Don't have time to listen to the podcast thing right now, but I have questions! Listened, edited.
How do automanips that protect against temperature attacks work? Are they constant 'set temp to ##°' effects, or do they only activate upon temperature changes? If the latter, how do they sense the temp changes?
How do automanips that protect against projectiles work? They can protect against a variety of different situations, but are still quite small... Again, how do they sense projectiles?How much do tinkerers really bug you?
What is your opinion on munchkins exploiting all the loopholes in the game to get massive power cheap? Should they not do so in an effort to keep the game fun for everyone? >.>
How much backstory do you make up on the spot, and how much do you have in the backround that you just don't tell us?Even if I won't get a real answer... How do manips work? Do manips have an actual reason they work aside from space magic? An agreement with Cthulu to do his math homework maybe?
How much story is there to the Red Moon Rebellion? Was it a coverup of something larger, or was it really just a small thing that happened to be referenced several times?
...Will you ever run the Perplexicon game that's described in my sig? Or a game of Mainspring? *puppy dog eyes*
What will Steve do with us after the rebellion is done?
What is Steve's
actual motivation for the rebellion?
How powerful is Steve really?
Can Steve use amps or manips? How does he compare to a ghost ship?
Can Grate corpses be revived?
In your opinion, can Grate die?
Is there any way to actually disable Grate's quantum respawning ability?
If the answer to the first question is yes, would Steve be against using Grate as a clean,
renewable infinite energy source for the entire network of human planets?
Would you?
Does the UWM already have effectively infinite mass/energy thanks to manipulators?
I remember mass mines being mentioned, due to the fact manips can convert matter into other forms of matter. How does this all work? Why would mining planets exist? Why does Hephaestus mine ores in particular? Cheaper?