That's a good point about the procedurals and static roles. However, they'll often have some minor character development. For example, apparently in NCIS a female character shoots a rapist, turns in her badge, and leaves the program. That is exactly what I am not looking for.
I don't mean character-driven. I mean the very simple elements of motivation. Motivation because of character traits, not centered around pregancy, rape, or tryin' to hook a man in and of themselves.
It's one thing to have problems trying to hook a man *because you're a pathological liar* or *because you don't think you have time for one but you want one anyway* or *because you are already married but dammit you want one more and you are going to get one* or *because having a partner would give you something to believe in and this is a terrible reason to hook a man* or *because you have motivation to his corporate secrets for your own ends and shit is complicated.* It is another thing to Need A Man Because Biology And That's All You Live For Anyway.
"Why are you on the Force, Salazar?"
"Because I wanted to hook a man and realized that the criminals are killing all the good ones."
"Because I believe in Justice and I've got a family to support."
"Because I used to run with a gang and I got clean and realized I wanted revenge."
"Because I like having an excuse to kill people."
"Because I love mysteries."
"Because I was going to kill myself over something terrible I did, but I saw the sign and decided it was, well, a sign."
"Because I'm infiltrating you. Teaches you to screw with my people."
Let's see... half are things I've seen in actual police stories as male motivations. Three are variations on male motivations I've seen in crime stories. One I made up completely. These are pretty different from what women usually do! They all have to do with ambitions and personal decisions, NOT with Terrified Reactions to Stuff Happening To You.
I want characterization, in other words, that doesn't have every layer of it mired in procreation. Women are sentient, too. I want them to stop treating us like brainless animals.