"Ready for launch. Activating rails in T minus 5..4..3..2.. Engine ignition.. Launch!"
A jet of blue-yellow flames erupts out of the back of the engines, I pull a heavy electrical switch that causes all the lights in the facility to dim greatly. The craft begins ascending up the rail with a steady climb.
"Reaching outer stratosphere, turning on climate control. Activating liquid hydrogen flow. Engines switching in T minus 3..2..1.. Engines reaching optimal acceleration."
"MC, we are leaving the rail end in 7..6..5..4..3..2.. And we have separation. Activating engine gimbaling. Beginning orbital burn."
"Switching to manual controls, receiving video feedback from internal and external cameras."
A small solar panel, antenna, camera, magnetic alignment device, and oxygen tank with electronic valve release at the end of the mesosphere from a small compartment in the back. It begins thrusting upwards into a stable orbit as the pod falls back through the atmosphere.
"Opening parachutes." The open compartment releases a drag chute that pulls out a large circular parachute. The pod lands in the Pacific Ocean as I pull up in a jetski. I get the pilot and hook the pod with a chain as I dragged the remains of the spacecraft back to the shore. The plating needed refitting, aswell as the wheels, and most of the cameras need new lenses.
"And in other news today an unidentified spacecraft launched at 10:35 this morning, we still don't know who launched this craft or why. The UN holds it's breath incase of nuclear ICBMs. I have been Jerry Lyson with the evening news."