Hey, does anyone have some interesting stories? I don't have too many, but three stand out as somewhat amusing.
1. On goon, back when cogmap 1 was in use, I was traitor, and implanted myself with some last-ditch microbombs for a last surprise. Going down the main hall, I follow someone into maint for no real reason, other than curiosity. I somewhat unfortunatley found out the round type was traitorling. The person turned out to have an interest in my DNA. 2 antags dead in the aftermath, thanks to those microbombs.
2. As a miner on Paradise, I decided to eat some of the pizza that cargo had sent mining. Without any knifes to cut it into slices, it was decided to eat the entire monstrosity at once. I do so, and go back to mining with my space suit. You see, I forgot that you could become obese from eating too much food. Another tidbit I forgot; being obese forces you out of armors & suits, including the one I was mining in. Ah, asphyxiaton, how fun.
3. On Destiny RP, an admin made me a special antag, with the goal of being a sneaky spy. I get a few million spacebucks to buy spy equipment, and decide on keeping the money as cash. The clown initiates an auction to buy the station for his banana. I enter, with the AI verifying that I somehow have an unreasonable amount of money. It decides that, having bought the station, I gain captainhood in exchange for funding the station. Being captain, I have access to the AI upload, I add a law that essentially turns over everything it controls to be syndicate property. The entire crew dresses up in red jumpsuits, but everyone has to leave due to surprise meteor. Spy accomplished, I'd say.