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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47838 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #45 on: February 13, 2013, 09:18:43 pm »


Maize, as always, tends to her fields. She doesn’t really seem to go elsewhere, except maybe to get food.

The day’s training being over, Praetorian makes his way over to the fields. The mare out there was the one he’d been meaning to congratulate on her rescue of the wounded farmer some days ago. Upon spotting the farmer, he nods to her, and says “Hello there, miss Maize.”

Maize looks up and spots the approaching soldier, her head quickly dipping back down. She says something unintelligible.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” says the soldier, with a friendly tone in his voice, as he moves closer.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Maize’s voice is only just audible now. “I said hello and asked how I could help you.”

“Oh, pardon my manners. My name is Praetorian, and I was just passing by and I thought I’d say hello to the heroine of the hour,” says the soldier, as he wonders to himself why the mare seems to be so frightened.

“Oh...” Maize blushes. “Thank you, but I don’t deserve to be called a hero.”

“You saved that wounded pony’s life. Without even having anything to protect yourself with. That’s fairly heroic,” says the soldier.

“But... heroes are supposed to be ponies who overcome their fear...” Maize lowers her head. “I was only more afraid of what would happen if I did nothing.”

Praetorian is ever-so-slightly concerned by the pony’s demeanour. “Still, you did a good deed, and without thought for reward. And did not Equinius write ‘How worthy of eternity is a national character that rewarded exploits so distinguished with honour only, and whereas it enhanced the value of its other wreaths with gold, refused to allow the rescue of a citizen to be a thing of price, thus loudly proclaiming that it is wrong even to save the life of a pony for the sake of gain’?”

Maize blushes a bit more and lowers her entire body a bit, seeming almost to be bowing in shame. “I... don’t know who that is... and I don’t really understand what all that means...”

“Hey,” says the soldier, lowering himself. “Hey. What’s wrong? Gods above, even I don’t understand what that old windbag was talking about most of the time. And you seem to be a lot more down on yourself than I am. So...what’s wrong?”

Maize looks up a little. “I... you sound so smart, and... I never really got many ponies saying good things about me before, especially not smart ponies like you. It... just feels weird when somepony so much better than me thinks good of me. I mean,” she takes a breath and a glance around, “I used to live on the street. I’ve only seen a single book in my life, and whatever was in it looked like nothing but little nonsense scribbles. All I’ve learned, I taught myself.”

“Ah, is that it? Well, miss Maize, you’re a hero, so I can trust you with this.” He looks around furtively. “I only learned to read after my first five years in the army, and that was because I needed it for the promotion. So we’ve at least got a little bit in common. And here’s a secret that took me a long time to learn. Everypony that seems better than you or I, most of that’s just confidence and practice. I’m certainly not as good as you are at farming, so you’re better than me on that, I’ve never gone into a fight without armour and a weapon, so you’re better than me on that, too, and I’ve never been that much of a hero, so you’re way ahead of me there, too.” He pauses for a bit. “And... if you want to learn how to read, I can probably give you a bit of help there, too.”

Maize smiles. “You... would? I mean, I don’t want to be a bother...”

“Hah, not much of a bother to help a certified Hero of the Kingdom,” says Praetorian with a little smile.

“I... I would like that, then.” The farm pony stands back up, though her head still hangs a little low. She never really seems to hold it too high. “When... when do I begin?”

“Well, when do you want to start?” asks the soldier. “I’ve got training to do, but other than that I’m mostly free.”

Maize looks around. “If you’ll wait just a moment, then, I want to look at these last few crops...” She bows her head again. “If you don’t mind too much...”

“‘Course I don’t mind, take as long as you need.”
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2013, 11:56:06 pm »

redhat walked up to the “kitchen” looking for some a decent meal, hoping he could get another “peanut butter and tomato juice” sandwich.

Cream Puff is just checking the stores of food, and gives the stallion an absent wave as she still has her head in a barrel.  “What can I get you, Hun?” comes her muffled welcome.

the pony smiled a little and walked up to the barrel. “well, i’d kill fo another one of those delightful tomato juice sandwiches.”

Her chuckle echos in the barrel before she pulls her head out to get a look at him.  “I never expected those to get so popular.” she says with a wide smile.

“Well, even they don’t just more for me is suppose.”

She nods and sets about making the sammich for him.  “So, what’s your name, Hun?”

“the name’s redhat”

She smirks and gestures at his headwear with a wing.  “Would have never guessed.  So, you’re in the military, yeah?”

“heh... yeah i’m in the militia” he said, taking a seat.

“For how long?  You don’t exactly seem the type to make a career of it.”

“just joined recently” he said, still smiling.

She finishes making the sammich and walks over to Redhat with it on her wing.  “What’s it like?  Praetorian seems a rather structured stallion.”

“it’s annoying.” he said, picking up the sammich. the stallion then made sure his hat was still nice and on the right spot on his head.

“Looks about like what I’d expect in the army.” she says with a shrug.

“no it’s not that. the man demands respect and shows me none.”

Puff gives him a bit of a flat look.  “He is your commanding officer.”

“i only give respect when it is earned. i can act, and pretend like i do, but if the stallion does something to me that offends me, I  will do something about it.”

Cream Puff chuckles at him.  “Red, you ever think the military isn’t for you?”

“yes, your point?” he said, giving her an odd look.

“My point is, I don’t think you can take him, and if you can get that chip off your withers, you might learn something from him.”

“Personally, I don’t plan on just dropping universal respect like that.”

“You need to give some to get some, Red.  He’s had 16 years in the army, I’d say that earns him at least a bit, even if he wasn’t your boss.”

“... that doesn’t give him the right to think himself better than me”

She chuckles again.  “I doubt he thinks that.  He might be more skilled than you, and have a lot more experience, but I doubt he thinks he’s ‘better’ than you.  I’m telling you, Red, get that chip off your shoulder sooner rather than later.  Otherwise, you’ll probably be digging that moat until we have an ocean.”

Redhat sighed. “ugh... you have a point...”

She pats him on the shoulder.  “Of course I do!  I’m the chef!  And the one who prepares your meals is never wrong!” she says with a wink, then laughs.

redhat laughed a little. “yeah... thanks.”

“Any time, Red.”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2013, 07:52:25 am »

Posting to watch. Will claim a pony eventually.
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2013, 10:56:03 pm »

The conclusion to the previous Flamberge and Crosshair scene. I'm not entirely happy with my parts in the scene, to be honest, but there you have it.

That stunned her, It stunned her worse than crashing into that tree a while ago. She just stood there, blinking as her little pony brain tries to process what she just heard.

Flamberge realizes it was a mistake to blurt that out, she was his subordinate gods damn it,there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. He tries to pull away from her while says, "I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..."

Crosshair blinked and shake her confusion out of her when she feel him pulling away from her “Oh!.. um, it’s.. It’s alright, Commander. Really! I’m just.. r-really surprised..” She said, rubbing the back of her neck with a wing as she feel a burning blush coming up. “I just never thought... w-well.. I mean, I don’t think a mare like me could...”

Flamberge now confused and already blushing with embaressment asks, "What do you mean? A mare like you could what?"

“W-well sir, I just.. don’t think that anypony would.. um.. love, a mare like me..” She said out with folded ears.

"Captain, what would ever make you think that?” asks Flamberge, “You are a strong, clever, and beautiful young mare, anypony's dream come true. I can't believe you didn't have all the young stallions fighting over you back home."

That made the poor mare blushes even further. “Well.. I’m too eager, brash, does things without thinking first and a little dumb according to other ponies..” she said, lowering her head slightly.

Flamberge smiles, "Well, it may be true, that you act a little over eager sometimes, and it wouldn't hurt you to learn to think before you leap sometimes, but I find those qualties of yours quite endearing Crosshair, and you are certainly not dumb, no matter what anypony else might have told you."

Crosshair pawed the ground softly and shyly with a hoof as she smiles up at her commander with a faint blush. “Thank you, Commander.. but.. You’re my Commander, wouldn’t you deserve somepony.. better?” she asked nervously, as if still unsure if what she heard was right.

Flamberge shakes his head, "I don't want anypony better, whatever you mean by that, I want you...but I understand if you would prefer a pony more level headed than me, or somepony smarter, or somepony with a job less likely to lead them to an early grave. But when I said I love you Crosshair, I meant it. I can't imagine better than you."

She finally smiles up some. “I’d be honored, Commander.. If.. If you don’t mind me, I’m quite.. um, inexperienced with love.. nopony really loved me before besides family..” She spoke again, embarrassed.

"Well then, we have that in common Crosshair," replies Flamberge.

“Perhaps, Commander, perhaps.”

Flamberge was confused by her usage of the word perhaps here, but thought it best not to pry, at least not right away. Flamberge moves back to be beside her, "We'll need to head back to town soon," he says, "they'll be wanting to know where we are....but let's wait a few more minutes first, okay?"

The mare smiled a happy smile at him. “Of course, Commander.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2013, 12:38:21 am »

Cream Puff walks around the settlement, looking for Case Study.  The stallion had missed another meal, and she is not going to have a pony going hungry on her watch!  She carries a vegetable medley sammich on her wing as she searches for the stallion.

The pale blue pony in question was lying under a tree in the middle of their territory. His red eyes scanned a book about equine anatomy. There were plenty of crimson marks throughout its pages, accompanied with notes he had written in the past. Study had gotten caught up in medical literature again, focused to the point where he had practically lost all sense of time.

“Aha!” spouts Cream Puff as she spots her target, then she heads over to him to favor him with a glare.  “Case Study.”

For the first few moments, her words sounded like background noise. It was only when Puff’s shadow overcast the papers before him did the earth pony become aware of her presence. An ear twitched as he raised his angular muzzle in her direction, “Yes? Can I help you, ma’am?”

“Don’t you ‘ma’am’ me, buster!  You keep feeding that!” she points at his head.  “Instead of feeding that!!” she gestures to the rest of him.  “A doctor should know better!”

The stallion was a bit taken aback by the pegasus’ attitude, but he understood what she was trying to say. He raised an eyebrow, taking mental note of the sandwich she was carrying, “Time for a meal already? I do suppose it is later than I predicted.” Study placed the bookmark in its proper place and closed the cover, “My apologies, Ms. Puff, but I have a tendency to get ‘lost in the clouds’ when I read. Based on the nature of your opening statement, and the presence of food in your hoof, I predict that the reason you are here is self-evident?”

Sweet merciful Nirmek, can this pony talk.  She gives him a flat look and holds her wing for him to take the food.  “Yes.”

He stood up and stretched his back, feeling a bit surprised. The pony wasn’t used to others approaching him so directly, nor was it typical for them to bring him food unrequested. He accepted the edible offering, “Well, this is unexpected. I don’t recall sending for anything. This was your idea?”

She nods, softening her stance slightly as it seems the stallion might actually start eating soon.  “It was.  I don’t let ponies go hungry on my watch, even if they forget to eat.  I brought you a mixed vegetable sammich, nice and healthy and filling.”  She softens further as she talks a little about her job, her passion.

It was a nice thought, especially the healthy part. At least it wasn’t one of those questionable tomato juice and peanut butter sandwiches. He took a bite. It was rather pleasant, especially since he was hungrier than he originally believed he was. Case swallowed the piece, “That’s quite kind of you. I do appreciate your consideration. What might I owe you for your trouble?”

She smiles as he finally starts to eat.  “Nothing, Case.  It’s just what I do, you know?  If you really want to try to pay me back, just make sure Morning Dew will be alright.” she says with a dismissive wave of her wing.

“Huh, well that’s very nice. If you won’t accept money, then I suppose I’ll just owe you a favor in the future.” He consumes a second piece of the vegetable-and-bread concoction, “As far as Ms. Dew is concerned, she has a bit of an infection. I don’t expect it will get worse, but it will prolong her recovery time. I really need something more here than simple herbs to stave off illness.”

“Well, soap is just fat and lye, right?  If we can get the sunflowers grown soon enough, we’ll just need somepony to make some lye.”

“Indeed. Having that substance on hoof could really aid in my practice. A magical artifact that does the same thing would be welcomed as well...not that I’m likely to come across one.” Half the food had now disappeared down the hatch. “I suppose I’ll have to wait and see what the future holds for us in terms of medicinal resources, as we are still young on this land.”

She nods and sits next to him, enjoying the shade.  “So, what were you reading?  Must have been good to keep you from a meal.”

Peaking at the book out of the corners of his rhomboidal eyes, he explained, “I was near the end of chapter three of an anatomy book I had received as a gift some years ago. To be more specific, I was trying to get a better handle on the placement of blood vessels within pony legs. If any part of Ms. Dew’s flesh were to become gangrenous, it’s of the utmost importance that my cuts be precise and avoid puncturing any large veins.” The last mouthful was popped in, defying the unpleasant nature of the conversation.

She smirks at him.  “Yeah, that sounds like it would be bad.”

“Assuming one did not wish to bleed to death, yes. I’m not particularly concerned at the moment. The worst that will happen to her is probably nothing more than scarring, as well as the necessity for using crutches for a short while. I wouldn’t be surprised if some hairline fractures were initially present as well.”

“I just hope she pulls through alright.  I’m glad it sounds like she will.  A funeral would be pretty depressing this early in our time here.  Not to mention how Maize would probably react.”

Case Study knew of Maize bringing the injured mare in, but hadn’t known much of her. He tended to mind his own business until somepony else’s business became his, “The farmer...the tall one, correct? I hear she’s become something of a minor celebrity in Duskfields. Not that I know many of the details.”

Puff nods and puts on a smile.  Maize might be too modest to be proud of what she did, but Puff is perfectly happy to be proud for her.  “That’s her!  She brought Morning Dew in to see you before the dust could even settle on that fight.”

“Interesting,” he swished his gray-white tail, “So this Ms. Maize...what do you know of her? I suppose I should take the opportunity to be as well informed as the other ponies are about this farmer.”

Puff thinks for a few moments, deciding what Maize might not want a total stranger to know.  “Well, she’s timid and soft-spoken, and nice to a fault.  And she’s an amazing farmer.”

“That matches my first impressions of her. I’ve seen her alone in the fields often. Not that it’s any of my business what she likes to do in her spare time.”

Puff looks at him sideways, wondering what his bedside manner is like and if poor Morning Dew is bored out of her mind.  “Don’t you want to get to know the ponies who you might have to save?”

He paused for a moment, “Familiarity can be a double-edged sword, Ms. Puff. One may enjoy the cheerful company of another in pleasant times, but what of the times when that same pony is lying before you with a gaping wound that needs to be addressed with urgency? Emotions can cloud judgment. That, in turn, can lead to life-changing, nay, deadly mistakes. Knowing that one may be responsible for the termination of their friends life isn’t something I want to experience.”

Puff shrugs.  “I’d expect saving a friend’s life would be quite the motivation.  And losing one... well, I don’t stop using an oven just because I get burned.  I’d say the positives outweigh the negatives, myself.”

“An optimistic outlook. If you can manage that worldview, then by all means enjoy it. I’m simply a realist. I know there is good and bad in this world and that either one can come at the most unexpected of times. I prefer to distance myself emotionally so that the negatives affect me less. That makes it easier to pick up the pieces and move on with life.”

Cream Puff quirks an eyebrow at him.  “Having friends makes it easier.  But, if you want to throw out the foal with the bath-water, that’s your business.”

“I have no problem with friends in concept, Ms. Puff. I mean to say that I am not a social butterfly, looking for new acquaintances at every turn. I feel that those who will be important in my life will reveal themselves to me when the time is right. However, I do feel that one should not rely on others too much when the only one you can count on at the end of the day is yourself.” Case looks up at the clouds in the sky, “Such seems to have done me well so far, at least.”

She chuckles at him.  “Yeah?  Well, ‘yourself’ almost left you hungry today.”

He rubs his temple, “If my stomach were to fail in reminding me of that, my migraines certainly would not have. Low blood sugar is one of several things that can trigger them. Not to bore you with my personal problems, though.”

She gets up and gives him a cheeky smile.  “See?  I got you food and kept you from having a migraine!  Aren’t friends great?”

The doctor placed a hoof under his bony chin, “Yes, I suppose that’s true. For that, I thank you once more.” He looks at the position of the Sun, “I hope I haven’t kept you from any important business with my ramblings, Ms. Puff. If so, I apologize yet again.”

She shakes her head.  “It’s no problem, Case.  It’s what friends are for.  I’ll be giving you another earful if you forget lunch again, though.  Fair warning.” she says with a smile.

“I see. I’ll attempt to be more prompt next time, assuming I don’t have my hooves full with some emergency.”

She chuckles.  “I suppose an emergency will get you off the hook, Doc.  Don’t be a stranger, alright?”

The lankey stallion nods, “Yes, I’ll be seeing you later. I wish you good luck with your cooking.” Although he never formed a true smile throughout the encounter, Case Study did feel a tinge of happiness in that somepony had actually paid him attention.

“Thanks!  Enjoy your book!”  She gives him a friendly wave, then heads back towards her improvised kitchen.  After all, she’d have to start preparing for dinner soon.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 12:41:53 am by Kryptid »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2013, 01:25:12 am »


Cream Puff busies herself with cleaning her makeshift kitchen; the lunch rush is mostly over, and she expects the few stragglers to be by soon for a meal.  She hums to herself as she finishes making some flatbread.

The militia commander, Flamberge, approaches the improvised kitchen, he has a beaming smile on his face, Cream Puff doesn't think she's ever seen him this happy. "Good evening Cream Puff," says the stallion, "I hope I'm not too late for some lunch."

She smiles at the stallion as he approaches.  “Heya ‘Berge!  You’re just in time for some fresh bread!  You want a sammich, or just something piecemeal?”

“Hmm, surprise me.” says Flamberge.

She thinks for a few moments before grinning at him and setting to work.  “So, having a good day, I take it?”

Flamberge nods, “Is it that obvious,” he says with a chuckle.

She chuckles and nods as she works on his food.  “Well?  Spill!”

Flamberge looks off to one side, “Well, I don’t know if I should. She might not want everypony to know.” he says intentionally saying too much.

Puff smirks at him.  “Don’t make me threaten you with no lunch, ‘Berge!” she says with a wink.

“You wouldn’t dare!” he says in a joking tone.

“Watch me!”

Flamberge and Cream Puff lock eyes and a mental tug of war takes place before Flamberge finally consents, "Alright, alright, I'll tell you, yesterday, I...told Crosshair... that I was in love with her, and she didn't turn me down. She acted surprised, but, she likes me too."

She rolls her eyes at him as she picks up his meal, then walks over to him.  “Well, duh!  She loves you, too!”

Flamberge leans back a bit, “Oh, I don’t think so. She never said she did at least. Someday I hope that’s true, but I don’t think it is yet.”

She gives him a ‘you can’t be that dense’ look, but doesn’t repeat herself.  “Well, you talked, so I guess you get your meal.  Viola!”  With a flourish, she reveals his meal: A peanut butter and tomato juice sammich with some sauteed veggies on the side.

“Tomato juice and peanut butter, my favorite, just like mother never made.” says Flamberge as he takes the food, “Thank you Cream Puff.”

She smiles, always happy to have somepony enjoy her food.  “Any time, ‘Berge.”  She turns to head back to her kitchen, then pauses and looks him in the eyes.  “And Flamberge?  Take good care of Crosshair.  She’s my best friend.  If you break her heart, I’ll serve you yours.”

Flamberge nods, “I promise, but don’t worry, she’s my markspony captain, and a hell of a shot,  if I did, she could shoot me in the back herself no problem.”

She smiles at him, glad he understands.  “Good!  Speaking of, how do you think her training’s going?”

Flamberge pauses, pops one of the veggies on his plate into his mouth, chews and swallows before responding. “It’s...okay. Her target practice is good and all, but I know it isn’t the same as shooting a moving target, and I’ve show her the basics of self-defense in melee, but she is still not comfortable in the armor, and she won’t last in close range against somepony who knows what they are doing.”

“Well, melee is your job, right?  You keep them away and she puts small holes in important bits of them?”

“On paper yeah,” responds Flamberge, “But it is just me, Praetorian, and that Redhat up there. Even a small group of discordian’s could overwhelm us, or just have some run past. I mean, the odds of them taking an interest in a town this size is slim, but if they do, I want all of us to be ready. If we had the metal to spare, I’d have forged a spear for everypony here by now, but we don’t have the material....I’m probably just being paranoid, forget I said anything.”

“Nah, that paranoia is probably at least partially why you’re still alive in the army, yeah?  No spear for me, though.  A couple quality chef’s knives would be nice, though.” she says with a chuckle.

“Heh, Well, we’ll see what we can do, if I can ever get enough spare metal to work with.” replies Flamberge.

They engage in some more small talk as Flamberge eats, then he says his farewells to return to his duties.  Puff smiles at him as he goes, chuckling to herself about how dense stallions can be.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2013, 02:03:18 am »

, , and

As the small caravan trundled into the place they were travelling to, Praetorian looked around, and spotting the buildings, began making his way over there. His orders had been clear. He was to meet with the current leader of the group, a Mr Temperance, and report to him. There was also another soldier or two here, but they could wait until afterwards. As he looked around the settlement, he tried to find the pony whose description he had been given.

Temperance was busying himself with the large stockpile in the center of what he liked to think was the start of the town, picking over everything and jotting down stock records.  They really needed to get this mess a bit more organized, soon.  He fails to notice anypony approaching him, consumed in his current task as he was.

Praetorian looked the pony up and down. “Mr Temperance?” he asked, taking out the little paired bronze tablets from his pack. The two tablets, affixed to each other by hinges, had seven seals keeping the opening shut.

Temperance looks up from his work.  “Hmm?  Oh,” he says, turning to face the pony.  He glances at the mass of ponies slightly behind Praetorian wandering into the settlement and quickly surmises what was going on.  “Ah, you... must be from Coupledye, right?”  He offers a hoof.  “You seem to know me already, Mr...”

“Praetorian. My diploma, Mr Temperance.” He hands over the sealed bronze tablets. “I’ve been...assigned here, sort of.”

Temperance’s eyes widen a bit as he realizes who he’s talking to.  “Oh, of course,” he says, glancing inside the tablets.  He wasn’t really sure what he was looking at, so he nods approvingly and returns them.  “It’s a pleasure to have you out here, having another soldier will definitely help.”  He hesitates.  “Although you sound a bit unsure of that?”

“If there’s anything out here, I don’t see it concertedly attacking such a small and probably weathless town. Maybe large animals or an occasional desperate bandit looking for food. Other than that... Well, I might be able to help there, but a good wall will keep them out anyway,” says the soldier.

Temperance smiles and makes a small chuckle.  “Yes, well, I certainly hope you’re right.  I suspect that you are.  Still, I know that there are some surprisingly crafty bandits that prey on these little settlements, so it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”  Hopefully Flamberge and the other soldiers wouldn’t end up becoming a glorified guard policing drunkards, but he wasn’t going to say anything of the sort.  He looks around for a moment searching for somepony.  “In any case, perhaps you’d like to meet commander Flamberge?  You’ll be working with him a lot.”

“Yes, that would be good,” agrees Praetorian. “Shall we?”

Temperance leads Praetorian back toward the “training grounds”, which are little more than two armor stands standing in the middle of the plains.  “This is where he and captain Crosshair have been training.  It’s not much, I know.”  Almost nothing, really.  But priorities were elsewhere.  “It’s a work in progress.  I’m not sure where Flamberge is right now...”

At those words Flamberge and Crosshair descend from the sky, in their armor. Crosshair sets off to the armor rack, while Flamberge greets Temperance and the new pony, “Hello, Temperance, sir, we just returned from patrol, saw some more boars up north, but they were heading toward the river, not this way. Nothing else to report.”

Temperance smiles at him.  “Good, good.”  He gestures at Praetorian.  “Commander, this is Praetorian, a new arrival in Duskfields and your new colleague.”

“Good day, commander,” says the new guy with a salute.

Flamberge returns the salute in kind. "Good day to you as well." Flamberge looks over Praetorian.

Praetorian is a brown-coated  unicorn with a black mane, and wears segmented plate with a red tunic underneath. His tail is short and even.

"You look like you will do just fine. You are the soldier I was told to expect from Coupledye, yes?" questions the militia commander.

“I believe so,” says the unicorn with a nod.

"Excellent. Temperance, I have a few more questions for Praetorian. Did you have anything else you wanted to say first?" asks Flamberge.

Temperance shakes his head.  “Oh, no, no, nothing else on my mind.”  He looks between all of the military ponies present and takes a step back.  “I’ll let you all get acquainted.  If anypony needs me I’ll be counting the bags of seeds.”

"So, Praetorian. I was told you have combat experience? Is that true?" asks Flamberge.

“Yes, commander. I’ve served my sixteen years,” says the spearpony.
"Sixteen years? Very good." Flamberge wasn't sure what else to say about that, Praetorian had served longer than him and yet he was the one supposed to be in command, it felt odd to him to have seniority over a more experienced soldier.

Flamberge looks over the soldier's segmented mail. "I am glad you brought some equipment of your own, we are chronically under supplied out here."

“Well, of course,” says Praetorian. “Not much else for me to do, eh?” He smiled. “Don’t really have much of a talent outside the military. It’s good to be doing something I know again.”

Flamberge nods, “With you here, that brings us to only three soldiers, but hopefully we’ll be enough for now. Now, I’ll show you around the camp such as it is, and you can get settled, you’ll join Crosshair and I for training starting tomorrow.”

“That sounds good, commander. It’ll be good to be serving with you,” says Praetorian, following the militia commander.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Impending Doom

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2013, 02:55:07 am »

After unpacking the last of her work materials and storing them safely in Temperance’s office, Serenity heads out into the fields, searching for her first ‘patient’.

Maize is easy enough to find. She’s lying amongst her crops, in a small bed-like mound of dirt, and staring at the clouds. She looks rather childish with her hooves hovering over her small frame.

Well, that certainly looked odd enough to be her. The doctor approaches her. “Excuse me, are you Miss Maize?”

The mare quickly, if unsteadily, rolls over to her feet and picks herself up, giving her body a quick shake to get rid of a little dust. She looks up at the new face, a little red-cheeked. “Y~yes, ma’am?”

Serenity extends a hoof. “I’m Dr. Serenity. Mr. Temperance asked me to come speak with you, if you have the time.”

“Oh...” The mare glances at the ground worriedly. “Did... did I do something wrong?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that. He just... wanted me to ask you a few things, that’s all.”

Maize nods a little and looks up again. “Oh. So... what do you want to ask me, then?”

Serenity moves to sit beside Maize. “Well, Mr. Temperance told me that you’ve been acting very... evasive. You seem to go out of your way to avoid interacting with the others.”

Maize backs away a little, her head dipping down and her eyes falling. “I’m sorry... I’ve really been trying, but it’s kind of new to me... I’m sorry...”

Serenity raises a hoof to stop her. “Nopony is upset with you about this, Maize. Just... concerned. Now, why do you avoid other ponies so much? Is there something about them that bothers you?”

“N-no... everypony here is so nice...” She offers a quick smile before looking at the ground again. “I just... I can’t really handle other ponies... I get overwhelmed...”

“So then I take it you aren’t accustomed to working alongside other ponies? What did you do before you came out here?”

“I...” Maize seems to be really conflicted. “I... lived on the street. I never really knew anything I could use in the city, so... I just looked through folks’ trash and slept on whatever soft patch of grass or dirt I could find.”

“That’s quite a hard life. You didn’t have any family to stay with?”

Maize’s eyes begin to tear up a little as they go out of focus, her head pointing solidly at the ground. “I... I don’t really want to... talk about my family...”

Serenity pauses. There was definitely something there, but if she pressed for more information Maize may shut her out. “...Okay. Let’s talk about something else, then. You said you’ve been trying to socialize with other ponies?”

Maize brushes the tears forming in her eyes away and looks up again. “Y~yeah, I have... I talk to Cream Puff, and sometimes I talk a little with other ponies...”

Serenity nods. “I’ve met miss Cream Puff, in passing. She seems like a nice enough mare. Do you two get along well?”

Maize nods. “Yeah, she’s really nice. It’s... really nice to talk with her as I tend the plants.”

“That’s very good. Having a friend like her will make improving your social skills much easier.”

Maize looks around. “Yeah... I guess so...” She tries think of something. “M-may I be... excused, please? I’d like to... check the plants, and... you know, to...” Her voice falters off.

Serenity quirks an eyebrow at this. “Well, I did have a few more questions... will you be gone long?”

“I... y-yeah... I will...” Maize is obviously uncomfortable, her hoof scraping the dirt as she avoids eye contact as best she can manage, and her head hanging extra low.

The doctor stands. “Well, in that case, I suppose we can speak more later. Could you come by Mr. Temperance’s office after you’re done?”

“Umm... okay...” Maize starts to back away. “S-see you, I guess...”

Serenity smiles. “Yes, see you.” With that, she turns to leave.

Maize doesn’t even pretend to ‘check her plants’ as Serenity departs, instead opting to plop down into her bed and cover her face. Serenity can faintly hear the sound of sobbing for a moment before the sound can no longer penetrate the air between her and the mare.

Serenity quickens her pace, heading back to the office.

Temperance was sitting in his office.  Or well, he was sleeping in his office, propped against his table and snoring almost inaudibly.  It was late in the afternoon, and his sleep schedule had been off for the past few weeks as he worked as needed and when he could.  He’d only
been there a few minutes too, but that’s all it took for him to slip off into dreamland.

Without bothering to knock first, Serenity opens the door and pokes her head inside. “Mr. Temperance?”

He starts in response and snaps up.  “Huh?  What?”  He blinks a few times.  “Oh, Dr. Serenity.  How can I help you?”

Serenity enters the office, finding a chair and slumping into it with a sigh. “I just had a talk with Maize.”

He runs a hoof down his face and tries to jostle himself awake.  “Oh, you did?  You... don’t sound too enthusiastic.”

“She’s obviously suffered some type of severe trauma, something to do with her family. I wasn’t able to get much information out of her about it, though.”

Temperance is silent for a moment, but he’s clearly troubled.  “I see... that’s not what I was hoping to hear...”  Not that he really knew what he wanted to hear.

Serenity sits upright. ”...I’d like to start seeing her regularly, in your office if you don’t mind. Maybe if I get to know her, earn her trust, she’ll open up to me more...”

He nods.  “That sounds like a good idea.  If you had a specific time for regular appointments I can work around that.”  He pauses and asks in a quiet tone, “You think you can help her though?”

She raises a hoof to her forehead. “I’ve seen a lot in my line of work. Mental disorder. Loss and grief.” Serenity stares at the floor, her voice hushed. “... domestic abuse...” She looks back to Temperance. “I don’t think it’s anything I can’t handle.”

“Good.  That’s... that’s good,” he replies.  “I didn’t realize it was anything that serious.  She was quiet on the trip out here, but seemed alright otherwise.  I certainly don’t want anypony around here to suffer through something like this though.”  He glances down to his desk and back up.  “I understand that you’ve probably got some privacy concerns here, but... would you mind keeping me updated on her?  I’d like to know she’s alright.”

“Of course. As expedition leader, you have a right to know.” Serenity allows a small smile to cross her muzzle. “It’s good that you’re so concerned for the well-being of those under you.”

Hearing that makes him smile a bit himself.  Maybe he was doing things right.  “Thank you.  I’m sure you’ll do a good job.”
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2013, 02:56:15 am »

Fort update is here!  I didn't expect there to be this much activity this early on, honestly.  :)

Temperance's Journal - 7th Limestone, 269

Another one of those dust storms blew past this afternoon.  Something is definitely strange about them.  I've seen them off in the distance a few times, but this is the first time one has come this close to us.  They look red.  The soil around here isn't red though, so that's pretty mysterious.  More mysterious is how it seems to just vanish a short way away from the camp site.  I'm probably just worrying too much, but I get an odd feeling watching them.  Almost as if something is telling me we shouldn't be here.

Now, why would you think that, Temperance?

Well, the storms haven't bothered anypony yet, since they haven't even hit the camp, so I won't worry too much.  I'm more concerned about the badger pony that attacked us, and the consequences of it.  We finally got his remains cleaned up and moved.  They drug him off a ways off where nopony in the camp can really see him, but perhaps I should have asked to have it be a bit further off.  The militia can still probably see him from where they train.

A new refuse pile and dump site are off out of the way.  Maybe the corpse can motivate the troops a bit?  At least I think I got all of the teeth out of the fields.

14th Limestone, 269

I've been checking in on poor Morning Dew every day since she was injured, and she's slowly recovering.  Her spirits seem to be improving too, which is good.  I think I've seen Serenity heading over here, so she's probably been talking with her.  She was very shaken up for a while, and if I'd been attacked and stabbed twice I'd probably be shaken up too.  Well, I am, really, but not like she is.  Next time I see Maize, I'm going to send her Morning Dew's thanks along with mine.  She is a very brave pony.  In fact, one of the new rooms should be done tomorrow.  It's hers, and I don't think anypony would object.

I wish Case Study had a proper place to treat Morning Dew, though.  He's been doing a great job with what he has, but he said that without a properly sterilized facility, one of her hooves has become infected.  He doesn't seem worried, so I'm not, but it could become serious.  Morning Dew didn't seem too concerned, so he may not have told her yet.

She'll be alright.  Probably.

Because of this, I've had the carpenters halt working on the dorms for now and instead focus on setting up a proper hospital.  It's going to be small for a long time, but anything has to be better than having nothing but the dorms to work in.  I know the other ponies will appreciate it too.  I'm not sure that anypony had gotten a particularly good night's sleep since Morning Dew was moved there.

It's a start, even if it's a bit too late to really help Morning Dew.

That means more work for Holly clearing out room for the hospital, but I think she can appreciate the reason.

I'm more concerned about Wood Chips.  I think I may have rubbed him the wrong way somehow recently.  I mentioned that I was sure he and the others would get it put up quickly and in good shape, but he seemed a bit irritated.  Maybe I'm working the carpenters too hard too?

22nd Limestone, 269

I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I saw Smooth Block standing off near the northern part of the camp watching Redhat dig a trench.  When I asked about it, she told me that Praetorian ordered it for some reason, and that he'd be digging a defensive trench around the whole camp.  It's a great idea, I admit, but that's her job, not his.  When I asked about that, she just laughed and made some joke about insubordination.

Maybe I'll talk with Praetorian about it later.  For now, a defensive trench sounds like a good idea, so I won't interrupt the process.

23rd Limestone, 269


That's what I woke up to Holly shouting this morning.  Sure enough, when I galloped outside, that's what I saw.  There were so many of them, chasing the mare back from the forest...

And of course, all of the food is outside, and if they get to it and eat it all... hoo boy, that would be a disaster.

They're halting construction of the hospital since they keep swarming the workers.  We can't afford any hold ups, so I was glad to see Flamberge leading all of the soldiers in a sweep of the camp to clear or scare them all away.  I... I'm pretty sure I saw Flamberge gutting the little things with his sword.  How a pony can have such precision I have no idea.

Flamberge is in the process of perforating a lung and spilling that one's guts.

The soldiers were doing their best to drive away or kill the little things.  Flamberge and Praetorian must have killed five apiece, and Redhat and Crosshair were chasing a few away from the food.  It was no use though.
Flamberge killed 13, actually.  Redhat got 7, Praetorian got 5, and Crosshair only got 1.

Well, this could be bad.  I've seen ponies survive this without going insane.  Let's hope she can!

The parasprites made off with several months of food, but Flamberge and the other soldiers managed to kill at least twenty of them.  They're gone now.  I was checking our stocks and I think we'll be alright.  We're going to be cutting it close until the next harvest, but we should be fine.

Poor Cream Puff was absolutely losing it over the food being ruined though.  I feel bad for her, but I didn't dare try to say anything to her while she's like this.

She's very quick to anger too.  I hope she'll pull through.

5th Sandstone, 269

Morning Dew left the hospital today.  She's still limping a bit from her wounds, as you'd expect, but she seems to be doing much better overall.  She headed back out to the fields today too, although I could tell she was a bit anxious about it.  I think I may move the training area out closer to the fields  Maybe that will help give her some peace of mind.  Me too, come to think of it.

Well, as a first project for her, now that she's back to work, was for her and Maize to set up another small farm plot for some flax.  We need more thread and cloth for bags, since milling flour out of the wheat has already used up all of the bags we brought with us.  We've got a bit of cloth left over we could make some bags out of, but I'm loathe to use it all up in case Case Study needs any more for wound dressing again.

I don't want to be swimming in flax, and this is temporary, so a small plot will do for now.

Speaking of Maize, I'm growing more concerned about her.  Dr. Serenity spoke with her some and she thinks that the mare has some very deep issues.  I don't really know what to do about it, but I feel bad for her.  I really hope the psychiatrist can help her.  I've given her free reign to use my office when I'm not here to counsel her whenever she needs it.

13th Sandstone, 269

Poor Cream Puff is still pretty upset about the parasprite thing.  She came and complained to me about the fact that we're letting all of the food sit out in the open, and that if we were being more careful about that we wouldn't have had to worry about the parasprites taking the food.  I guess she's right, and we'll probably start working on remedying that soon.

I wish she wouldn't yell at the animals though.  What did the poor chickens do to her?

She was doing rather more than just yelling at them, I'm afraid...

If she hasn't already, I really ought to ask Serenity to talk to Cream Puff.  I'm no good at that sort of thing, apparently.

Anyway, Veneer told me this afternoon that they'd finished closing in two of the hospital rooms, so that's plenty better than what Case Study had before.  I'm officially calling the hospital ready for use, even though it's a far cry from being done.  We've just got too much work to do to keep on it right now.

I think I'll see about drawing up some plans for a real kitchen and dining room now.  But we're still so far behind on housing...

1st Timber, 269

I'm glad to say Cream Puff has finally calmed down.  I think she's been talking with Serenity, and whatever she said to her must be helping.  Unfortunately I think I only made it worse when I tried talking to her.

Or, maybe she's happier because we've really started on a decent place to cook and eat.  It's just a few walls so far, but we're going to have a nice little tavern before too much longer.  My long term goals are to make it a nice place with some sleeping room for travelers and merchants, but for now it's going to be little more than a glorified kitchen with some dining tables tossed up to give ponies a decent place to eat.

Had to move the animals to set it up, but it'll be a right and proper place to dine soonish.

Which, oddly enough reminds me that we still have no well.  I'm juggling so many things right now I can't decide what should be done next and what can wait.  At least there is room for everypony to sleep inside, and we do have enough food and drink for now.  So a well can wait I suppose.

While I was watching the carpenters put the walls up (Wood Chips seems to be less irritated lately, that's good), I noticed a group of strange ponies approaching from the south.  More ponies from Coupledye...

An earth pony mare surgeon named Convalescence and her husband,
A pegasus stallion clothier named Patches,
A pegasus stallion carpenter named Flying Buttress and his wife,
A pegasus mare carpenter named Sand Paper (she prefers Sandy), and
A pegasus stallion plant processor named Chaff.

The doctor I'm sure will be worth her weight in gold sooner or later, but I'm mostly happy to have the carpenters to help us.  The more of them there are, the faster we can get the remaining buildings put up.  The clothier should be pretty useful too, since we don't have anypony to really make any new bags or clothing when ours wear out.

I spent an hour or so showing them around and introducing them to everypony.  The carpenters I put to work straight away, since Veneer, Wood Chips and Lathe have been working around the clock.

And I just realized it's already autumn.  Where has this year gone?
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2013, 03:29:01 am »

Limestone 7

I've seen those odd clouds around, but only at a distance when I take a nice flight to relax.  Then, today, one almost blows over the settlement!  Thankfully, it dissipated just outside.  Still, I don't like the look of those things.  The sooner I get a kitchen with a roof, the better.

The date is messy and scribbled over, but Limestone 23 can just barely be deciphered among the mess of swears directed at parasprites.

Limestone 24

Those motherbucking parasprites!!  Every time I start to calm down, I catch a glimpse of one of those dead bastards and then I fly off the handle again!  They ate my glorious meals!  Those sammiches are for ponies, you shits!

Ok, calmed down a little again.  When I saw what they were doing, I lost it.  I kicked over the cooking stand and upended a few barrels before storming off towards a room.  I kicked a chicken out of the way, then kicked the door down to boot before laying on the bed to seethe.  I should probably go apologize to the chicken... but all I can think about is another swarm of those motherbuckers swooping down to eat all my delicious food again!  I need to talk to Temperance and convince him to get the food inside somewhere!

Timber 1

So, I've been talking with Serenity.  She says I have anger problems, which isn't too surprising.  I'm usually a friendly mare, but when my buttons get pushed... anyway, she's rather soothing to talk to.  I'm pretty sure she's been talking with Maize, too, but I didn't want to bug her about it.  Well, not too much.  I can understand that some things are private.

Oh, and there are some new faces around!  Another doctor, a family of carpenters, a tailor, and somepony who was eying the quern and the fields.  I didn't get to talk to them much, though, dinner was pretty busy and I didn't have a chance to.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2013, 10:44:20 am »

~Maize's thoughts~ 7th Limestone, 269
H͕̳͖í̝̖̻̪͔͚̗s͖̺̜ ̭̦b͖̪̟͞re҉̮̮̭̩̰̝a̫̤͈̜̫̠t̷͙͚̞̯̰h̬̩̤͙̞ ̞s̺̻̪w̹͎͞e̙̘e͚̝͎p̴̩̟̫s̻͉̖̻ ̮̤̮̟͖t̜̯̦̪̮̫̰h̰̝̗͇͝ͅe̢͎̩̟͍͚͇͓ ͞l͢a̴͉͖̤͇̤nd̤̮̭
̠̟I̖̳̱ͅt̠̞̭̦͙̮͝ ̯̫̣͢c̻̩̦͈̯͖͟ͅo̱̺̪͕̼n͚̭̱͇̕s̷͔͕̺͎̼u̴̩̲̝͈͓̟̗m̵e͔͙̯̥s̰̟̮̱̫ ̞̳̭aĺ͔͖̞͇̮̹̖l̯̘ ̘̜̯̪̣̟ͅi̫̻͉̰̜͔n̼̬̭̖̪̺͘ ̷̞̮̞̭͉̘i͇t̕s̢ ̴̫̹̤͎̦͔p̟̠͕͚̖̠à̙t̳ͅh̖̟̜̯̰
͕̙͙̠A̵̤̜͕̘͖ͅn̢̹̪̻̰̪̝͎d ̰̪͙̼f̨̺̳̠̱̮r͔̩̝o̖͎m̷ ̨t̻h̡̙̪͎e̖͍ ͏͖̲̘a̹͓̻s̡̤̺̦̙̼̺̻h͏̣̤̥̝̜e̯̙̳s
Ar̮̤̗̫̠̙̳e̱͚̫̰͍̗ ̸͙͎̲b̖̭o͔̪͎̥̞͘r͙n̼̮̥̯͔ ͎͖̪̮h̰̘̝̺̱̪̖i̮̪̦̪s̸̹̠͉̳͓ ͔̜͎͚c͚̲͇̼̻͔͟h̳̱̣̬̝͟i̖͖̙̗l͈͉̫d̗͇re͔̥̲͎̙̞̹n͈̤
̥͈̩̳̤̳̯͠Her̭̝̘͍̬ͅe̼̱̞͎͍ to̰͉ sp̻̺̠͇r̤̲̞͈͖͖͜è͔͍̠a͈̟̹͟d͖̜ ̵͔͎̯̘̳̗ṱ͔͍h͖̮͙̻̱͚e҉͖̰͖̹͓ ̥̝̖̱͎̩̖w̠̫͉̗͖̪̻o͏͈͙̳ṛ̭d͙̰͓̝̥̀
̮̘̦ͅO̷f̠̦͈ ̲̞̹̬͕C̠̫͡h̬̥̹a̺̪o-

Owww, my heaaaad.....

14th Limestone
I went to see Morning Dew today. I brought the sunflower, too, she seemed to really like it. She seemed to be doing really good, but I had to tell Case Study about the little bit of brown growing on her hoof. He promised she'd be alright, and that he'd excise it immediately. That means 'cut off,' right?

Temperance also told me he'd be making the new bedroom mine. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted, because I'm 'a hero'. I don't feel like a hero still, but I can't really say no, and it is a nice room...

23rd Limestone
Oh, how I hate parasprites. I used to have to stomp the little buggers when they came and tried to eat all my plants. These are a lot bigger than the ones back home, though, the soldiers were having to chop them up with swords.

They even stole poor Cream Puff's sandwiches! I tried to talk to her, but she was so angry and I had to go tend to the farm eventually. I hope she's okay.

5th Sandstone
Morning Dew came out to work today. I guess that means she's better, although it looks like she still can't walk perfectly. I managed to show her around the farm, at least. She gave me a hug, too, and thanked me for saving her. I... was caught by surprise and freaked out for a moment, but I was able to calm myself before anything bad happened. I even gave her a hug back! I wonder if that means I'm getting better.

13th Sandstone
Oh, Cream Puff... apparently she's been beating up on the chickens. The poor little thing got its leg broken. It reminded me a lot of when Fa-... my father had that dog...

I hope I don't have to remember it next time I talk to her...

1st Timber
Cream Puff is better now. It's nice to be able to talk to her without her yelling curses at the air. Plus, a couple more ponies showed up. It's starting to feel kind of cramped, even in my beloved field.
Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2013, 05:46:21 pm »

Entry 7:

There is a red cloud.

I know what that means. I just hope no one else does. I want this place to last. Discord-ponies are feral beasts.

Oh gods.

I need to talk to Temperance. He might not know.

"The next entry looks hastly-written and filled with scratched-out sentences and pictures"
Entry 8:

Well, where to start?

Heard that the pony who got mauled by a badgerpony has a infected hoof. Never thought I would have to build a coffin this early.

Heard Maize talking to herself. Going to talk to Case Study about it eventualy.

Temperance has been looking at me oddly. I hope he's not upset at me.

Parasprites. A lot of them.

Flamberge went crazy on them. Lots of dead 'sprites.

It's always the quieter ones. Cream Puff went nuts on a chicken.

Two new carpenters. Two pegusi. Nice folk. Going to suggest that they try and stay off the surface if they see the red clouds.

Need to start a party. This place needs a party. They make everything better.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 07:00:54 pm by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2013, 09:12:01 pm »


Cream Puff flies low and slow around Duskfields, looking for her friend.  After her talk with Flamberge, she simply had to get the news from Crosshair, too!  She didn’t have to worry about missing dinner, either.  She had set a few cast-iron pots into the ashes for a nice casserole.  If she did it right, the fire should be fully out by the time it’s done, and ponies can serve themselves if she’s a bit late.  But all that is in the background of her mind.  Right now, she needs to find Crosshair!

Crosshair wasn’t entirely too hard to find, she have spent the majority of the day in the training yard shooting targets but since the afternoon, she have been taking her rest on a low cloud that she pulled close to the ground. Not so far away from the farms where farmers work, another good excuse for her to keep watch and rest at the same time.

Puff picks up speed as she spots her friend, and zooms in to give her a tackle hug that rocks the cloud.  “Crosshair!”

“Gah!” exclaimed the startled mare who was very much buried into the fluffy cloud by her friend. her legs waving all around for a bit before her face resurfaces from the clouds, she blinked a couple of times before beaming brightly. “Cream!” she said and returns the hug, giving her a greeting nuzzle.

Puff nuzzles her in return before finally letting her regain her hooves on the cloud.  “Having a good day?” she asks, almost prancing as she looks like she already knows the answer.

“Just keep getting better!” Beamed Crosshair as she got back to her hooves only to sit back down with her legs tucked to herself. Her wings ruffled slightly to her sides. “And you?”

“Doing well, too!” she replies with a big smile, hardly able to contain herself.  “Anything good in specific?” she asks, being about as subtle as she is able, so not very.

“Well, You visit and we gets to talk, That’s something great!” Crosshair giggled, being teasingly evasive.

Puff starts poking her with a hoof.  “Come ooooonnn, don’t tease me like this!  I know there’s more than just me!  Spill it!”

Crosshair Rolled her eyes slightly to the side and giggled as she’s poked. Saying innocently “Oh what ever would that be?”

“Maybe a certain tall, dark stallion said something?” she says, still poking Crosshair.

“Oh alright, you got me.” She giggled some more. “So! How much do you know already?”

Puff points her hoof at Crosshair’s face as she smiles in victory.  “Just that he confessed his love and you didn’t turn him down!  Have you two kissed yet?”

That made the other mare blush. “W-what? Of course not yet! And, well, yeah, no. Not yet.” She said, laughing her awkwardness away. “It’s still kind of too soon, you know?”

“Aw, you mean he didn’t just sweep you off your hooves, kiss you, and confess his eternal love?  How did he, then?”  Puff seems to be hanging on her friend’s every word, wanting to know every detail, and maybe living a little vicariously through her.

“Well, It’s not /that/ pretty, really. It was after we killed that Badger pony and he had a break down about his problem that I can’t tell you what it is, I think I help made him feel better and he just confessed that it’s because he loves me. I’m not going to lie, I was stunned harder and longer than crashing into a tree.” Crosshair said, giggling.

Puff assumes Flamberge’ ‘problem’ is something simple like shakes or maybe throwing up after a fight.  She can see him having those and wanting to hide them.  “Did you confess right back?”

“Well.. um, not really.. I mean, He’s a great stallion! But that’s just it, he’s my Commander.. I don’t really.. you know, I wasn’t sure if it’s the best for him to fall for me.. I mean, There must be better mares out there for him, right?”

Puff pokes her in the nose.  “You gotta stop thinking like that, mare!  He’s already fallen head over hooves!  Even if you don’t tell him, I’d be willing to bet he’d just quietly pine and suffer alone.  You can’t just try to force him away!”

“I’m not! honest! I mean, he’s my commander! I can’t say no to him, right?”

“Pfft.” dismisses Puff, waving her hoof like trying to dissipate some unpleasant odor.  “Sure you can, if you really don’t love him.  He can’t order you to love him, after all.  But it seems to me that you do.”

“Well.. He’s a great Stallion, He knows what he’s doing and is really strong and have an amazing beard!”

“So what’s the problem?” she asks with a cheeky grin as she waggles her eyebrows.

“I just don’t really believe that I’m good enough for him, you know?” Crosshair sighed softly

Puff throws her hooves up in frustration.  “I’m not asking if you’re ‘good enough’...” she says, even going so far as to use her wings for the air quotes.  “...I’m asking if you love him!”

Crosshair blinked. “Well... I think so? I mean, yeah! I can’t think of any reason why I wouldn’t be.”

Puff smiles in satisfaction and sits back down.  “Then tell him!”

Crosshair rubs the back of her neck softly with her wings “Well.. I don’t know..” She said nervously, clearly quite shy about this subject.

Puff rolls her eyes, but finally eases back on the throttle.  Apparently mares can be pretty dense about this stuff, too.  “Well, I guess you don’t have to tell him right now.  Still, you really should tell him sooner rather than later.”

“Yeah.. you’re right Puff, I should. Maybe at that party that we’ve been invited to? what do you think?”

“That’s a great idea!” she replies, nodding.  She’d prefer sooner, but then again, she’s not the one in love.  Crosshair is. 

“Anyway though! How have you been? I’m sorry I haven’t been able to visit you so much to talk and all lately. But I did see that you get to talk to a lot of ponies!”

“Oh yeah, I know just about everypony now.  Probably because they can’t run from me and eat at the same time.” she says with a laugh.  “I’ve missed talking with you, though.  Flamberge keeps you pretty busy.”

“That he does.” Crosshair giggled. “You know, I really should visit you more often. I do miss your sammich and cookings, They’re all very delicious, especially when it’s newly prepared!”

Puff nods and gives her a playful wink.  “Yes you should.  And I should come track you down more often, too!  It feels like we have so much to catch up on!”

Crosshair beamed brightly and give Cream Puff another hug. “Yep! It’ll be great to just relax and talk to you again, There’s just soo many things to talk about!

She nods happily and hugs Crosshair in return.  “How about we take a fly and catch up then?” 

With that, the two set for the sky, chattering happily as they talk about nothing in particular.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #58 on: February 16, 2013, 12:36:18 am »

This was going to be an interesting opportunity to study something novel. Well, novel from the good doctor's point of view. The small brown bag being carried in his mouth was relatively slack and nearly empty. Case Study cleared away what space he could from the table in his crudely-constructed office and placed the sac down on top of it. Grabbing it by the bottom with his teeth, he emptied its contents into the view of daylight. It was a mashed pile of different colors, part squishy and part crunchy. The stallion had only ever heard of parasprites before the recent infestation, and now he would finally get a chance to observe them up close. Well, their pummeled remains, anyway.

In minutes past, Case had collected several of the tiny corpses from the fields. They weren't much to look at. Choosing a good starting place from the mess of compound eyes, translucent wings and gooey hemolymph wasn't going to be easy. He would have preferred whole specimens with the internal organs still intact. However, swords and pony hooves tended to be unkind to preserving such details. With tools, paper and quill in hoof, he got to work.

He was particularly interested in two aspects of parasprite anatomy; feeding and reproduction. Their ability to consume food items larger than themselves without increasing in size to match was of note. Reproduction was equally intriguing, as they seemed to convert edible items rapidly into offspring of equal size to themselves. Case Study was certain that magic had to be involved somewhere in both processes. The earth pony had found little reference to studies involving parasprites in the literature. Perhaps most equines had been satisfied with regarding them as pests and squishing them instead of taking a closer look?

Too bad Case had never looked too deeply into entomology, as he was having great trouble understanding anything he was looking at within the slimy viscera he was picking through. Most of the the internal bits were too damaged to make much sense of, but a few pieces survived. He drew what pictures he could of these enduring items, noting their location and to what other organs they were linked. The lack of a decent magnifying glass was frustrating him further, making his drawings rather generic and low in resolution.

His working theory, mostly just speculation at this point, was that parasprites have some kind of tissue or organs connected to their stomach that processes the majority of the food they consume into pure magic. As magic is intangible and weightless, that would explain how the small, round creatures can eat something as large as a pie or melon in one bite. That magic would then be used to hyper-accelerate the growth of eggs within the animal's body, allowing them to grow to full size in seconds or minutes. If his suspicions were true, then parasprites could represent a valuable source of knowledge regarding the anatomical relationship between organic matter and enchantments. Perhaps in the distant future, that knowledge could be used to help unfortunate unicorns which have lost their horns regrow them. It might also be used in a more general sense to quickly regrow lost limbs or tissues in the body of other injured ponies.

It was a nice dream, but probably not something to be realized within his lifetime. This was doubly true if he was stuck with specimens and equipment of such poor quality. His lack of being a unicorn or some other magical equine was likely going to hinder his progress it further still. After attempting to tease more information from the remains for another hour, Case finally gave up and discarded the crushed bodies in a waste bin before cleaning off the table. Ideally, he would like to see the internal anatomy of a still-living sprite in action. As he finished tidying up, the stallion knew that wasn't likely to happen and headed off towards the make-shift kitchen. At least he wouldn't offend Cream Puff by being late for dinner again.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 12:40:11 am by Kryptid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2013, 04:37:39 pm »


Maize is practically invisible amongst the tall plants of the farm, especially with her head at the ground pulling up weeds.

Puff slowly glides down from the clouds, making lazy circles as she homes in on the fields and her friend.  She had hated avoiding Maize for the last few days, but she just couldn’t let the timid mare see her hopping mad.  But she was finally starting to feel calmer... or at least less angry.

Maize looks up at the pegasus coming down and waves as best she can before popping her head back down to rip polk salad out of the dirt.

Puff waves back at Maize, though her smile is a bit forced.  She soon touches down next to her, feeling a bit awkward.  “Heya Maize.”

“Hi, Puff.” Maize gives her a more genuine smile, a few bits of various weeds still draped over her lower teeth and lips.

“So, uh... how’re you doing?”

“I’m alright.” Maize chews on one of the stray leaves in her mouth. “I hear you’ve been kind of angry, though.”

Puff lowers her eyes and sighs.  “Yeah...”

“Hey, don’t sweat it. The parasprites stole our food. I’d be pissed, too, if they came and ate my crops.” Maize drops her head. “I don’t know about beating up on a poor chicken, though...”

Puff winces at that and looks away.  “Yeah... Serenity says I have anger problems...”

“Well... if you ever need a punching bag...” Maize offers a smile as she tries to reassure her friend.

Puff gives her a pained look.  “Please don’t say that... even as a joke.  I don’t want to hurt you or the chickens.  I just... I go get the eggs, and... and their eyes, they remind me of... them.”  Puff shudders as she tries to stomp down the anger rising again.

Maize’s gaze falls. “I’m sorry. I... don’t really know how to make a good joke.” Her hoof scratches at the ground. “I wish I could make you feel better...”

Puff gives Maize a quick hug.  “Just knowing you care helps, Hun.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.”  The irony of telling Maize to go easy on herself is completely lost on Puff.

“Yeah... I guess...” Maize hugs her back. “Maybe you should be a little less hard on yourself, too. It’s not your fault that the parasprites came, and it’s not anypony... well, anybody, else’s for that matter.”

“Maybe... but it is my fault for acting like I have been.”  A few tears threaten to fall from her eyes as she talks.

“Maybe I can help a little. With plants.” Maize opens up a pouch, revealing some old, dried out leaves. “This is coca. It’s not really anything special, it makes your mouth numb when you chew it, and it helps keep your mind off things. I grew a small farm of it for some guy once in exchange for a place to sleep, he let me take a whole bush’s harvest in exchange.” She takes a bit out and offers it to Puff.

Puff eyes a leaf, then accepts it, popping it in her mouth to chew.  Her eyes quickly widen and she spits it out.  “Blech!  That tastes nothing like chocolate!”  She starts to try to wipe the bitter taste from her tongue, then realizes she almost literally spit Maize’s gift back in her face.  “Um... Sorry, Maize...”

“It’s coca, not cocoa, and it’s okay.” Maize giggles. “You have to get used to the taste. It’s worth it once you do, though, especially with a toothache.”

Puff can’t help but smile when Maize giggles.  “I bet Case Study would like to get his hooves on something like that then.  I think I’ll try to tough it out without, though.  That might have been the worst thing I have ever done to my tongue.”  She gives Maize a quick nuzzle.  “Thanks for the offer, though.”

Maize nods. “Sorry I still couldn’t help you feel better... I might try growing some coca here if other ponies are interested, though.”

“Well, I am starting to feel a bit better for simply talking with you.”

Maize grins. “That’s good. Anyway, our next harvest should be ready soon. Hopefully we can do something good with all the sunflower seeds.”

Puff nods, glad to have the conversation on a more happy track.  “I’m thinking of doing a nice vegetable tempura once we get some oil, though we’ll probably want to set at least a bit aside to make some soap.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen soap.”

Cream Puff quirks an eye at Maize, and can’t resist giving her friend a sniff.  “Well, you don’t smell like you’ve never seen it.”

“There are other ways. If all else fails, a nice stream works, and some plants can be used, too.” Maize grins. “Quite a few herbs leave a nice aroma.”

Puff nods, knowing how much she enjoys herbs like thyme and rosemary.  “Still, it’ll be nice to get a real clean.  I hope there’ll be enough to have a supply for the hospital and for everypony to have a good bath.  I bet you’ll love it!”

“I suppose you could put the herbs in the soap... give it a nice smell and all.” Maize thinks. “Hmm... citrus? Mint... maybe some parsley?”

“ooooohhh...” Puff gets a whimsical look on her face as she imagines all the different scents that could be infused into soap.  “Citrus and some kind of flower would smell wonderful in soap.”

“Rose would be good. Imagine smelling like roses...” Maize grins goofily as she closes her eyes and imagines the scent.

“Mmm...” Puff smiles as she imagines it.  “We definitely need to get some soap going.”

Maize nods and spots another weed, reaching down and quickly ripping it from the dirt. “Maybe some weed poison, too...”

Puff nods, then shrugs.  “Yeah, but I have no idea where we’d get something like that.”

“There’s always cat pee. If you’re really desperate.” Maize looks around. “Guess what animal we don’t have?”

Cream Puff gives her a cheeky look.  “Cows.”

“Exactly.” Maize smirks right back. “Cows would be nice, though, at least for fertilizer. Maybe a caravan will have some.”

“Hopefully.  It’d also be nice to get some cow’s milk.  The sheep try, but I don’t think I can make cream from what they give.  Should be some nice cheese, though.”

“Ever had water buffalo cheese? That’s really good.” Maize licks her lips. “It’s soft and smooth and it’s got a very gentle flavor...”

“I don’t think I have, actually.”  Puff glances around, then lowers her voice.  “Is our water buffalo a mare?  He, or she, is a bit too hairy for me to tell, and I didn’t just want to straight out ask.  It’d be a bit rude.”

Maize thinks. “...Have you tried looking between the legs? If there’s one dangly thing, it’s a stallion. If there’s udders or anything like that, it’s a mare.”

“I tried sneaking a peek, but I couldn’t tell through all the hair...”

“Well... you could always give it a closer look...”

Puff actually blushes slightly.  “I think asking would be less embarrassing, for both of us.”

“Nah, just... make out like you thought it was a mare and you wanted to milk it, and hope it is...” Maize sighs. “Would still be kind of embarrassing if it wasn’t, though...”

“Heh, can you imagine the jokes if I try to milk it and find out it’s a stallion?”  Puff giggles as she pictures the hilarity.

“You know, you could still milk it... it just wouldn’t be the right kind of milk.”

Puff scrunches up her face in exaggerated disgust, then dissolves into laughter.

Maize busts into laughter as well. “I wonder... what kind of cheese... that would be!”

Cream Puff gasps for air as she keeps laughing, glad for something light-hearted to lift her spirits.

Maize lies down as she tries to catch her breath. “Oh... goodness... I haven’t... laughed this... hard... in a while...”

Puff nods as she keeps giggling.  “Me... me neither... Whew!  Ah... thanks Maize.  I needed that.”  She stands back up and offers Maize a hoof as well, still chuckling.

Maize goes one further and moves to embrace Puff. “No problem. What are friends for?”

She happily hugs Maize in return, fighting back tears of happiness now.  What are friends for, indeed.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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