Poke Lyeos a Seventh Time.
Poke Lyeos a Eighth Time.
[7]Kevak has learned the technique:
Ghost Poke![6]Kevak uses
Ghost Poke!, It's
super annoying!Use masses of moneys to buy the bank of Cheesistan, declare it a sovereign entity!
[6]You amass your money and buy 99% of the BoC's stock, but you cannot declare it a sovereign entity, due to international law.
(( For the record, before I offend anyone for real, the LGBT are not demons, just their lawyers. Though their lawyers are typically part of the LGBT themself ( at least in terms of this narrative ), so there is a slight overlap. ))
Maria: climb on a table to escape the rats
Hobo:Use magical alcohol-based powers to tame the rats.
Giegue: Go to war with the rats.
Lovecraftian Horrors from the Outer Ring, Summoned by Kevak: Do absolutely nothing besides hover ominously making things go insane by putting too much thought into what you actually are and what all the tentacles are for.
[5]Rats begin to crawl up your skirt, you knock most of them off, shrieking, and climb upon a table like a cat avoiding a flood.
Insufficient alcohol[2]The rats begin biting you, the excruciating pain on your extremely sensitive skin overwhelms your ability to destroy them. You scream in terror and agony and cry out for your mommy.
[7]You remain totally motionless, but everyone who looks upon you goes totally insane, in all 3 flavours of said insanity, but the most common being
Stark Raving MadMe: Connect all my cultists to the shadow hivemind
Mini-me: Develop stronger telepathy.
[2] Most of them are preoccupied at the moment.
[8] You can hear
everything! The entire hivemind starts to shut down from sensory overload.
Yet also punish potatolaird for murdering/attempting to murder them!
[5]BWWWWEEEERRRRRNNN!!!! The force-filed shrinks away long enough for you to smack a lesbian. Are you proud of yourself?
[8]You send him to time-out. He breaks out. GOD WAR ensues.
"Yes, that is what I meant."
Immigrate to Cheesistan.
Become a master of Cheesistani martial arts. Preferably ones that involve PSI or some other magic/psychic based form of attack.
[6]"Welcome to Cheesistan!" * your passport is stamped * "Here's your temporary visa, for full citizenship, please see the new Department of Immigrations.
[8] You learn PK Kiai! There are not words that I can use without cursing to describe how lucky this is. So I'll go ahead and do it, "You lucky sumbitch!" However, your psychosonic blast takes out the side of a building, which then collapses into the street. You are fined for the damages. "Welcome to Cheesistan!"
If the castle is now smaller than a car, leave it, otherwise keep crushing.
More god power!
[6]You squeeze it that last little bit and now it's the size of a Prius. SUCCESS!
[1]The Earth refuses to allow you to gain any more power from the lifeforce of its inhabitants.
Tune: Get up without further injury.
Senketsu: Fly Tune to the balcony on the citadel ((Or observation deck or whatever he called it. ))
[2]You trip,
again. Once again proving that the dice hate your black mage guts.
[1]You cannot feed on him enough to fly without killing him, so you leave him face-down on the steps of his citadel.
Ckisocoa: [AUTO] Go shopping or something until the real Ckisocoa wakes up from his drug-induced nap. ( Perscribed sleeping pills, don't go spazzing out or spreading rumours. )
Emigrate to Cheesistan. Learn local rules.
[4]The border patrol guy wonders if you're making the same mistake as the last guy, but his job refuses to allow him to assume this. "Do you mean
[2]You'll have to get in first, then you can learn the customs.