Make an illusion that makes it look like there is a hole in my cell or something.
[1] You make a very realistic illusion of a hole. The moment a guard walks past, he stops, turns around and looks at it..."I think we've got an illusionist here." That's when you notice that the hole is several feet from the wall.
briefly consider my mental state when i first transformed and attempt to replicate it.
If that fails ask them what they want after explaining im not the other guy, if they dont believe me the demand that they take me to their boss so that i may clear up this misunderstanding and provide him with a lucrative business opportunity.
You try to transform and succeed.
"That was...easy." The thugs decide that you probably aren't who you think you are, and that even if you are they're not getting paid enough to whack you.
Say that I want to be 'normal' and ask for a magic specialist.
[2] You fail to get their attention. You do, however, notice a hole appear in midair in the neighboring cell.
"Huh. Just my luck."
He can handle himself. Look for a mugger or a carjacker or something.
Deciding that discretion is the better part of not getting in way over your head, you head away. [5] You see a man in a black bodysuit who seems to be beating up someone in a blue bodysuit. Judging by the colors, you think the black one is the bad guy.
First! First I must make sure I looked normal, then I must immerse myself back into society so they don't know anything is wrong, yet at least.
[1] You decide to integrate into society. Figuring that people use money a lot, you integrate by standing around in the bank for a while.
Some nice people in police costumes come over to talk with you. They ask what you are doing. It's time to come up with a realistic lie!
"Okay... There's a bad guy. I think. Time to do the super-hero thing..."
Finn points at the crabby looking guy, going into (what he thinks is) a heroic pose.
"STOP DOER OF EVIL DEEDS. What atrocities are you committing, you foul creature?!"
Wait for response. Look threatening.
((Yeah, in my mind, Finn wasn't a particularly good actor. Kinda the scenery-chewing sort.))
((I can tell.))
"Kret, anoher one." The thing smacks you with a claw!
"You win the battle, Israel! But you'll get yours, I promise! The war's not over yet!
See if I can afford a trip to Israel after further checking up on this Messiah for closer, more elaborate information. Her real name, for one.
[6] You find a website offering a free flight to Jerusalem!
Erin Lunaris: [6,6,6] ...Gosh darn it. Again?
Erin had a fairly normal, if unsuccessful, life, until she was almost raped.
Leaving out the details, let it be noted that Erin's powers manifested with two thugs holding her down and a third about know. The powers flung the three men away from her and made them wish they had left her well alone. Over the following days, she discovered that these powers were probably the result of these ghosts inhabiting her, which she could semi-consciously direct to move things and do some other stuff...even manifest, if she wanted to terrify people.
Kyle Mercer: [4,5,3]
Kyle was a runaway without so much as a high school diploma--not a lot of career options. He decided to volunteer for an experiment in induced regeneration. It failed. Instead, Kyle became able to reshape his bones and flesh into various new forms--blades, armor, claws, all sorts of stuff. He was also strong and lacked--lacks--vital organs. On the other hand, water wears away at his flesh like he was made of sand, and to make things worse he sinks--no more swimming for him. He's been able to stake out his claim, but needs to figure out something long-term...and then there's his goals.
Dick Winston: [4,4,4] ...Okay, this die isn't much good.
Dick had few options...he could go crimey and risk jail, he could beg, or he could get some kind of job and slowly work his way up. Of course, those last couple aren't really options. In the end, he submitted to a Triad experiment. The experiment went well, bonding him with machinery along his spine, limbs, and skeleton. He is much stronger and tougher than he was before, as well as setting off metal detectors wherever he goes. On the downside, as part of the experiment the Triads made him addicted to CR4k, a major drug which causes hallucinations and stimulation.
P.S. Something seems to have screwed up my hero/villain-index post. Particularly hard-hit were the Non-Player Heroes, who lost several of their number. RIP, Flowchart King; we never knew ye.
If your character was affected, let me know.
P.P.S. I think the Triads are a real-world organized crime group. Please note that the Triads in Super-RtD may bear no resemblance to real Triads.