Those faces are adorable.
Also, yes, people have been gaining relationship points, I just don't state so until it reaches the next threshold where it actually begins to make a mechanical difference, same with the skills.
*Pulls up the info doc*
Ok, now for any of this to make any sense, I need to explain how skills and experience and rolls actually work in this game, since I've been keeping the exact mechanics under wraps.
When every a skill check is performed, the die that is rolled is the same size as the skill rank. So if you have "Swimming 5" then you roll a 5 sided die for your roll. (The default starting skill rank begins at level 4, so you roll a 4 sided die when you first try something.) A 1 or 2 is a failure, a 3 or 4 is one degree of success, and every two numbers after that indicate higher degrees of success. Experience is earned whenever you attempt to do something. You get 1 XP, whether you succeed of fail. The amount of XP needed to level up is equal to the current level.
So if you have a skill at the base of 4, then you need to perform an action using that skill 4 times for you to level up. Then you'll need to do that thing 5 more times to reach level 6.
Relationships work the exact same way, even beginning at 4 like skills do. Normally relationships are the same level between two people, but right now they are slightly one-sided, because people gained points toward Flounder when he lead them to shore, even though he did not gain points back toward them.
So here is how it looks right now.
Red to Flounder 4 (3/4)
Red to Boxer 4
Red to Stella 4
Red to Eyes 4
Flounder to Red 4 (1/4)
Flounder to Boxer 4
Flounder to Stella 4
Flounder to Eyes 7 (0/7)
Boxer to Red 4
Boxer to Flounder 4 (2/4)
Boxer to Stella 4 (2/4)
Boxer to Eyes 4
Stella to Red 4
Stella to Flounder 4
Stella to Boxer 4 (2/4)
Stella to Eyes 4
Eyes to Red 4
Eyes to Flounder 7 (2/7)
Eyes to Boxer 4
Eyes to Stella 4
Long story short, Flounder is pretty popular right now, particularly with Eyes, who doesn't even care about anyone else.
Shouldn't everyone have at least a little heart for themselves? Diagonal line going from upper left to lower right.
CONNECT FIVE! You shanked my jengaship!
I don't track feelings towards one's self, but that may change depending on later circumstances.