One thing to remember is that "Feminism" and "Feminists" for that matter are not like "Liberals" or "Conservatives" where there is a very general idea of what they are about.
They are a diverse group of many philosophies, doctrines, and beliefs.
Some are not egalitarian at all and yes, do not believe in equality. Those people existing is not a myth. They are a minority but they still exist (the belief is also more nuanced then I give credit. They mostly believe that males and females are basically ENTIRELY separate, like separate species. Equality would only be one group's equality)
The myth comes from just sort of putting all feminists together into one group.
To ADMIT it isn't anyone's fault for thinking all feminists think alike.
How many times do you see someone claim to be feminist or to have a feminist show, game, or what have you... and they never really clarify what form of feminism they are under... Or even go as far as to "speak for feminism". This is just how feminists portray themselves mind you, we could write books on how others portray them.
Many feminists go by the "if you are not a feminist you are sexist" type of thinking. Even going as far as to say that if you agree with feminism then you are feminist and saying your not is just being stupid.
So this whole skewed belief is something I fully understand and created from both sides of the debate.
Which frankly adds credence to the "everyone is stupid" argument.
Note: I know I sound like I am vilifying feminism... it wasn't my intent... I just didn't want to fill in all the ways society, media, internet misrepresents them. I am simply saying that people who practice feminism are by no means blameless victims when it comes to their misrepresentation.
Average full-time wage lowers as more women join an industry.
Honestly this is probably one of the more interesting subjects EVER if you actually REALLY look into it.
Since if you go into it you go by the premise that "Of course women are just getting less pay because they are being picked on for being women or getting pregnant"... And while you will find that, you will also find that... for example... women are more likely to work for charitable/non-profit organizations or go for more fulfilling less paying jobs.
Turning what was once a simple explanation into something much more complex.
It was actually quite the interesting read.