I plan on making a video game soon, and I want to know what type of code Dwarf Fortress uses.
I would have
loved to have been able to say "ROT26" in answer to this...
My school's library actually has books on 6502 and Z80 assembly language. It's all way over my head, but fascinating at the same time.
I suspect the problem is that it's way
under it. (6502 and Z80? Wow, that takes me back. Probably can remember roughly
SHR 0x01 of what I ever learnt, though.
(Half my little Python programs outright refuse to work or became so complicated that I couldn't do anything further with the code I had written.)
http://xkcd.com/353/yeah, pascal. What a waste that was.
...leads fairly easily into Delphi and (now) Lazarus... which I found useful, back in the day.
As one counter example, the world's first assembly language programmer was a woman
I admire her. But can I please complain about
Ada the programming language? In many ways worse than COBOL. (Although mostly because COBOL was
COBOL, so you had to give it some slack for its in-built handicap with its
ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, or whatever.) Oooh look, I must have missed the "Ada 95" revision. That
may have made it better. Although the fact that it was 'based on Pascal' but wasn't probably confused me at the time.
Totally program a game in FORTRAN or COBOL. I'd be all over that.
Try it in Forth! There's nothing like a bit of Reverse
Cowgirl Polish to get the neurons working overtime.
(With thanks to my old friend Rob, at University, who let me mess about with his Embedded system implementing Forth, before, after or perhaps even
during the time he was supposed to make it control a deep-sea sampling probe...
(defun Lisp () ( enclosed_by ( ( reverse ( reversed forth just ) ) parentheses ) )...IIRC
I wonder if Z-Specification is still used? I remember learning a lot about that. Of course, then you had to convert it to an
actual programming language, because it usually wasn't even a viable
pseudo-code in its original form...