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Should freshly entering mages be given +10/+10 worth of random essences?

- 19 (46.3%)
- 9 (22%)
It should be more than that
- 6 (14.6%)
It should be less than that
- 7 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 41

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Author Topic: Roll to Magic: Turn 268 The finish line  (Read 1213238 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 102 Tarzan, yer' a wizzard.
« Reply #2460 on: August 03, 2015, 08:32:27 pm »

Edit: ((I looked at the charsheet. I think this might be an easy fight. Although I'm curious why Marcus has Necromancy.))
Random thought- why hasn't anyone tried creating minions rather than summoning them with shards? Constructing a personal army would probably be a feasible tactic, given time, essences, and the right affinity.
I'm already working on that.

"Is he offering you eternal youth or something? I can match that, and give you some cool immunities, too. But yes, that is my bid."
"Eternal youth is useless here; I know better than that, and you should too! As for your 'immunities', maybe that's protection from paralyzing or unconsciousness. Meh."
"Well, immunity to pain, poison, negative energy, organ damage, and drowning is pretty nice.
Suddenly, it all becomes clear...
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 104 Luck rolls revealed
« Reply #2461 on: August 03, 2015, 08:33:49 pm »

Turn 105

Now for phase 2

Turn part of the lake into alcohol, no essences
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Dwen prepared to initiate the plan again. The Lake was now not as alcoholic as he'd had wanted, so the first step would be to get the water to become properly poisonous again. Yet this time the poison turned out to be surprisingly vaporous, and the water turned into alcohol gas which formed a cloud just above the water.  At least it's not... It's totally getting blown away by the wind. Great. Whatever plan Dwen had, unless he wanted another try at making lake into vodka, would need to be implemented fast.

pm'd action
2 more essences.
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Gambler continued on with his meditations while his newfound friend decided to do something more ambitious. Seva called from aether a bird of ancient times, one of the first creatures to don feathers. A velociraptor of unusually large size appeared before him. A beast large enough to ride upon. The beast looked around with curiosity, before noticing Seva and wooking in excitement.

more essence

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Flare was sunk in thought. There were so many options to choose from, yet the same applied to his enemies. They were growing stronger as well. Eventually he'd need to kill them, and if he waited until any clash resulted in significant drain of resources for the winner, to choose battle would be to grant victory to bystanders. There was only so long he'd be able to wait.

three essences then eat the things

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Ancano sat down in case the berries made him dizzy and swallowed all three of them. Immediately, he understood what they were. Mana berries. An incredibly rare plant that only grew in places with high ambient magic concentration, so usually only near mage academies practice grounds. When eaten in their raw form, they allowed one to cast spells far faster than normal, with extra power and stability. The speed won't be too useful in this case, but power and stability are easy to make use of.
{Next turn, either one spell at +5/+5 or three spells at +1/+1 without penalties for consecutive casting}

"HeheEheHehEHehe... What a fine view! Though I think it's missing something..."

Summon random clockwork pieces. Create 2 essences
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Whatever he would eventually decide to build, Jiksap knew he'd first need to build something small. Some automated multi-tool or maybe an automated harvester of some kind. Maybe some augmentations or an entirely too elaborate clock, just for the noise. Not knowing where to start, Jiksap decided to let his subconsciousness chose, which meant, conjuring some parts and putting them together. It was like a puzzle. A rather large box filled to the brim with various pieces of clockwork, aetherlamps and other assorted pieces of magitech appeared before Jiksap. Ooh, a large puzzle.

To Tree: "That's good, you can never have too much protection around here. Anything interesting happened while I was gone?"

James could barely remember the last time he could relax, where there wasn't some pressing issue or fight going on. So it's time to relax.
Sit down and summon a tea set. Get some water from the lake and boil it. Check to make sure the magma pit we use for cooking is staying hot, it might be cooling now that the Tree seemingly absorbed its power. Make two cups of the green tea that I accidentally summoned a long time ago, one for James and one for Grundar.
2 healing essences.

{DG: Here's an arena, here's magic powers, now go murder eachother
*Noises of NAV having a tea party with mutant cannibal troll*
DG:I don't even anymore}

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After tree reported nothing too unusual, James thought about what he needed to do next and the list came up empty. Now that dragon was dealt with, there were no more pressing matters, not even a wizard to chase away from the lawn. With this unexpected turn of events, James decided to take the chance to dare fate by relaxing in a small island filled with people who wanted him dead and had power to level cities. Summoning a porcelain tea set proved to be rather trivial, to the point where James began wondering how he ever lived without this ability. The ever burning embers of the fox were still there, still as warm. It took mere minutes to prepare the tea, although Grundar had some difficulties at first picking up the small cup. Only one question still bothered James: Should he summon cake or cookies?

For now, keep observing the thing while I try and make two more force essences.

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The crystal tree regrows lost leaves surprisingly quickly, restoring what was lost in matter of minutes. Crimson was deep in thought about this phenomena. Crystaline structure of any kind should grow slowly, let alone one as complex as this, but it did explain why the tree did not look damaged when he encountered it. Wind gusts were not uncommon this high up in the mountains.

"You attacked a man who specializes in mind control with creatures as weak-minded as bees, and didn't expect this to happen?"

Pm'd stuff.

Kahel gazed at the magnificient beast with a healthy doze of fear. If he could not start an understanding between them, it must be somehow used against Jonas... Which poses its own problems.

Try both normal and temperature means of conversation with magmatic bear.
If beast is not overly hostile - time to gather my resources (shards) under air protection. And do it fast. As well as two essences if I have spare time. Prepare a spell to overheat the air, just in case.
If it is... Well, hopefully, it does not make difference between different mages. Or elves. Or bees. RUN!
To Marcus:

"Actually, I didn't tell them to attack you. Chaotic essences aren't always the best to use for magic. Your death will be quite nice anyway, though."

To Sarrak:

"You dare doth dare strike down my beessss?? How dare doth dare you strike down my beesssss!"

Let's send a PM.
{Goddarn clusterfucks}
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Kahel looked at the bear. It did not look friendly at all. In fact, it was running at him, in an entirely unfriendly manner. Diplomacy failed, he decided to use more forceful approach. The bear froze in place for a moment, its outer shell freeing solid, but soon the shell broke apart and bear began moving towards Kahel again. The results were clear, it was time to go. Temperature mage turned around and ran, leaving other, more stubborn mages to have fun with the creature.

Meanwhile, Marcus was trying to swat away multiple bees that were still controlled by Jonas. Yet there were too many and they were too persistent. Five of them stung Marcus' neck, their poison draining his magical power. Alerim approached Marcus from the side, although even beset by bees Marcus noticed his aproach. Yet between the poison and pain the spell meant to take over elfs' mind filed out, lending Alerim an opening to stab Marcus in the stomach. One of the least harmful possible wounds, it was dangerous nonetheless.
{Marcus, bleedout, 10 turns}

Meanwhile, Jonas was dealing with his own insect problems. Bees that were taken away from him returned, each trying to sting him in the face somewhere. While faring slightly better than Marcus, he still let through a few stings, impairing both his magic reserves and his ability to see. Meanwhile, magma bear turned away from running Kahel, and began moving towards Alerim.

Two more aether essences.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Jace continued meditating. It was surprisingly peaceful here, considering that spaceworthy void was barely fifty meters away. There weren't any life here, not even birds for some strange reason. Not even a shrub or some mountain goat. The mountain was not even that high. Well, some strangeness was to be expected in place such as this.

Make 2 golden(electricity if i can't) essences.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Eterna was busy exploring possibilities of his new toy. Chains moved as he commanded, although the ones stuck in walls would require actual effort to dislodge. Yet when he attempted to focus and store power, he met with unexpected obstacle. It seemed that just as he attempted to seal the power, it slipped through his grasp. It seemed that the throne granted power, but not knowledge.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2462 on: August 03, 2015, 08:47:12 pm »

I'm probably going to take a day off and make the next update on sunday. This is partialy because it's geting hard to think up what to write as random events without repeating myself, partialy because I'm geting bit lay due to vacation and partialy because I want to hear some opinions.

1)Should I be more strict with the rules?

I did not care too much about rules since it became obivious that this is less of arena battle and more of PvE/treasure search/etc., making PvP fairness somewhat less relevant, but i could make a proper ruleset and enforce it. Should I?

2)Should I add a chance of random encounters to every turn?

While wandering, you may chose to look for random events. But they could just *happen* from time to time. say when you are running away with your guts hanging out, or when you just travel somwhere, or mid meditation.

3) Should I add some more stratgic objectives/extra rules for terain?

Curently, all terain is kinda identical, serving only flavor. That could be changed, making lava actualy dangerous and hills actualy slow to move through. Something like random encounters could be added for forest.

4)Should I throw in some ubercreatures to be hunted for great rewards?

A.K.A, Do you want more dragons flying around. Of course, they would not be just dragons, and not all would be that powerfull. They could be diplomanced to help you out, or killed to grant bonuses.

5)Do you feel that something should be added/removed?

Just whatever you'd like to (not) see.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2463 on: August 03, 2015, 08:57:58 pm »


1. Rule Strictness: the rules seem nearly completely nice as they are. In fact, I'd pretty much say they're perfect for what you're trying to do here.
2. Chance of random encounters: perhaps, perhaps random events should happen more often to longer-lived/more powerful mages, and fewer to weaker ones.
3. Small terrain bonuses and maluses might be a good idea if it won't slow your turn-making down too much.
4. Some? One or two might be nice(and they should be mostly optional(easy to run from)).
5a: never mind.
5b: I personally think a permanent +1 to potency rolls should cost 12 shards and not 18.


"Oh no you don't, get back here!"

Use all my non-chaotic bees essences to make all the bees in the area hostile to the mind control mage(one shard for potency), then take Alerim and go after the temperature mage.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 04:56:44 pm by FallacyofUrist »
Generic Arms Race.

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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2464 on: August 03, 2015, 09:03:28 pm »

((It does cost 12))
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2465 on: August 03, 2015, 09:05:06 pm »

((Potency. Each point in the Potency stat costs 6 shards. 3 points equals a +1. 6 times 3 equals 18. Unless I'm misinterpreting the OP.))
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2466 on: August 03, 2015, 09:12:55 pm »

((You can make the game as finicky as you want personally I think you are doing a good job of always having a god to kill))

Use all my essence to create a bubble around me out of the alcohol in the air and the water, the bubble should only let in Oxygen, then enter the water and search for a fountain of Magic

Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2467 on: August 03, 2015, 09:36:06 pm »

((I am in favor of more magical ubercreatures.))
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2468 on: August 03, 2015, 10:30:36 pm »

*chuckles evily*

"The magical poison was a nice touch. There is something(s) you (probably) didn't consider, though."

Pm'd stuff.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2469 on: August 03, 2015, 11:43:15 pm »

3 more essences
I should probably introduce the actual plot soon
7/11 guy, bringer of the apocabeepse. Uplifter of threads. Herald of the hive.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2470 on: August 04, 2015, 01:48:58 am »

((For 1-3, I share FallacyofUrist's opinion.

Following options add complexity to the game and might not be easily implemented...

4. I'd say not only monsters. A few groups, like tribe of goblins - to trade or to war with - are in order. We may not know them, but they should have some ideas of how to deal with mage infestation.
5. Quests. Or clearer goals (stated by the player?). As of now, most mages simply do things for their own amusement. Which is fine, yet...
5+. Several mage NPCs? They can serve as questgivers or use players to achieve their goals more subtly. It is also possible to trade. And, of course, to battle.))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2471 on: August 04, 2015, 03:52:19 am »

Hey, if i wanted to make a permanent magical shield, how much would i have to roll? And i could only make it with fire?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2472 on: August 04, 2015, 07:59:44 am »

1). I think the current rules are probably best. This game's spells are rather creative and freeform, so I imagine it would be counterintuitive to say that something ordinarily quick and simple is difficult and drawn out or nerfed in battle because it would immediately cripple your opponent. That discourages creativity and removes the "battle of wits" aspect from wizard duels.

2). Definitely. Honestly, it seems a little strange that players are running around on a giant, magically created island without any unusual inhabitants. That said, try to give them some variety- not every random encounter should be out for your blood. Also, maybe make them less likely to appear when players are injured and trying to get themselves back in one piece.

3) That sounds good, but judging by the current movement speeds it could make travel painfully slow. Maybe add some bonuses for "normal" travel and flat/ easily navigated terrain such as grassland?

4) Of course! That serves to add a goal and make the game more interesting. Just let us run away if we don't want to get involved.

5) Honestly, I always thought the system of modifiers was a bit strange. When your range of spells is freeform, limited only by the scope of your affinities, one-size-fits-all shortcuts seem a little out of place. Giving a -3 to someone with the "stealth" affinity for making something invisible doesn't make much sense, nor does it make sense for the "animated" modifier to be as difficult for someone using "change."

As I see it, when you put a modifier on something, you're actually enchanting it or granting it some additional property. Why not allow players to enchant and modify properties without restricting them to a small group of adjectives? You could apply control penalties which reflect the degree of separation between their affinities and the new properties, rather than using a rigid system.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2473 on: August 04, 2015, 11:40:11 am »

((Potency. Each point in the Potency stat costs 6 shards. 3 points equals a +1. 6 times 3 equals 18. Unless I'm misinterpreting the OP.))

((Oh. Yeah, that would kinda make sense. POT gets to be worth as much as other stats because it can be used to create buff items, but that could be changed.))

Hey, if i wanted to make a permanent magical shield, how much would i have to roll? And i could only make it with fire?

((Depends on the shield you want. It can be either invulnerable or permanent but not both. It is unlikely to be either with normal casting, though you'd be able to create a specialized shield with your boost. You can't create shield out of fire but you can make it look like it's on fire, making it all but the handle out of solid 500C.))
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Magic: Turn 105 Resisting the swarm is useless,bow to new overlords
« Reply #2474 on: August 04, 2015, 03:04:23 pm »

Take off my tinfoil hat and broken jetpack, into the box they go.

Try to turn my glass cube into some sort of gauntlet or armguard. It would be awesome if it had powered joints to increase my strength, but a non-powered armguard would be okay. This is mostly for aesthetic reasons, I don't want to be carrying around a big weapon or cube all the time.

Summon some scuba gear to hunt for treasure underwater.
Also 2 healing pills.

Ask the tree:
Hey, do you mind growing some furniture? Up to you of course, it's your body."

((It's good to be able to multitask again now that I'm no longer fighting.))
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.
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