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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1124542 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7755 on: September 14, 2018, 04:27:37 pm »

((Steve Irwin has a really cool power. Do his mutations reset with each new form or do they accumulate and stack? Either way he's sure to get more powerful on longer missions as he accumulates more mutations or collects more specimens. What happens if he eats a non-human player character, does he gain their powers? The only one I can think of who is small enough to eat whole is Irene.))

((Damn you Square Cube Law!!!))

Of course, you can just tell physics to go [expletive] itself. If I can create a character who can call forth dolls out of thin air without requiring their equivalent in matter, then you can create your bug Aussie too!
((It's not really a question of physics but of game balance. Eating an ant then gettin +4 strength would just be OP. If anything eating an ant should mostly give fun esoteric bonuses like walking on walls, poison bite, burrowing ability, pheremone sense. Maybe extra limbs, or you shrink but retain your normal strength.

Any animals with flight would be good options. I'm surprised at how few flying characters this game has.))
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7756 on: September 14, 2018, 04:59:46 pm »

((Steve Irwin has a really cool power. Do his mutations reset with each new form or do they accumulate and stack? Either way he's sure to get more powerful on longer missions as he accumulates more mutations or collects more specimens. What happens if he eats a non-human player character, does he gain their powers? The only one I can think of who is small enough to eat whole is Irene.))

((Damn you Square Cube Law!!!))

Of course, you can just tell physics to go [expletive] itself. If I can create a character who can call forth dolls out of thin air without requiring their equivalent in matter, then you can create your bug Aussie too!
((It's not really a question of physics but of game balance. Eating an ant then gettin +4 strength would just be OP. If anything eating an ant should mostly give fun esoteric bonuses like walking on walls, poison bite, burrowing ability, pheremone sense. Maybe extra limbs, or you shrink but retain your normal strength.

Any animals with flight would be good options. I'm surprised at how few flying characters this game has.))
((They stack, but he also gains their weakness, so eating a lot of bugs would make him very very very weak to pesticides. Add in some abilities could cancel each other out. Also, if he gets to eat a Tyranid like creature gg good game))
« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 05:01:32 pm by ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES »


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7757 on: September 27, 2018, 10:32:40 am »

I'm totally still here, btw! I just had very little idea how to react to what's happening here.
I guess that means that Fe is currently just staring at this guy, stunned. Trying to figure out if that would actually work, I suppose..

It could work, assuming he's not lying. If he has indeed written his goal on his tablet then you imagine your 'employer' would be satisfied with that.

You could ask to keep all the things you took as collateral until your job is done to ensure he doesn't try to pull any tricks. He seems to want it badly enough to waste some time and effort in return for his stuff. You don't know if he didn't attack because he was afraid you'd kill him, because he doesn't want to damage the suit or because he feels bad killing little girls, but either way you could try to push that advantage and convince him that waiting for a while is better than trying to take it by force. Of course, there are three problems with this.

First is that you might need a convincing lie for your 'employer' because he might not be entirely pleased with the way you obtained this information.

Second is that you've already attracted attention, so you'd need a way to incorporate the events that transpired here to that lie (that or hope the situation is resolved before he finds out).

Third is that you will continue attracting attention. You're pretty sure it would not be easy to to meet with him armed and armoured like this. If you hide that stuff you'd need to hide it well and use your ability to make sure nobody follows you while you do so. That or find someone trustworthy to give it to.

Overall, it's not a good choice but it's probably the best you have right now, unless you can think of something better.

Campaign: Party Crasher

((Not sure what an n is, but I won't dispute it!
Eventual realization edit: herpaderp, didn't realize that was pi. Heh.))

Alayne, About To Put On A Show

"Hm. So what is this message?" he asks, watching you closely.

Alayne straightens her smock, clears her throat, and hums for a second before abruptly snapping to attention, adopting a perfectly blank expression. If there was one thing Alan had learned from that one time he'd done nothing but watch Chris Angel: Mindfreak for a month straight, it was that the most important part of magic was having really good eyeliner, and failing that, putting on such a good show that people forget you're not actually a qualified wizard. He figured that if Alayne acted like she was having a magic message relayed through her, her princess self's reputation would make it seem like that was actually a thing that was happening to Ventis' eyes!

After all, the alternative was Princess Alayne herself bothering to find out the details of this airship launch, somehow making her way onto it undetected, disguising herself as a serving girl, and then pretending to be her own servant in order to deliver a simple message! No rational person would go to such unnecessary lengths to do such a simple thing that could be accomplished at any time via a courier.

All this is why Alayne stands very still and does her best impression of a 'person having a message transmitted through them', talking in an even, monotone voice thusly.

"Hello, hello to the cool wizard Ventis
Who has a name much neater than that of a dentist
And overall sounds like a guy most stupendous

I know you're a busy man, so I won't take much time
Though it's unnecessary to speak now in rhyme
But I find it's much better than being a mime!

Okay seriously now, hiya Ventis, princess Alayne here, metaphorically speaking of course. I'd like to splendiferously invite you to my residence at your earliest convenience - I've got some neato experiments going on that involve quite a bit of magical shenanigans and some of it is kinda evading my grasp, so I'd like to ask your help, being a cool wizard and all. I'm sure you'll be able to help me decipher the results I'm getting, being as skilled as you are.

Also it is kinda of importance to the state so, y'know. But I'm not officially using my princess authority on this, so purely at your discretion!

And yes, yes, before you say anything to yourself inside your head about how this sounds awfully suspiciously convenient or whatever, that's because I've made it so! I probably could've gone through official channels for the help I need and not involved you at all, but I know how you're kinda suspicious of my motives or whatever, and to me that's a darn tootin shame. You may have been able to tell, but I like being friends with people quite a bit, especially people who are interesting ... people. Funny word, that. People people people people.

Focus, Alayne! Ventis is a wizard, and wizards are busy so oh poopers I left the message running. Ahem. Anyhow, there does seem to be some wariness on your end, which I thought could be fixed by getting to know each other better! So this'd be helping us all really, I hopefully get a new friend, you get to participate on a top secret magic project thingy, and the Sovereign gets the project thingy! You know where I live, so whenever you're free just pop by. Looking forward to seeing you there!"

Alayne is about to conclude the message when she has a positively diabolical idea.

"Oh, one more thing before I go - I couldn't decide on a gift for you, and I figured a gesture of trust would help with making you less grouchy concerning me, so I'm leaving you the girl here as collateral. Use her as an assistant, a maid, a shoo-shooer to shoo-shoo bothersome folks away from you or whatever you need really. She's my assistant, and she's got a bit of chaos magic if you'd find that useful. Just return her to me when you come meet me, 'kay? May she be the extended hand of friendliness that seals our deal! Okay, gotta go. Toodles!"

She then pretends to snap out of a daze, shaking her head and looking up at Ventis. "Huh, so that explains why the envelope she gave me was empty. What was the message, Mister Ventis?"

Pretend to be carrying an implanted message from myself, in which I offer myself up as insurance in order to get Ventis to agree to meet with me later. It's a plan so genius no one would even suspect it's being enacted!

((I'm unsure if this counts as an example of Alan behaving uncharacteristically competently when on the enemy team, or only bothering to apply his focus when it comes to making friends.))
((I'll give it a +2 incredibly convoluted plan bonus.))

You make some dial-up noises before changing your voice and delivering your message. Your delivery is good, though you can't tell if it was good enough to fool him. He doesn't respond to your question. He looks at you intensely, as if trying to look through you.
"Your mistress wishes for you to remain with me until it is time to meet her." he finally explains.
He looks at you for a second more before turning to look at the illusory view of the outside of the ship spreading in front of him.
"Meet me here after we dock. For now, you are free to go as you wish." he adds, though it sounds more like a command.
With that, he gets back to focusing on... whatever magic thing he's doing.

The guard next to you steps closer to you, probably wishing for you to politely follow him outside, though you're certain he will become impolite if you don't. You are in the control room of a mix between a container ship, an airplane and a superweapon, it's understandable that they'd want to shoo you out as quickly as possible, even if they don't know about how Alany Alan can be.

You could roam the ship for a while and see if you can find anything interesting. There's supposed to be a demonstration of some sort after all. Or you could just go to his quarters and wait. Maybe he even has a bed in there. You don't really need sleep but it would be nice to have somewhere comfortable to wait.

Campaign: Rebel Assault

<I'm sorry to have to do this.>
Burn the branches out from under the guy that was lifted off the ground... and burn out the branches that impaled the guy in the leg. If my flames kill them, so be it, though at least for the guy thats in the air I think I can leave them in place and just burn out their connection to the main body. But if theyre still active while disconnected, then ill just have to burn them out.
I hope these guys will survive the rough treatment, but... it has to be done.

You send a thick sheet of fire against the branch holding the man in the air. The flames quickly cut the branch until it breaks, causing the man to fall to the ground. Now that it's cut off from the main body the branch appears to no longer be active, though that's little consolation for the wounded man. Blood is already gushing out of his mouth. Maybe a high grade healing potion could save him, but nobody is willing to risk standing on the ground after what they witnessed. More branches stab through the earth where he falls, one of them piercing him through the abdomen, quickening his death. You stubbornly fight the branches regardless until the man stops struggling. No more branches come out around him after that.

At the same time, you focus on the other recruit. From the momentary look of confusion on his face, the man stabbed through the leg doesn't realize what you mean until it's already happening. With the residue of Dark magic still affecting you your control isn't fine enough to allow you to insert it between the earth and his leg. Even if the Dark magic wasn't affecting you, you're still not sure if you would be able to do something better. So all you can do is pour fire on his lower leg and hope he survives the damage. At Nikolai's direction a recruit throws a rope at him but he is unable to hold on. More branches come out around him, wrapping themselves around his body. Curiously the branches don't appear to be trying to hurt him, they're merely trying to dig themselves into the ground, twisting like snakes. You have no choice but to thoroughly burn him and the branches before he disappears below ground.

sending my flames underground wont work, theres no air to burn. Unless...
I think back to my first mission, and the results of filling office walls with fire.
<You know, a variation on that underground fire thing might work, hold on.>
gradually send my flames down and permeate the soil, infusing it with heat and flame, burning roots and melting stone. Slowly but steadilly increase the depth of the flames, and monitor the people around me for reactions to what im doing, since the level of heat here could end up being unbearable. If necessary, slow myself down and direct heat away from the shield and its occupants.
The monster is just at the edge of the shield, so you are able to cover the ground above the area it is in without much issue. The monster twists its body, throwing dirt into the air, trying to escape deeper below ground. You shove your flames down after it, burning it and forcing it to retreat further. The dirt, while loose, still causes your flames to lose too much heat. There aren't enough large gaps that could house pockets of fire. What little flammable materials there are below ground are hardly enough to compensate for the loss. This sort of attack isn't sustainable, you've already lost about two thirds of your flames. The rate of loss is slowed down now that the ground has been superheated (some of it melting) but it is still significant.

But at least you achieved your goal. The monster is no longer a danger to those that walk the ground. You feel the resistence from what's left of its body break apart, concentrating into 3 different spots.

<Phase two, huh? Wasn't expecting a boss battle.>

Keep playing whack-a-mole for the moment.
<It's pretty slow-moving while underground. We might be able to draw it out if we can get some distance from it.>
"Running away then ambushing it is very good idea! But how do we get off shield without getting caught? Any ideas?"

Nikolai privately comms to Irene <You could try using your magic sword like a sword. Stab it into the ground and channel fire through it. I could tsar it, who knows what would happen then? Very risky but powerful.
I can also use my anti-magic instant death void bolts. Don't want to, it's a very bad war crime. Last resort.>

For now, keep huddling on the shield. Let Irene and the recruits do the fighting, focus on keeping the shield tsared and withstanding the branch thing's willpower attacks. Win the battle of attrition.

"Who has my crossbow? Load another explosive bolt!"
Surely some recruit had the forethought to pick up my untsared crossbow and bring it onto the shield. Maybe they've even reloaded it already.
Irine seems to have things handled for now. If you want to move or execute some sort of plan, now would probably be the best time.

The operator responsible for carrying the explosive bolts loads an explosive bolt onto the crossbow. Another operator places the detonator and primes it. Now the crossbow is ready to fire, though with only one usable arm you're probably better off merely directing the recruits.

"That's how you make charcoal. Burn buried wood."

Make sure some recruits throw the stranded injured recruits a rope. Lune has one, he's always well prepared. They can tie one end to the shield's handle as an anchor point.
Make sure they have a potion ready, or at least some bandages and tourniquets.
I know the chances are slim but we're not giving up on them yet.

You throw some rope in an attempt to give the recruit being dragged by the leg something to grab on. It lands near him but he isn't able to hold on. You can only watch as he is burnt alive. You're not sure if it's a better fate than getting buried underground by that monster.

((This is extremely annoying. I made a post and it didn't go through? Ugh. Between the prevalent rain 24/7 for a week now, and the constant power outages, and landslides in my area, and other many annoyances, just gah this internet.))

What should've been was that me and Zech (as I typed an optional 'if DAF is unable to post, perhaps act this') would continue with the plan--since we know the location of a crash site, our next objective is to seize the momentum of the moment and continue with the plan while perhaps using the enemy's confusion in hitting the morale of their reinforcements. By 'confusion', I mean they're expecting to reinforce, and they're not focused on defending against being taken by surprise.

So the action in brief was "Continue with the plan, however Theri and any other suitable mages [or...however seems better in this situation] will try and blockade our escape route and ensure we're safe from even the skies as we regroup our numbers back together. If we can spot any useful ordnance along the way and retake or capture enemy supplies or resources, that'd be great too!

((Love your writing Parisbre :3 I'm just grumpy because of external issues))
((Sorry for the short post. My laptop has been broken and I've had to send it in for repair. I'm posting from phone.))

Continue with the Eastern Gate option. Make getting everyone out safely a priority. Their forces shouldn't be concentrating on us, as we're not the main threat to them.
Zechariah and one of the mages leads the freed hostages away from the warehouse while Theri, River and the other mage watch the rear. Aiding them are a few of the hostages that are willing and able to use some of the extra weapons the team had brought with them.

Nikolai's cannon shot has burnt and exploded the roofs of some buildings, creating flaming debris that should help slow down their pursuers while at the same time leaving their path unobstructed. However as they round the corner and start heading towards the eastern wall they realize that that's not enough to leave them free of problems.

First of all, there's the airship. It has made a somewhat rough landing, carving a ditch along the ground, losing chunks of its hull and breaking one of its masts. Besides that however, it looks surprisingly intact. The only other damage is a large hole near its back, through which you can see two unarmed men trying to extinguish a fire. One of them spots the group and after a moment of confusion points at them and yells something to his comrade. Said comrade looks at the group for another moment and then runs away while the first remains there and continues trying to extinguish the fire, glancing up at the group wearily from time to time.

Then there's the enemy reinforcements coming from the south. You see them split up. Many run after you. Others head towards the eastern gate, probably aiming to cut you off.

You could continue until you reach the eastern wall and use the ladder you hid there to get the hostages over the wall and away from here, but you would have to defend the hostages from the soldiers while they cross and that is not a very defensible position.

Or you could head for the eastern gate. If you reach it before the soldiers, you could easily get all the hostages out of here and to safety. The friendly soldiers defending the gate should keep the enemy from pursuing you. However if you're not quick enough you might end up getting sandwiched between the friendly troops defending the gate and the enemy troops attacking it.

Or you could try something else. This would be so much easier if everything was going according to plan and Nikolai was using his artillery to suppress the enemy troops but something seems to be keeping him from firing. You hope all is going well with him.

Spoiler: Map reminder (click to show/hide)

Maximus: Medical Section

<Svajoklis, Maximus>

"Napoleon you say? I had unearthed some of the Dictator's battlefields back in the day. We shall see if you have more in common besides the French accent. For now, I am Svajoklis and it is good to have reinforcements."
Svajoklis turns to Phoenix.
"The one using the beasts seems bit too unhinged to be the cause of the main problem. Nevertheless, mad knowledge is still knowledge. For now, does anyone have a way to breach the door while also dealing with the creatures behind it?"
"I can help lift the door. I can also prepare an energy blast for whatever is behind it, but flying all the way here so quickly required a lot of energy. I won't be able to fire a lot of them."
♚The Doll Prince: On the Doorstep ♚

Napoleon smiled at Svajoklis. It was not often that the Doll Prince met someone who shared a common interest with the most renowned Frenchman the early modern world had ever seen. Clearly, Napoleon has much to live up to, being pretty obscure up until now. However, he'd possessed the intellect and the will to make things happen so all is not lost.

"I do intend to make good on my word, Monseigneur Svajoklis," Napoleon answered, giving a respectful bow.

As Svajoklis inquired out loud on how best to break through a door and deal with any enemies on the other side, Napoleon rubbed his chin. Usually, the best way to go about in this situation by to use explosives, either to blow the door and surprise the ambushers with a bum-rush while they're distracted by the shrapnel and smoke or to pry the door open normally and throw in an explosive to kill and maim the enemy. However, as they were inside a huge spaceship inside what is basically a literally drowned universe. Instead, he would have to do this the old-fashioned way.

"No doubt the enemy are waiting on the other side of this door to charge anyone who open it," Napoleon finally said. "Fortunately, there is a two-pronged way to counter or at least soften up this eventuality. Here's what we can do: I will summon a detachment of combatants in front of the door while the volunteers open the door, taking care not to be in front of it when they do so, instead being off to the sides. Once the door is opened, the enemy will no doubt swarm  whoever it sees first, in this case being my detachment. They will clash with my detachment, which will hold firm, allowing the one's who'd opened the doors to either pinch the enemy group with an attach from both sides or fall back to a safer location. If everything fall into place, not only will the enemy lose the element of surprise but will lose many if not all of their numbers in a trap they rushed headlong into."

Pausing, Napoleon continued, "Of course, if the enemy decide to bid their time and let us walk into whatever trap they lay for us, allow me to see some of my combatants into the room. There, I will scout out the room for the enemy, seeing and hearing everything the scouts sense, and will either find them or blunder into their trap. This will force them to waste their efforts on expendable units that I can replenish effortlessly and the rest of my detachment can hold any who try to leave the room through this door."

Execute the plan if the others agree. If someone has a better plan, use dolls to help out.
I don't see a better plan, so...

You focus on summoning a large number of simple dolls. Your concentration is flawless. However the moment you actually begin executing the summon you feel a sharp pain in your head, like someone just poked you with a hot metal stick in your forehead. The pain keeps intensifying. In the end you're unable to summon more than 3 dolls before the pain becomes to much to endure and forces you to give up on the rest. The incomplete dolls break apart and crumble into dust. The dust floats away in the weightless environment, quickly spreading to the point where it can no longer be seen. The dolls also float of the ground, finding it hard to stand with no gravity. After all, they don't have special boots to stick to the ground like you do, neither are they able to fly.

Well, you'd call that a partial success. They should be enough to distract whatever's on the other side, just not for very long. You have them grab on pipes, ice or anything else they can find to remain in place while Icarus and Kosak move to either side of the door, taking cover. Ikarus' wings shine with a golden light, becoming brighter overtime. When ready, he presses the button to open the door.

The door starts slowly sliding open. Moments later, three of those four-armed creatures crawl through the seam and launch themselves towards the first thing they see. Luckily for the team, the first thing they see are the dolls, which do nothing to resist their crushing embrace, instead hugging the creatures to make them an easier target.

Taking care of them when not surrounded by them is quite easy. Svajoklis takes careful aim and shoots one through its centre of mass, destroying with an explosion of blood and mechanical bits. Icarus and Kosak take care of the other two. Icarus punches one in the centre of mass, grabs it and removes a great chunk of flesh while Kosak merely grabs it and pulls, tearing its limbs off until it is useless.

At the same time a great fleshy arm emerges from the gate's seam, pulling it the rest of the way open and revealint its form. It is humanoid in form but it looks very fat and has great bulging eyes. Instead of a mouth it has what looks like four pipes, arranged to form a rough smile. It has three claw-like legs that it uses to dig into the floor and secure itself in place. Icarus wastes no time. He thrusts his fists towards the monster. The light from his wings travels through his arms and into his hands in a fluid motion where it becomes a beam of light that flies straight towards the monster's centre of mass. A hole explodes in the creature's fatty body, filling the corridor with floating guts and boiling blood, making it very hard to see, especially when much of the blood splatters on your helmets, coating your spacesuit's visor.

"Look out! It's still active!" Icarus warns you

((Since my first character was a boring edgelord, I present you, Straia.))
Spoiler: Crickey! (click to show/hide)
I can't say no to that.

((More writing than I've done all day on my own project constructing an origin story for Magical Flesh Golem Steve Irwin. Muses are odd.))
I love it. What more is there to say?

Do you wanna join the guys on the spaceship? Or have your own adventure for now?

((Steve Irwin has a really cool power. Do his mutations reset with each new form or do they accumulate and stack? Either way he's sure to get more powerful on longer missions as he accumulates more mutations or collects more specimens. What happens if he eats a non-human player character, does he gain their powers? The only one I can think of who is small enough to eat whole is Irene.))

((Damn you Square Cube Law!!!))

Of course, you can just tell physics to go [expletive] itself. If I can create a character who can call forth dolls out of thin air without requiring their equivalent in matter, then you can create your bug Aussie too!
((It's not really a question of physics but of game balance. Eating an ant then gettin +4 strength would just be OP. If anything eating an ant should mostly give fun esoteric bonuses like walking on walls, poison bite, burrowing ability, pheremone sense. Maybe extra limbs, or you shrink but retain your normal strength.

Any animals with flight would be good options. I'm surprised at how few flying characters this game has.))
"And now watch as I fit an entire fox in my mouth!" *opens mouth inhumanly wide like some sort of crocodile*

And I think that rolling for the results of eating the thing combined with the fact that he actually has to find and catch an animal that he can eat is enough of a disadvantage to account for being able to eat multiple animals and potentially get very good bonuses from them if he rolls well (though not +4, at least not without some upgrades or maybe by somehow combining several situational advantages).

((Steve Irwin has a really cool power. Do his mutations reset with each new form or do they accumulate and stack? Either way he's sure to get more powerful on longer missions as he accumulates more mutations or collects more specimens. What happens if he eats a non-human player character, does he gain their powers? The only one I can think of who is small enough to eat whole is Irene.))

((Damn you Square Cube Law!!!))

Of course, you can just tell physics to go [expletive] itself. If I can create a character who can call forth dolls out of thin air without requiring their equivalent in matter, then you can create your bug Aussie too!
((It's not really a question of physics but of game balance. Eating an ant then gettin +4 strength would just be OP. If anything eating an ant should mostly give fun esoteric bonuses like walking on walls, poison bite, burrowing ability, pheremone sense. Maybe extra limbs, or you shrink but retain your normal strength.

Any animals with flight would be good options. I'm surprised at how few flying characters this game has.))
((They stack, but he also gains their weakness, so eating a lot of bugs would make him very very very weak to pesticides. Add in some abilities could cancel each other out. Also, if he gets to eat a Tyranid like creature gg good game))
Based on how Tyranids work, it would probably be a roll to determine if you eat the Tyranid or the Tyranid eats you from the inside and/or you end up under the control of the hivemind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7758 on: September 27, 2018, 04:30:24 pm »

((Join the bois in spaceship, maybe eat a space bugger)


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7759 on: September 27, 2018, 04:36:56 pm »

Alan, Plan Set In Motion

Alayne shrugs and grins. "Sounds like her. Alright, I'll go check out the ship, see whatever demonstration people are chattering about. See ya later, mister wizard sir Ventis sir!"

Go explore the rest of the ship, avoiding the kitchen and that intimidating lady at all costs. Try to find where that demonstration is, whatever it might be. If there are any potential friends to make, then by all means go forth and friendify them.

((For Steve Irwin I'd like to note that perhaps you could use that one levelup ability to always start with a preferred piece of equipment to start missions with a non-venomous snake or something to give you the ability to unhinge your jaw and thus eat animals easier, on a good roll.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7760 on: September 27, 2018, 05:36:07 pm »

Alan, Plan Set In Motion

Alayne shrugs and grins. "Sounds like her. Alright, I'll go check out the ship, see whatever demonstration people are chattering about. See ya later, mister wizard sir Ventis sir!"

Go explore the rest of the ship, avoiding the kitchen and that intimidating lady at all costs. Try to find where that demonstration is, whatever it might be. If there are any potential friends to make, then by all means go forth and friendify them.

((For Steve Irwin I'd like to note that perhaps you could use that one level ability to always start with a preferred piece of equipment to start missions with a non-venomous snake or something to give you the ability to unhinge your jaw and thus eat animals easier, on a good roll.))
((A Python would be the best for that, it can eat whole Crocodiles. The constriction also helps too))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7761 on: September 27, 2018, 05:47:12 pm »

((For eating big things I'm pretty sure would be the best animal. Might come with serious downsides though.

Edit: might be even better.))
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 05:54:24 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7762 on: September 27, 2018, 06:11:04 pm »

((Gulper would be better, the size of the jaw would help more than a big stomach))

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7763 on: September 27, 2018, 06:11:38 pm »

I don't see a better plan, so...

You focus on summoning a large number of simple dolls. Your concentration is flawless. However the moment you actually begin executing the summon you feel a sharp pain in your head, like someone just poked you with a hot metal stick in your forehead. The pain keeps intensifying. In the end you're unable to summon more than 3 dolls before the pain becomes to much to endure and forces you to give up on the rest. The incomplete dolls break apart and crumble into dust. The dust floats away in the weightless environment, quickly spreading to the point where it can no longer be seen. The dolls also float of the ground, finding it hard to stand with no gravity. After all, they don't have special boots to stick to the ground like you do, neither are they able to fly.

Well, you'd call that a partial success. They should be enough to distract whatever's on the other side, just not for very long. You have them grab on pipes, ice or anything else they can find to remain in place while Icarus and Kosak move to either side of the door, taking cover. Ikarus' wings shine with a golden light, becoming brighter overtime. When ready, he presses the button to open the door.

The door starts slowly sliding open. Moments later, three of those four-armed creatures crawl through the seam and launch themselves towards the first thing they see. Luckily for the team, the first thing they see are the dolls, which do nothing to resist their crushing embrace, instead hugging the creatures to make them an easier target.

Taking care of them when not surrounded by them is quite easy. Svajoklis takes careful aim and shoots one through its centre of mass, destroying with an explosion of blood and mechanical bits. Icarus and Kosak take care of the other two. Icarus punches one in the centre of mass, grabs it and removes a great chunk of flesh while Kosak merely grabs it and pulls, tearing its limbs off until it is useless.

At the same time a great fleshy arm emerges from the gate's seam, pulling it the rest of the way open and revealint its form. It is humanoid in form but it looks very fat and has great bulging eyes. Instead of a mouth it has what looks like four pipes, arranged to form a rough smile. It has three claw-like legs that it uses to dig into the floor and secure itself in place. Icarus wastes no time. He thrusts his fists towards the monster. The light from his wings travels through his arms and into his hands in a fluid motion where it becomes a beam of light that flies straight towards the monster's centre of mass. A hole explodes in the creature's fatty body, filling the corridor with floating guts and boiling blood, making it very hard to see, especially when much of the blood splatters on your helmets, coating your spacesuit's visor.

"Look out! It's still active!" Icarus warns you

♚The Doll Prince: Blood in the Eyes.♚

Wiping the blood off his visor, Napoleon Struggled to peer through the viscera and blood floating in the air, noting that his plan succeeded... in a way. He also took note of the four guys he just joined. Despite the fact that he was sent to find and help them complete their mission, it seemed that they are no pushovers after all. Even Kosak was strong enough to tear one of the creatures to pieces with his bare hands. That put a lump in his throat just thinking about it. After all, if the dwarf is looking to backing up what he'd threatened him with earlier, the Doll Prince will truly have a fight on his hands. He can only hope that he can outsmart Kosak enough to take him down. However, there were more important things to worry about at the moment.

Napoleon clutched his head. Though the pain has subsided, he felt that it wasn't the end of it. Normally, he would've been able to summon as many dolls as his energy reserves allowed but something is clearly wrong here. Since the Queen obviously wouldn't have any reason to jeopardize this mission as she seemed invested in its success, there could only be one conclusion: his powers was being affected by some outside force. Either the laws of this universe or something in this environment were interfering with his powers. Either that or someone was actively jamming his ability, if only partially. Looks like he would have to make due with what he'd already summoned.

"Excuse me, compagnons," Napoleon asked as he viewed the enemy through his dolls' eyes and his own. "Are any of you having issues with your powers? I am wondering whether it's an environmental thing or if someone is responsible."

Morphing the dolls into growing suction cups on their feet, Napoleon will modify them into having hardier bodies and blade-like forearms. Afterward, grab a sharp object to use as a weapon.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 06:13:14 pm by Sir Elventide »


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7764 on: September 27, 2018, 06:53:12 pm »

”ah yes. How are you, mister abomination! Nice hat you got there”
feed a dead squirrel to the abomination, and then launch him on the ceiling to see if he can climb stuff.
Also, slap people with a giant fish lolololo

wander about and make friends on the spaceship


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7765 on: September 27, 2018, 07:15:03 pm »

You mean lie to the giant psychic slug? Are you sure that is seems possible?


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7766 on: September 27, 2018, 07:17:50 pm »

Kosak Durar:

"Powers? My might is completely unimpeded!"

Demonstrate. Kosak wipes the blood from his visor, flexes, and starts breaking the thing's legs to deny it leverage.
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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7767 on: September 28, 2018, 03:07:45 am »

You mean lie to the giant psychic slug? Are you sure that is seems possible?
I'm assuming a convincing enough lie will convince it enough to not look into your mind. Or at least not too deeply.

You could just tell the truth. Maybe it will be fine with that. Maybe it will appreciate the honesty. Maybe it will lock you up until the info checks out. Maybe he'll send you to kill this guy. Who knows?

It is a difficult situation, it will be hard to come up with a solution that pleases everyone.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7768 on: September 28, 2018, 02:40:28 pm »

"I did have a touch of instability earlier, but it could have been me overextending."

Move my eye behind the creature. Make sure to avoid Kosak on the way there.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7769 on: September 28, 2018, 07:18:16 pm »

<Its split into three parts, not sure what its next plan is.>
Spread my flames and grow them. luckily I still have a significant amount and their growth is exponential - more fire makes it easier to make even more fire. But this is about the lowest I want to let myself get unless it's an emergency. Its fine to make way more fire than I can comfortably control, I'll just let it burn naturally in the environment to be collected later as necessary.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))
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