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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1124486 times)


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7785 on: September 30, 2018, 02:12:57 pm »

Ha, wait. The thing's location is in this suit's computer, so I can just abscond with it myself and access that information, and decide if I can get the thing myself without backup. Let's go with that for now.

Which really means leave this place quickly, and find a quiet place where I can read the computer in peace. Planning something complicated in this exact position probably isn't a great idea.

You agree with the man's plan so that he'll let you go and then back away, careful to keep your weapon ready. He makes no motion to shoot at you or follow you. In fact he even raises his hand to motion to his comrades to stop and not engage. You reach the end of the hallway, turn around and start running away. You can't sense anybody following you until that place is out of your range.


Some time later, you find yourself panting in a dark alleyway in the abandoned section down in the 20th, sitting behind a metal bin, leaning against the rough wall. A quick check of the surrounding area showed you no detectable intent, so you're either alone or all the squatters around are sleeping (or maybe in a drug induced haze). That allows you to feel reasonably safe, which doesn't mean you're going to let your guard down. You still check your surroundings from time to time.

You start removing the suit's helmet, eager to both be relieved from its weight and to be able to breathe freely. The feeling of numbness you got after inhaling that gas has started receding but it's not fully gone yet. Even if you hadn't inhaled it, running all that way while wearing a suit wasn't pleasant. Your entire body is aching, your muscles are shaking and you feel dehydrated. You're pretty sure you would also be hungry if it didn't feel like your stomach is burning. All in all, that makes working the straps and seals that hold the helmet in place difficult.

You finally manage to remove the damn thing and let it dangle on your side from the oxygen hose. You lie your head back on the wall for a few moments and take a few deep breaths, trying to slow your breathing. It feels good to be able to breathe freely, the filtered air is making your throat burn.

Once you feel good enough, you turn your attention to the tablet. It has a rotary interface that allows one to use it with the suit's gloves. You wiggle the interface a bit, waking the screen. It's a simple monochrome cyan display, cyan lines forming 4 boxes and 10 digits below them, arranged into two neat rows in ascending order.



Ok, ok, there's no reason to panic. This just makes this plan a bit more complicated but not failed in any way. Maybe there's another way to get what you want.

You could just start trying combinations. Most of those things simply have a timer after a certain number of failed attempts. At worst it should be about... 20 hours of uninterrupted work... assuming he is not one of those people that mess with electronics to trap them... which judging by this suit's design and all the traps he had he most definitely is... yeah, should probably keep it as a plan of last resort.

Well, OK, but you can definitely go back to that residential area, find the Newcomer and convince him to give you the passcode... assuming he hasn't already left to find whatever it is he's looking for. But no, he acted like this thing was important to him, why would he do that if it wasn't true? And even if he did leave to maybe find some other place to stay, you could probably track him, right? How hard could it be?

Of course you could just go back to the psychic maggot. It must have someone able to get the info off this thing. Then it gets what it wants and hopefully just lets you go. I mean, it has all the power in this deal, it can decide to do whatever it wants. But if you want to keep your sister alive and out of slavery, you've got to keep the maggot pleased, right? You're pretty sure you couldn't move her to one of the outer towns without the slug noticing and even if you did you'd still be a danger to her. That maggot said that thing in your head lets it know where you are, so unless you find a way to remove it it can use it to track you.

But all this time you've just been running, trying to keep up with things, trying to survive. Maybe it's about time you had more control over the situation. Maybe if you knew what was in that thing, you could somehow use it to your advantage. You have this drug-dealer friend (or maybe acquaintance would be a better description), he might know someone who can unlock that thing. But he made it very clear that he didn't want to get involved in this, so you'd need some way to convince him... Maybe by offering some of the stuff you took from the Newcomer? Or maybe by offering a share of whatever it is the Newcomer is looking for?

Campaign: Rebel Assault

<It's split into three parts, not sure what its next plan is.>
Spread my flames and grow them. luckily I still have a significant amount and their growth is exponential - more fire makes it easier to make even more fire. But this is about the lowest I want to let myself get unless it's an emergency. Its fine to make way more fire than I can comfortably control, I'll just let it burn naturally in the environment to be collected later as necessary.
You spread a good chunk of your fires and position them above the monster's last known positions while the rest are used to produce more fire, burning whatever shrub you can find in the surrounding area and what's left of the fires Nikolai had the recruits prepare. The streams of fire feeding them make them look like glowing scorpion tails waiting to strike. You've started reaching the edge of the cleared area in your effort to burn stuff, you're going to start getting more resistence from the Dark magic soon.

<Its split into three parts, not sure what its next plan is.>
Spread my flames and grow them. luckily I still have a significant amount and their growth is exponential - more fire makes it easier to make even more fire. But this is about the lowest I want to let myself get unless it's an emergency. Its fine to make way more fire than I can comfortably control, I'll just let it burn naturally in the environment to be collected later as necessary.
"It's trying to waste as much of our damn time as possible!"

Quickly assess situation.
My armour is very good against smoke and fire, but how are the recruits doing?
The ground around the shield-platform probably isn't walkable, since it's all superheated and melty. Unless Irene left an escape route? Can probably cool it down with ice bolts if I have to. Fire + Ice = normal ground. Or steam explosion, or deep mud, who knows.

How far is the trebuchet? If I can get a shot off and destroy the tower, that could potentially end whatever magic is animating the branch monster thing. In this case the farther away the trebuchet is the better since it will take more time for the groots to catch up.

Comm Theri and Zech's team. How are they doing, and are they far enough away to safely trebuchet the tower?
Comm Ike's airfield team. How are they doing, and can we expect any air support soon?

Just hunker down for a few seconds while assessing the factors. Maybe a miniturn?

The monster is actually underground between the shield and the top of the slope you were on. That means you could just run away from it and be safe. It shouldn't be able to move too quickly when underground, so it should still be there.

The trebuchet is down the slope and away from the beast. Not more than a minute's run, not extremely close. You and a few recruits should easily be able to go there and fire it long before the monster catches you (at least if it keeps moving underground). You could even split the recruits up and have one group distract the monster while you and the rest fire.

I assume Theri and Zech will respond and let you know that they have rescued two groups of hostages. The first group was unable to fight and has been sent to the eastern gate to evacuate. The second group has been partially armed and is currently being led east through the norther road. There are enemy reinforcements following them while another group of enemy troops is heading towards the eastern gate. There's also a small number of enemy workmen attempting to salvage the downed airship.

All the enemy pilots are down, so no enemy air support is expected. The Scout Glider and the Combat Gliders are all secure, nobody is getting to them. Enemy troops tried to approach but the group's arrows convinced them to stay away. They're keeping them pinned down while the Water Mage is providing cover. The enemy is currently regrouping and preparing something. Ike is using his ears to make sure they don't catch them by surprise.

If you're talking about friendly air support, then I don't think that is something Ike would do. It wasn't part of the plan so nobody trained for it. Only people capable of flying reliably with a Glider are the Master Alchemist due to her training and Ike due to his skill. You'd probably have to give a good argument to either of them about why it would be a good idea to use a Glider and what they should do with it.

Your miniturn has been granted.

Campaign: Party Crasher

Alayne, Disney Princess From A Certain Perspective

To Alayne, there is no such thing as being suspiciously followed. This just means someone wants to meet her and is willing to walk around with her without her even asking or knowing about it! That's just shy potential friend behaviour right there, easily rectified with a firm handshake and a good greeting.

Walk up to the person following me and introduce myself to them (still in maid persona, of course). New friendquaintance, get!
You spin on your toes and the immediately start walking in the opposite direction. Your pursuer hides behind a corner in an intersection. You keep walking, turn the corner and come face to face with one of the mages that were with Ventis in the Control Room. His face is a mix of surprise, fear and embarrassment. You think it's the most red you've seen someone's face get the past few weeks.
"Hi there!"
"Uh, hello?"
"Nice to see you again!"
"Uh, yeah, I guess?"
"Fancy meeting you here!"
"Oh, you know, on break, going on a stroll?"
"Oh, what a coincidence, me too! I'm going to watch that demonstration thingmagic!"
"In the wing section?"
"Sure! Better than with all those boring people upstairs!"
"I guess?"
"I know! Let's watch it together!"
"Uh, sure?"
"Great! Let's go!
You grab the poor mage by the arm and start dragging him with you.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 02:15:13 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7786 on: September 30, 2018, 04:08:16 pm »

Alan, Friendification In Process

Walking with Alayne is an odd experience - she habitually switches up her stride constantly, never keeping the same pace for more than five seconds. Her body language is upbeat, and she’s always flitting her attention from one thing to another as they come into view. And of course the constant, near stream of consciousness talking. In this case, she dives into every personal detail of her new companion that she can, asking with such enthusiasm that it’s hard to resist the urge to reciprocate.

Find stuff out about my new pal - what’s his name? Favorite color? How old is he? What flavor is pickle does he like the best? His opinion on moths? What’s he do? What kind of wizard is he? How old is he?

Etc, etc. Talk and exchange personal details with him, essentially. Keep my true identity secret, obviously - to him, I’m Felicia, assistant to Princess Alayne, and I do various assistanty things as part of my job, such as ... various mundane details of the stuff I accomplished in the timeskip, framed as though I wasn’t doing them as the princess. Plus just enough hints about magical things to make Ventis a little interested when he hears about this later. It’s like I’m talking to him on a timed fuse, how neat!
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7787 on: September 30, 2018, 07:37:31 pm »

Trying to make friends while everybody is preoccupied with fighting?
Well, they're not very open to conversation at the moment so you just yell encouraging things.
That’s the best time to make friends! You’ll know who can help you when they survive!
And... briefing please? Thanks!


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7788 on: October 01, 2018, 01:33:36 pm »

<Got any ideas for stopping it?>
"Yeah, nothing fancy. Let's split up into two groups. I'll use the trebuchet, hopefully if we destroy the tower it will stop all this dark magic. You should go the other way and build up your fire. They will be forced to surface to catch up to us, we blast them when they do."

Assuming Irene doesn't find flaws in this plan:

Lead half the recruits (Include Lune and the crossbow operators obviously).
Run towards the trebuchet, tsar it, fire at the tower!
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7789 on: October 01, 2018, 01:34:11 pm »

Brian Hoss, Maximus

Keep my eye near the creature.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7790 on: October 01, 2018, 02:06:05 pm »

(Stopgap action in case I forget to come up with something clever.)

Well, shit. Briefly consider why life has to be so terrible.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7791 on: October 01, 2018, 04:41:48 pm »

<Okay, though I'll be weaker. I'm faster in a straight line on two legs, but not as good with my flames. Gimmie a sec to change and reorient.>
Stabilize my flames on flammable material so theyll remain through my change, bring enough to myself to facilitate my change to hybrid, and then shift. Afterwards my naked self will reclaim my flames and Trisword, catch my breath, and position myself to run.
My route will start with the group then diverge sharply once weve verified the monster didn't anticipate us and we arent running into a trap. Ill run roughly 100 degrees off-angle from the main group's run route, my flames acompanying me. I dont have a destination in mind but want flammable materials and minimal Dark influence.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7792 on: October 03, 2018, 07:43:56 pm »

You grab a sharp-ish piece of metal from the broken gate. It... probably won't do much. But better than nothing, you suppose. Maybe if a space shark bites you you can stab it in the eye.

You manage to turn your dolls' arms into brittle but very sharp ceramic swords. You also give them suction caps but they're not very good at walking quickly with them. Your collective has trouble adjusting to their use. You could have them jump if you want them to move quickly but you don't think you (plural) have the dexterity to quickly reattach on another wall. They'll most likely bump into a wall and start comically tumbling around.

♚The Doll Prince: Fighting in Zero-G♚

Realizing that things went only slightly as planned, Napoleon gave a light sigh. He had learned by now that things don't always go his way. Sure it is fun to figure out ways to adapt but, to be honest, it was getting tedious. Seems like even Random Number Gesus fate itself is going out of its way to screw him over. No matter: the Doll Prince shall defy it and bend it to his will... someday. Now all he got is three dolls and hopefully ample time to figure thing out. Also, as tedious as it is, perhaps whatever entity affecting his powers is also hampering his ability to morph his dolls. He would have to do up to two improvements at a time until he is free of this headache, figuratively and literally of course.

Move the dolls closer to the monster and have them leap at it when it is distracted, latching on and damaging it with a series of deep stabs. Meanwhile, Napoleon will figure out whether his suit has thrusters and other devices attached to it. He will then figure out how to control them.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7793 on: October 06, 2018, 05:48:51 pm »

<Svajoklis, Maximus>

Come closer to the creature, and if I manage to get close enough, execute it with a shot to somewhere important looking.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7794 on: October 29, 2018, 07:16:59 pm »

Uh, bump?


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7795 on: October 30, 2018, 02:00:52 am »

Worry not, Paris most probably isn't dead. The updates for this game just take a while to construct, and he's a busy person.
Sig! Onol
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7796 on: October 30, 2018, 08:08:17 am »

Okay. It’s just been almost a month, so I was a little.  worried.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome (Player post, not update)
« Reply #7797 on: November 04, 2018, 12:03:18 pm »

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

Theri and Zach; Guardians of the Escape

"The people need all the time they can. I can cast a few blasts of flashing lights to disorient, back me up with stinging shadows. Even minor disorientation works wonders."
Theri knew that stress and combat can easily distract anyone. Her lightshow coupled with shadow stings (much like even tiny mosquito bites affecting the nerves for less than a second time) could give quite an impression. In the least it'll give time for the water mages to make an improvised escape through the gate.

She trusted their creativity. Water was always stronger than any solid when temperature was the case.

Pose menacingly and unleash the lightshow at both soldier groups. Order any of their taken auxiliary projectiles (any grenades?) be thrown at them during this time. Save a few for later!


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7798 on: November 07, 2018, 12:41:45 pm »

Happy 5th birthday to this game
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome
« Reply #7799 on: November 07, 2018, 02:15:04 pm »

Goodness me, that's older than some people I know! Happy birthday SP, it's been earned.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))
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