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Author Topic: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - GAME OVER - TOWN VICTORY!  (Read 104046 times)

Jim Groovester

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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #165 on: March 25, 2014, 01:04:54 am »

Prolific Conversion wouldn't actually work, the mafia as a whole can only make 1 kill/conversion per phase.  There's nothing to stop them from converting someone every day and every night though.

It occurs to me that depending on when the win conditions take effect a game breaking strategy involving conversions could probably let everyone win somehow. I think that ship has sailed though, since I think the time limit for selecting abilities is over.

However, this does make me somewhat suspicious.  Why would you not pay attention to such an important detail?

Because I assumed you had a vote and weren't trying to be deliberately deceptive about not having it.

As for 'Jim's questions'
I see two reubukes and one question I've answered numerous times already.


I still don't see an explanation for why you decided to channel your inner Marty McFly about topical Day 1 discussion.

Since this is day one, I don't really have any particular suspicions yet. I didn't really see the point in miller since I didn't want any particular power, mostly because I have another town will have already have them, for which I was right.

I love lazy attitudes.

You know who should be lazy and let everybody else do all the work? Everybody. Then things are bound to get done. This is without a doubt the most constructive strategy the town could use and the most productive way for anybody who's town to spend their time.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #166 on: March 25, 2014, 01:07:06 am »

I'm not being lazy, I'm just aiming on support to help confirmed townies. Until they get converted. At least.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

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Jim Groovester

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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #167 on: March 25, 2014, 01:08:52 am »

So you've already found a crippling weakness in your otherwise flawless plan of sitting on your hands until stuff happens.

Man, it's like you should scumhunt or something.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #168 on: March 25, 2014, 03:28:04 am »

I didn't really see the point in miller since I didn't want any particular power, mostly because I have another town will have already have them, for which I was right.

Pardon my blatant rolefishing, but what power(s) did you see as important enough for you to take instead of relying on someone to maybe take it instead?

Tack: You're in a situation where there are two people up to the block. You're voting for one but it looks like the other is going to get lynched. The other most people agree is probably scum but you're dead set that they're not and the person you're currently voting is instead. You still have a chance to sway their votes, but it's probably going to take an effort and might not even work. You don't have time in your schedule to change your vote last minute. Do you go against yourself and throw the vote on the one about to by lynched to get the bloodthirsty point or do you stick to your target in the hopes of lynching correctly?
Yeah, you're a dick, NativeForeigner.
Quit being such a dick, you dick.
Maybe if you weren't such a dick you wouldn't be such a dick.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #169 on: March 25, 2014, 04:25:52 am »

I got Protect because it could stall the converts and kills from the scum, although I have a hunch that it's mainly tpwns who are likely to have kill.

Vote P-Luke because while Tack was likely earnestly trying to get his Bloodthirsty point, I feel like P-Luke is trying to obfuscate the scums, albeit badly.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #170 on: March 25, 2014, 06:11:46 am »

"He's a djinn, look at his blue skin!" cried one adventurer, a short blade pointed towards the presumed interlocuter.

"No, no," said the suspect, short and obviously painted blue, "look it stands to reason that the djinn would want to blend in. We should only string up people who aren't blue."


Vote List
Jim Groovester
Tack [2] - Tawarochir, Jack A T
P-Luke [5] - Leafsnail, Deathsword, TheDarkStar, Jim Groovester, Objective
Jack A T
Leafsnail [2] - Tiruin, MyOwnWorstEnemy
No Lynch

8 votes needed to hammer.

Not Voting: NativeForeigner, Tack.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #171 on: March 25, 2014, 06:58:55 am »

Ugh, well I'm not scum, but clearly I am very confused. I've played many games of mafia (though not as random as this one, or on this forum) and never before have I heared that it's a GOOD idea for all townies to be a miller. Cop is the only real weapon townies have (as well as voting, yes, which I did not pick), the rest is just self-defense.

Since I'm dying anyway, I claim civilian and my power was "hide". I picked non-vote so that I had the extra point required to actually hide. I didn't realise people could already have day-powers at this point because they are so expensive, but now I see that even if I did survive this round I would just be killed or converted during the day instead. ugh, this game is not for me apparently :p

Also, NQT, I was surprised that you would actually show people how strongly their votes count and whose votes don't count at all, that way nobody can lie or bluff about their voting powers. Knowing such things in advance would probably have led me to take a very different loadout.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #172 on: March 25, 2014, 07:42:34 am »

Also, NQT, I was surprised that you would actually show people how strongly their votes count and whose votes don't count at all, that way nobody can lie or bluff about their voting powers. Knowing such things in advance would probably have led me to take a very different loadout.
Apologies if it wasn't clear. It's usual practice around these parts to indicate which players can vote but you weren't necessarily to know that. I'll make it clearer in future.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #173 on: March 25, 2014, 07:58:53 am »

P-Luke, just in case he gets lynched whilst I am asleep.
Y'all know why.

I still don't see an explanation for why you decided to channel your inner Marty McFly about topical Day 1 discussion.
And there's a reason for that.
If you were smart, and thinking like a townie, you'd see it.

NativeForeigner: You asked me a question, but you didn't answer mine, and the answer is so very simple. Are you a miller?
However, to answer your question: I'd vote against myself. If the person I was targeting was on the block, good chance they'll be going the next day.
And close votes means more power to vote-stealers. As I've said before- better to take random chance on the lynch than give it to the scum.

Tiruin -
mastahcheese - Miller
4maskwolf - Miller
Jim Groovester - Miller
Tack - Not Miller
NativeForeigner -
Objective - Not Miller
P-Luke - Not Miller
MyOwnWorstEnemy - Not Miller
Deathsword - Miller
Tawarochir -
Jack A T - Miller
Leafsnail -
TheDarkStar - Miller

Tiruin, Tawarochir, Leafsnail You've all said good reasons why a person should or shouldn't be millers. The question is: Are you Millers, or not?
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #174 on: March 25, 2014, 08:18:14 am »


NQT: what are the exact conditions required for each side to win (ie, for the game to be called)?

People can still buy powers so an everybody wins strategy isn't out of the question


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #175 on: March 25, 2014, 08:19:58 am »

Tack: as previously stated I am a miller.

P-Luke: your claim leaves a point unaccounted for.  You gain a point ever night so you don't need any spare.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #176 on: March 25, 2014, 09:04:17 am »

NQT: what are the exact conditions required for each side to win (ie, for the game to be called)?
Town win when all scum are dead. Scum win when town can no longer win. By taking part in the game you are implicitly agreeing to play your actual wincon not a wincon you may or may not have later on in the game.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #177 on: March 25, 2014, 09:39:03 am »

Only a few minutes to post.

I realize that I'm an idiot. I seriously thought you had to buy the flaws instead of getting points for them. If I'd known that, I probably would have taken miller. Unvote.

I will actually look through and answer questions/concerns/etc. tonight when I get home.


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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #178 on: March 25, 2014, 10:31:34 am »

P-Luke, just in case he gets lynched whilst I am asleep.
Y'all know why.

I still don't see an explanation for why you decided to channel your inner Marty McFly about topical Day 1 discussion.
And there's a reason for that.
If you were smart, and thinking like a townie, you'd see it.

NativeForeigner: You asked me a question, but you didn't answer mine, and the answer is so very simple. Are you a miller?
However, to answer your question: I'd vote against myself. If the person I was targeting was on the block, good chance they'll be going the next day.
And close votes means more power to vote-stealers. As I've said before- better to take random chance on the lynch than give it to the scum.

Tiruin -
mastahcheese - Miller
4maskwolf - Miller
Jim Groovester - Miller
Tack - Not Miller
NativeForeigner -
Objective - Not Miller
P-Luke - Not Miller
MyOwnWorstEnemy - Not Miller
Deathsword - Miller
Tawarochir -
Jack A T - Miller
Leafsnail -
TheDarkStar - Miller

Tiruin, Tawarochir, Leafsnail You've all said good reasons why a person should or shouldn't be millers. The question is: Are you Millers, or not?

I'm not, because originally I thought it would be dumb to do. I see I've paid the price via lost point.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.

Jack A T

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Re: Choose-Your-Own-Mafia - Day 1 - Everyone Has Secrets
« Reply #179 on: March 25, 2014, 10:54:39 am »

Unvote Tack.
Ugh, well I'm not scum, but clearly I am very confused. I've played many games of mafia (though not as random as this one, or on this forum) and never before have I heared that it's a GOOD idea for all townies to be a miller. Cop is the only real weapon townies have (as well as voting, yes, which I did not pick), the rest is just self-defense.
P-Luke: ...If you sincerely believe that cop and voting are the only weapons town has, why on earth would you choose to have neither ability?  Why build a build that you thought would require you to be a non-voter, and that is largely a defense that, by the way, makes you uninspectable?

...For that matter, why invite an inspect if you planned to hide?

As a side note, a question not based on suspicion: Where was most of your mafia experience?

Objective: You missed my question.  Also, your strategy sucks.

Because 4maskwolf has been FoS'd already. Mastahcheese however, doesn't yet have any heat upon him.
You don't consider it suspicious that there's exactly three people who have no-vote?
Plus, didn't you already rebuke me for pointing fingers at 4maskwolf?
Tack: I find it hard to believe that the entire scumteam would decide to be non-voters. There are many other flaws to take to get points, and ways to lessen their effect before the kill or convert.  So, no, I don't really find it that suspicious.
On the rebuke: No, I rebuked you for transparently trying to shove me at him.  And then I rebuked you for being inconsistent in your shown suspicions.

But even if I was mafia and therefore had the incredible foresight in order to get scan and blatant, know I'd be votepressured into calling cop, wait for the first night, do the scan, have it show, fake a call, sell my scan, buy off my blatant and buy kill - I'd still die by the second day/night anyway.
Here, I see you trying to make your actions look ridiculous for scum, and I see you failing.  It was quite possible to plan to fakeclaim cop.  While nobody can predict being "votepressured into calling cop," breaking down under the attack of one guy while someone else is the dominant target isn't exactly that.  It is quite possible for scum to fake accurate enough results to survive, with scum knowing all the players' alignments.  I'm not sure if I trust your claim, but this sentence isn't helping you.
For that matter, why would you die by day/night 2?
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.
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