Minor Action: Oath of Enmity BK10.
Move Action: Move to the square north of B8 from Archuther's square to avoid attacks of opportunity.
Major Action: Avenging Echo BLK10.
You declare your oath of enmity on BK10. You move up. But as you move by Archuther, a claw breaks out of the ground and claws at you! The attack lands, dealing (6) damage! The claw goes back underground, but you're now aware there is something is in front of Archuther under the ground. You use Avenging Echo on BK10! (14+9) Your attack lands, dealing (4+6+5) damage! The blow obliterates BK10's body, and you hear a crunching noise as the attack lands. BK10 dies, and BK11 joins the fray! You hear the shadows laughing at you now. You take (2) damage from a source you cannot pinpoint.
BK7 moves up.
B7 screams! Grot's light goes out and darkness fills the place!
B11 runs up and leaps onto Archuther! You try to swat the creature that reminds you of the nids back home, but you body acts as if they WANT it on you. It begins to put something inside your through a gas of sorts. Your stomach churns and your mind feels like its splitting apart.
B12 runs up and leaps onto Archuther! The same instance happens, but now the pain and mental strain intensifies. Your body begins to struggle and spasm.
B13 does the same as well, and 3 bodies are now grabbed onto Archuther and imprinting something onto him. He begins to roar in pain!
B14 jumps onto Archuther as well! The pain becomes so excrutiating, you wish you were being gut open by Orks. You now can comprehend some of the language that the creatures speak, but bits an pieces.
The above enemies take (7) radiant damage but do not die.
BK9 moves up and attacks Karl! It swings with its brutal looking claw! The attack is glanced away by your armor however. It takes (7) radiant damage!
BK11 begins his turn by moving in front of Archuther and flanks Symon! It attacks Symon with its claws! The attack lands, dealing (10) damage and knocking you prone! He takes (7) radiant damage and then another (7) radiant as it ends its turn next to you. He drops dead.
B15 joins the fray! He runs up and clings onto Archuther! Archuther drops to his knees from the weight and strain placed on his body and mind. You now fully comprehend the language the creatures speak... And you wish you didn't. He ends his turn and take (7) radiant.
Kill count:
7The enemy speaks as BK8 begins his turn.
""Revel in the shadow with us, human from another world... Feast on the bodies of the fallen with us... Bask in the embrace of the darkness as we do... Come join us in the void..."
BK8 moves up and claws at Symon! He takes (7) radiant and lands the attack, dealing (9) damage! You are now in critical condition! He takes (7) radiant and dies! Another enemy approaches! (B16)
Archuther begins his turn. ((Every turn now, a percentile is rolled to see if you control your turn or not.))
Archuther is able to control his movements this turn but suffers a -4 to all checks and to all attacks.
((Note: oppertunity attacks cannot be made if you cannot SEE the enemies, which is why Symon couldn't do any for those that tackled Archuther, for clearence's sake))