Also: Axl, I realized why it was you. Because the one time I got to be a traitor, you were the one that stopped me. Subconsciously, that is the reason. Consciously it was because you were the one talking and were closest to me.
I figured it was karmic punishment for torturing the Waffle Corp operative earlier that day. Would've strapped C4 to her if my officer didn't kill her already...
Hehehe. I'm so glad I got to you before they spaced you after they recaptured you. It basically made the whole nemesis thing perfect.
"Oi. You. We got business."
Also, when Yuri was strapped to that chair, I'm like, "They fucking spaced me."
"Yeah, uh... How'd you survive that?"
"I'm fucking invincible."
"Uh, okay."
*Me kills Axl with the axe*
Also, pAIs are fun. Another round, I got a pAI named Yuri the Drunk who pretended to be drunk the entire round. I was the HoS and did nothing but drink booze and eat weed. Yuri hit on Chef Lily and expressed our (not my, our) sexual requirements over the radio. Also in that round, I broke the holodeck. I hacked it with an emag after the captain gave me his jumpsuit and I think I fucked something up. Khan turned on the atmospheric burn and some of the plasma escaped the room and it would NEVER VANISH. We basically had an infinite plasma-spewing tile outside the holodeck flooding the fitness room. Then Randall walked in with a welder or something and the place went up like a bomb.
Best non-shitcurity HoS ever. Also, if we could somehow weaponize that infinite plasma tile thing somehow... I wonder if we could replicate it.