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Author Topic: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Ghost in the Rain  (Read 16128 times)


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - An Age Old Duel
« Reply #165 on: November 14, 2014, 10:50:25 pm »

*cheers for moral support*


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - An Age Old Duel
« Reply #166 on: November 17, 2014, 01:36:51 pm »

((Flu came back in force.....May be able to get something out tonight.| If not, will try for tomorrow.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - An Age Old Duel
« Reply #167 on: November 21, 2014, 03:19:07 pm »

Is this dead?


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - An Age Old Duel
« Reply #168 on: November 23, 2014, 01:56:17 pm »

((No, really sorry. Just a combination of the flu, and a busy weekend))

((Sorry. I have some spare time this evening. Will try to get something out.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - An Age Old Duel
« Reply #169 on: November 24, 2014, 06:51:15 pm »

((Right, flu is finally gone (mostly) and the only thing I have on tomorrow is my workout. Update *WILL BE TOMORRW*. I promise)).

((Update will be the final part of that exposition (which was not supposed to take this long....) as well as an update for Ala'tirn and Balaroh (whose names i am not changing. I will change the names of those I deem I have not put enough effort in though.....)))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - An Age Old Duel
« Reply #170 on: November 25, 2014, 07:01:18 pm »

Continuation of The Wondrous Continent of Feritul, by Andarius Quate
Chapter 13: Famous Duels

The final chapter in their great duel came on one cold day in the winter months, in the foothills of the Long Reach Mountains. This was to be the final stand of the Maurauding army. They had finally been cornered by an alliance of Yellow Bannermen, Elves, Dwarves, Atrians and Long Reachers.

Now, this may seem excessive to some readers, those less well versed in the history of Feritul, however in the few months since the last engagement in this saga, Atlovan Battlemaster Gerrart Volden, had been hard at work recruiting any and all malcontents, mercenaries and evil beings to his ranks.

His army was a burgeoning seven thousand strong, filled with Evil Men from Feritul and beyond, corrupted elves of Faradun who had not yet earned their current name, Fosaine, after their dark pantheon, Durstain Elves disenfranchised by the current order and Darks elves from below.

Among his ranks, he also had Atlovans, many of great infamy. He had recruited Alanna the Castrator, Belvor Forith of Helagard massacre fame, Faran Loverith the assassin and many more. He had also, once again, managed to rally several tribes of orcs, goblins, and other fell and fae creatures to his banners.

Facings against him were 3000 Yellow Bannermen, 2000 Elves of various persuasions, 500 Dwarves of the Iron Clans, 300 Atrian Mageknights of the Order of the Underguard and 3000 Long Reachers. There were also bands of adventurers, noble highwaymen and honour-mercenaries and hedge knights of an unknown number.

The armies met in the Mirelands, a swampy area with few large areas of solid ground that left little room for maneuvering. Gerrart had forced the alliance to fight in such an area, enabling his generally tougher, more brutish troops free reign of the field without having to worry about charges from their enemy's cavalry.

It was an epic stage, and one elf amongst the Alliances army was itching for combat.

Dorwim Few-dhorhil was one of the previously mentioned 'adventurers' who joined the alliance during their interception march. He knew he would finish his duel with the Atolvan General.

Several days later, when the armies faced each other on a cold, foggy day, the two duelists sought each other out, and when the battle horns blew, they charged to engage, surrounded to their flanks and rear by like minded soldiers, warriors and magic users, the Alliance more disciplined than the Atlovans mob.

Dorwin was the first to spot the Atlovan, and he was the first to plant the first strike, his long blade singing as it cut through the air, right into the exposed flesh of the Atlovans left arm........

((Will be continued tomorrow. Time got away from me and I couldn't complete it before my dead line of 12 midnight. At least I kept my promise. I promise I wil have the rest as well as a main update tomorrow. I am starting to get back into the feeling for writing (and reading).

I am thinking maybe adding in some more cliffhangers might be nice.....))
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 07:03:01 pm by kahn1234 »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - A Grand Battle
« Reply #171 on: November 25, 2014, 10:16:47 pm »

((Your choice but i really do want to get back into the present story of the fort and how were going to help them.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - A Grand Battle
« Reply #172 on: November 26, 2014, 05:44:24 pm »

((Your choice but i really do want to get back into the present story of the fort and how were going to help them.))

((Yea...this exposition was supposed to be a single update....but things kind of got in the way.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - A Grand Battle
« Reply #173 on: November 26, 2014, 05:59:13 pm »

((Will it be today?))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - A Grand Battle
« Reply #174 on: November 26, 2014, 06:04:30 pm »

((Will it be today?))

((Yes. Writing last bit of exposition and the beginning of the next full update tonight.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - A Grand Battle
« Reply #175 on: November 26, 2014, 07:03:30 pm »

Continuation of The Wondrous Continent of Feritul, by Andarius Quate
Chapter 13: Famous Duels

From here on, readers, I fall back on my experience in the elves memory ball, created from the memories of Dorwin. It holds his life, his achievements and his failures. Unfortunately, it was lost to us after a raid by the Fell Earth clan of trolls on the military academy in which it was kept.

And now, for the end of the duel....

The roar of the Atlovan intermingled with the thundrous clatter of the battlefield around them. A wide circle seemed to have naturally created itself around the two duelists. Not surprising, as even during this time, their rivalry had become famous. Dorwin stood there, his sword dripping with the foul tainted blood of the Atlovan Battlemaster as the once powerful arm hangs limp, almost severed the entire way through.

To either combatants, this was a significant event. Despite their great battles, neither had ever managed to do so much damage in such a short amount of time.

"It seems you have gotten sloppy in your complacency" Dorwin had taunted, a wry smile on his face as a dwarf flew past him, skull crushed and blood streaming. "You would never have taken a wound like that so quickly in any of our previous skirmishes"

The Atlovan had glowered at him, already working his magic on his arm whilst keeping his distance. He then smiled. "You have changed, elf. You have come to love the fight. Love combat and the blood. You are a man after my own heart." He chuckles as he regains use of his arm, his healing magic working rapidly.

Dorwin frowns. "If you believe I am anything like yourself, then you are just displaying the height of your delusions."

"Then explain why you sought me out so eagerly...." Gerrart asks as he draws his weapon, his famous axe.

Dorwin hesitates briefly, just as Gerrart charges. However, Dorwin was not as distracted as Gerrart thought, and managed to dodge out of the way, pirouetting away, sword a blur as he tried to strike the battlemaster again. Unfortunately for the elf, his blade either misses or clashes against the Atlovans heavy plate armoured gauntlets and vambraces.

The trading of blows was hurried and vicious, and lacked accuracy. They were like wild animals, as if the discipline they had shown prior had deserted them. Their weapons locked and clashed. Eventually, tired of the stalemate, they drew on their magics.

Soon, entire swaths of the battlefield were burning from fire spells or frozen. Arcane magics not seem for years flew in every direction, annihilating, twisting or transfiguring anything in their way. The unrelenting wild magic rent huge gaping holes in the ground, evaporated the marsh waters and killed many hundreds, if not thousands of the troops of both sides, the magic users in the ranks doing their best - and failing - to protect their charges. Few of the spells could even be identified, and everyone watching felt chilled to the bone.

The display seemed like an eternity to these people. Many safely out of harms way would call it beautiful, a god like display of colour and power. Those withing the blast radius, those who managed to survive, described it as if the gods themselves were raining their worst down on the lands of mortals. A much overused description, if this old scholar can be so bold.

After what was only a short while, the display soon abated, revealing the two figures at the centre, bruised, bloodied and in half melted, tattered armour, their weapons being the only things not touched by the powerful magics.

"Why dont you die, you pointy eared whelp!" Roared the Battlemaster, angry at yet again not being strong enough to end his incessant nemesis.

Dorwin just smiled in response, charging again, but in a different way, his posture more loose, more primal and so very much like the Atlovans style. You see, Dorwin had been learning from the Battlemaster. Every time he fought him, he opened his senses and watched as well as fought. It had taken time, and plenty of practice against bandits away from the opposing duelist during one of their brief reprieves.

Dorwin had realised that the only way to defeat a being as strong, well learned and wise as an Atlovan is to do something completely unexpected. Such as combining the fighting styles of multiple peoples and combat disciplines.

The Atlovan could only look on with shock, his movements seeming sluggish against the fluid grace of the elf which had somehow managed to also incorporate the precision of Kel Naga martial arts and the brutality of Atlovan berserker disciplines into its form. No matter what block, parry or attack Gerrart attempted, Dorwin always seemed to have the advantage, despite the difference in physical power, age and experience.

The flurry of activity was violent, but drawn out. Gerrart was forcing himself to fight harder and faster, but even he could not keep up with the elf. As what remained of his once magnificent armour fell away from the blows of Dorwins sword, he started to take at first slow cuts, which soon became deeper and were again soon joined by deep, flesh rending stabs and slashes.

Eventually, Gerrart fell to his knees defeated. His axe fell from his hands and stuck itself in the ground. Blood, thick and dark, ran freely from thousands of wounds, some deep and some shallow. He had been disabled. He had been bested by a lesser being. The demonic essence inside him was writhing in his soul at the embarrassment.

Dorwin smiled. "It seems our dance has come to an end, old one. May your tainted life be redeemed by the Ancestors."

Gerrart let out one last primal roar of defiance as Dorwin clove him in two from shoulder to hip, before removing Gerrarts head and burning the body with an incineration curse.....

Witnesses are conflicting about what happened then, and the memory ball eneded shortly after the Atlovans body was seen as ash. Some say that Dorwin wept. Some say he laughed in relief, glad to see such a monstrous enemy finally gone from this world. Others claimed he just stood there for some time, staring off into another time for many a minute until what remained of the two armies clashed again to finish their battle, in which he disappeared for several years, eventually turning up again as a wandering warrior in the Ramannon lands.

The story of Dorwin and Gerrart serves as a reminder that the Atlovans can be defeated. It serves to remind us to be flexible, and to go above and beyond to defeat an obstacle.

May this chapter aide you in your further endeavors.

((I hope that wrapped this little excursion up nicely. Ran out of time - again -  today. Main update will be around tomorrow evening.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Exposition Collision
« Reply #176 on: November 28, 2014, 12:43:41 am »

Update coming today?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 12:59:15 am by 3man75 »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Exposition Collision
« Reply #177 on: November 30, 2014, 05:08:36 pm »

((Wow, busy weekend. Went to see Slash and Myles Kennedy on Saturday when I was going to do an update. Will have an update out tomorrow, as all my chores had to be done today. Sorry!))

EDIT: ((May have an update out tonight anyway. Decided to delay a few chores until after work tomorrow!))
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 05:18:38 pm by kahn1234 »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - A General's Heachache is Never Over
« Reply #178 on: November 30, 2014, 07:05:43 pm »

((Sorry for the long waits. I am trying to get back on track.))

Shadowy assassinations and very quite. But make sure they are particularly gruesome like melting there faces or decapitation. When soldiers find there commanders mutilated they'll run the rumor mill. Then they'll slowly ditch the army without leadership to watch over them.

Only get showy when we need to scatter a group of hardened people soldiers. In that case just super fire ball there camp when sleeping or bury them in a rock slide. An when we do so, do it with something covering our face to make us look menacingly.

Another thing would be to create a new personality that we'll call the Black fruit. We'll leave notes near the crime scene that leave boggling reasons why we did things the way we did. Like "face melted for intimidating sheep." Or "Because I can". I really want our shadow felt among the General's army.

Also ask about the ranks the general has and how we can tell. The Ranger of these Garrison guys should know about that stuff.

We should also ask about getting ranger support somehow. Offer to provide a distraction while leave for help. No use staying in a crumbling fort right?

And now, back to Ala'tirn and Balaroh: Part 1

Unsure of what to do in this somewhat awkward situation, you approach Balaroh and try to comfort him.

"I'm....sorry for your loss." You say, a bit uncomfortable. You have never been great in this type of situation, and as such you are pretty lost on what to actually say to someone who just lost a number of his friends and comrades.

Balaroh gives you a solemn smile. "Its the way of the world. There will be far more bloodshed before peace reigns."

You nod, in agreement. After all, the Atlovans and their pets dont show any signs of disappearing any time soon.

Again, you look around the fort. You notice that no one seems to be leaving. Instead, as you noticed when you first arrived, people seem to be crossing the bridge towards the main keep. This still puzzles you. Surely, with a significant portion of the fort compromised, abandoning it would be a better option?

"They arent leaving..."

"Why would they? It is a long march to our allies lands, and there are many creatures, tribes and hostile humans between us. I find it unlikely that the Generals would order another attack so soon, especially after losing so many troops. Unless....."

"Unless?" You press, curious.

"Unless they actually finalized the agreements they were in the process of negotiating with the local tribes.....or they got reinforcements." Balaroh conlcudes.

As you hope the enemy has not received reinforments, you, as well as everyone else in the courtyard, turns towards the gates as they are opened for a Ranger scouting party. The lead scout dismounts his horse so fast he is almost a blur and, before he has even settled one foot on the ground, he runs towards the Lead Ranger.

"Sir! Dire news! We have just spotted a troop of flagless warriors march into the city held by the Generals. We counted roughly three hundred warriors in total, as well as a tall cloaked man leading them." He says, half shouting, half panting.

The expressions of the Rangers fell, as does the expressions of everyone in earshot, including yours. You know what a flagless warband means. Everyone does, the war between Atria and the Atlovans has been going on long enough for everyone to know the signals of Atlovan activity.

A Flagless warband, otherwise known as the Ghost Troops or Flagless ones. Indicative of the darkest hearts of the Atlovan forces and their pets. If one sees a flagless warband, you run as far away as possible unless you outnumber them. They are extraordinarily tough to deal with.

Aside from the reputation these warbands hold, they also signal another horror. An Atlovan flesh-smith is in the area.

Many rumours, myths and even legends exist about the Flesh Smiths. It is said that they are the most evil of the Atlovans, those who have been thoroughly corrupted by their demonic blood, which drives them to twist, shape and bend the creatures of the globe to their will.

They are identified by their dark or black cloaks, their sadistic drive to inflict as much pain and terror on the sapient species as possible. Some say that the Flesh Smiths magically record the screams of their victims and play them as music when they work their foul magic.

Every continent is plagued by them, and those who have gone missing are said to be taken by the Flesh Smiths to fuel their hellforges and to be remade into the flesh smiths abominations, of which there are many different types. The most notable of which are the Void Striders.

You shudder as you think of the Void Striders. You have only ever had the displeasure of facing one once before, and it was one of the most difficult fights of your life. Void Striders are named such as it is believed they straddle the line between the after-void, the first stage of the ascension to the afterlife or descent into the underworld, and the mortal plains.

They are created only below ground, for reasons unknown to all but the Flesh Smiths. As far as the general public knows, the Void Striders have to be created from captured sapients. Any will do, seemingly, as elven, dwarven, human and even Atrian Void Striders have been noted. They can withstand a wide range of temperatures, which makes them immune to a number of elemental based magics.

They do have very notable features, however. Due to the magic worked on them to reincarnate them as the Flesh Smiths creations, they receive darkened, sometimes blackened, skin which looks to have been burnt or charred. They also have purple or black hair and light coloured, milky eyes. Some are even completely white, colourless, giving them a haunting, ethereal look.

The thing you remember most about them, though, is the fact that they get stronger the more you damage them. Cripple their initial form and they will activate their demonic blood and become a lesser demon. Cripple that form, and they will release their hold on the physical body and become an archwraith.

This constant shift in capabilities and styles of fighting can cause fatal mistakes in less experienced troops, and even among the more skilled warriors, they can be an overbearing challenge.

Fortunately, they are rarely seen in groups larger than five or six. Unfortunately, they were autonomous, retaining almost all of their mind from before their conversions. They are unfortunately irretrievable. They are completely loyal to their masters and all attempts at rehabilitation have lead to failure.

You share a worried look with Balaroh, who looks as concerned as you do.

"Did you see any Shkahl?" The Ranger Leader asks, worry even in his voice.

"Yes, commander. The majority of the Flagless band limped and lumbered, indicating they were Shkahl. We also saw at least 1500 human soldiers training in the Citadels training grounds. However, we had to pull back soon after as the Flesh Smith sensed our presence and warned the General he was talking with. We barely escaped." The Lead Scout says.

"Were you followed?" A Ranger from the crowd asked, sternness in his voice.

"Not that we know of. But from the looks of it, they will be attacking soon."

With that, the rangers starting hurrying, commanding the garrison into action. Civilians and supplies were moved faster, the cellers the enemy used to gain access were filled in with stone, dirt and anything the defenders could get their hands on, the walls were shored up where damage had been done and defensive positions set up in the keep across the bridge.

As this was going on, you aided the garrison in moving various materials to where they were needed. You helped set up mage stations and archer bastions in the keep, setting up soul-shield potion stacks for the mages to keep them combat ready and arrow stacks for the archers.

As you worked, you thought about the other enemy mentioned. The Shkahl are an enemy you have never fought before, however you have heard much about them. From what you can piece together, they are a skeletal race, considered undead by most. They are almost entirely made up of bone and skin, with only very small, childlike musculature and tendons. They rely on their magic infused flesh to give them the power to move.

They have pointed ears and crimson eyes with yellow pupils. They have an impeccable sense of direction and a fantastic sense of smell. No one knows whether they are a more natural occurrence twisted by the flesh smiths or whether they are a creation, but one thing is certain, the Atlovans create them from corpses.

The Shkahl are tough, skilled fighters and have great proficiency with metal. They wear armour that looks far too heavy and bulky for a Shkahls thin frame, but they manage with armour so thick it would be impractical for most. It barely slows them down as well, by all accounts.

They are independently minded and loyal to their masters, just like the Void Striders.

But they can be confuse when leaderless.

A cunning plan starts to formulate itself in your mind. You smile as you put the pieces together......

End of Part 1. Part 2 tomorrow.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Exposition Collision
« Reply #179 on: November 30, 2014, 07:55:14 pm »

If we kill a human leave note saying "The Master demands blood. Bleed anything or die slowly.
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