I disagree. Asserting that a person who feels "Squick" over transsexuals should feel ashamed, and change-- is just as morally bankrupt as asserting that a person that feels "Squick" over dating outside their own gender should feel ashamed.
EG, you are telling somebody else what they should or should not find attractive; what they should or should not like, and telling them it is immoral to disagree.
That's what led to Allan Turing getting the treatment he got. It's a dark road. dont go down it. The people that hurt that man did so thinking that what they did was what was correct and proper. That's what you should consider here when trying to grapple with that thought.
As for your specific examples--
Virginity, and social status
For men to insist upon virginal female partners, you just need to look earlier where I mentioned that the birth order for sons is important in determining prevalence of homosexuality. If the society is more resource bound, there will be a stronger evolutionary drive for reproductively inclined males to seek virginal females, as the chances of male offspring being produced that seek female companionship (and thus, perpetuate the gene line) will confer a reproductive advantage. Birds dont really care about why the plumage is bright-- only that it is. It's intrinsic, a deeply rooted part of their being. (You can use a magic marker on a not so colorful bird to make them very colorful, and suddenly they will get ALL the ladies. It's been done experimentally several times.)
Similar with social status. Humans are very powerfully controlled by social group dynamics. That is precisely why this thread is so popular-- Sexuality in relation to the societal norm is a very important discussion, with many complications and considerations. If the society actively discourages such unions, and has done so for a very long time, then it will start to make changes in people's physiology.
As controversial as it is, many women from strongly conservative Christian heritage backgrounds have reduced physical ability to orgasm. Christianity has only been around a few thousand years. Small, but profound change.
Ascribing what is or is not appropriate for being desirable with a moral label is like trying to moralize the birds.
It's nonsense.