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Author Topic: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread  (Read 12802 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #75 on: January 09, 2014, 10:00:33 pm »

((once again))

"Your highness, I see its in the best interests for Elfsend to submit to the crown directly. If thou wilt I would prefer to take the oath here, in presence of the court. I would also prefer to have the oath be documented and countersigned by who are present, on a few scrolls, in duplicate."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #76 on: January 10, 2014, 08:18:25 am »

With Anders and Karac.

The Dukes steps forward, pleased at the heir apparent's fumbling entrance "To what do we owe your unexpected company, Lord Karac? Surely, one such as yourself would not be so unportly as to be caught eavesdropping on two gentlemen? At least the caught part, at any rate; and sober at that, of all possibilities! I must have, indeed, seem of everything in this short life of mine".

He smirks, as though he is about to tell a grand joke, before taking on a light scowl; he speaks loudly, just loud enough so that he might be easily overheard outside the room, in mock righteous anger "Lord Karac, I will not see this realm engulfed into another civil war so that an incompetent fop such as you might become Prince, your dishonorable scheming has no place in this court; you shall have no aid nor sympathy from myself or any other noble in your endeavors, and should count yourself lucky that I lack the evidence to present your plot before your brother, so that you might be rightfully disinherited"

Earlier, at the court.

The Duke smiles pleasantly "Your Grace, your concerns are most understandable, laudable even, I dare say. As a feast is hardly the appropriate occasion, and we are both to stay for the night, in view of tomorrow's Council, might I be so bold as to suggest we endeavor to arrange for a meeting early in the morning? For us to seen together alone in the evening would not, after all, be appropriate to our station"

Even earlier, at the court.

"Your Highness, though it is true I've expressed reservations as to the drafting of levies in peace time, I never expected anything less than to have to deal with the scum of the land on my own terms; after all, as those are my peasants, so is it my duty to protect them and ensure that their lot in life improves, circumstances observed. A ruler who does not strive for their people' prosperity is a slight upon their title and dynasty, if not even the Gods themselves".

The Duke of Stormport turns to kneel before the Prince "I now offer you my oath, if you will receive it"¹

¹decorum ditacts the Prince takes the initiative in reciting the oath.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 09:19:54 am by Azthor »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #77 on: January 10, 2014, 02:19:13 pm »

Rolling his eyes at the Duke, Karac settles himself down on a chair and fixes the man with a cheerful smile. It doesn't fade, or shift even in the face of mock anger. He doesn't move an inch as the noble launches into some spiel about betrayal and plots, one he really couldn't care less about, in all honesty. His reputation with the nobles wasn't very good, all things considered, but they were worse scum than the peasants in his mind. "You seem to have great hearing, my Duke," The smile curves ever higher as he looks Anders over calmly, watching the mercenary's face after the Duke speaks, seeming pleased by what reaction the man has, if any, to the Duke blurting out what he planned to explain and reveal in detail, "But seem very...stupid."

"If you speak out of turn again, I'll inform the Prince that you are scheming with an assassin upon the day of his coronation. Or are running security on it without his permission. Both are highly suspicious and monitoring both fall under the duty of serving my brother's interests." Much like the Duke did, he raises his voice, which turns cold and curt in a instant, the smile turning down into a heavy scowl very few people could pull of with sincerity. Loathing and disgust flares in his eyes. Then it's gone in an instant the smile returning, but the disgust staying.

Twirling the wineglass dexterously in hand,  Karac considers the Duke behind his bodyguard for a few brief moments of time. However, it passes swiftly, before he continues, tone holding heavy sarcasm and doubt, most of it directed at the Duke, it would seem. "And I'm sure the Prince would believe a noble and a...knight? Commoner? Over the word of his little brother, the one who has more use and more potential than a solitary duke ever could at this point and time."

The leather of his boots creaked as the lordl-- Heir rose to his feet from the plush chair. A crooked smile fixed itself upon his face as he eyed the Duke of Severance and the Mercenary, taking them both in, appraising both their frame and form with wandering eyes. That gaze turns and stays upon the Duke. "You've made an enemy you didn't really have to, my Dear Duke. Unless you want to stop playing at pretend and actually have an intelligent discourse about your future and mine."

As an afterthought, with a glance to the Mercenary Anders, another roll of his eyes following, "And his too, I suppose, if he can drop that wretched accent.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 02:27:51 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #78 on: January 10, 2014, 08:13:58 pm »

"It is quite astounding, indeed, that you'd have such a high opinion of yourself, and yet know so little of the realm's affairs" the Duke's expression hardens into an impenetrable mask.

"Why, yes, this gentleman besides me is to be hired to a function befitting his talents, which is to say, the disposing of the bandits infesting my lands, exactly as requested by my liege. Though I do suppose, never having been anything more than a courtier, the very concept of suzerainty and vassalage must elude you" he says as he starts pacing around the room.

"All the potential of a drunkard and a charlatan? Why, I would indeed hope our Prince is to marry soon; your inheritance would be quite the tragedy, you see. Trying to reassure your fading self-confidence with vain motions does your image little favor, Your Highness, other than befitting that of an insecure child".

Stopping directly in front of the heir apparent "You acknowledge my suspicions and threaten me on what we both know to be true, your scheming against your own kin, as though you were seen with any margin of respect in your very brother's eyes. He is not blind to your scheming, Your Highness, and even less so to your inadequacy as a heir".

"Now, if there is nothing else, would you please retire yourself, or shall we go to His Royal Highness and see whose word he favors? His kin, a meaning all too long gone after war upon war waged against his siblings, a traitor and a fool, landless, or the second most powerful man in the realm, and a valuable supporter? Believe me, I am all too willing to discover".

"And lest I forget, my hearing is quite excellent, indeed, as you did well to recognize. What was it your brother told you during the feast? Oh, yes 'You stink of wine, brother. Go bother the rest of the table, some of us are trying to work'. Why don't you take him on that suggestion?".
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 02:02:19 pm by Azthor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #79 on: January 10, 2014, 08:34:04 pm »

Returning to Woodsedge, Daggeroak takes stock of the Order. How many Brothers serve in it, how many Neophytes and Half-Brothers and how they are armed. He also discerns the cost of raising a New Regiment of Ranger Brothers (A Retinue Regiment) to hunt down bandits.
Two levies of neophytes are able to be raised whenever need arises, though their equipment can be compared to that of a standard peasant levy having only clubs and short spears with padded cloth for protection. One levy of ordained brothers are also able to be raised, being more throughly equipped than the laymen of the order: Horses, chainmail, shields and a lot more time devoted to actual training.

A new regiment of dedicated brothers would cost a single pount, outfitting them would cost significantly more though.

Return with my household guard to Dorenshadt.
The trip is without incident, nothing of note popping up on your journey back to your holdings

Nestor allows himself to be taken to the cell.
The guards return you to your alcove, before leaving you on your lonesome.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #80 on: January 10, 2014, 10:35:02 pm »

((once again))

"Your highness, I see its in the best interests for Elfsend to submit to the crown directly. If thou wilt I would prefer to take the oath here, in presence of the court. I would also prefer to have the oath be documented and countersigned by who are present, on a few scrolls, in duplicate."

Even earlier, at the court.

"Your Highness, though it is true I've expressed reservations as to the drafting of levies in peace time, I never expected anything less than to have to deal with the scum of the land on my own terms; after all, as those are my peasants, so is it my duty to protect them and ensure that their lot in life improves, circumstances observed. A ruler who does not strive for their people' prosperity is a slight upon their title and dynasty, if not even the Gods themselves".

The Duke of Stormport turns to kneel before the Prince "I now offer you my oath, if you will receive it"¹

¹decorum ditacts the Prince takes the initiative in reciting the oath.

The Prince stood before the throne as in turn each vassal knelt before him.  He held out the Tear and each kissed it in turn as the pair spoke the ancient vows, with the two Magi presiding.

"By the earth and sky, the heart and hand, I will to thee be faithful and true, according to the laws of the gods and the order of the world.  I shall hold to thee as thou deservest it, shall treat with thee on grounds of justice, equity and protection, and in return you shall not with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to me."

"By the earth and sky, the heart and hand, I will to my lord be faithful and true, and love all that he loves and shun all that he shuns, according to the laws of the gods and the order of the world.  Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will."

With this formality completed, the Prince dissolved the court.  Copies of the oaths were taken down and distributed by court scribes, a copy to the court records, a copy to the bearer, a copy to the Prince.

Later, in the Prince's chambers.

Baron Elfsend was shown into the Prince's study, a somewhat minimalist chamber with two chairs, a hearth, a desk and a drinks cabinet - and precious little else.  A glass of Tokay had already been prepared for him and the Prince indicated the other chair.

"Welcome, Baron.  So, tell me about yourself.  Where do you hail from, how did you win the erstwhile Baron's confidence and such."

"If that is your desire, Prince."

Nestor allows himself to be taken to the cell.

Some time later, a guard tapped Nestor on the chest and informed him that he had been summoned.  Nestor was brought to the Prince's study (in between other appointments) and given the option of sitting as well.  The guards insisted upon relieving him of his spear and a pair accompanied him into the study.

"Please excuse the guards.  You are, in fact, a weapon.  I have questions for you, Nestor.  Why do you serve?  What do you want?  Who was the Raj, and how did his gift come to be traded so freely?  What would someone have to do to get you to switch loyalties?  What became of your last few masters, excepting my sister?"
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #81 on: January 10, 2014, 11:34:35 pm »

The Golem looked at the seat for a moment, before staring at the Prince.

"Many questions, Prince. Refreshing."

The golem repeated each question in the Prince's own voice before answering.

"What became of your last few masters, excepting my sister?

"The merchant who intended to sell me was unworthy. I left. The king who owned me previously thought I had killed his concubine. I left to escape termination. Others before that died. Many reasons for that. Age, wounds or disease."

"What would someone have to do to get you to switch loyalties?"

"My Token and the understanding that whoever took it was a worthy ruler."

Who was the Raj, and how did his gift come to be traded so freely?

"Rajah, Prince. He ruled Bharat. Second of his Dynasty, the first to conquer the whole region. It is difficult to say this, but he was...nothing compared to his Father. He sought to show he was worthy. He had Fleets built to scour new lands, to find new people to bow to him. This was...taboo. Crossing the sea was considered unclean in the Rajah's culture. Defying this showed his bravery...and foolishness. Regardless, his fleets found many lands and made them pay tribute. They were tribals, Prince. Only when they reached the lands relatively near here that other civilisations were found. Too far to conquer or force tribute. Instead, the Rajah decided to begin trading with them. He had I and several other Constructs commissioned as gifts to the locals. To show the advantages of aligning with the Rajah, Prince. I was meant to show the usefulness of arcane techniques and items to the locals myself. Eventually, the Fleets left and we Constructs were left to continue our Duty. I am not sure what happened to them or the Rajah, only that we continue our missions. Logic dictates that the Rajah is dead and his Empire gone but as a Construct devoted to his service, I feel as if these facts are untrue."

"As for how we came to be traded so easily...we became valuable commodities after the Fleets stopped appearing. We could not be produced locally and many skills. Many rulers knew that taking the Token of a Golem resulted in loyalty. Thus, men would take us as loot during wars. Sometimes we would be gifted by rulers to others."

Why do you serve?  What do you want?

"To serve is my duty. To do my duty is to do what I want."
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #82 on: January 11, 2014, 12:12:04 am »

The Prince extended his hand for the token.  He turned it in his fingers for a moment, then looked up with a curious expression at Nestor.

"And what would happen if I gave you this token?  If I made you your own master?  What would you do then?"
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #83 on: January 11, 2014, 12:25:09 am »

"Polish my Token and hand it back to you. Prince, the Token itself has no inherent properties. It is merely a symbol. I serve not because of any spell but because my only purpose is to serve. I was made to serve and I cannot comprehend an existence without service. I may as well as pretend to be a mundane statue until I crumble to dust."

"Hypothetically Prince, if I could find no Master to serve, I would make my way back to Bharat and request another assignment. But I find that unlikely."
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #84 on: January 11, 2014, 12:45:10 am »

The Prince seemed disappointed.  He tucked the coin away within his doublet.

"A shame.  I would have asked you to serve me of your will, and the chance to go your own way if you had wished it.  No doubt I am far from the first to try.  Yet your service is not blind.

"You sought me out.  You wished to serve a "worthy ruler", and abandoned your last owners on those grounds.  You have a choice in your service, even if you have little choice in service itself.  I am willing to trust you on this; you will have a position as my bodyguard, and as an advisor on the matters of magic.  It is my hope that I require neither too frequently of you, for I am ill-trusting of the ways of wizards.  I will require your oath as my vassal and subject; not as property.  If you can choose your master, you can choose to serve me as a person.

"You have the freedom of the city; I will issue a proclamation to that effect and grant you a Writ of passage.  Should you desire to familiarise yourself with your new home when I do not require you, you have that freedom.  Indeed, I would recommend it; the people must only fear you as they fear me.  Also, I will require a deception of you, if your honour permits it.  If you are questioned on the matter of your loyalty again, lie and suggest that your service lies with the holder of the token; that it is a question of slavery and not choice.  Imply that whatever man holds that token, regardless of his fitness to rule, may command you.  Then we shall see who tries to take it from me.

"I do not have further need of you tonight, Nestor."
  The Prince stood and moved to his desk.  A few moments' work with pen and paper and a thud of the Royal Seal later, he handed a Writ to the golem.  "You have freedom of the castle and city.  Go and learn."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #85 on: January 11, 2014, 01:06:57 am »

The Golem took the Writ in hand and concealed it within himself. He kneeled and intoned the words he remembered.

"By the earth and sky, the heart and hand, I will to my lord be faithful and true, and love all that he loves and shun all that he shuns, according to the laws of the gods and the order of the world.  Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will."

With that said the Golem turned to leave.

"Only four, Prince. Only four."

Search the archives for resident magic-users or merchants peddling magical goods in the city and the country as a whole.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #86 on: January 11, 2014, 01:41:36 am »

Yorvus seeks out the merchant, Langton.

"Good day, Trade Lord. It is refreshing to meet another who bears the title 'lord', but is bereft of land. My name is Sealord Yorvus Ivarling, and I'd like to speak with you on a variety of subjects. Firstly, I was wondering if you needed guards for any caravans you might be sending between the cities? I have been contracted by the prince to hunt bandits, but I do not believe that the contract period will begin for a month or so. You and I both know the perils of keeping afloat financially, and it so happens I currently need some cash flow, while you probably need guards. Win-win, right?"
"I apologize for dragging that on so long, but I'd like to talk about one more thing. Have you ever been across the Great Sea? The kingdoms there are flowing with gold and trade. I have many contacts there. This kingdom, however, is dry of gold, and I believe I can divert some of the traders across the sea to 'irrigate'' this land, if you follow my metaphor. I believe I could use your assistance in this, you being a man of trade. Of course, you would receive some of the profits. I must  be off, so let us speak more at a later date. It was nice to meet you."
And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the Assaulted Lanterns Magma Artillery' - King Id I of the Assaulted Lanterns


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #87 on: January 11, 2014, 03:17:11 am »

Now somewhere at the closing of the court...

Earlier, at the court.

The Duke smiles pleasantly "Your Grace, your concerns are most understandable, laudable even, I dare say. As a feast is hardly the appropriate occasion, and we are both to stay for the night, in view of tomorrow's Council, might I be so bold as to suggest we endeavor to arrange for a meeting early in the morning? For us to seen together alone in the evening would not, after all, be appropriate to our station"
"A meeting in the full light will be most appropriate. Thank you sir Severance. I expect to see you, too, at the Prince's council. I will send word to my people of this...event, and I believe your own know your intent. Give me this night to hear from them, and prepare."

Lady Severance sends a message back to be announced--and requests for the people's opinion: Marriage proposal with the Duke of Stormport; Contested claims of land to be voided at the offer of marriage.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #88 on: January 11, 2014, 06:31:34 am »

Magos Blewyn passed through the grand entrance of the temple with his entourage hurrying to keep up. The doors were of ancient blackened stone, cold to the touch, and they rose three times a man's height over the Magos. The engraved patterns were chains and the vertically striked-through Xs, the symbol of the Chained God. His predecessors, who had built this temple, had not been gifted with an overabundance of originality.

Fires were lit along the procession hallway, jumping and flickering from the wind following them inside. They illuminated mosaics in the walls. The pale, bound form of their God stared at them from the artworks - it was supposed to remind pilgrims of what they had come here to uphold, and penitents of what they had broken. Blewyn saw in their exquisite artistry the wealth and influence of the Three Temples. This was where all the affairs of the gods could be run from. Their vicinity to the Prince's palace was also a boon. In the provinces, he'd be hopelessly out of touch with the latest in court - though, he supposed, he would need to visit Ciall and its lands soon enough.

The oathswearing had been tiresome, but the Magos had known each pledge made pleased his master more, especially in these times. He'd offered his services to punish those who failed their oaths - there was someone in the dungeons even now, a man who had failed to pay his debts. He'd hang from the chains for a few nights more and they would let him go. He'd learn. If not, the next time they'd put the chains through his body. Every failure weighed on Blewyn's conscience, and he made a mental note to lengthen his punishment for a few days more to make sure he would not rebound.

To work. Blewyn made his way to his private chambers, gathering his scribes and senior priests with him. The masters of the lesser temples had come to the capital for the ceremony, but he'd have new use for them by the end of the day. The Prince's tax was burdensome, but he would turn it to his advantage. The city of Ciall restored would be very profitable for the orders.

He could use the Earl, for now. After giving his priests their orders, he penned a quick letter and sent it along with a messenger boy.

There were other messages to be sent, more instructions to give to those he would send to make Ciall theirs. He could not rest until all was in order.


Magos Blewyn sends his 2 Peasant, 1 Noble regiments to travel to and guard the city of Ciall.

With them, Magos Blewyn sends an expedition of priests, builders, citizens (3 ducats) to begin the reconstruction of Ciall.

The priests will focus these efforts, constructing new Temple Districts where places of worship will function as the centers of neighborhoods. The power of the order will be established everywhere possible - houses where the rent goes to the temples, courts where the Chained God's laws reign supreme, taverns sponsored by clergy money, etc.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #89 on: January 11, 2014, 12:50:33 pm »

Search the archives for resident magic-users or merchants peddling magical goods in the city and the country as a whole.
The recent period of warfare seems to have driven out the local wizard's guild, you find. Fearing for their lives and livelyhood, they fled from the realm. Only a few assorted wizards remain, but they tend to be rather... hermetic. The traders, on the other hand, seem to be around in some capacity, though all they are selling right now are trinkets and minor objects, rather than anything of significant value or use.

Lady Severance sends a message back to be announced--and requests for the people's opinion: Marriage proposal with the Duke of Stormport; Contested claims of land to be voided at the offer of marriage.
The messenger doesn't return, though one of the more prominent barons, Baron Traviath of house Flazer, comes in his stead. The middle aged, weary baron approaches you soon after he arrives. "Peace be with you milady, I bring a message back from Severance. Needless to say, the nobility, and be extention, the populace at large, happens to be rather... upset that you plan to wed Duke Canute, though that seems to understate the anger they hold on this. As we speak most of the nobility are preparing to march on Severance if the marriage goes ahead, and needless to say the bandits would further inflame the situation for their own gain."

Magos Blewyn sends his 2 Peasant, 1 Noble regiments to travel to and guard the city of Ciall.

With them, Magos Blewyn sends an expedition of priests, builders, citizens (3 ducats) to begin the reconstruction of Ciall.

The priests will focus these efforts, constructing new Temple Districts where places of worship will function as the centers of neighborhoods. The power of the order will be established everywhere possible - houses where the rent goes to the temples, courts where the Chained God's laws reign supreme, taverns sponsored by clergy money, etc.

[-] The levies simply do not move, between how disparate the distances between the parcels and how easily the bandits could take them if they left.

[3] The recontruction goes mildly well, though you estimate it would take a little more to improve the town back into a formal city. (70% funding progress for Ciall's city)

[2] Your agents, you find, are simply unable to extend the churches' influence into the city. Whether by people rejecting the funding, the law working against you, or simply the priests being more moral and pious and ignoring your orders. Needless to say that the plan has raised a few grumbles from some of the priests, but they tend to be silent on the issue.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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