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How Should Round 2 Be Changed Regarding Combat?

Players are much tougher than standard enemy units.
- 7 (53.8%)
Introduce a Fatigue system.
- 1 (7.7%)
Options 1+2
- 5 (38.5%)
No Change
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 13

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Author Topic: -The Last Stand- Final Pre-Round 2 Poll: Combat  (Read 39284 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #210 on: January 21, 2014, 11:49:21 pm »

Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]

As the fighting wears on, another Gladiator steps forth from the gates of city. Alex Raman finds himself walking through the battlefield, unlike some of the other defenders, his goal is to achieve honor by facing off against the toughest Barbarian he can find. At the edge of the field, Alex spots a Barbarian ballista device being loaded, and next to it stood a stocky, huge Barbarian, one that Alex could call proper competition. Alex ran past the main battle through the field, charging the Sentinel. The guarding Barbarian spotted the Gladiator running towards him, and held his Jagged Spear at the ready. (6+1 vs. 9+1) Alex met the Sentinel with a vertical swing of his Scissors, only for it to be deflected the metal tip of his opponents Spear. (1+1 vs. 3+1) Alex quickly side-stepped the counter-attack as the vicious spear-head missed his torso by inches.

Clyde, mountless and injured, let's John Doe perform his medicinal work on him. Just before they can set down for treatment, Clyde witnesses the Executioner limping after him. Clyde protectively pushes the doctor back while confronting his nemesis, gripping his Pilum. "Leave me alone!" The Executioner takes no heeded warning, and Clyde stops him from proceeding. (7-1 vs. 8) Clyde thrusts his Javelin forward, but the Executioner deflects the shaft with his axe. (4 vs. 6-1) The Executioner raises his Double-Sided Axe as he closes in, but Clyde leaps forward and shoves him to the ground. The Executioner rolls back, grabs his axe and goes on a retreat. With him gone, Clyde settles into a state of rest for John Doe.

Anders Von Anderland witnesses Clyde getting into a fight with the Executioner which could have easily ended with one of them dead. Anders walks over and sets his shield up in front of Clyde, in order to prevent anymore attacks while he receives medical treatment.

Carl Anderson was not dead, merely taking a nap in the heat of battle. (Consciousness: 2) He continues to snooze, having a dream sequence involving him simply shooting down all the Barbarians with a rapid-fire future Ballista.

Bigus Dickus, along with Anders Von Anderland, witnessed Clyde being assaulted by the Executioner. While Anders ran to Cylde's aid as a guardian, Bigus instead chases after the Executioner. With blood, adrenaline and alcohol surging throughout his system, Bigus goes into a Rage! The Executioner turns around upon hearing a barbaric scream, followed by a Double-Sided Axe flying straight towards him. (5+3 vs. 7-1) The axe embeds itself deep in the Executioner's other leg, and he topples over.

As the Executioner falls to the ground, Dalen decides to end the conflict for good. (9 vs. 2-1) The Executioner is pretty surprised to find an arrow pierce through his neck. As he flails around in his death throes, Bigus relieves him of his Double-Sided Axe by violently ripping it from his thigh, and running towards the heart of the battlefield. The Executioner's last few moments are of great suffering.
The Executioner has been slain!
Clyde receives 6 points for initially giving him the wound that would start his downfall.
Bigus Dickus receives 5 points for sending him to the ground.
Dalen receives 2 points for performing the anti-coup de grace.

Asinus Ultricies screams at the Barbarian Soldier, "OH NO YOU DON'T!" His Equss thunderously gallops at the Soldier, who does his best to leap out of the way. (8+1 vs. 1) The Soldier leaps for cover, and nearly succeeds when Asinus suddenly switches the direction he's swinging in. In the end, the Barbarian ends up having a Spatha lodged deep in his chest. He falls over onto the ground, fruitlessly trying to get up as his blood paints the dirt a crimson color. Asinus turns around and rides over to him, looking at his fallen opponent. The last thing the Soldier feels is a hoof slamming against the side of his head.
Asinus Ultricies has slain the Soldier!
He gains 10 Points!

Thorston Bohn continues to guard Doctor John Doe.

Barrus Patrione squares off against Brute (II), while suffering from a deep wound in his right arm. Taking advantage of the Brute's recklessness, Barrus planned to launch a combination attack. (5+1 vs. 10-1) Barrus gets right up close into the Brute's face, too close for him to use his club. Barrus strikes the Brute in the groin with his knee, however the attack was shielded by a thick layer of multiple skins designed exactly for this type of attack. The Brute, unfazed, countered. (8 vs. 6) He shoved Barrus away, sending the Gladiator stumbling back, and swung his Spiked Club down. Several spikes tore into Barrus's exposed left leg. Now, not only was his movement hampered, he was bleeding a whole lot worse.

John Doe screams for his patient to be protected before he does his work. Looks like he has been battered around, and his back is bleeding rather nastily. (7+2) John bandages the wound, with it being the most immediate concern because of the bleeding, and also manages to clean off Clyde's arm. "There, you're fixed. Sorry, there's nothing I can do for your horse."
John Doe has Healed Clyde!
He receives 5 Points for healing Clyde's arm in addition to his back.

Aurus Romuli, after dealing with the Demolishers, looks to the Slingers as the next source of widespread destruction as they rain rocks down upon the town. Aurus hurriedly takes up a position in their path, assuming a battle stance as they pour towards him wildly. (8+1 vs. 4) The Triarii weaves his way through a flurry of flying stone and manages to jam his Hasta through some poor Barbarian's ribcage. Pulling his weapon out, Aurus spins around and stabs the next Slinger through the forehead before he can even reach for his knife. One Slinger does get a hold of his reserve knife and stabs at Aurus, only for the blade to get stuck in his armor. Aurus shoves the Barbarian to the ground and drives his javelin through his chest. After pulling his Hasta out, it's tip soaking in sanguine liquid, only one Slinger is left.

Zachariah Sinstra decides to distract Brute (I) before he can attack anyone else. "Come and get it you stupid monkey!" The Brute takes the challenge accordingly. (5 vs. 9+1) The Brute steps forward, only for Zachariah to grab him by his Cestus arm; the palm of his hand are the only place not covered with spikes. (1+1 vs. 7) Zachariah gets his Scissors ready for a haircut beneath the chin, when the Brute suddenly spits in his eyes. This doesn't hurt Zach in any regard, but it does cause him to let go in disgust and surprise.

The Ballistamen found themselves unharassed, an unusual event as they were usually the first targets of any Roman defending force. But they weren't complaining. They launched a single arrow off in the general area where John Doe was tending to Clyde. The arrow didn't hit the doctor, patient, or even Thorston Bohn. No, Anders von Anderson was the one in its path. (7+2 vs. 8) Fortunately, Ander's shields protective him from what could have been a fatal attack, as the arrow bounces off the metal centerpiece of his shield. Still, the arrow was traveling at great velocity, and so Anders was suddenly sent flying back as if he had been thrown. He lands on the ground uninjured, but stunned.
The Barbarians made their way to Dalen, who had barely managed to escape their wrath. Now they were back and ready as ever. (10 vs. 1-1) Dalen draws his bow back, hoping to make a single close-range shot, but a Curved Sword cuts through his instrument before he can even knock an arrow. Dalen reaches for his Denique-Lamia, when a second sword cuts through his hand, severing it off his body from the wrist. There's a roar and a lunge, and a blade cuts right through Dalen's neck. His head rolls a few feet away, laying in the grass as the Bandits seize his body, greedily pocketing the spare gold that Dalen had.

The Sentinel makes a move towards Alex Raman, when he hears the Ballistamen fire their first shot. He realizes its more important to protect the artillery than to kill the Gladiator. He stands firmly in place, with a challenging glare indicating that he'll impale Alex the second he moves towards either him or the Ballista.

Having slain his foe, the Beserker finds his blood lust temporarily sated. With this in mind, he instead proceeds to the small grouping of trees where John Doe is treating Clyde. His next victims. However, as he steps forward, Thorston Bohn stands firmly in front of the doctor and patient, pointing his javelin forward. The Beserker scowls, he has no time for this nonsense. (4-1 vs. 2+1) He raises his Double-Sided Axe, but Bohn swings the javelin around, confusing the Beserker for a moment, and allowing Bohn to strike him in the chest with the blunt end of the Hasta. The Beserker gasps and steps back, clutching his chest. The blow did not inflict damage or even pain, but it was a discomfort that only served to make him mad. Soon, his rage would come to him once again...

The Pseudo-Legionary sees the Beserker having a tough time with Thorston Bohn. Surprised that someone was able to stand in the Beserker's way, the Barbarian rushes to his comrades aide, attacking Bohn from the side. (5+1 vs. 4+1) The Pseudo-Legionary swings his Gladius and cuts Bohn fatally. Actually, he just gives him a cut along the hand. Thorston backs up, suddenly realizing that he's being attacked and even bleeding a little bit.

The single Slinger runs from Aurus Romuli, or at least makes it looks like that. When he is a safe distance away, he takes a single rock out of his fur pack, and loads it into his Sling. (8 vs. 5+1-1) Aurus Romuli is charging after the Slinger, when the flying stock catches him in the left ankle. He falls over, but fortunately his armor prevented any major bone breakage. Still, the attack left his leg feeling shook up and bruised, no doubt impeding his agility.

The Warband charges through the trees, a popular spot ever since John Doe had attended to Clyde. The Romans saw this oncoming squadron, and Bigus Dickus was the one to face him. "I'll take them on, the rest of you stay back for the moment." Bigus drew his Double-Bladed Axe, the Rage still surging within him. (6 vs. 2-3) He charges forward recklessly, allowing himself to get stabbed straight through the stomach. Twice. The Warband then ran past him as he fell to the ground, bleeding like a fountain, having managed to get himself seconds minutes away from death by blood loss in a record time.

Grunt (II) saw Anders flee, and with no way of catching up in his current state, he fled from the battlefield, dying. He managed to get onto a roof-top, away from the battle, and slumped to his knees. This was it, he was done for. He hadn't been able to kill anyone. Praying that there would be some way for him to prove his manliness before his death, he looked besides him and his prayers were answered in the form of an unconscious Ballistaman, specifically, Carl Anderson. Carl could see he wasn't dead yet, from the way Carl still inhaled breathes. The Grunt crawled his way over to the prone Roman, his innards still bleeding out onto the roof, his hand clasped around the bottom of his club. (6+2) He brought his club onto Carl's torso, and again, and again, each time with greater force. He prepared to for the finishing blow, when the bleeding finally seized him. His club slipped from his hands and he slumped over, his body laying right over Carl's unconscious one. Although Carl didn't know it, he was now seriously bleeding internally from rupturing caused by the multiple blows to his body.
Grunt (II) has bled-out.
Anders Von Anderland receives 3 Points for being the cause of his eventual death.

Brute (II) pulled his Spiked Club from Barrus Patrione's leg. The resistance of the Gladiator was infuriating, but his true Rage had died down. Still, he was bent on ending this particular enemy. (1 vs. 7+1-1) Even in his injured state, Barrus was able to launch himself forward and tackle the Brute to the ground before the Barbarian could even initiate the next step of combat. (9+1 vs. 6) The Brute looked up to be met with a Cestus punch right to the jaw. It didn't kill him, but the impact was enough to knock him out cold. He was unable to do anything about the fact that Barrus was still right on top of him, ready to do who knows what to extract revenge.

Asinus Ultricies was riding along, surveying the battlefield, when Brute (I) leapt at him from some bushes in a great Raging fury. (8+1 vs. 5) The Spiked Club drove into Asinus's shoulder, and sent him flying off his steed. He landed in some mud, dirty, and with a mangled and bleeding shoulder from that last attack.

Barbarian Reinforcements!

Chosen Archer - A few proud and skilled Barbarians do not take up the blunt or sharp weapons of their brethren, though they easily could. Instead, they focus on their skills as Archers, and thus despite being few in number, they have an accuracy respected by even elite Sagittarii.
Focus Shot (Active) - The Chosen Archer spends some time honing in on a single target to make sure their shot counts. Focus in on a Target for 1-Turn, get a +1 Attacking them next turn.
Compound Bow - A Bow originally intended for hunting large game, turned into a weapon of long-range destruction.

Things looked grim for the Barbarians. They were losing warriors much faster than anticipated, and if this continued, there might be enough time for the townspeople to erect some sort of proper barricade, which would be most detrimental to the raid. This was when a particularly powerful voice thundered down the plains.



War Chief - Among the greatest warriors in all of the Frankish lands is the War Chief. He commands his forces tactically, yet has unparalleled vicious in combat. His greatest asset though, is his morale boost in battle that turns the weakest Barbarian into a a force of reckoning, and strikes fear into the most jaded Roman soldier.
War Cry (Active) - The War Chief lets out a scream of inhumane volume and harshness, almost like the cry of a predatory beast. Upon activation, D6 Barbarians get a +1 to all Actions on their following turn. 1-Turn Cooldown.
Legendary Fighter (Passive) - The War Chief has seen it all, and done it all. None except for the greatest Generals can match him in terms of pure combat experience. +1 to All Combat.
Iron Determination (Passive) - Even if the Chief is wounded badly, he can keep fighting and shrug off wounds that would incapacitate most soldiers. All Damage done to the War Chief is Reduced; he is less penalized by Injuries and Pain, takes much longer to Bleed-out, can survive Fatal Blows, etc. Despite being extremely tough, he is far from invincible.

Proud Warrior Guy - Despite being such a key figure, the War Chief is not content with having any sort of personal bodyguard, and much prefers himself to be in the thick of war. Can not be Guarded.
Decapitated Army - Being the center of army morale is a double-edged sword, because if the morale source disappears, then the entire army suffers. When the War Chief is killed, all Barbarians suffer a -1 to Attacking during their following turn.
War-Spike - A unique weapon composed of a wooden piece for holding and a sharp curved blade at the end, made of iron. It both looks and functions like a vicious version of the modern Pick-Axe. High chance of getting stuck within the target.
Hatchet - The back-up weapon for the War Chief is the same as the one-handed axe held by his subordinates. He normally uses this as a finishing weapon after his War-Spike has become stuck in a Roman limb or torso.
Hide Armor Outfit - The War Chief wears this full-set of Hide Armor similarly to his highest troops. This type of armor sheds some protection in exchange for mobility.
Wolf-Head Helmet - Perhaps the easiest way to distinguish the War Chief, if he isn't performing his signature scream, is the fact that he is wearing his helmet composed of the interior of a Wolf's Head. It offers both head protection and outward intimidation.

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 2 [Retribution Phase]
« Reply #211 on: January 21, 2014, 11:50:06 pm »

Spoiler: Barbarians (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Romans (click to show/hide)

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #212 on: January 22, 2014, 06:18:34 am »

"Wait there partner, I'll take care of this."
Attack Brute(1) on foot, if I win get back on my horse.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #213 on: January 22, 2014, 07:14:49 am »

Stop bleeding! A true warrior doesn't have time to bleed!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #214 on: January 22, 2014, 08:19:59 am »

Finish off Slinger Man.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #215 on: January 22, 2014, 08:27:48 am »

((The War Chief isn't in the Barbarians spoiler. On that note...The Frankish Empire?))

Wake up! Or respawn, whatever.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #216 on: January 22, 2014, 08:36:44 am »

walk to chief.Snap chief's neck. Walk away
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #217 on: January 22, 2014, 10:46:59 am »

Heal Bigus.
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #218 on: January 22, 2014, 02:16:16 pm »

Kill the guy guarding the ballista. Bring that sucker down! Kill kill kill! Stab stab stab! Chop chop choppy!
On another note, what happened to my horse?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 04:01:15 am by Octobomb »
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
Bay12's resident tea drinkers


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #219 on: January 22, 2014, 03:16:14 pm »

((The War Chief isn't in the Barbarians spoiler. On that note...The Frankish Empire?))

Wake up! Or respawn, whatever.
The reinforcements don't show up in the Barbarian Spoiler until the following turn after they arrive. The Franks do not have a true empire of course, but from their perspective the conquest of Rome is full-blown Imperial supremacy.  Carl isn't dead, just unconscious and bleeding badly.

Quote from: Octobomb link=topic=134683.msg4942213#msg4942213
On another note, what happened to my horse?

Your horse got killed by the Executioner.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 06:22:00 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #220 on: January 22, 2014, 03:21:29 pm »

((The War Chief isn't in the Barbarians spoiler. On that note...The Frankish Empire?))

Wake up! Or respawn, whatever.
The reinforcements don't show up in the Barbarian Spoiler until the following turn after they arrive. The Franks do not have a true empire of course, but from their perspective the conquest of Rome is full-blown Imperial supremacy.  Carl isn't dead, just unconscious and bleeding badly.
1. Ah.
2. Good.
3. I know, I'm just saying...if I don't wake up, I'd rather get the whole slowly-dying thing over with and respawn so I can actually act.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #221 on: January 22, 2014, 06:22:31 pm »

((The War Chief isn't in the Barbarians spoiler. On that note...The Frankish Empire?))

Wake up! Or respawn, whatever.
The reinforcements don't show up in the Barbarian Spoiler until the following turn after they arrive. The Franks do not have a true empire of course, but from their perspective the conquest of Rome is full-blown Imperial supremacy.  Carl isn't dead, just unconscious and bleeding badly.
1. Ah.
2. Good.
3. I know, I'm just saying...if I don't wake up, I'd rather get the whole slowly-dying thing over with and respawn so I can actually act.

Sorry, but you can't do anything about dying or not dying while in the unconscious state. You can't just will yourself to death.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #222 on: January 22, 2014, 06:23:16 pm »

But I can will myself into not bleeding?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #223 on: January 22, 2014, 06:23:38 pm »

((The War Chief isn't in the Barbarians spoiler. On that note...The Frankish Empire?))

Wake up! Or respawn, whatever.
The reinforcements don't show up in the Barbarian Spoiler until the following turn after they arrive. The Franks do not have a true empire of course, but from their perspective the conquest of Rome is full-blown Imperial supremacy.  Carl isn't dead, just unconscious and bleeding badly.
1. Ah.
2. Good.
3. I know, I'm just saying...if I don't wake up, I'd rather get the whole slowly-dying thing over with and respawn so I can actually act.

Sorry, but you can't do anything about dying or not dying while in the unconscious state. You can't just will yourself to death.
Can he pray to Thanatos to take his soul?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -The Last Stand- Necdum Spiritum Romanus: Phase 3 [BOSS BATTLE!]
« Reply #224 on: January 22, 2014, 06:24:58 pm »

But I can will myself into not bleeding?


Can he pray to Thanatos to take his soul?

Nope, praying is a conscious action.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.
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