Alright, so I'm gonna need you guys' input for this.
Originally, I was planning on getting rid of FEF's partial turn thingy. I figured the game would probably go at least twice as fast if turns didn't run until everyone had posted, at which point they ran all at once.
However, it then occurred to me that this would make the game considerably less predictable, since you couldn't rely on anything happening or not happening. If you really need an enemy dead, for instance, you can try attacking them one at a time under normal FEF conventions. That's pretty slow, but it does help you live more. Under this system, you'd have to either pray it worked or overkill just in case.
So, I'm basically trying to balance game health with player character health. Given that you guys depend on both, I figured it was only fair to ask your opinions on it.
In less universal news:
Personal Skill: When attacking enemies with more than 6 mag, It does +2 damage
Personal Fault: When not within any 2 spaces of other PC's or Allies, -2 to dodge.
I was so distracted cringing at your character concepts that I forgot to look at your skills.
For starters, it's more flavorful and lets us know more what you're going for if you name them.
Secondly, I have issues with your personal skill's scaling. Very early on it's not going to trigger on anything; later it'll trigger against anything that isn't 100% physical based. Better defining what exactly it's supposed to be would help, but generally speaking I think it'd need some kind of formula to trigger only off genuinely very high-MAG targets, since otherwise it's equivalent to a bonus against three-four classes and their promotions at the least.
Your personal fault is... interesting. I'm honestly not sure how to weight Dodge, though I guess since it comes from Luck and only Luck it's comparable to damage. So I guess that'll work.
Finally, you forgot to distribute your four bonus points. You get four points to put into your stats at char creation. Anything except MOV can be increased.