Reads, on how matter-ful they are right now...
Mastahcheese - Reading town-y to me. DOn't ask why. No it isn't his recent posts to help me and my self-stuff, it's in how he
does his posts. Argh this linear form of speaking I wish we can speak with our thoughts instead
ANYWAY: Nothing pings me on him being scum. I see benevolent intent in his communication patterns and even in those patterns I don't see any wrong in them nor any ulterior motive he's pressing. If scum, in which I would throw in my doubt even at this point in time, then he's playing it safely and going non-aggressive. Poking around a lot. Very good.
Caz - Despite what brevity I associate with her, she's reading town. No, the brevity doesn't have anythhing to d with it-its the essence of what's in her post that matters to me. She plays really well, and does much when she's doing ok--only that she's not doing OK that much I can feel, which is my best guess on the matter--but in regard to how she pursues her methods of communication, she's doing quite well I can see. No note of aggressive lurking, poking or such that calls in a leak or lacking wording in between the lines. Leaning towny-null here. Couple her up with Mr. Cheese in how she's doing.
TheDarkStar - A bit tough to decide, leading on null. I'm not well associated with assertiveness and its difference to aggression, though I can see those subtle differences in there. There are notes like
this meant in a speculative way to find out what the target thinks, however I- well. He hasn't replied as of late.
Persus13 - ...This guy reads town-ish despite my eyes skimming over his words and not remembering many things in exacts.
Tiruin - Bleh.
Deathsword -...This guy reads town-ish despite my eyes skimming over his words and not remembering many things in exacts. Also, storm.
Jiokuy - I don't have enough of a read on this person.
Superblackcat - ... :/ I'd say 'he's playing?' but skimming gives me notes and that'd be rude twice-over. I haven't enough of any good read other than he's replying due to busy-ness.
Imperial Guardsman - I'd really love to lynch him, but I'm considering how he's going about the matter. It REALLY wants to scream scummy, but I'm tangled in this web of 'I know there's something not right there' and 'oh goodness is that something bad or good?!'. If he did offer the detail on beating instead of anything else, then it dictates that either he's going for a low card to save his life, or he values himself in such a way that he'd go for that last step in seeing himself through. If in however he does get lynched-and is the maint arget for such, I will grant my pardon towards him UNLESS the second target is...well, Tawarochir.
Tawarochir - Yeah this dude is reading not-scummy due to his posts, his wording, his implied intent in my perception, and other details that do not ping my scum meter. Yes, there's the note of not knowing what to do. Yes there's the idea of him jumping to conclusions easily...and Yes, there is that assumption that he should act towards what the status quo expects, but I don't see the
drive behind it that marks him out as someone who means malice or is acting by another's veiled accord. Perhaps someone conforming to what our atmosphere and mindsets go along with, but I don't see the craven attitude I'd act upon to give bad note of him.
On that note,
@Tawa: Be yourself. :p
Flabort - Presses on metaknowledge--wherein metaknowledge begins with what he had experienced to what he is experiencing now to influence his perception. It is an interesting find that I'd like to know which forum he's getting his sources from and how his mind ticks, however I do see him trying despite the unavailable alternative of 'you
should be trying'
as per this note. Null-townish
WhitiusOpus: ...x_x Goes in with SBC.
Sorry peoples, Finals.