Team B: H4zardZ1, Wolfkit, IllgeoTeam B.
"You see? They are trying to make us think it's an ambush! Or... are they trying to make us think that they are trying to make us think it's an ambush? Insufficient information."
Take off one of my shoes and throw it at closest and garishest mannequin.
You start untying your shoe, but then your teammate just runs into the room, making the test a bit unnecessary.
((Fizz's attacks are mostly shoulder rams. It's going to be.
"Whatever. I'll break this door."
Another shoulder ram to the door.
You run straight into the room, heading for one of the other two doors.
The mannequins immediately move to block your path, raising their hands and their white bone (or maybe ceramic) knives.
Glancing behind you, you notice another group of 16 mannequins, similar to the first, except for the fact that they have a black colour scheme and are wearing suits. They move to cut you off from your teammates, half of them facing you, the other half facing them.
"Who else saw that coming a mile away?" Welroki says, raising his hand.
Team C: akkudakku, FallacyOfUrist, mydjet((OOC, I want to science. IC...))
Punch through the barrier! Then do it again! Repeat until the barrier breaks! Then do it again!
Repeat until the barrier breaks! Then do it again!
((I'm going to destroy you! And then destroy you again!))
You scream as you launch multiple rapid devastating strikes on the barrier, each strike releasing a rain of sparks, but in the end all this results into is
you panting with nothing to show for it but the burnt flesh on your hands. Every time the barrier bent or distorted, it was immediately replenished. Looks like whatever is powering this can output power much quicker than you can.
Team A: DreamerGhost, Beirus, AlarithTeam A
If I feel threatened or a suitable target presents itself (like that bird thing), do the thing I do and shoot the threat with the anchors, aiming to pierce it with one and constrict it with any others.
The rest of the team runs away. A couple of seconds later, your flash-lights go out again. You cannot see anything.
You know there's something dangerous there. Even if you didn't knew that, you could feel it. The darkness is thick with danger, a feeling of impending doom, amplified by the fact that you are alone. Alone in the dark. And you cannot tell where it is.
Let's hope your intuition is good?
Team A
<I think its coming down behind me, I'm going to try for the door.>
grab the ammo and what equipment I can manage from the man, head towards the exit. Again what's the void doing?
You grab the man's pistol and start running towards the exit. The lights go out a few seconds later, making navigating through the mess of furniture and other crap stored down here a lot harder. You try to follow Svajoklis' mental signal, but it is still difficult when you can see nothing. You bump into something and are forced to stop to avoid falling.
You can feel the void condensing behind you, a dark cloud lunging towards you.
<Svajoklis, Team A>
The things here seem to have quite an appetite. I say we move out and find something to start a fire with. Fuck this dark.
Grab ammo from corpse. Move towards the exit. In case something unrecognisable/eldrich apears/makes a sound/etc. shoot it.
You grab the man's belt (which includes most of his equipment) and start running towards the exit. The lights go out a few seconds later, but your memory and ability to understand where you are allows you to navigate in the darkness with ease.
OOCZechariah's mind drifts off to the Second World - the place where the main issue that spawned the Shadows there was the conflict between different peoples and species.
So... one could say the problem was the... Second World War?