See I loved the RPS article, absolutely loved as good journalism, good analysis and brilliant insight under the hood. I love RPS after the gamer's gate fiasco that made me conclude that about half of the people in this hobby are irredeemable, and the culture wars are burning brighter than ever, and this article just reminded me why I stand where I stand, and why RPS is the best magazine in the market on these issues.
I wasn't even turned off from playing the game: my stance (as is RPS's and Anita's and all other relevant feminist critics') is that you can enjoy problematic media: you can like Grand Theft Auto and still find it racist and sexist as hell.
What really lead to me uninstalling Rimworld, was the dev's absolutely hysterically bad reaction.
His defense is A. it was all a bug but B. it was all purposeful, scientific and based in his personal experience. For the record, we are talking about extraordinarily traditional sexism and homophobia: ladies are all secret lesbians, bi men don't exist, being harassed for sex isn't stressful or unhappiness inducing, but being rejected is etc. All crap one generally gets from one's aging relatives, republican senators, and 4chan degenerates. It is a damn strange bug/alpha feature, especially considering it is also obviously what the dev genuinely believes to be true.
Considering Rimworld is a Dwarf Fortress clone, and Dwarf Fortress handled these exact issues without imposing sexist and oppressive biases willy-nilly on what is supposed to be a Firefly-like future, it all means that the dev of Rimworld added his sexist and oppressive biases on purpose. That he really meant it, and saw no problem with it until now. His doubling down on it now, just mark him as part of the irredeemables.
All the more egregious, considering the other big source: Firefly, advocates for the exact opposite of the dev imposed sexist values: e.g. Haley constantly initiates romantic relationships, while Doc never does.
Now, because of this well-written, well sourced and insightful article, we get to watch gamer's gate raise its ugly face again and harass the critic who wrote the article with death and rape threats.