A lot of things went wrong, and I'll be the first to admit it. However, I'd like to think of this as a Beta test for future events like this. I've gotten a lot of good feedback that I can put to use, and I'd appreciate it if everyone could leave some feedback in the thread. Here is how it ended:
BREAKING NEWS: Today is a grim day. Ryclies II has fallen to alien forces. This could spell doom for Ryclies I as it is dependent on II for food. A representative from ANFOR says that retaking Ryclies II is their number one priority.
What does this mean? Well, you did lose, it was weighted towards the aliens, but in a couple weeks, there will be a chance for redemption, a chance to retake Ryclies II. So until then, I will do my best to address all the feedback. Thanks for playing, and sorry again for how it went, especially for ANFOR.
The good thing though is that most of the planet people were saying it's a good time though, and people liked the stuff on the ANFOR ship plus the fighter combat that worked. There was just a fuckton of execution issues. Next time, I'll be better prepared. Remember how shit the first S-COM test was compared to the 2nd and 3rd? And how shit the first snow train event was compared to the second and 3rd? And how much better the later train events were? Give these events time, once the kinks are worked out I think it can go pretty damn well.
EDIT: The feedback I'm getting is giving me really good ideas for the next one. So get ready for an actually epic battle to retake Ryclies II sometime in the coming weeks.
EDIT2: So it's clear that next time I should give people a map for the space battle.