If each of the following 45 counterexamples to an Old Earth has merely a 10% chance of being valid, then the probability that the Earth is billions of years old is only 1%. In other words, the Earth must be young with a likelihood of 99%. [emphasis not mine]
Oh, by the four hells. You pulled that number out of your arse. "Let us assume that I am correct. From that, we can deduce that I am correct. QED."
Scientists, who have been extremely eager to promote the idea of black hole existence, have shown a strong aversion to the white hole theory, even though, like a white hole, a black hole has never been observed directly. This may reflect an anti-creation bias on the part of scientists who are uncomfortable with the idea that matter and energy can be created outside of what scientific theories dictate should happen.
1. Conflating creation of matter with creation of the Universe
2. What the hell? Yes, we're sticking with the
Laws of Thermodynamics Law of Conservation, you got a problem with that?
Exact conservation of energy and momentum are cornerstones of physics. If they weren't valid, the way the universe works would be radically altered.
Bwahaha! You have contradicted yourself!
Some liberal politicians have extrapolated the theory of relativity to metaphorically justify their own political agendas. For example, Democratic President Barack Obama helped publish an article by liberal law professor Laurence Tribe to apply the relativistic concept of "curvature of space" to promote a broad legal right to abortion.[69] As of June 2008, over 170 law review articles have cited this liberal application of the theory of relativity to legal arguments.[70] Applications of the theory of relativity to change morality have also been common.[71] Moreover, there is an unmistakable effort to censor or ostracize criticism of relativity.[72]
My sides are vibrating at a dangerous frequency
Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.
Proof of a Young Earth
Science & Discovery
A stalemate of significant and valid discoveries in the last several decades.[68]
All liberals support the following political positions and practices[6]:
Can you say "demonize"?
The claim that E=mc² has never yielded anything of value
and then
thisis the best