I'd just like to say that I've been lurking this thread since its beginning (and I read through the whole of the previous childcare thread) and occasionally posting but now for the first time ever I've actually almost finished putting together a proper working childcare! I have all the beds, spikes, tables, chairs, stockpiles and so forth in place, with the water channels filled to 6/7. I'm about a quarter of the way through linking the spikes. The reason that I'm posting is that I have some interesting preliminary findings! I engineered my childcare to use all the efficient principles discovered by Staalo with his - that is, a communal childcare with communal stockpiles and a raised path filled with spikes over water BUT I wanted to make sure the dwarf kiddies picked the right mates because eugenics is fun. So what I did was give them individual bedrooms and dining rooms that they share with one other. Like so:
+vooo KEY:
+vCTo o - wall
+vCTo + - floor with spikes
+Dooo v - trench with water
+vBSo C - chair
+vBSo T - table
+oooo B - bed
S - statue
D - door
This is one unit. One unit contains 2 trainees. Each trainee gets one bed, table, and statue personally assigned to them.
So what is this interesting preliminary finding?
Well, with this setup, each kiddies' only friendship is with their roommate. Not even a passing acquaintance with anyone else. The oldest pair in the childcare have been in for about a year, since before the spikes were in and all the rooms were furnished. So it is possible to get the primary benefit of individual cells - limited relationships - with a communal setup! all trainees get their food and booze from the same stockpile after crossing the same bridge - the thing is that they bring it back across said bridge to eat in their dorms.
It is possible that they may start dropping the food on the way back once the spikes are active, but I consider that an unlikely eventuality, as I have not seen similar behaviour in other dwarves before. If that occurs, I will simply assign them individual dining rooms on the stockpile side of the bridge, but if it doesn't, the bridge should get twice the mileage of young, pokable feet that it would otherwise.
So all in all, things look good in Lanceweakened. Expect more tidbits and screenshots SOONtm