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Author Topic: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)  (Read 15808 times)


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2014, 08:34:18 am »

Don't worry, I'll at least prepare a tomb for you, since death is as likely as life.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2014, 11:59:27 am »

Expedition leader's log

14th Moonstone
I meet with the liaison. I tell him to bring wood, seeds, dogs/singe deer/phoenixes, a little bit more plaster, and lye.

15th Moonstone
FallenAngel finishes the tables and chairs, so I tell him to just keep on making them until I tell him to stop. I also tell Gamedragon to make impish bolts out of all our bones.

16th Moonstone
The traders leave. I also order all the tables and chairs built.

20th Moonstone
A kobold is spotted by a merchant and promptly shot to death and burned. Then another kobold is spotted, but this time he is between the merchant and his horse. The merchant sets his horse on fire! After the kobold is dead, the merchant pulls his flaming horse along until it bleeds to death. We get to keep everything, including the dead horse which somehow did not burn away.

28th Moonstone
A disturbance in the greed tells me that a kobold has made off with a +large serrated copper disk+.

19th Opal
I order a bridge built in the entrance and a lever hooked up to it. We should have done this earlier.

22nd Opal
The horse corpse is rotting in the stockpile because Rendell went on break.

1st Obsidian
My time as the leader of the fort is coming to a close. I designate (but not dig) more bedrooms so the first overseer will know how its done. I also put up notes around the fort to help instruct him or her.

7th Obsidian
Miulo is sleeping in the dining hall. Don't ask me why.

14th Obsidian
Miulo set the surface on fire again.

24th Obsidian
Here's what the liaison wants from us:

After telling me that he left.

31st Obsidian
Here's the end-of-year look at the fort:
Spoiler: Upper Fort (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Lower Fort (click to show/hide)

To-do list:
 -dig/build forges
 -dig graveyard
 -dig mines
 -dig central stairs down to caverns
 -make a military, dig barracks
 -fill front hall with traps
 -get singe deer and phoenixes
 -fill dining hall with tables and chairs


Tip: Imps are tiny. Melee weapons are useless. Use crossbows!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 09:52:15 am by TheFlame52 »


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2014, 02:03:00 pm »

I guess it's time for my turn.
I'll use my own methods of madness for cavern-piercing.
Hope you like thin tunnels with cage traps in them. It's both safe AND unnecessary. It does, however, give more meat available, which is always a good thing.
I'll get to it within the hour unless I get absorbed into my fort (both a giant and a hydra reside where I embarked).
Currently looking around, making designations.
The forges will be beneath the main work area because why not.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2014, 02:36:44 pm »

(Note that I'm not great at marking time or remembering what happens, so I'm going to update this quite often.)

From the desk of FallenAngel, local mason local overseer

The first 16 days have gone quite well. The beginnings of a cavern-piercing tunnel are complete; cage traps are being loaded as I write this. Due to the slightly low volume of liquid, I had the brewer brew up some, but not a lot, of drink; three plants worth. Two forges have been constructed; the all-vital smelter needs to have rooms dug out first. As the notes handed to me by Flame informed me, I needed to get the tables completed; seeing how some people aren't fans of eating in a workshop, I complied.

After writing that, it appears the cavern-piercers have struck native gold! Huzzah! In celebration, I have the brewer make one more drink. Attached is a rough sketch of what the beginning of the gold digging looks like.

During Slate, a honey badger wandered into the fort and burned to death. Before then, it managed to hit Gamedragon in the foot. Right after that, migrants arrived. I immediately continued Flame's plans to extend the rooms; currently I'm waiting for the smoke to clear. Honey badgers burn something fierce.

Apparently, one of the random farmers (I think her name is Alar) gave birth to a girl. I hope an implet will be a helpful thing.

I need to keep track of the hunters more. For no reason whatsoever, one of them got the bright idea to attack a Giant Thrips. Lucky for us, it died before anything went awry. We're going to eat bug tonight. And tomorrow night. Basically for the next month, if not longer.

Elves have arrived. The entire fields immediately smell like burning rope reed. After checking upon the farmers, I remove the possibility that they accidentally set some on fire.

We've run out of fresh water; using what I know, I'll have someone pump some salt water into a small hole. The material of the pump absorbs the salt or something.

I have attached an image of the pump setup to this document. Have some random person operate the pump when the connected pool gets low.

It is a fine thing to let it evaporate if there are no wounded in the hospital.

For some reason, the surface is ON FIRE. I somewhat sorta maybe almost hope it doesn't kill the elves, although if it does the surviving stuff will be accepted happily.

Both of the muskox owned by the elves died in the fire. I show no remorse; shouldn't they have fireproof animals?

More migrants arrived. I hope we get a doctor.

For some reason, everyone is acting like there's no source of water for Gamedragon, despite the fact there's a freshwater source RIGHT OUTSIDE THE FORT. Seriously guys, you're supposed to at least pretend to care.

Getting tired of seeing Gamedragon being denied water, I do the most logical thing - have some random fisherman diagnose him, as the chief medical imp. To my surprise, he managed to not diagnose him with something besides the inability to walk. Congratulations, Gamedragon, our first patient and our first surviving patient.

Smelting of the native gold is underway; I plan to use it to make sarcophaguses for Flame and myself; small tombs for the other 5 of the original 7 will be underway soon.

One of the faceless fish cleaners decides it's a good idea to eat a ghost and proceeds to want to make something. It'll probably be a useless trinket.

The humans have arrived with their caravan. I will buy their alcohol and anything else I deem useful. On another note, my burial chamber is partly complete.

The guy made an earring. I'll let you sort this out for yourselves.

The cavern-locating thing is going poorly; either there are no caverns here or we got extremely unlucky; we're bound to hit the magma sea before we hit a cavern.

I have gotten word that the caverns have been breached, at depth -5. A quick check proves that nothing there is demonic.

For reasons I cannot discern, a hunter, who has her own room, decided to sleep in the food stockpile. I can relate to the want of doing so, though.

The month of Limestone has been extremely boring. All that's happened is that I set two random people (a cheesemaker and one of our many fishery workers) to being engravers. We have tons of food and drink as of now.

During late autumn, the impish caravan arrives... the middle of a surface fire. On the bright side, it might finally roast the elves, who have been crapping at the trade depot since spring.

The imp merchants, seeing the fire burn one of their horses to death, turned right around and are starting to leave.
I hope the fire kills another horse, solely in spite.

The diplomat did not leave due to the fire, however, and decided this is good:

A rutherer killed a suicidal hunter. Casket creation/general burial room digging is going to happen, although not very quickly.

Sensing a disturbance in the work, I suspect Flame got taken by a fey mood.

During his mood, we excavated the first layer of a spire. This may just be the greatest discovery I have ever made. I will go down in history.

Flame made a native gold millstone. I fear its sheer value will make us a target for goblins - at slightly under 170k, the thing is incredibly valuable.

A random fire burns into the food stockpile. Due to my foresight, doors prevent it from destroying all our wood. Thankfully, nothing seems to have taken too much damage.

Oh great, someone opened a door and now it's in the wood stockpile. Those who work with wood products should not breathe fire or something like that.

It appears our food was mostly untouched by the blaze - we still have over 800 units of meat, enough to feed a larger fortress.

I hear reports that an implet has died. I wonder whose idea it was to permit children access to the caverns - I never said yes to that.

We are beginning to run critically low on drinks; apparently no barrels are free for liquid storage. I told the carpenter to make barrels non-stop.

The fish cleaner who made our first artifact is trapped underground despite the fact everyone else can access her. A miner even shared the same square with her to dig a tunnel so she could leave. Luckily, there's a water source and people are bringing her food, but she generates tons of cancelations. Stop trying to hunt already.

(OOC: Apparently a torn-open foot is a major injury. Don't worry, Gamedragon, you're still very much alive, just wounded.)


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2014, 03:35:10 pm »

I was going to warn you about honey badgers but I forgot. In another fort of mine (which greatly resembles this one, all my forts are alike) a honey badger, which was wet from walking through the waves, killed three imps before the water evaporated.

Also, every so often, tell the thresher to process plants. When we start our clothing industry, we will need all the thread and cloth we can get.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2014, 03:38:26 pm »

Can do.
The migrant wave brought us up to 42 imps; holy CRAP.
Good thing the new rooms are dug out.
...the farms need expanding...


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2014, 04:10:32 pm »

But I can still make crafts, right? RIGHT?!


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2014, 04:13:34 pm »

When you wake up, yeah.
You probably will after you get a drink and someone bothers to feed you.
We need a doctor.
I doubt anyone in the fort even knows what a scalpel is.
Currently working on plan "Screw salt water".


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2014, 04:22:49 pm »

We need a doctor.
I've always found the butchers make very good doctors. And anyway who needs a scalpel when you have a machete!


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2014, 04:26:29 pm »

Remember the case where a person with a mild cut was diagnosed with rotten lungs?
Can that still happen?
It would be a bit of a bad thing for a founder to die by way of malpractice.
Either way, you're very much alive, thanks to my quick thinking.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2014, 04:31:32 pm »

Either way, you're very much alive, thanks to my quick thinking.
I feel like there is a story behind this! Please do tell.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2014, 04:34:54 pm »

It's a very short and simple tale.

You were wounded in the foot by a honey badger. Despite the fact it's an injury to the foot, you decided to rest for over a season and counting; at some point in early summer, all the fresh water was emptied, leaving you thirsty. Remembering that screw pumps purify water that passes through it, I had one quickly set up, with walls to guide the water into a 5x5 hole. And then you were prevented from dying of thirst. And I celebrated by making stuff out of stone.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2014, 05:02:16 pm »

I've always found the butchers make very good doctors. And anyway who needs a scalpel when you have a machete!

"Apparently a torn-open foot is a major injury. Don't worry, Gamedragon, you're still very much alive, just wounded".

"Remember the case where a person with a mild cut was diagnosed with rotten lungs?
Can that still happen?
It would be a bit of a bad thing for a founder to die by way of malpractice".

As I am "qualified" butcher along with my newly found Hippocratic oath, I think I should be allowed to operate on him.
"Arrh yes I see the problem here.." *grabs hacksaw* "Now your arm well only hurt for a bit, then it will all be over".



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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2014, 05:08:53 pm »

I just chose a random fisher. They're slightly less expendable than cheesemakers (we have one of those now) but also more flexible. And more plentiful, too.
I also took the liberty of making myself Overseer; someone else can change who's the Overseer when they see over the fort. I'm making a tomb for Flame and myself.


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Re: Urorurilar, Imp Fortress (Blood for Armok)
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2014, 07:06:16 pm »

I was going to put platinum corkscrews in my tomb, but then I realized you can't use platinum for that.
I got the platinum nuggets from a human caravan; we seem to have primarily gold and cobaltite.
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