to. Couldn't just stand idly by while there was someone in trouble... shame 'bout my friend but, what can ya do?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #257 on: August 25, 2014, 12:15:52 am »

Thank you very much for the information, sir, now, is there anything interesting going on around town? Apart from the lasso incident, I mean.
ask, then go to the last thing he talks about.
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #258 on: August 25, 2014, 12:18:18 am »

Jim walks back outside, not exactly interested in the poker tournament after his loss, and notices how the fight has turned ugly, casually drawing his gun.

"Fight's over boys, although I doubt you need me to tell you that. You two sort out whatever deal you made before this, but try not to maim each other any more?"
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #259 on: August 25, 2014, 12:19:13 am »

"Right. I won't tell nobody. Thanks."

Go to the saloon and see how much it would cost for three bottles of good whiskey. Find a place to sleep for the night, maybe at an inn. I'll buy the whiskey and hopefully some provisions in the morning before I set out.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #260 on: August 25, 2014, 12:21:10 am »

The Shadow shakes his head.
"No need to. Couldn't just stand idly by while there was someone in trouble... shame 'bout my friend but, what can ya do?"

"I'm terribly sorry about that poor Native man. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you, what is your name?"

Jim walks back outside, not exactly interested in the poker tournament after his loss, and notices how the fight has turned ugly, casually drawing his gun.

"Fight's over boys, although I doubt you need me to tell you that. You two sort out whatever deal you made before this, but try not to maim each other any more?"

Mammoth stops kicking the shit out of Greg Whiskey when Jim approaches. Growling, he points to the incapacitated drunk, "This bastard bet me 10 greenbacks I couldn't kick his ass! Well lookie' here now, I want my money!"
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • i really apreciate a good analogy
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #261 on: August 25, 2014, 12:21:52 am »

as i dont want them to think i am not upholding my end of the bargain go and give them there cut tell them that after that they shall get there portion of the profits every week
important project progress

have some basic idea of whats going to go in it


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #262 on: August 25, 2014, 12:24:34 am »

Carter tries to console the losers.

"Shame you couldn't make it to the final eight, but you have an even greater chance to make some money now on bets. If you can pick out a winner for the final round, you can more than make back your entrance fee. And if your pick is an underdog, you'll make even more. There's so much money to be made here, you'd have to be crazy not to bet."

Carter tries to take bets on the outcome of  final round.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #263 on: August 25, 2014, 12:27:13 am »

The Shadow is quiet for a few moments before speaking.
"Ya won't laugh if I tell ya'?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #264 on: August 25, 2014, 12:29:18 am »

Carter tries to console the losers.

"Shame you couldn't make it to the final eight, but you have an even greater chance to make some money now on bets. If you can pick out a winner for the final round, you can more than make back your entrance fee. And if your pick is an underdog, you'll make even more. There's so much money to be made here, you'd have to be crazy not to bet."

Carter tries to take bets on the outcome of  final round.

What kinds of odds do you want, in terms of [Amount of $ Bet:Amount of $ Won if Successful]? 1:2? 2:3? 1:3?
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #265 on: August 25, 2014, 12:53:39 am »

Well, I'm not sure right now, and I need to get to sleep soon, but I think what I want is a parimutuel bet, and if I'm understanding that right in my sleep-deprived state, following the example, the payout for this event should be 1:7 (after I've taken my cut, of course). Although it is possible that at some point I might have promised a spread or something based on the positions of the winners; I don't know and can't be bothered to check right now.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


  • Bay Watcher
  • i really apreciate a good analogy
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #266 on: August 25, 2014, 01:00:45 am »

Well, I'm not sure right now, and I need to get to sleep soon, but I think what I want is a parimutuel bet, and if I'm understanding that right in my sleep-deprived state, following the example, the payout for this event should be 1:7 (after I've taken my cut, of course). Although it is possible that at some point I might have promised a spread or something based on the positions of the winners; I don't know and can't be bothered to check right now.
never work with numbers while tired
important project progress

have some basic idea of whats going to go in it

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #267 on: August 25, 2014, 03:20:16 am »

Investigate. Determine which way the natives may have gone, and go in said direction.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #268 on: August 25, 2014, 12:13:27 pm »

Satisfied with the outcome I smile wide.

Then an idea strikes me... Let's get some rounds of whiskey for others that got into the finals as a 'celebration'. They should play worse while I will cheat on my drinks (and not drink them at all).

"Amigos! We should celebrate our luck! The odds are certainly with us tonight! Free whiskey for all those that got into the finals bartender, on my tab!"

Carry out the plan. Play neutrally.

((Wow, didn't think I'd make it further into the tournament :)))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - How to Poker
« Reply #269 on: August 25, 2014, 12:19:24 pm »

"I am sorry. This wound may be beyond my medical knowledge and limited equipment. However, there is a chance that I can help him, but a small slip might mean he could get even worse."
With her permission, try to fix it, using whatever I have at hand.
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