ToonyManI figured you might do that.
Because you said you were going to Delay Captain Ford. My read of your meta resolved that bit of WIFOM as a Delay on myself.
ToasterOkami has RVSed, and is currently voting Toony for unclear reasons. Pressure, maybe?
Got it in one.
I'd keep an eye on Ford and NQT, but I have no problem putting Deathsword at L-1. If his only content is complaining about votes on him, this is not town behavior.
Perhaps not
Town behavior, but it does seem like
Deathsword behavior.
Is that it, Toaster? You want to lynch an active-lurker tonight since no one else is popping on your scumdar?
(OOC) Okami: Here's the big thread. Thirteen, eighteen, it was a while ago.
Many thanks. I thought the round in which Leaf won was both first and last. Didn't realize there was a prequel.
notquitethere IIYou missed a question:
Do you think the wisdom or folly of massclaiming has changed in any way when you take into account the fact that survivors quite possibly will have picked up additional powers?
What do you mean by this?
How does being the first person to put a legitimate vote on someone bandwagoning, Ford? Toony RVS'd DS, I later put my second vote on DS for not participating/hunting. If anyone is the bandwagoner, it's Toaster, openly putting DS in L-1.
This is awfully defensive of a weak vote.
I agree.
In addition, not only did you vote Deathsword for not posting, but you didn't remove your vote, or ask him any further questions after he posted, so the pressure from your vote is currently going to waste. In addition, you've posted several times since Toaster put him at L-1, without moving your vote, so you're clearly OK with Deathsword dying tonight. For that reason, I believe the charge of bandwagoning stands.
notquitethere - Why is your presently useless vote still on Deathsword?