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Author Topic: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread  (Read 12781 times)


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #105 on: January 12, 2014, 06:01:46 pm »

Clarify that the guards should escort the shipments on the entire route, at least for this season.
Also draft a letter to Franz informing him of this decision.

Quote from: Letter to Franz
A businesslike greeting to Franz Langford,

This letter comes to you from Lord Daelin Borokshtan regarding the arrangements made recently concerning the shipments from Dorenshadt to Severence. He wishes to inform you that he will personally assign a small but select group of soldiers to protecting the shipments... On their entire route, as far as that may take them, so long as the contract is kept to in good faith.

Daelin Borokshtan, son of Bruden Borokshtan, Earl and Lord of Dorenshadt
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #106 on: January 12, 2014, 06:06:00 pm »

A letter from the most unexpected person arrived in the morning. Jawyn scratched his jutting jaw as he wondered as to the reasoning behind this letter. The reason seemed obvious, the princeling never received military tutoring, and bandits seemed safe enough bet. Come to think of it, leading a squad in direct combat was ceasing to be sufficient. Jawyn would have to make himself familiar with tactics and strategy soon.

Quote from: To Lord Anwin
Greetings to you My Lord.

It would be an honour to receive you as a guest in Whitehall and oblige your request to be granted training and experience in matters martial. I await your swift arrival.

Yours Faithfully,

Baronet Jawyn Landemourne, Governor of Whitehall to His Highness Prince Aethelred.

Another matter also gnawed at him, and Jawyn spent restless hours thinking about money. One of the most unchivalrous things to be occupied with, but as a governor, money became his prime duty.
The Prince taxed the land and cities mercilessly, bu even he couldn't squeeze out money out of out of rocks...

Jawyn sends prospectors and serfs to the mines abandoned by the uprising to see if they can be restarted or their profitability increased.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 03:02:29 am by Ardas »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #107 on: January 12, 2014, 06:25:12 pm »

"Thank you, my highness, but no thank you, at least not until after our discussions, if I may be so blunt." Karac lowered himself into a low bow to the Prince after embracing him in turn, a little more uncomfortably, but just as warmly. Straightening up, he gives a weak grin to his older brother, far less crooked than the one he wore for most of the day. The foppish hat was divested from his head and sat upon the back of the chair. "I wish to apologize for my...behavior, earlier. The utterances of old men and the strength of the wine worked an unpleasant alchemy upon me."

A hand briefly plays over the silken fabric of the doublet as Karac adds, as an afterthought, easily, touching the tunic underneath, briefly, "It hides the bandages well. Thank you."

The Heir continues talking after a moment, offering the information up after some hesitation, trying to pull off an air of efficiency in his tone and posture, "An assassin or murderer or some such was at your coronation, but he was looking for work, it would seem, instead of trying to kill you. Left with the Duke of Stormport for places unknown. Unfortunately, he might've noticed something was wrong or, as unlikely as it sounds, is actually loyal. Wouldn't have much to do with me."
« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 06:28:31 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #108 on: January 14, 2014, 09:14:29 pm »

Sometime during Taeyas' stay in Stormborough, in the Prince's chamber...

"O Exalted Prince," said Taeyas, without his weapons and actually most of his protective garb. "I guess your highness would want to hear a good story.

"During the time of Baron Sentra of Sremlin, the last Baron of Elfsend, the land around the castle is subdivided into many smaller pieces, with their retainer-knights tied up in an intricate web of marriages so it holds up together, like every other part of the world. By the time that Sentra was dead - believed to be assassinated - he was left without legal heir, so according to tradition, his retainers would round up and appoint someone to lead, and this duty landed on my shoulders.

"I have to say, O Prince, I landed the position by merit. Before then there was uncountable cases of foreign spy slipping into Castle of Elfsend, and from when I succeed my father's position in the Elfsend minicourt until now, I personally oversaw the improvement of the Castle, such that not only it is an impenetrable fortress in its own right, it also keeps the place spy-free. Alas, you cannot defend attacks by your own court, though...

"Anyway, due to my exploits and in fact my mother was a first cousin of Sentra, I got myself elected. Here finishes my own story. Now, O Prince, here I would have to make a request.

"The fractious nature of Elfsend, and its proximity to enemy lands, means that its defense is always a priority of the realm. I would want to request, if your highness will, one(1) set of levies to mark the presence of your highness, and to enforce internal security. These troops should be under crown command, and I would suggest a lieutenant be sent to lead these troops. Elfsend has more than enough lodging for them."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #109 on: January 15, 2014, 01:19:51 am »

((Bloody net >:I))
Lady Severance sends a message back to be announced--and requests for the people's opinion: Marriage proposal with the Duke of Stormport; Contested claims of land to be voided at the offer of marriage.
The messenger doesn't return, though one of the more prominent barons, Baron Traviath of house Flazer, comes in his stead. The middle aged, weary baron approaches you soon after he arrives. "Peace be with you milady, I bring a message back from Severance. Needless to say, the nobility, and be extention, the populace at large, happens to be rather... upset that you plan to wed Duke Canute, though that seems to understate the anger they hold on this. As we speak most of the nobility are preparing to march on Severance if the marriage goes ahead, and needless to say the bandits would further inflame the situation for their own gain."
The evening was still. Countless stars joined the moon in its iridescent beauty, the skies were cloudless; the cold of the night gave a serene atmosphere to the lands, and the sound of silence disturbed the air.

Sir Traviath (as Aria took to calling most people by Sir or Ma'am as a symbolic habit) was more like a father to the young noblewoman--being there ever since her childhood, and being a stern, disciplinary yet modest and humble guide along the way. Seemingly more content with his place, his wisdom was infallible and invaluable. Aria was surprised to see him, in person, delivering the news. This could only mean two things:
> The people decided to elect a significant speaker for their fate, and that the other nobles like following up threats or
> Concern is in the extremes with the people, and Severance likes being an independent land.

...but it was with the people that she thought about. The nobility may lord over the masses, but they are their roots, no matter how maltreated they would probably sometimes be.

As for Aria, her thoughts dwelt on the latter, and the former sans any noble-threats. She didn't doubt their loyalty.

So she hugged Baron Traviath after he spoke. "It is good to see that our thoughts are the same, sir Traviath! I was...sincerely, reluctant when speaking towards Duke Severan, however I could not ignore his proposal straight out, nor would I have accepted without the consensus of the masses--whom we serve.

"I am glad to know of this. Send word that the marriage will not push true, and I really appreciate you being the one to tell me."

Respond to the Duke. Offer hugs.

"Though I'd prefer if we left for Severance together. The Prince has called me for a meeting in the morrow, and it would do me no good to leave you sent back, alone."

Later the Prince's meeting.

"Aria, I am appointing you Home Secretary.  We need to rebuild our country; bring back trade, ensure there is food and work for our people.  As I see it, we need to rebuild our towns to get our craftsmen working again; we need to re-establish trade internally and with the wider world; and we need to start reclaiming the farmland burned or gone fallow in the war.  I want to hear where you feel our priorities should be on this, and where specifically we should be focusing money.  Keep an eye on Ciall; I daresay the Church will already have invested some money there, making our job easier."

...And I thank you too, milord, however I have forgotten who else may be in charge of the mercantile and economic connections since we last met on your coronation so I must say...
"I will do my best with this position, dear Prince. Expansion of labor, field and profession. I believe that we should do the same--focus on money--however we should also focus on our sources. Manpower and resource utilization. I feel that our seaports haven't been seeing much trade given our borders, and the fisheries are lacking in quality.

"But the issue of trade begins and ends with supply and demand. I will be sending a messenger to Ciall, or any of her authorities--but before any of that: A passing thought of a nationwide trade union hit me. Would the prospect of Mercantilism be advantageous to his Highness' eyes?"
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 01:23:50 am by Tiruin »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #110 on: January 15, 2014, 08:11:05 am »

Hold open court in Whitehall in Prince's name.

[2] Villagers: The villagers come to you with a number of complaints, mostly pertaining to the relatively weak economy after the miners revolted. Between the lack on income from their relatively poor farms, and having been cut-off from the extra money from the mines that many have taken up means many have taken to poaching various game in the area. While it is certain that the hunting is taking it's toll on the overall amount of wildlife. The peasants have asked that unless you can find another source of income for them, to arrange some form of hunting rights with a neighbouring estate, with a prefrence on the white forest.

Advisor's opinion: While cutting the hunting off would sent a strong message to the peasants, it could needlessly agitate them and in the worst-case scenario drive them into banditry. On the flip side, arranging hunting rights with a neighbor could possibly spark feuds between the peoples in both areas. Getting an agreement with white forest won't also be easy, and there's the possibility of the order interfering with any allowed hunts regardless.

[3] Townsmen: The townsmen are doing fine, if not well. The mines and their income being severed from Brighthall didn't affect them so badly, but it has hit them all the same. The burghers of the castle's town wish for you to improve the state of the infrastructure of the town, along with investing in the market and overall improving the state and size of the town. A few prominent guildsmen from some of the neighboring regions also offer to move into the town, but only if there's enough resources to work their trade, and enough incentives to make it worthwhile, such as a full pound towards the guild.

Advisor's opinion: While building the town up may be worthwhile, it will be expensive, and investing into trade while the bandits are around may only just swell their numbers. The guildsmen are their own set of problems, namely that while you would see an improvement in the economy, they are unlikely to take many apprentices from the locals, quite likely further upsetting the peasants. There's also the matter that Valleyfall may not exactly like losing some of it's better artisans, and the issue may become a sore point with the duke.

[6] Minor nobles: The nobles, somewhat surprisingly, have come out of the war far better than anyone had hoped, at the expense of everyone else. Most of the nobles exert a deal of control over every part of your land, meaning that most trouble generally is seen off before it gets large. This, however, is due to the fact a lot of the nobles took the opportunity during the miner's revolt to set themselves up in their own estates controlling most of the peasantry post-war, and to top it off most of the houses are laden with loot taken from the cities during the civil war.

The current band infront of you seem rather content with your ascension to count, with you having being one of their number previously. In celebration, they politely request if you could hold a tournament in your own honour, so that they can truely see whom among them is the finest of the Brighthall nobility.

Advisor's opinion: Holding a tournament, especially now, may only disillusion the peasantry and burghers, and with the cost of organising such a tournament it may not be wise to acquiesce to the idea. Of course, with the considerable infulence and power of the nobility, saying no may upset them, and you know how the nobles in the principality get.

Identify any rumours or news on as to why the northern tribes have pulled back.
Identify any rumours or news on as to why the Shadow War has cooled down recently.
Identify if there are any possible rival claimants in the kingdom. Determine if any groups support them.
Determine how loyal the people of the city are to the Prince.

Between the imperceptible amount of information most people tell you, most being rumours backed up by nothing, and the fact that you are a golem, leads for this to be a rather abject failure. It doesn't help that most people that would be able to say more happen to not be concentrated in the capital. In order to search for this kind of information, you'd have to go where the impact of them is far higher.

Clarify that the guards should escort the shipments on the entire route, at least for this season.
While some of them quietly grumble beneath their helmets, they do comply and set out back to Stormborough, though it'll be a while before they reach it. The message should get through before they do arrive however.

Jawyn sends prospectors and serfs to the mines abandoned by the uprising to see if they can be restarted or their profitability increased.
[1] The mines, as you find out, are completely sealed. Between the sheer amount of work involved, the lack of miners after the majority emigrated after the rebellion and the unwillingness of the serfs to start mining means that any avenue of mineral wealth is completely closed off to you

Respond to the Duke Baron. Offer hugs.
The baron awkwardly pats your back as you hug him, before he pushes you off of him.

"I do admit, it wasn't my idea to come here, the other nobles had decided that it be me to take the "Fall", so to speak. Though rest assured, they mean no ill when they did. And leaving together is a sound plan, I didn't expect the bandits to be so brazen with their tolling as to double what they charge, so travellng back with the entourage that escorted you here would be a rather wise course of action."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #111 on: January 15, 2014, 04:03:03 pm »

"It must no be too important a position, lest it be obvious that you are predisposed in my favor, and yet high enough that you might speak with her. If you were to enter as my valet in tomorrow's meeting, that might just grant you the opportunity, though you will have to weigh your words carefully to make it believable. Surely, you might allude to the peasantry's prosperity in my lands, convincing her that those Barons stand against the marriage for their own personal interests. It is, after all, no secret that many of them wish to marry their own heirs to the Duchess, and my lands are, indeed, rather prosperous".

"As for the reward, if you feel the bow is too great a reward, I will gladly indulge you. I offer you full retainership, and the status and stipend that come with it, should this endeavor prove successful. Simultaneously, the very same bow or quantity of gold shall be made available as a reward for your next task; provided that you have no qualms over the amount?".

Anders shifted around, his arms crossed, thinking. Eventually, he started nodding slowly, and he replied with a careful tone.

"That price is sufficient, my lord. I will do my best, and am yours to command until the task has been completed. Where to now?"


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #112 on: January 15, 2014, 04:12:01 pm »

"If you are to pass for my valet, you should act as such in the meantime; it is only a short while until the meeting, as it was arranged for tomorrow, before the next Council with the Prince. I will ensure you have a chance to approach her, use it well".

"Should she refuse, our task shall become all the harder"
he says casually, and yet with a grim undertone to it.

"At any rate, meet me here after the Council; even if you are to be seem as my valet, remember the heir apparent knows otherwise. Book this room and I will cover the debt once I arrive. Depending on the reply, we may have to make haste"

Late in the morning...

An elderly woman knocks at the doors of the Duchess' accommodations "Your Grace, my Lord, the Duke of Stormport, sends you this basket of grapes. He awaits your reply, and has instructed me to escort you to the site of the meeting, as arranged. Once you are ready, of course".
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 04:42:13 pm by Azthor »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #113 on: January 15, 2014, 10:11:44 pm »

((I was sort of waiting for you to start. :P))
Somewhat earlier than the Prince's appointed meeting time and somewhat later than the dusk of dawn...
Late in the morning...

An elderly woman knocks at the doors of the Duchess' accommodations "Your Grace, my Lord, the Duke of Stormport, sends you this basket of grapes. He awaits your reply, and has instructed me to escort you to the site of the meeting, as arranged. Once you are ready, of course".
"Thank you miss. I...appreciate the gesture," came Aria's voice from behind the door, which opens soon after to show a quite ready noblewoman, who was quite ready thanks to how the Baron gave his reply. "and I am glad at his timing. Though, would you also be joining us in the meeting? I may have some news for him that may...not be to his liking.

"I'll be bringing my messenger, so that there wouldn't be any misconceptions anyway. The Duke wouldn't mind that, I hope."

Azthor-related action: To the meeting! Bring my messenger-buddy.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 10:22:33 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #114 on: January 16, 2014, 06:09:52 pm »

Ramus sighed as he strode out of the Golden Horn in full gear, truth be told he didn't actually enjoy war that much, he loved the thrill of a good fight well enough but the sheer scale of bloodshed a war called for reminded him far to much of the world he had left behind. He knew some deluded themselves into believing they fought for some God high above, but Ramus couldn't see his battles for anything other then what they were, senseless bloodshed and murder in order preserve his lifestyle and that of those under his care. As he began to reminisce about events long past the empty dirt plot where his troops were assembled came into view, a host of soldiers with a random spattering of armor, the shields on their backs, and the axes and swords at their waists.

Grinning slightly as he comes to stand before his men, all of them ready to leave and set about their task, Ramus yells out over the lot making sure the troops could hear him clearly.

"Alright men, its time to get to work, our oh so wonderful client for this job, the Prince, wants us to go kill some bandits and burn their hideouts to the ground in the process. At least I hope that is what he wants, because that is sure as hell what we're gonna do, now get your asses moving we have money to earn, and lives to take!"

Purchase Shields for my regiment of dwarven mercenaries. (-1 Pound)
Go attack the bandit hideouts, preferably when the bandits are there. When we go to attack the camps have my men encircle it further out, and then advance slowly closing the circle in the process in the hopes of stopping any of the bandits from escaping. Once all the bandits are dead (or if they are not there at all) take anything of worth from the camp, and burn the rest.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #115 on: January 17, 2014, 07:21:58 am »

Analysis of possible threats: failure. Cause: Inherent flaw of manufacture as well as location. Solution? Investigate further.

Roads and rivers blocked by brigands. Difficult to pass. No men to request escort. Prince's men Are not mine to make use of for this duty...

Mercenaries. Dwarf present at Coronation. Contracted out his men and weaponry. Prince hired to deal with bandits. Could simply wait for task to be complete or could accompany them...

Better to wait. Will pursue limited investigation.

Try to find any Northern tribesman in the city. See if they have any news about home. Explain that I am trying to find a worthy ruler to serve up north. Try to determine emotion of tribesman if found (got bonus for this).
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #116 on: January 17, 2014, 11:12:50 am »

Time flows backwards, the Prince's Court.

Earl Ciall, Verin Eyr allowed several others to speak before standing and addressing his own concerns.

"With the long night of this civil war behind us, we must look forwards and lay out a stable plan with which to restore our kingdom to its state of greatness. Some may use this as an opportunity to once more belittle my family line, but the answer is obvious. Trade. We must make trade within our lands a possibility one more, by clearing out the bandits and pirates, and creating a place where the merchants wish to bring their goods.

To that end, I am proposing that our primary concern be ridding the land of those who took up banditry. After which we may at least restore trade overland. "

With that said, Earl Ciall melted back into the background, content to just watch everything develop. His oath was given in turn, and he enjoyed his first look into the calculating eyes of the Prince.
Later, After the court, at Ciall.

Spoiler: A Note to Magos Blewyn (click to show/hide)

Use £2 to finish the restoration of Ciall. (Since 3 got us about 70% of the way there, 2 should finish the job.)
Raise 1 basic levy.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #117 on: January 17, 2014, 11:45:54 pm »

"Alright men, its time to get to work, our oh so wonderful client for this job, the Prince, wants us to go kill some bandits and burn their hideouts to the ground in the process. At least I hope that is what he wants, because that is sure as hell what we're gonna do, now get your asses moving we have money to earn, and lives to take!"

Purchase Shields for my regiment of dwarven mercenaries. (-1 Pound)
Go attack the bandit hideouts, preferably when the bandits are there. When we go to attack the camps have my men encircle it further out, and then advance slowly closing the circle in the process in the hopes of stopping any of the bandits from escaping. Once all the bandits are dead (or if they are not there at all) take anything of worth from the camp, and burn the rest.

You spend a few days drinking while the armoursmiths of Stormborough hammer out fine iron shields for you and your men, then set about your hunt.  Both the Stone Hounds and Sealord Ivarling's Free Band accompany you on your hunt (it is assumed both men are present and therefore providing the leadership bonuses to their respective units).

Quote from: Stats
Stone Hounds
WS 2, BS 2, S 3, T 3, A 2, Ld 6+1, Sv 5
Axedwarves (standard melee)

The Free Band
WS 2, BS 2, S 3, T 3, A 2, Ld 6+1, Sv 6
Swashbucklers (standard melee)

[6] You find the first camp easily enough, a ramshackle affair of tents and campfires hidden in the woods.  Most of the bandits seem to be away, but the skeleton crew holding the camp seem to have been anticipating your arrival and wait with clubs and axes readied to face you.  Both your bands flank the camp and press in, closing against the ragged defenders in a brutal melee.

Spoiler: Skirmish (click to show/hide)

The defending bandits form an effective shieldwall against a thick press of trees, preventing a true flank, but the sheer press of bodies undoes them.  They hold for a good five minutes of the press before their ranks break and they try to scatter through the forest.  It proves a simple matter to hunt them down and exterminate them.  Not a single bandit escapes to tell the tale.  [5] You are fortunate in your looting of the camp; the bandits had recently taken a wagon full of cloth for the capital.  Not a terribly rich reward, but it all adds up.  Ramus No-Son gains £0.2

[3] Hunting the next bandit encampment takes two days of searching; your sources were not entirely accurate.  When you arrive at the camp (an abandoned hamlet boarded up for their purposes) there are less than twenty men there and upon seeing you they take for the hills.  [6] You manage to kill every one of them before they could escape, but you were so thorough nobody is left to question exactly where the last bandit encampment is.  You are forced to send out scouts.

[6] You find the final camp before sundown; or rather, they find you.  You investigate the route of a disappeared scout and find him nailed to a tree, his arm pointing up towards the hills.  It would appear they are waiting for you.  At least you can spot out the camp's fortifications from here; a crude palisade erected at the top of a hill.  With luck and organisation, you should be able to overcome the obstacle easily enough.

Spoiler: Battle (click to show/hide)

Unfortunately, it soon becomes apparent that the bandits thought ahead, clearing the approach of obstacles and placing defensive spikes to prevent ease of clambering up the hill.  The two mercenary bands retain the advantage of numbers however, and this time round are able to successfully flank the palisade and strike at the bandits from both sides.  The bandits open up with a volley of javelins just before the armies clash, but few fall to the rain of spears.  The press of battle initially proves just as indecisive; it becomes apparent that these bandits are better trained, better equipped and better prepared than the attacking mercenaries.  As the battle rages on, you are able to see why; an old knight rides on horseback around the fray, bellowing orders and cutting down dwarves with impunity.

As the battle stretches past half an hour of combat, exhaustion sets in and the dwarves are the first to crack.  Ramus finds himself abandoned by his fellows, desperately holding his own with his greatsword against the upjumped peasants trying to kill him.  In the press of the melee, the knight charges him with his horse, greatsword and bastard sword clashing.  [3+1 vs 6] The knight shifts his blade with deceptive speed and agility for a human so old, slicing through Ramus' armour and delivering a glancing cut across the belly.  Ramus takes a wound.

The tide of battle carries the old knight away from Ramus, and the fight struggles on.  The damage inflicted by the Stone Hounds does not go without effect however, as the exhaustion of a long fight claims the bandits next and they break, the bandit chief riding away for the hills.  During his escape, he crosses paths with the Sealord and his blade, [2 vs 5] dealing Ivarling a heavy blow to the arm before riding away into the sunset.  Ivarling takes a wound.

Even on the retreat, the bandits hold some semblance of formation and are able to flee into the Dorenwoods.  They have managed to escape for today, and their leader is still at large, but the bandits have at least been driven from Stormborough's estates.  [5] The spoils of war prove particularly welcome; although there is little in the way of treasure, the bandits had a working tannery and had been building up stocks of boiled leather armour.  Enough leather armour is discovered to outfit a single unit with Light Armour.

You have driven out the bandits for today, but it will take time to recover your losses from the battle.  You can still press on and engage in other campaigns this season, but you will retain your current level of wounds.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #118 on: January 18, 2014, 01:55:37 am »

Ramus stalks through the remains of the last battlefield ordering the Stone Hounds in the looting and cursing at anyone who is doing their job poorly, when one of his men brings word that they recovered enough armor to either gear up his men or the Sealord's a grin spreads across his face.

"Well what do you think we're gonna do, take the armor for the Stone Hounds, we're the ones that discovered these camps and if the Sealord has a problem with it tell him to bring it up with me. Now hurry your asses up, I want to get back to the capital to drink myself into a grave faster!"

Requisition the Leather Armor for the Stone Hounds on the basis of 'we got the information so shove it.'
Return to the capital to recover from the ordeal, and ask for a meeting with the Prince to inform him of the progress so far.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #119 on: January 18, 2014, 02:38:44 am »

In the aftermath of the battle, Yorvus walks over to Ramus, clutching his arm, but with a smile on his face.

"Nice little fight, wasn't it? Looks like they got the better of us, but at least least we drove them back. Looks like my men and I haven't quite got the hand of fighting on land yet. That old bastard was quite the fighter, let's hope we run into him again, so I can pay him back for this." He shakes his arm. "About the armor, your men have a right to it. I wouldn't take it from you, as long as you won't take anything that's rightfully ours. On that topic, the next time we find some armor, I'd like my men to get it."
And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the Assaulted Lanterns Magma Artillery' - King Id I of the Assaulted Lanterns
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