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Author Topic: Hephaestus No Longer Exists: Crater thread.  (Read 198369 times)


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #390 on: August 04, 2014, 01:16:07 pm »

"I really, really do hate to interrupt, but Anton has a point.  We've got a lot of work to do, and this is just sucking up time for both of you.  If you need to do this, at least discuss it over comms, so we can actually get things done."

Saint then sends a private message to Miyamoto, through whatever advanced quantum entanglement facilities we have.  He does not inform any other Hephaestus personnel of this.
Quote from: From Hephaestus STE Officer Steve Saint to ARM General Miyamoto De Bergerac

I am sending this message to request an estimate of exactly how many sods you will be needing in near-future operations.  I'm sure that you would like as many as possible, but as-is, we have little idea whether you'll need hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or more.  Naturally, the more sods we send you, the less production capacity we'll have to spare, so we don't want to produce more than is necessary.

Additionally, the vast majority of the sods that we will be sending are going to be brains in robotic bodies.  They are far cheaper and faster to produce and maintain than normal fully flesh sods, even beyond the obvious combat advantages they have.  If you'll need flesh sods in particular for some reason, that would be good to know.

Thank you.

1.Ask ARESTEVE to start expanding our current fleshpit facilities: I'd like four more, two producing brains, two normal body sods.  If possible, I'd like a timeline for their completion.

2.Request that ARESTEVE begin building the infrastructure required for producing custom brains, for use in wetware.  Preferably, good enough to produce any brains we might have need for- including human brains.

3.Get the completion date for 2.

4.The below spoiler contains the FULL information (seriously, took awhile to sift through and compile.  I can provide links to the design posts if needed) for the Testament LSW.  The shard rifle.

5.I want to know how many tokens it would cost, were we to put it into mass production and have it be included in the sword's new armory.  I do not want the cost of the suit that is needed to use it- only the rifle alone.

6.Cosmetic modifications that I'd like, but don't want if they would increase the price: Write 'Steve Saint's TESTAMENT Light Shard Weapon' on... whatever passes for the receiver.  Add accessory rails to the obvious places on the gun, for attaching accessories.  Use whatever is closest to standard.

7.Take a look at the MK.I prototype I modified for use with the gun (Spoiler below), and compare it with the MK.II and the UWM MK.I.  How do the latter two items get rid of the heat fins of the normal MK.I?  I'd like to integrate it into this prototype.
Spoiler: Power Suit: (click to show/hide)

8.If I can, try and put transparent 'windows' on the suit, over the spots where a robotic body's more important extra eyes are located.  On the chest, and on the index fingers, IIRC.  If this would interfere with the perfect insulation that the suit has, put removable caps of the material over them.

9.If we started mass producing this suit, would it be possible to start issuing it for free, rather than the old MK.I?
4 more fleshpits of the size of the current one? Those will take a long while, remember, the original was built during a year long time skip. There's a lot of infrastructure and construction to go with it. Think about a month per pit.

Customized brains huh? The Biochemical forge then? Alright, We'll break ground on that one first.

About a month.

Rifle only, mass produced, about 4 tokens. Magazines would cost 2 tokens.

Wouldn't cost enough extra to matter, ie to effect token end costs

They use full body radiators, still throwing off the same amount of thermal energy, but over their entire body (minus feet) so that the heat on any individual part is much smaller.

If the windows are small, they shouldn't interfere too much.

Hmmm. Free. No. But 1 token would do it. We could just have people start with 4 tokens instead of 5 and it would cover the costs.

((This whole thing has fallen into a mockery of any kind of order. I suppose it's technically my job to reinstate it. Sorry to do this to you guys, but if we actually want to make anything in any decent time, focus will probably help.

And have I mentioned that I (OOC-wise) don't like how Saint is apparently ADHD to the point of working on 3 completely different projects (Sod stuff, his PSL, AND a suit) all at once? That just seems entirely unlike any human. Ever.))

Anton, I'm not sure you're seeing my point. I don't care as much that your plan, whatever it was, failed - that has passed. In fact, even if it had worked, we would still be having this conversation, because what I care about right now is that you failed to inform me of the plan or the fact you were putting it into action. I am responsible for all that goes on here, and that includes what you and other ARM personnel do. But that responsibility entails your own of keeping me informed. Am I making myself clear?

Now, we have more important business to attend to than any one of us personally attending the filling in of the newly-radioactive shaft and large blast crater, or even than recovering and fixing your, no offense, jury-rig gunship. Let Aresteve and automated systems work on those. Anton, since you seem to have such an interest in it, I'm assigning you the task of getting us at least some kind of proper defense fleet. A few jury-rigged ships and some heavily damaged hulks in orbit won't be much good when the UWM knocks down our door wanting their planet back. We're also going to need some ships to take what we make to the Sword and probably other ARM ships - right now, I believe we have maybe one. Take UWM designs, modify them, or make your own, put together some possible compositions, and come back to me for review.

Saint, I've an assignment for you as well, if you're done with the implanting stuff: They're still putting ARM soldiers in Mk-series suits out there, for those who've not done anything to earn better. It's practically criminal that those things even still are around, though considering what the HMRC was, that would be appropriate. Make or modify a new standard suit - no bells, no whistles, just a suit that can actually replace the Mk1 for the ARM. I might join you for a few moments with an idea or two to consider, as well. As with Anton, when you're done, bring it back to me.

Charles, Miyamoto has something he wants your help with.

Quote from: Commissary Simus > General Miyamoto
A little bit of havoc - but nothing that couldn't be solved with the application of an orbital strike. I wish I was kidding when I said that. You recall the flesh horror that was left here, burrowing? It's gone. Other than that, and finding out I need to put my foot down a little hard to get any kind of focus, it's fine. How are things in our subjective future?

Anyways, materials testing we can do, though I'm wondering exactly how high-volume you're thinking, and what exactly you'll be testing that can't be done in a simulated environment.

And sure, you can borrow Charles for a bit - I had something in mind for him, but it can wait, it's not like the other guy's going anywhere soon.

Orders. Proper ones. They are being given. I know at least two people are going to be happy about it (and I'm not sure if I would be another).
Orders being ordered.

I don't see one that makes me do things. Yay.

Anton Chernozorov

"Aye, aye. Executive Overseer Simus. Just making sure you don't lose sight of what's important."

Anton makes some final taps on the datapad and leaves the room.

Right, then.

Check on the status of the Merchant (salvaged transport ship that hauls a long string of cargo containers and needs booster rockets to reach orbit). Is it FTL-capable? If not, what would it take to make it FTL-capable, and do we have the resources to do it in a reasonable time? (the Blackship was stripped of its FTL equipment when it was converted to the Black Death - can we use that?) Are there limits to what type of cargo it can carry, or does that just depend on the containers used?

Have Aresteve scan Hephaestus orbital space using any means at his disposal, and make a map of all the debris and wrecked ships we still have there. How many ships are there that seem to be worthwhile salvage (i.e. in big enough pieces to at least get parts from)? Anything reasonably intact besides what delivered the orbital strike?

Get an estimate on how hard it would be/how long it would take to recreate the Black Death. Not exactly as it was, but as a purpose-designed fast small ship with an oversized laser or plasma cannon. It did good at the fleet battle despite being very much out of its depth, so having a few would make at least a worthwhile asset.

Check the Hephaestus database for common defense ship classes that we could produce. Check if orbital minefields are still in use by the UWM.

And don't let any repair bots near the Party Wagon. If we have the capability, airlift it to the docks so I can repair it myself later.

You tap on your pad.

Simus suddenly stops talking at the end of her speech.

"I appear to be seeing you all through the cameras in this room now."  Her head turns to look at Anton and all the cameras in the room turn with it.

"Would you happen to know anything about this anton?"

You throw your hands up and wiggle your fingers in a way you hope comes off as endearing.

She seems positively unendeared.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #391 on: August 04, 2014, 01:22:50 pm »

Anton Chernozorov

"Well, I know that I fail as a hacker, for one. But since I still managed to produce an effect, I'd say Saint needs to work on our remote access security after all. Standard UWM access procedures still work.

I also did say I wanted to keep my hands away from you, XO. Sorry. No harm meant.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #392 on: August 04, 2014, 05:39:19 pm »

Quote from: Commissary Simus > General Miyamoto
A little bit of havoc - but nothing that couldn't be solved with the application of an orbital strike. I wish I was kidding when I said that. You recall the flesh horror that was left here, burrowing? It's gone. Other than that, and finding out I need to put my foot down a little hard to get any kind of focus, it's fine. How are things in our subjective future?
Anyways, materials testing we can do, though I'm wondering exactly how high-volume you're thinking, and what exactly you'll be testing that can't be done in a simulated environment.
And sure, you can borrow Charles for a bit - I had something in mind for him, but it can wait, it's not like the other guy's going anywhere soon.

Quote from: Miyamoto to Simus
Well... I guess it's good to know that particular loose end is now nicely tied up.

And a lot of it can probably be VR-tested, but I'm not sure it'll be enough. VR isn't perfect, after all. And you'll probably want to set up those automated systems. Right now, I'm thinking of using, at the very least, ten different materials, and then testing combinations of those with 2 or 3 components each time at least. And then different ways of combining them. VR can sift through the majority of the possibilities and determine which ones are useless, but for the final selection I'll need real-life testing to be sure what works best, and I think I may end up with dozens of options, depending on how rigid I set up the VR simulation parameters.

"Understood Ma'am."
Miyamoto... isn't that one of the commanders of this whole jig? Odd... if it was about propaganda I would have thought Lars would have been the one to contact me...
Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Awaiting your orders, sir.
Charles frowned, or rather attempt to frown, briefly forgetting that the lack of a facial muscles made is rather difficult to form any expression without the assistance of the display unit. Should his message be more enthusiastic? Formal? Though brevity certainly does seem to be better considering that the General was presumably quite busy. Shrugging, he sends the message.

Quote from: Miyamoto to Charles
Very well. Now, I suppose you know that, in order to win this war, we'll need to persuade the current UWM population to rebel, and preferably join our cause. For that, I was planning to create training videos to teach future insurgents how to fight their oppressors. As a part of this, I'll need propaganda videos, meant to help convince those people of our cause and the need to take action.

My mission for you would be to create those videos. Lars is supposed to be head of propaganda, but because he's on mission right now I'm gonna ask you to think about how you'd go about it, to lay out some plans. Then, when he returns from his mission, the two of you can work on those vids together. You can continue working for Simus while you wait, just keep it in the back of your mind or work on it in your spare time if you want to. I'll brief Lars once he gets back.

I'm gonna give you carte blanche, meaning you two can go about this however you think works best. However, one big rule is that you do NOT post anything on the internet before I and Steve have looked it over. ARM needs to look like a professional, dedicated organization if we are to convince these people to risk their life for freedom.

Oh, and a word to the wise: try to prevent Lars from... going overboard on certain aspects. You know what I mean.

This is the task I lay before you, because I think you are the men with the skills and knowledge to bring this to a fruitful end.

Do you accept?

Question for you, pw: since I'm on mission, I refrained from posting in Tinker. Would you mind however if Miya started asking ARESTEVE to begin with research or construction on Hep?

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #393 on: August 04, 2014, 10:34:21 pm »

Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Understood sir. I shall endeavor to do so to the best of my ability, you have my assurances that, until I am assigned duties by my commander (my services are not required as much considering that they are not as applicable to more recent matters), I shall make this project my priority.
Charles sends the message before softly muttering under his (simulated) breath:
"A bit of black and white ought to go a long way here... maybe a few shades of grey as well..."

Contact ARESTEVE and inquire about the following:
  • What have the most successful and unsuccessful UWM propaganda videos been? Are copies of them available?
  • How well can the source of a video on the internet be traced? What measures can be impede this process?
  • Is it possible to falsify the source?
  • Are there any good ways to ensure that something with a 'false source' is traced back to another false source?
  • Are there any good ways to use subliminal messages in a way that seems effective in theory, fails in practice and can be found out relatively quickly, yet is still covert enough to make it seem like it's discovery was unintended?
  • What information is available is on the more covert or enigmatic UWM military units (also acquire metaknowledge on the development of the Arbiter's of Peace in terms of how they originally crab walked or ran like a monkey)?
  • Got anything the UWM really doesn't want its civilians to know but if mentioned would actually be believable?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 10:53:14 pm by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #394 on: August 05, 2014, 09:32:34 pm »

If eyes without iris nor pupils (or without eyes, from the cameras currently slaved to her against her will) could give death glares, Anton would now be receiving one.

Anton, reverse that immediately. Do anything like that again and I will be rethinking your continued work here.

Await the 'hacking' to be reversed. As soon as it is, head back into private VR and sends a few messages:

Quote from: Simus > Saint
You might try starting from the basics. There are at least two ways of providing pressure, and one does not depressurize the user if the suit is damaged - mechanical counter-pressure. Perhaps base a new suit off of that?
Quote from: Simus>Aresteve
Please ready a lab or several for high-throughput materials testing.
Quote from:  Commissary Simus > General Miyamoto
Trust me, I didn't want to take care of it in such an over-the-top manner, but one of us decided to 'poke' it with a neutron bomb (one of several I was intending to use to mostly, if not completely, eliminate it with with one coordinated strike) without telling me. It didn't like that, put simply.

Anyways, I'm having some labs set up now. You guys find anything interesting out there, or is this something you've come up with yourself?

Then pulls up a listing of modern UWM infantry weapons (excluding the ones that are the same) and compares them to the ones the HMRC currently equips its soldiers with.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 11:06:15 pm by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #395 on: August 06, 2014, 09:17:45 am »

Quote from: Simus>Aresteve
Please ready a lab or several for high-throughput materials testing.
Quote from:  Commissary Simus > General Miyamoto
Trust me, I didn't want to take care of it in such an over-the-top manner, but one of us decided to 'poke' it with a neutron bomb (one of several I was intending to use to mostly, if not completely, eliminate it with with one coordinated strike) without telling me. It didn't like that, put simply.

Anyways, I'm having some labs set up now. You guys find anything interesting out there, or is this something you've come up with yourself?

Quote from: Miyamoto to Simus
Hmm, sounds like you need to get more clear with your subordinates on when and how to coordinate your efforts. But I'm sure you'll work it out.

It's something that might incorporate some alien stuff we encountered before, though I don't know that myself for sure. I could brief you on the details of the project if you'd like.

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #396 on: August 06, 2014, 09:32:46 am »

After talking things through with Pw and Pyro, we decided on what to do with the scientists, as well as those civilian workers on Hep. The details are as follows:

1) We say the scientists are on Hep already (easiest for all involved) and then create three (3) SCIENCE! crews.

2) We say the indentured workers still on Hep form three CONSTRUCTION! crews (there are about 150-200 workers there, so each unit would be 50 people, and include support staff and such).

3) Each SCIENCE! crew represents a coherent 'unit' and can be attached (as a whole) to a research/engineering project to increase its odds, decrease real-life time needed, work on something on their own (e.g. "start testing this artifact"), or whatever is appropriate.

4) Each CONSTRUCTION! crew represents a coherent 'unit' and can be attached (as a whole) to a build/maintenance project to increase its odds, decrease real-life time needed, work on something on their own (e.g. "start setting up automated mines on that moon"), or whatever is appropriate.

5) To keep things simple, a crew cannot, under any circumstance, be reassigned to another task until it's current one is finished.

6) Any crewmember on Hep can commit a SCIENCE! crew without strict permission from Simus/Pyro (= Pyro putting it in his bolded action or through pm). The players might be asked to have their characters notify Simus in-game first, but even if they don't then pw will not stop the action from completing. Simus might chew them out in-game though.

7) Any crewmember on Hep can commit a CONSTRUCTION! crew, but needs strict permission from Simus/Pyro (through Pyro putting it in his bolded action or through pm). Without strict permission from Pyro/Simus, pw will not run the action, and the CONSTRUCTION! crew will not be committed. Note that this is for committing crews, for the actual starting of projects you will need to work out with Pyro how to arrange that.

8 ) Steve and his three generals can commit both kinds of crews, and do not need Simus' strict permission, either in-game or through Pyro's bolded action (for the record, I plan on Miya keeping Simus in the loop as much as possible, but this ensures that, should Pyro be unable to post for a long while due to real life, these crews are still usable, since Hep people can ask a general for permission).

9) It is possible to get new crews of either flavor, but they can't be cloned or grown, they need to be normal humans, and will need to be recruited. Due to time dilation, it should take a good while for them to be 'built' (=to arrive in the system) even if recruitment is successful (which is not guaranteed).

10) We use the wiki to keep track of them all, and the one committing the crew is asked to make the change to the wiki if he can.

Barring people pointing out critical problems, this stuff takes effect as of now. Any questions can be asked in the OOC thread (to keep this thread IC).

Note that these rules are for committing the crews. For simply ordering ARESTEVE to build or research stuff on his own, Hep people will have to work out with Pyro how they'll handle that.

For example:

Piecewise, building a new fleshpit takes a month (30 days). If we were to assign a CONSTRUCTION! crew to the task, how would that influence the construction time?

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #397 on: August 06, 2014, 09:57:18 am »

Fleshy stuff:

1.Did you mean to say that we can either construct a fleshpit OR the brain forge thingy?

2.If yes, construct a new fleshpit, setup for full-body sods.  Brain forge's important, but sods moreso.

3.Can we expand the current fleshpit deeper, without halting production on anything else?

4.If so, start expanding it.  Timeline?

The Testament shard rifle:

5.You said the gun would cost 4t, and the magazine 2t.  Just to make sure, does the magazine come free with initial purchase?

6. ...If so, can I just get rid of the small magazine, and only provide the large one?

7. I know they barely matter, but what are the Testament's range bonuses/penalties?

8.What is the Testament's stat requirement?

9.Suit thing: Look up some method to make a spacesuit  self-sealing, to prevent decompression.  Mechanical counterpressure?

"Simus, I... Don't think I'm the best person for that job.  I'm not really sure how you could do that, while maintaining a suit that's cheap to produce.  Auto-sealing twenty millimeter holes?  Seems difficult."

((As Saint says, I have little idea how to do that.  As far as 'mechanical counterpressure', I think you mean this, and I'm pretty sure the MK suits are already like that.  Even looking on wikipedia for self sealing spacesuits, the only thing that comes up is spacesuits in fiction.  Even then, the closest thing is Forever War's spacesuits, which are what MK.II suits are supposed to be.

Eh.  Perhaps I could include a layer some type of insulative gel that rapidly expands and hardens under low pressures?  Maybe that'd work...))

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #398 on: August 06, 2014, 10:14:29 am »

Anton Chernozorov

If eyes without iris nor pupils (or without eyes, from the cameras currently slaved to her against her will) could give death glares, Anton would now be receiving one.

Anton, reverse that immediately. Do anything like that again and I will be rethinking your continued work here.

Anton starts typing on the datapad again, muttering under his breath - though likely not quite quietly enough for Simus not to hear. "Aye, aye. ye ought to reconsider those overkill tendencies, or I might reconsider my stay here..."

He types a little more and suddenly chuckles. "Heh. XO, you sure you don't want Saint to help me with this? Myopic monkey doing eye surgery here, in terms of coding skill. Hopefully this thing saved the original settings..."

Undo whatever I managed to do with Simus' optical feeds. Can I take 20 on this? (Or take 5, as it were. I.e. autosucceed, taking as much time as needed to keep trying.)

If/when that is hopefully successful, repeat the action sequence from last turn:

Right, then.

Check on the status of the Merchant (salvaged transport ship that hauls a long string of cargo containers and needs booster rockets to reach orbit). Is it FTL-capable? If not, what would it take to make it FTL-capable, and do we have the resources to do it in a reasonable time? (the Blackship was stripped of its FTL equipment when it was converted to the Black Death - can we use that?) Are there limits to what type of cargo it can carry, or does that just depend on the containers used?

Have Aresteve scan Hephaestus orbital space using any means at his disposal, and make a map of all the debris and wrecked ships we still have there. How many ships are there that seem to be worthwhile salvage (i.e. in big enough pieces to at least get parts from)? Anything reasonably intact besides what delivered the orbital strike?

Get an estimate on how hard it would be/how long it would take to recreate the Black Death. Not exactly as it was, but as a purpose-designed fast small ship with an oversized laser or plasma cannon. It did good at the fleet battle despite being very much out of its depth, so having a few would make at least a worthwhile asset.

Check the Hephaestus database for common defense ship classes that we could produce. Check if orbital minefields are still in use by the UWM.

And don't let any repair bots near the Party Wagon. If we have the capability, airlift it to the docks so I can repair it myself later.

Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #399 on: August 06, 2014, 10:57:19 am »

Quote from: Commissary Simus > General Miyamoto
A little bit of havoc - but nothing that couldn't be solved with the application of an orbital strike. I wish I was kidding when I said that. You recall the flesh horror that was left here, burrowing? It's gone. Other than that, and finding out I need to put my foot down a little hard to get any kind of focus, it's fine. How are things in our subjective future?
Anyways, materials testing we can do, though I'm wondering exactly how high-volume you're thinking, and what exactly you'll be testing that can't be done in a simulated environment.
And sure, you can borrow Charles for a bit - I had something in mind for him, but it can wait, it's not like the other guy's going anywhere soon.

Quote from: Miyamoto to Simus
Well... I guess it's good to know that particular loose end is now nicely tied up.

And a lot of it can probably be VR-tested, but I'm not sure it'll be enough. VR isn't perfect, after all. And you'll probably want to set up those automated systems. Right now, I'm thinking of using, at the very least, ten different materials, and then testing combinations of those with 2 or 3 components each time at least. And then different ways of combining them. VR can sift through the majority of the possibilities and determine which ones are useless, but for the final selection I'll need real-life testing to be sure what works best, and I think I may end up with dozens of options, depending on how rigid I set up the VR simulation parameters.

"Understood Ma'am."
Miyamoto... isn't that one of the commanders of this whole jig? Odd... if it was about propaganda I would have thought Lars would have been the one to contact me...
Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Awaiting your orders, sir.
Charles frowned, or rather attempt to frown, briefly forgetting that the lack of a facial muscles made is rather difficult to form any expression without the assistance of the display unit. Should his message be more enthusiastic? Formal? Though brevity certainly does seem to be better considering that the General was presumably quite busy. Shrugging, he sends the message.

Quote from: Miyamoto to Charles
Very well. Now, I suppose you know that, in order to win this war, we'll need to persuade the current UWM population to rebel, and preferably join our cause. For that, I was planning to create training videos to teach future insurgents how to fight their oppressors. As a part of this, I'll need propaganda videos, meant to help convince those people of our cause and the need to take action.

My mission for you would be to create those videos. Lars is supposed to be head of propaganda, but because he's on mission right now I'm gonna ask you to think about how you'd go about it, to lay out some plans. Then, when he returns from his mission, the two of you can work on those vids together. You can continue working for Simus while you wait, just keep it in the back of your mind or work on it in your spare time if you want to. I'll brief Lars once he gets back.

I'm gonna give you carte blanche, meaning you two can go about this however you think works best. However, one big rule is that you do NOT post anything on the internet before I and Steve have looked it over. ARM needs to look like a professional, dedicated organization if we are to convince these people to risk their life for freedom.

Oh, and a word to the wise: try to prevent Lars from... going overboard on certain aspects. You know what I mean.

This is the task I lay before you, because I think you are the men with the skills and knowledge to bring this to a fruitful end.

Do you accept?

Question for you, pw: since I'm on mission, I refrained from posting in Tinker. Would you mind however if Miya started asking ARESTEVE to begin with research or construction on Hep?

No, thats fine.

Quote from: C. Leroux > General M. De Bergerac
Understood sir. I shall endeavor to do so to the best of my ability, you have my assurances that, until I am assigned duties by my commander (my services are not required as much considering that they are not as applicable to more recent matters), I shall make this project my priority.
Charles sends the message before softly muttering under his (simulated) breath:
"A bit of black and white ought to go a long way here... maybe a few shades of grey as well..."

Contact ARESTEVE and inquire about the following:
  • What have the most successful and unsuccessful UWM propaganda videos been? Are copies of them available?
  • How well can the source of a video on the internet be traced? What measures can be impede this process?
  • Is it possible to falsify the source?
  • Are there any good ways to ensure that something with a 'false source' is traced back to another false source?
  • Are there any good ways to use subliminal messages in a way that seems effective in theory, fails in practice and can be found out relatively quickly, yet is still covert enough to make it seem like it's discovery was unintended?
  • What information is available is on the more covert or enigmatic UWM military units (also acquire metaknowledge on the development of the Arbiter's of Peace in terms of how they originally crab walked or ran like a monkey)?
  • Got anything the UWM really doesn't want its civilians to know but if mentioned would actually be believable?
1. Hard to quantify that; it's almost impossible to track proUWM actions back to specific sources, but if we judge based on the highest spikes of enrollment after certain advertising and propaganda campaigns, the most successful were the ones following the initial formation of the UWM during the altered wars (Unsurprising) and ones that not only demonized the enemy and glorified the cause, but also offered some sort of incentive to join, such as pay, free travel or training, etc.

2.Depends on the paper trail, so to speak. They could definitely trace it back to wherever it was uploaded from, and maybe where the video was created and with what by dissecting data from the video and looking for landmarks or clues in the footage. But, as long as you didn't use some highly specific video program and uploaded it from a public terminal somewhere, then the chances of them being able to trace it back to you or the sword or anything like that specifically are small. But if you produce several different videos they'll probably be able to rather definitively link them together unless you take steps to make sure you differentiate them.


4.The easiest is to run them through those false sources. Sneak it into the server of some small production company and have them automatically publish it, something like that.

5. One frame every now and again should work.

6.What kind of information? General or what?

7. Hmm. It's problematic because general knowledge and opinion differs by world. Get info about how Magistars are generally ineffectual to certain planets and they'll freak out, while other planets will be completely unimpressed.

If eyes without iris nor pupils (or without eyes, from the cameras currently slaved to her against her will) could give death glares, Anton would now be receiving one.

Anton, reverse that immediately. Do anything like that again and I will be rethinking your continued work here.

Await the 'hacking' to be reversed. As soon as it is, head back into private VR and sends a few messages:

Quote from: Simus > Saint
You might try starting from the basics. There are at least two ways of providing pressure, and one does not depressurize the user if the suit is damaged - mechanical counter-pressure. Perhaps base a new suit off of that?
Quote from: Simus>Aresteve
Please ready a lab or several for high-throughput materials testing.
Quote from:  Commissary Simus > General Miyamoto
Trust me, I didn't want to take care of it in such an over-the-top manner, but one of us decided to 'poke' it with a neutron bomb (one of several I was intending to use to mostly, if not completely, eliminate it with with one coordinated strike) without telling me. It didn't like that, put simply.

Anyways, I'm having some labs set up now. You guys find anything interesting out there, or is this something you've come up with yourself?

Then pulls up a listing of modern UWM infantry weapons (excluding the ones that are the same) and compares them to the ones the HMRC currently equips its soldiers with.
It's basically just gonna be more of the same with modifications to make them less powerful. At least with basic infantry.

After talking things through with Pw and Pyro, we decided on what to do with the scientists, as well as those civilian workers on Hep. The details are as follows:

1) We say the scientists are on Hep already (easiest for all involved) and then create three (3) SCIENCE! crews.

2) We say the indentured workers still on Hep form three CONSTRUCTION! crews (there are about 150-200 workers there, so each unit would be 50 people, and include support staff and such).

3) Each SCIENCE! crew represents a coherent 'unit' and can be attached (as a whole) to a research/engineering project to increase its odds, decrease real-life time needed, work on something on their own (e.g. "start testing this artifact"), or whatever is appropriate.

4) Each CONSTRUCTION! crew represents a coherent 'unit' and can be attached (as a whole) to a build/maintenance project to increase its odds, decrease real-life time needed, work on something on their own (e.g. "start setting up automated mines on that moon"), or whatever is appropriate.

5) To keep things simple, a crew cannot, under any circumstance, be reassigned to another task until it's current one is finished.

6) Any crewmember on Hep can commit a SCIENCE! crew without strict permission from Simus/Pyro (= Pyro putting it in his bolded action or through pm). The players might be asked to have their characters notify Simus in-game first, but even if they don't then pw will not stop the action from completing. Simus might chew them out in-game though.

7) Any crewmember on Hep can commit a CONSTRUCTION! crew, but needs strict permission from Simus/Pyro (through Pyro putting it in his bolded action or through pm). Without strict permission from Pyro/Simus, pw will not run the action, and the CONSTRUCTION! crew will not be committed. Note that this is for committing crews, for the actual starting of projects you will need to work out with Pyro how to arrange that.

8 ) Steve and his three generals can commit both kinds of crews, and do not need Simus' strict permission, either in-game or through Pyro's bolded action (for the record, I plan on Miya keeping Simus in the loop as much as possible, but this ensures that, should Pyro be unable to post for a long while due to real life, these crews are still usable, since Hep people can ask a general for permission).

9) It is possible to get new crews of either flavor, but they can't be cloned or grown, they need to be normal humans, and will need to be recruited. Due to time dilation, it should take a good while for them to be 'built' (=to arrive in the system) even if recruitment is successful (which is not guaranteed).

10) We use the wiki to keep track of them all, and the one committing the crew is asked to make the change to the wiki if he can.

Barring people pointing out critical problems, this stuff takes effect as of now. Any questions can be asked in the OOC thread (to keep this thread IC).

Note that these rules are for committing the crews. For simply ordering ARESTEVE to build or research stuff on his own, Hep people will have to work out with Pyro how they'll handle that.

For example:

Piecewise, building a new fleshpit takes a month (30 days). If we were to assign a CONSTRUCTION! crew to the task, how would that influence the construction time?

Hmm. Lets go with a decreasing returns model.

1 Crew means it takes 30% less time
2 Crews means it takes 50% less time
3 Crews means it takes 60% less time.

Rounded down.

Fleshy stuff:

1.Did you mean to say that we can either construct a fleshpit OR the brain forge thingy?

2.If yes, construct a new fleshpit, setup for full-body sods.  Brain forge's important, but sods moreso.

3.Can we expand the current fleshpit deeper, without halting production on anything else?

4.If so, start expanding it.  Timeline?

The Testament shard rifle:

5.You said the gun would cost 4t, and the magazine 2t.  Just to make sure, does the magazine come free with initial purchase?

6. ...If so, can I just get rid of the small magazine, and only provide the large one?

7. I know they barely matter, but what are the Testament's range bonuses/penalties?

8.What is the Testament's stat requirement?

9.Suit thing: Look up some method to make a spacesuit  self-sealing, to prevent decompression.  Mechanical counterpressure?

"Simus, I... Don't think I'm the best person for that job.  I'm not really sure how you could do that, while maintaining a suit that's cheap to produce.  Auto-sealing twenty millimeter holes?  Seems difficult."

((As Saint says, I have little idea how to do that.  As far as 'mechanical counterpressure', I think you mean this, and I'm pretty sure the MK suits are already like that.  Even looking on wikipedia for self sealing spacesuits, the only thing that comes up is spacesuits in fiction.  Even then, the closest thing is Forever War's spacesuits, which are what MK.II suits are supposed to be.

Eh.  Perhaps I could include a layer some type of insulative gel that rapidly expands and hardens under low pressures?  Maybe that'd work...))
1.No. You can get them both started at the same time.
3.Yes, but it's really going to be the same kind of work, digging more room out, getting everything constructed, etc.
4. Depends of you use a construction crew. About the same, otherwise.
6.Yes, ya system gaming massenfrasen
7.Similar to the shard launcher, in theory. Middle range is best.
8. I suppose that the current method of chopping off limbs isn't to your liking? Eh. The problem is that we could probably seal small holes in several ways. But small holes are rarely the problem. A hole the size of a baseball is going to be hard to seal using anything except compartmentalization, at least as far as my brain can see.

Anton Chernozorov

If eyes without iris nor pupils (or without eyes, from the cameras currently slaved to her against her will) could give death glares, Anton would now be receiving one.

Anton, reverse that immediately. Do anything like that again and I will be rethinking your continued work here.

Anton starts typing on the datapad again, muttering under his breath - though likely not quite quietly enough for Simus not to hear. "Aye, aye. ye ought to reconsider those overkill tendencies, or I might reconsider my stay here..."

He types a little more and suddenly chuckles. "Heh. XO, you sure you don't want Saint to help me with this? Myopic monkey doing eye surgery here, in terms of coding skill. Hopefully this thing saved the original settings..."

Undo whatever I managed to do with Simus' optical feeds. Can I take 20 on this? (Or take 5, as it were. I.e. autosucceed, taking as much time as needed to keep trying.)

If/when that is hopefully successful, repeat the action sequence from last turn:

Right, then.

Check on the status of the Merchant (salvaged transport ship that hauls a long string of cargo containers and needs booster rockets to reach orbit). Is it FTL-capable? If not, what would it take to make it FTL-capable, and do we have the resources to do it in a reasonable time? (the Blackship was stripped of its FTL equipment when it was converted to the Black Death - can we use that?) Are there limits to what type of cargo it can carry, or does that just depend on the containers used?

Have Aresteve scan Hephaestus orbital space using any means at his disposal, and make a map of all the debris and wrecked ships we still have there. How many ships are there that seem to be worthwhile salvage (i.e. in big enough pieces to at least get parts from)? Anything reasonably intact besides what delivered the orbital strike?

Get an estimate on how hard it would be/how long it would take to recreate the Black Death. Not exactly as it was, but as a purpose-designed fast small ship with an oversized laser or plasma cannon. It did good at the fleet battle despite being very much out of its depth, so having a few would make at least a worthwhile asset.

Check the Hephaestus database for common defense ship classes that we could produce. Check if orbital minefields are still in use by the UWM.

And don't let any repair bots near the Party Wagon. If we have the capability, airlift it to the docks so I can repair it myself later.

You undo what you did and she only shocks you a little bit.

1. Not as it is. A big fucking engine and the automanips to reduce mass as it reaches relativistic speeds. If you stripped them from other ships, yes. You could probably find what you need floating around in that battlefield up in space. The Blackship's stuff is too small for a large cargo ship. Alternatively, you could just use one of the cruisers out in orbit, once you repair it that is.

2.There are 3-4 ships what are still fairly functional and several wrecks which could be salvaged.

3. To make one FTL comparable, you'd need that manip/amp creation area. To just make ones like it that aren't FTL usable, you'd need a shipyard. Our last one got blown up,  if you remember.

4.Gonna have to be more specific about their intended use.  Also, orbital minefields are rather useless except in extremely specific areas. They occasionally use drone fields with automated bomb carrying ships, but those aren't really mines so much as an automated defense system.

5. Consider it airlifted.


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #400 on: August 06, 2014, 11:00:47 am »

((The Mk series suits act more like air-pressure suits - you put a hole in it, then entire thing decompresses and the user is dead within 90 seconds. Mechanical counter-pressure suits (yes, like the Space Activity Suits), if torn, won't kill the user - the worst that will happen is heavy bruising around the tear (this assuming that it's just the suit that's damaged, but it can't possibly be worse than air-pressure suits in event of actual injury). Take it from NASA:

Quote from: NASA
A tear or hole in a gas-pressurised[sic] suit would result in a rapid and probably fatal decompression. Tears in a MCP suit would remain a local defect as the elastic weave prevents the tear from propagating. A tear, therefore, would cause symptoms of localised[sic] low pressure exposure at the site of the tear (such as bruising and edema), while the rest of the body remains protected. The severity of these symptoms is quite mild and dissipates within hours/days (depending on exposure time), especially when occurring on a small area.

If you can think of a better job for you to be focusing on, Saint, then ask.

And Anton, how would you react if you had invasive surgery performed on you without your consent. Hacking my body isn't terribly different.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 11:08:44 am by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #401 on: August 06, 2014, 11:48:12 am »

Anton Chernozorov

1. Not as it is. A big fucking engine and the automanips to reduce mass as it reaches relativistic speeds. If you stripped them from other ships, yes. You could probably find what you need floating around in that battlefield up in space. The Blackship's stuff is too small for a large cargo ship. Alternatively, you could just use one of the cruisers out in orbit, once you repair it that is.

2.There are 3-4 ships what are still fairly functional and several wrecks which could be salvaged.

Can we tell if there is enough parts to cobble together a working FTL system for the freighter in the wrecks from here, or will we need a closer survey of them?

Do we have anything spaceworthy at all right now, to go and start survey and salvage ops?

3. To make one FTL comparable, you'd need that manip/amp creation area. To just make ones like it that aren't FTL usable, you'd need a shipyard. Our last one got blown up,  if you remember.

((Yeah, I planted a forest over it. ^_^))

Anton contacts Simus. "XO, Chernozorov here. Our shipbuilding capacity currently consists of a forested park covering a radioactive pit. Permission to take one of our construction crews and start setting up something more elaborate?"

Look for a spot to place a new shipyard. Look into the possibility of equipping it with a gauss launch rail to reduce the need of boosting up heavy ships.

4.Gonna have to be more specific about their intended use.  Also, orbital minefields are rather useless except in extremely specific areas. They occasionally use drone fields with automated bomb carrying ships, but those aren't really mines so much as an automated defense system.

((In my mind, there are three stages to planetary defense. Long-range Interdiction, Approach Denial, and Orbital Skirmish.

Long range interdiction is basically artillery. Very long but relatively thin ships, consisting mostly of just one giant primary weapon capable of insanely accurate and insanely destructive fire that can retains effectiveness up to the edge of the solar system. Using power beamed from the planet if necessary. Something like an orbital variant of the Hammer, but longer, self-propelled, and with the benefit of not having to punch through atmosphere.

Approach denial is doing everything to prevent the enemy from establishing orbit. Strategically oriented debris fields with drone ships hiding out in them, minefields, missile carriers, corrosive gas clouds, tiny Suns and mini-blackholes, giant weapons platforms masquerading as natural satellites - any form of massed attack that is too impractical or too destructive to use when the enemy is too near.

Orbital Skirmish is the all-out fighting game when you just need to kill the other guy as quickly and straightforwardly as possible, while minimizing the harm done to the planet. To this end there should be cheap to produce, simply armed ships, that can be built in large numbers and simply overpower the enemy (since armor is almost useless). Destroyers and cruisers of the typical variety, the occasional battleship, and any fast attack craft that can be fielded.))

Summing up: Long, spinal-mount Gauss artillery ships for long range, Missile carriers and remote drone "mines" for medium range, and some typical fighting ships like the ones we commandeered for close range.

Look those up.

And Anton, how would you react if you had invasive surgery performed on you without your consent. Hacking my body isn't terribly different.

"That was honestly the least invasive thing I could think of. The least invasive thing that would work, at least. It was either that or the old handshake buzzer joke scaled up to the Red Hand, and that would be both more damaging than I wanted, and too close to your synthflesh fists to be safe.

And I do think I made a point there - you and all our robots are vulnerable, if even a myopic code-monkey like me can get through to you. If Saint ever wants a different project to do, you can set him on our software protection. He's pretty good with code.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 11:55:25 am by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #402 on: August 06, 2014, 01:41:39 pm »

"Well, just before you gave me the order to design a suit, I finished a design for a... unconventional conventional weapon.  It's a vastly miniaturized Piezoelectric Shard Launcher, which is startlingly effective.  I'd like you to take a look at it, if you have the time.

As far as better jobs for me... I have various ideas for projects, but it's mostly notes on things to test, which might turn out useful.  I could do as Anton suggested, and work on software useful to ARM- I have several ideas for that.  But I could also work on this suit, or discuss some ideas for changes to the general design.  I just don't have much knowledge in this area, so I'll probably take longer than someone who's already familiar with it."

1.The shard rifle: what is the Str requirement for it?

2.Last minute adjustment to the Testament shard rifle: add " or civilians" to the warning on the barrel.

Explanation: Pyro wants me to use "Mechanical Counter-Pressure" to make a puncture-resistant suit.  From what I understand, the idea is that instead of pressurizing the whole suit, MCP uses tight elastics that squeeze the body to maintain pressure.  It still has a bulky helmet, but the rest of the suit is skin-tight.  Apparently, small tears in the suit only lead to bruising in vaccum.

Sadly, NASA never tested what happens when you shoot an astronaut wearing one in vacuum.  Small holes in the suit itself are fine, but holes in the skin underneath are... probably not good.

3. So I want to look up some past design for an MCP suit.  Preferably, one that actually worked in a vacuum.  Then spawn a guy wearing it into a VR vacuum, and shoot him in the leg with a gauss pistol.  What happens?

4. Assuming he doesn't just die right off, how long does he have to live?  How much time before he's just dead (not perma-dead, normal dead), regardless of treatment?

5. Could we manufacture some form of insulative medi-foam that works in vacuum, that effectively seals suit breaches?

Computer systems:

6. Think for a moment- Is there a good reason for our suit systems being so insecure?  Is Steve able to just prevent any hacking anyways, so security would just get in his way?  Is stuff like Anton's antics possible just for funnies, and it'll never have actual consequences?

7. Are my AUX rolls still counted as auto-successes?  If not, charge an aux bonus.  If so, give our computer systems some protection at least.  Having them able to be hacked with nothing but a radio connection is terrible.  Outside systems shouldn't be able to do anything to it, unless it's specifically okayed by the suit's system.

8. Since this is apparently plauging a few people, and I've started to feel guilty for spamming nine actions a turn, how much time is supposed to be passing between turns?  I assumed months had already elapsed in-game, due to the production orders, but others seem to think we're on the second day at most.

((Y'know, I actually tested this a long time ago.  Back when Saint first joined, he tried to hack Jim.  PW basically said 'No.'))

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #403 on: August 06, 2014, 01:58:41 pm »

((In this case, I wasn't hacking Simus. Synthflesh connected to a brain doesn't have much in the way of interfaces that can be plugged into.

Cameyes, however, are a cybernetic implant, with all that entails. They have an interface, they have functions, and more importantly they are connected to the personal comms system, relaying information to mission control for remote monitoring purposes. That link was what I was planning to use, as a prank, and only the outgoing portion. That the link can be used in reverse is definitely a problem - if any UWM commanders wise up, being able to project visuals into a feed has all kinds of unpleasant uses. From simply blanking out vision or distracting with random colors to full-fledged cyber-hallucinations of nonexistant enemies or allies conveniently absent from line of fire.))
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hephaestus Techland: Let the testing commence.
« Reply #404 on: August 06, 2014, 03:05:11 pm »

Sadly, NASA never tested what happens when you shoot an astronaut wearing one in vacuum.  Small holes in the suit itself are fine, but holes in the skin underneath are... probably not good.

((As it seems, I don't think anyone has done research into wounds sustained in vacuum, while the body remains compressed or not. My guess is that you might get a little bit faster exsanguination than normal, maybe some complications as the blood around the site is also decompressed and gives off gases.))

Very well, work on our software. I'll take care of the suits. I'll take a look at that weapon, as well.

Anton, you may use one construction team.

Pull up Saint's weapon and examine it, and test it out against varying UWM-style targets (sods, armored sods, etc.).
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 03:30:14 pm by PyroDesu »
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.
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