Overseer Rendell, Summer report.The first event of Summer was a planter, embarrassed to have no shoes, took a bite out of a farmer in the dining-hall, which sent the farmer a trip to the hospital.
After ordering some more shoes to made I turned my attention back to the well problem, the problem being that the communal burial area was directly were I wanted the cistern for the well to be, I walled the burial hall into two parts as a solution to the problem.
After another wave of migrants appeared; we had too many idle hands, so I ordered the construction of a stone floor on the same floor as the farms to make use of them. A barracks for The Hairy Metals was ordered built, and I decided that the general bedroom area should all be smoothed.
This was also a good time to start building some external fortifications, in-case of a goblin siege. I was starting to worry about this since I had just ordered that candy wafers be made, and the copious amount of gold we have been stockpiling; we still hadn't any weapon traps because of our chronic need for charcoal, which at least we were still gathering wood from the underground forest,it's not like anything would happen to disrupt the efforts there.. right?
As just as I least suspected it this message appeared.
"Nathami, A giant one-eyed wart-hog. Beware its deadly dust!" had appeared on the third level of the caverns.. right where the woodcutters were working, and made a bee-line to them.
An Alarm went out!, and all the woodcutters stopped what they were doing and made a run for the exit. I ordered the way next the dining hall walled up, and The Hairy Metals to watch its completion. If the wood cutter didn't make it in time, they were dead to me. That thing had deadly dust!
Just as "Nathami, the giant one-eyed wart-hog. Beware its deadly dust!" finished climbing to the top of the stair case, the last of the woodcutters came through the exit, and the walls were built.
Now it sits there watching, waiting for its time to strike. It also blocked us out of the candy mines and underground forests.
At least its sitting on a bunch of cage traps.. which gives me an idea..
Also during this time a imp has a strange mood, and creates a perfect gem of some sort; a human caravan arrives and proceeds to slaughter two Kobold thieves that were hiding, and the lower area of the external fort neared completion. As the Humans arrived at our new trade depot, I offered them various trade goods, some of which we got from the elves. A green tree frog, giant snail, and a dead giant Impala in cage, whom I insisted was "only tried, and having a long nap". Needless to say we still have the Impala.
Here's a picture of entrance layer of the fort.
End of Summer Report