Clean up the acidic piss in the bathroom, and then go home.
[18]The bathroom is crystal clear, that is to say it has holes in the walls big enough to see through.
Go to the in-game store and buy a d20 and a pen.
[4]It's a renaissance setting, people don't use d20s yet.
Reveal that I was secretly a demon lich.
[20]The big demon summons lesser ones to serve it. One of them possesses your body. Well,
now you are one.
[9]You rebuild it in roughly the same time as the first attempt. "Yes, very good. Please move on." A door opens.
[5]You respawn. A gigantic demon is soon to step on your house. You might want to run, but you play music instead.
Search the ruins of that one store for a bottle of Pepsi.
[8]You find a bottle of Coke.
Grab a weapon in case this "ambulance" is not what it seems.
[15]You grab a can of Mace off a shelf of yours. The "ambulance" arrives to your home. A "medic" is knocking on your door.
The researcher doesn't have any suitable falling objects above himself for you to control.
Good bear. Trying to break my bones... Light something and observe the place.
[9]You manage to get your lighter working. The bear lunges at you, but you backpedal and dodge.
Teleport into the mirror dimension with mirror me.
[13]You teleport to switch places with mirror-you. The Mirrorworld looks a lot like the normal world.
Its just a flesh wound! I've got a spare kidney! Take out my handy shank and stab the kidney thief until fatality hapens to him. Then get myself to a PROPER doctor. But one that doesn't ask questions.
[7]You stab the "doctor" and run out to the street, just to collapse. A passerby pulls out his phone to call an ambulance.