Top lel m8 I didn't say close the borders I said you don't even have them, there are no security checks; I've already commented on the no internal borders rule which means all the interior nations have no borders. Don't try to pretend the swamped borders at Greece or Italy are proof of any nonexistent barriers in France or Germany.
many of course that came from Europe are coming back at some point. (Incidentally, the only exemples you ever seems to post).
And even now? This is why I want to have no commonality with your nations, I can live with Muslims, I cannot with the silly.
Also, Europe HAS borders, just not internal one (and we don't have a moat all arounds like you guys).
Get jelly
You're complaining about Schengen letting that train guy hop between France and Belgium
I'm sure the people in the trains were more concerned than me ;P
Typically a Brit and some Americans had to sort out another European mess
but then the lack of checkpoints between London and Leeds also helped the underground bombers.
No security checkpoints previously existed between London and Leeds; there was a lack of security which our transport police quickly changed - this separates the French attacks from the Underground bomber. The train attacker was known by the Spanish, French, Belgian and German authorities as a high-risk threat, giving regular talks of Jihad at his mosque whilst also trafficking drugs and had had a fun trip to Syria. He lived in Spain and moved to France and crossed the former borders of multiple European countries like the Netherlands and Belgium but alas, the borders are no more. You continentals deliberately destroyed your own security and try to justify it!
Because there's not 1,000,000,000 refugees en route, #CheckYourFacts #EuroBritScum #HaramHaram #BurnInfidel #BuyFalafel
I thought we were at least going to pretend that refugees and immigrants were not synonymous, you're not even halal pc cut m8
Let us engage in duel most chivalrous, old chap.
You think just because you're a teletubby you're a big man? I'll fuck you and your tubby custard up m8
Nice meme
Meanwhile, King's-Landing-land decided to start sending migrants back to Hungary.
London's done no such thing, season 6 hasn't even come out yet
Orban in return accused Croatia of "encouraging mass criminal offences". And promptly sent those migrants toward Austria. And Slovenia also accused Croatia of breaking EU rules. And from my Balkan sources I've heard Hungarian and Slovenian foreign ministers met and apparently agreed Croatia is handling immigrants in absolutely inhumane way by not caring for them in their own country. Kek if I ever saw one.
Then again, it's all Balkans.
Hahaha, watch them all burn because of German hugs, it is best death because it is so comforting