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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47809 times)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2013, 10:00:06 am »

~Maize's thoughts~ 3rd Hematite, 269
Temperance talked with me some today. I'm starting to wish I had done more than just brush off his questions, but... I don't know anymore. Father was always right... but now I'm not so sure. Next time somebody talks to me, I'll try saying something, and maybe it'll all work out.

13th Hematite
Our first crops are now harvested! It's only wheat, but it's better than naught at all, and it gave me something to do. I had to work closely with Cream Puff, but it wasn't really uncomfortable like I thought it would be. I even tried talking a little bit.

15th Malachite
More ponies. It's going to be very cramped in the dorm, and house-building seems to be slow going. Looks like I'll be sleeping in the dirt that much longer. I'll have to tell Temperance that he can put me back in line for a room so someone else can have a bed to sleep in.

1st Galena
Cream Puff is a really good cook. I wish Father had let me cook, if all cooking is half this good it would have been so much better than having to eat grass and wild garlic all day. Maybe if I talk to Cream Puff enough, she'll teach me.

4th Limestone
Nopony said anything about badger ponies...
One of the new ponies, a farmer like me, was working in the fields when it came... I wanted to stop it... I wanted to leap in and take it so that poor pony didn't have to get hurt... but I couldn't. The military ponies- I mean, the first ones, the Commander and the markspony, stopped it, though. They destroyed it. I'm thankful we have such powerful warriors to protect us. I rushed out to the mare and snatched her up, brought her to the first bed I could get to. Her back legs were torn to shreds... that monster... I hope it suffered as much as Father...

Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2013, 12:24:32 pm »

The handwriting here is somewhat neat, but blocky and rather hastly-written

Entry 1: So I am going to the Hills of Worry. Apparently some duchess's cousin or whatever has decided to survive a few weeks up there, and theres a good chance the place might actualy survive.

For the record, my name is Wood Chips. I chip wood. Realy well, apparently, considering ponies think that I do it for bits.

Entry 2: So, it's been a week with my fellow settlers. I only knew Venee out of all of them, good colt with a good head on him, but at the very least the ponies here are toleratable. Mostly. Holly is our little tree-cutter, and she hardly looks like one. Case Study is a odd one, same with Temperance, our little duchesses daughter cousin. Those two look like they could snap at any moment. Flamberge and Crosshair, surprise surprise, are not married, but going by how that rapscallion looks at her in flight it's only a matter of time. I personaly dislike Holly, however. She's annoying, frankly.

But let me tell you about Smoothblock.

She's short, fat, smokes, and drinks. She's everything I should not see in a mare, probably. If that's so, why am I....

Entry 3: Well, I keep getting told I am doing a good job with making beds. Hardly. Stop, Temperance. Stop. I am doing my job. If anything, Holly is working too slow.

Also, I need to talk to Flamberge. Crosshair looks like a nice lass, and in a place like these friends are a dime a dozen.

Entry 4: More bloody praise by the local duchess brother.

Also, Maize has issues. Scary little bugger. Started bawling after little miss F&L complimented her. Bah, daddy issues are a dime a dozen in places like this.

Also, considering everypony was doing it, I chatted with our Yak today. Funny bugger, at that, but lonely. Also, our camel has a brother down south who lives with the zebras. Who knew?

Entry 5: So we have a bunch of new ponies.

Also, Flamberge went nutso on a monster who was mauling on of them. Saved the mares life. Blast it all, I am getting the stallion a drink if it's the last thing I do!
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2013, 12:54:10 pm »

Cram Puff's Diary

Hematite 5

It's one of those boring, in-between times, Diary.  It feels like I've put something impressive in the oven and have to wait for it, understand?  Crosshair and Flamberge are getting on like a house on fire, which is good.  Flamberge seems like a rather stable stallion, I think Crosshair could use somepony like that in her life.  I really should get to know him, too.  Another friend is always good.

Speaking of new friends, I keep talking to Maize, and I think I might be finally getting to her.  She doesn't just smile and nod any more, at least.  She told me the wheat harvest should be ready in about a week, which had me very excited.  Wheat means Flour!  With milk and eggs, I can actually get some real cooking done, instead of just sandwiches. 

Hematite 13

Yes, we have wheat!  I've been working on milling into flour and daydreaming about everything I can make with it!  I hate to admit it, but sandwiches are probably going to continue to be a staple in our diets, but at least it'll be on fresh bread from now on.  I wonder if we have any syrup hidden around here.  It'd be nice to surprise everypony with some pancakes for breakfast.

Malachite 15

Migrants!  A bunch of them, too: eight new faces to feed and meet.  I haven't introduced myself yet, but two of them carry themselves a lot like Flamberge, so they're probably soldiers like him.  Seems weird to me that we'd get more martial ponies around here, though.  Despite my initial misgivings about the area, Duskfields is pretty serene.  Still, better safe than sorry, I suppose.

Galena 20

Made egg sammiches for everypony for breakfast today, and they came out perfect!  Even better, Holly came back with a sunflower head in the afternoon.  I like to eat the seeds toasted, but they can also be pressed for cooking oil.  Hopefully Maize can get us a crop of them going soon.

Limestone 4

And here I thought we had managed to escape the badgerponies.  Poor Morning Dew was jumped by one today, and it cut up her legs pretty bad.  Crosshair and Flamberge were on him pretty quickly, though, and probably saved her life!  Even more surprising, they had hardly dealt with the brute before Maize rushed up and carried her fellow farmer to a bed for rest and care by Case Study.  He says infection is her biggest danger right now, though it'll probably be a bit before she can walk.

I really should commend Maize when I see her next.  It was really brave to grab Dew like that.  Everypony was too stunned to do anything, but she just knew there was a pony in danger.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 06:00:22 pm by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2013, 07:23:21 pm »

Ad Amici 1.1

Praetorian to Dapper Blade, commander of the guard, and all of my former comrades, may the blessings of the gods be upon you.

I give thanks to Amug and Nokzam, for they have protected me and this group through this travel to Duskfields, the newest part of the Meandering Gloss. I thank them too for your comradeship through my service with the guard, both at home and abroad.

I had thought that my leaving would trouble you greatly, for there seemed no reason for me to leave the city - indeed, with Star Treasure, the weight would seem to be on staying there - but so I did. I write this letter, therefore, to explain my reasons.

My reasons for leaving are two. Firstly, I have always felt a call to serve where I can help ponies the most. At home, though, the chance of my defending a pony with spear and shield are limited.

My second reason is a private affair, and I would ask that you keep it to yourself. Star Treasure - the mare I loved - has been taking up with another stallion. It was my fault, I suppose. I was always too busy with work. To whatever happiness she can find, I leave her.

Enough of that, however. There are far more pressing needs. On my trip here, I witnessed an attack on a Rainbow caravan by badger ponies, which gave me an example. The badgers were well motivated, skilled, and equipped. The Rainbows took close formations to shield themselves from the badger crossbows, but when they did, other badgers were upon them in a rush, striking some down and scattering the others. When they extended their formation to avoid this, they would be struck by the bolts.

To this end, I suggest a new strategy be devised - in a similar situation, our heavy troops would be as helpless. Light skirmishers integrated into the ranks could prove a useful supplement.

To my replacement, in particular, I can recommend the inn on Quaint Dove Street, as the innkeeper is a veteran. Tell him that Praetorian can vouch for you.

Dapper, tell Silver Boulder I've arrived when you see him next.

May Babin give us his gifts in plenty.

Ad Amici 1.2

Praetorian to Lightning Tumble, professional flier. If you are well, I am glad.

I had thought, given our mutual regard and the friendship that existed between us, that I was not likely to be harmed and held up to ridicule for your sake, nor my own lover seduced by you. If her own noble rank was not a sufficient protection for her, then either my own loyalty to Coupledye or the friendship that existed between us ought to have been sufficient to stop it.

As it is I see that she has been predated on and I abandoned by the last pony in the world who ought to have done so. I am accordingly in sorrow and wearing mourning dress, while actually in travel to my next assignment. And seeing that your conduct in this affair has neither been reasonable nor in accordance with the milder methods of old times, you must not be surprised if you live to repent it. I did not expect to find you so fickle towards me and mine.

For myself, meanwhile, neither my sorrow nor ill-treatment by any individual shall withdraw me from the service of the state.

Ad Amici 1.3

Praetorian to Munifex, his brother. May all the blessings of Nokzam be with you.

It is good to write to you, for I am now at my destination. This camp here is disorganised in the extreme. It is somewhat strange to be assigned to a group of civilians, rather than the soldiers I am used to dealing with. They've been out here six months nearly, and they haven't even got a full wall built. Not even dorms, so at least I've been able to sleep under the stars again.

There are two other soldiers here, as well as the other militarily-inclined pony I was assigned here with. Their names are Flamberge and Crosshair. Crosshair's a pegasus mare, uses a crossbow. Flamberge is a pegasus stallion, uses a sword. That makes four military ponies for fifteen civilians. We could certainly use some more militia ponies. A full maniple would be nice, but I suppose we can't have everything.

The important civilian here is Temperance. He is the leader of this group, and seems to be tolerably well-suited to that role. Aside from that, they're the typical civilian stock.

Pass my greetings onto father and mother.

May the blessing of the Gods be upon you.

Written by my own hoof, this 15th of Malachite 269.

Ad Amici 1.4

Praetorian to Dapper Blade, commander of the guard, may the gods bless and keep you this day.

Truly Babin has blessed me, for at last I have been properly assigned to my new squad. I have been given command of this small unit, consisting of myself and the military pony who traveled with me. Of course we have no full squads, but perhaps this will change with time.

It seems there are about nineteen ponies here. We have four soldiers to fifteen civilians. Our first priority is, of course, to get a wall up. If we can get one of those up, we have a better chance of holding off an attack. I have made this suggestion to the militia leader here, a sensible pegasus pony named Flamberge. Hopefully it will be done.

Much still awaits being done. We do not have beds for everypony to sleep in, and armour is still rare. This place is chaotic. We have little organisation, and things are being done haphazardly. But if we can build a wall, then we might have a chance at getting this place suitable for living in.

Tell Silver Boulder that I will write him soon, and congratulate him on his finding a mare.

Written by my own hoof, this 15th of Galena.

Nokzam be with you all.

Ad Amici 1.5

Praetorian to Silver Boulder, architect and mason, may Gasis' blessing be with you this day.

Praise be to Nokzam above, for she has protected us. We were attacked today by a badger pony, and though one of the civilians was hurt, it didn't seem to be too bad of an injury.

It seemed that the civilian, a farmer I believe, was out in the fields tending the plants when the badger pony stabbed her in the legs. It seems the pain immobilised her - do you remember Tribune? - but Flamberge, the head militia pony here, saved her by drawing the badger pony away. Crosshair, another militia pony, joined in the fight while another civilian pony - I cannot remember her name - brought back the wounded pony. At least there's another civilian with a modicum of courage. Perhaps the ones here are not all bad after all - though I do know one (not here, at least) that if I saw again, I would gut without a second thought.

I heard of your mare. I wish you luck with this relationship, and perhaps it will turn out better than mine.

Write to Duskfields, and your letter will find me.

Written by my own hoof, this 4th of Limestone.

May Gasis' keep you and your love safe.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2013, 10:03:48 pm »

(i wonder which one is redhat...)

Redhat started to put his gear. it had been a rather hard day of practice, and was finally about to gain the ability to retire. "So... Preatorian, when should i show up tomorrow?"

"At seven of the clock. We'll spar a bit, then go for a short march, about five hours or so, then we'll have a bit more general exercise, then have another sparring session."

"Sounds fair is suppose... when do you expect I’ll be able to leave?"

"Five o'clock, I suppose." Praetorian shrugs. "It'd really be a bit better if we had more ponies here. But I suppose we'll have to make do with what we have."

"Again, sounds fair... though more ponies would be nice."

“Well, we can't change that," says Praetorian. "Would be nice to have a wall, and a proper fort. But we don't have either of those. So we'll make do."

"well those are on the list of tings to be done, but as things stand, if a group of more than a few badger ponies would end us."

"That's as may be. But I'd ask you to stop spreading that around. We'll manage come badgers or discordants."

"you know, the discordants or organized... they lack the brutish rage of the badgers. if they show i can promise you, as things currently stand, we'd be dead."

"I've served on the frontlines before, son. If they show, we'll give them a bloody nose."
"What if they've done the same? And, one would assume a group of them would at least have every pony in their ranks be in armor, and for the record, I am not you, son."

Praetorian sighs. "Fine. You want to despair for your life? Despair for it, then. But if they come, I intend to kill every single one of them, and I won't die alone. The Discordants aren't some invincible force, all-knowing and all-conquering. They have weaknesses. And you will only help them by going on about how we'll all die if they come."

Redhat sighed and gave him a look. "sorry, me /dear/ captain, just i feel if if nobody is pointing out the obvious issues, they lose their sense of urgency."

"Yes, so saying that we'll all die to somepony who agrees with your ideas is the right way to go about it."

“If you're so afraid of death, then why join the military?"

"Because one with a spear is more capable at protecting himself."

"Protecting /your/self? Put that out of your mind. You're here to protect the other ponies, not yourself."

"a military's job is to kill in the name of whoever hired, or forced you to join. saying otherwise is a lie."
Praetorian slaps Redhat across the muzzle. "You are /wrong/. I may not have the luxury of quantity here, but I'm damned if I'll give up /quality/, too. You will shape up, or get out."

Redhat winced a little at the slap. "oh.... did I offend? I'm sorry. i thought it was a guards job to guard and a soldiers job to slay"

"A guard's job is to protect the civilians from themselves. A soldier's job is to protect the civilians from others."

"than tell me, are those discordants who attack villages, and slay mares and foals soldiers?"

"No. They're barbarians."

"no, the badgers are barbarians, those creatures are just as intelligent and developed as us, just more cruel."

"Intelligence does not stop a being from being a barbarian."

"they are organized. They are as much a soldier as you are. and regardless, what if somepony who was in charge of you, a commander, a king, a duke, told you to kill somepony random in the street. no reason given. Just go and kill. Would you? A good ideal soldier would."

Praetorian glares at Redhat. "Have you got /nothing/ inside that head of yours? Haven't you been /listening/ to what I've been saying? They
kill innocents. Ipso facto they are not soldiers. If somepony who was in charge of me told me to kill somepony for no reason, only an
unstallionly pony would do so."

"then you just defected, you committed treason and you disobeyed a direct order. good job."

"You have /no/ understanding of military discipline, do you?"

"I've got a little lesson for you. This fort needs a moat. You're going to dig it.”

"the act of tyrants are done by men like you and me, who given a spear and a shield will do whatever they're told."

"More babbling. Go on. Get to digging."

"I will not question my captain, regardless of the order."

"Good. Get to digging. How many more times do I have to tell you this?"

"you aren't a very jolly one now are you?"

"Time's a-wasting."

Redhat starts to walk off. "God, and I thought we were getting along swimmingly"
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 01:37:37 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2013, 01:29:16 am »

Morning Dew let out a muffled cry as she shifted in the bed, feeling stabbing pain run up her legs yet again.  The pain just wouldn’t go away, no matter which way she twisted or turned, and it was almost impossible to lay still.  She sniffled and clenched her teeth as she flexed a knee.  There was a lot of blood too, but her hooves hurt too much to bring them up to look at them.  Was she going to be okay?

“Just relax now, Ms. Dew, everything is going to be quite alright,” the slender earth pony remarked calmly, “I’ve seen much worse than this”. What he hadn’t told her was that the “worse” cases he had seen were when he had access to superior medical facilities than he currently possessed. Nevertheless, Case Study felt that the could control the problem with what he had at hoof. The bleeding wasn’t as bad as it could have been; the main blood vessels in the leg remained unsevered.

Among the plants he had gathered, he had worked with some of them to produce ground-up pastes and extracts that would help to sanitize wounds and numb pain. In theory, at least. The stallion pulled the lid off of a glass jar filled with clear liquid. “Now hold as still as you can, Ms. Dew, the pain will go away soon,” he remarked before grasping a cloth to soak the fluid mixture of anaesthetic and antiseptic in. After a few seconds of wetting, he pulled it out and pressed it to the wound before wrapping the entire assembly in an outer, dry cloth. He repeated the process with the second leg. “It may take a few minutes for the hurting to completely subside, but you’ll make it.” He offered his hoof to squeeze if she felt the necessity to express her suffering until then.

Fear managed to work its way through the pain on her face as he moved to apply the bandages, and she winced and cried out as each was applied, eagerly accepting his hoof to squeeze.  She was panting and breathing a hundred times a minute as he finally finishes applying the bandages, and it took several full minutes for her to begin calming down.  The pain was definitely getting better, but wasn’t completely gone.

Study’s facial expression remained steely and unchanged throughout the event, but that didn’t mean he lacked sympathy. He simply felt that he could be more efficient by suppressing his emotions during medical procedures. “I’ll let that sit for a while until the bleeding stops. You’re certainly going to need stitches, but it shouldn’t require too many. I’ll do what I can to reduce the pain further in the meantime.” As he attempted to clean up the blood that had already stained the bed, Case Study tried to get Morning Dew’s mind off of her condition, “So, you’re one of the farmers here now? Was that your profession before coming to Duskfields as well?”

The mare dried some of her tears on the pillow under her head and made another small sniffle.  “That-that’s right.  I was pa-art of the group that arrived recently.”  She blinked and thought for a moment.  “I was a farmer back home too.  A-a place called Glittergleam.”

“I’m certain your services will be well-appreciated here. Working the fields is both a difficult and commendable job. I believe Mr. Temperance seeks to turn farming into the main economic venue in this territory, so I’m sure you’ll have no problem keeping work,” Study answered as he grabbed a list of notes he had written about what plants and other supplies he had in his inventory, “Let me know if the pain gets any worse, and I’ll apply more anaesthetic.”

“Uh... it-it still hurts some,” she said, testing a leg for an instant before halting the motion.  “D-did you say something about s-stitches earlier?  Is that going to h-hurt?”

He raises his eyes from his papers, “Your wound is too deep to heal naturally, so stitches will be in order. Now, now, don’t let fear of pain bother you, as I’m currently working on making a more concentrated pain-killing formula than what I have already used.” He rubbed his sharp chin with a hoof, “I do have something that might help calm you and relieve excess stress.” Case Study reached over and grabbed a bunch of flowers with his teeth. They were violet with yellow specks across each petal. After pulling the leaves and colorful parts off, he offered a stem to Morning Dew. “Chew on this. The juices within it should help. Just try to relax and let me worry about what to do next. Don’t be startled if you start to feel a bit sleepy.”

“O-okay,” she said, accepting the stem with her mouth.  She set to chewing on it immediately, eager for any sort of relief.  After a few moments she imagined she could already feel it  taking effect, but it had to be her imagination.  “Th-thank you.”

A few minutes later, she was definitely feeling something.  She just wanted to shut her eyes and forget about everything.  That sounded like such a great idea that she did, and soon enough she was in a light sleep, oblivious to whatever further treatment the doctor had in store for her.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2013, 01:42:54 am »

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 13th Hematite, 269

Finally was given permission to work with the steel bars we were given, I did what I could, but I'm no craftspony, still, nopony else even knew where to start.

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 1th Malachite, 269

New civies have arrived, fortunately the soldiers I was expecting came with them. Praetorian and Redhat, spearponies. I had a quick talk with each of them, and decided to put Praetorian in charge of the spear squad, as it's captain, as he seemed a bit more disciplined then his fellow.

Commander Flamberge Field Journal 4th Limestone,269

A honey badger pony attacked a farmer today. I can't recall anything after that until Crosshair was pulling me away from the creature's completely pulverized corpse.

I have gathered that we set upon it, and I killed it with my bare hooves, and I did not stop once it was dead, and kept striking it until she intervened.

I have made inquires and the farmer, Morning Dew, is stable. Her right legs were injured but Dr. Case Study believes she will recover as long as she doesn't get an infection. That is good to hear. Apparently miss Maize was the one to pull her away from the combat. I thought she was just a timid little mare, but I suppose there is more to her than I thought, I should commend her on her bravery when I next see her.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 01:44:28 am by KingStrongbeard »

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2013, 10:58:32 pm »

Journal of Dr. Serenity, Doctor of Equine Psychology, Coupledye Univ.

1st of Malachite, 269

We arrived at our destination this morning. Truth be told, when Dutchess Virtue told me of this new settlement - which I've learned has been christened 'Duskfields' - I was expecting accomodations to be quite spartan, but the sparseness of this place is still quite striking. A mere few steps in any direction, and one finds oneself entirely engulfed by untamed wilderness - admittedly quite a liberating experience for a mare who had never before set hoof outside the city's walls.

But I haven't the time to commune with nature right now. I should locate the leader of this venture - a unicorn stallion, one Temperance - and inquire about setting to work. Hard labor and isolation can cause undue stress, and it would do well to begin addressing that before it becomes a major issue.

4th of Limestone, 269

I think I will be postponing my long walks in the woods for the forseeable future.

A badger pony came out of the forest today, and assaulted one of the farmers. I didn't see the attack in progress, and thankfully the local militia was able to contain the situation before anypony else was injured. As I understand, miss Morning Dew is expected to recover quickly, thanks to our resident doctor. However, it's likely those cuts on her legs aren't the only wounds she sustained. I should see about speaking to her later.
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2013, 11:15:27 pm »

Cream Puff is at her improvised kitchen, working on some fresh flatbread.  Her glorified campfire isn’t really built for real baking yet, but she’ll make do.

Praetorian walks over to the cook, shield and spear slung. “Excuse me, miss...uh, miss. You got any food going?”

She looks up from her pan and gives him a smile.  “Cream Puff, hun.  And I sure do!  Mostly sammiches until I get a real kitchen, though.”  She flips the breads over so they can finish cooking.  “What can I get you?”

“Just plain bread will do fine, miss Cream Puff,” says the soldier, with an ever-so-slightly gruff tone to his voice.

She quirks an eye at him.  “Just bread?  How can I keep a soldier strong and fit with just bread?  How about some eggs on it, or some tomato jam?”  She starts digging through her supplies, looking like she’s not going to just take ‘bread’ for an answer.

Praetorian shakes his head. “No, just bread will do fine. It’s what we got while on the march.”

She laughs, then favors him with a smile.  “Hun, you aren’t on the march right now.  And I’m not leaving anypony to just bread as long as I’m running the kitchen, no matter how improvised it is.  Your job is to protect us, and my job is to make sure you have the energy to do so.  So.”  Her smile fades from her eyes, but stays on her lips.  “What can I get you?”

“Well...” Praetorian ponders. “Maybe...Maybe a bit of dried fruit as well?”

The smile returns to her eyes as she returns to her pan and removes the flatbreads from it.  “You want that like a sammich, or do you like eating piecemeal?” she asks as she starts looking for whatever fruit they have.

“Uh, piecemeal,” says the soldier, hoping he got it right. Civilians and their foods. He’d never understand them.

She nods and soon returns her attention to him, a bag of dried fruit on her wing.  She scoops up a few pieces of fresh bread to join the fruit, then motions for him to take a seat.  “Hope you aren’t too busy to sit while you eat, Hun.”

“...No, no, I’m not too busy,” says Praetorian as he takes the seat. “Did...Did you want to talk about something?” He quirks his face at Cream Puff.

“Well, you’re new, so I don’t know you.  I like to get to know ponies, makes it easier to cook for them.”  She points a wing at his spear.  “Been carrying that long?”

Praetorian looks where she’s pointing, and nods. “I’ve been in the military for my sixteen years, and got my diploma. That’s why I’m here now. Sort of a retirement, without the dullness that it typically brings.”

She nods and follows him, handing him his food once he’s seated.  “No real plates yet, sorry.  Want to use your shield?” she sits across from him, still looking friendly.  “Probably why they put you in charge of that guy with the hat.”

Praetorian nods, and slides the oval shield off his back. “Redhat. He’s not the easiest of ponies to deal with, no. Still, I’ve known some ponies who were worse than he is, and we managed to get them in shape.” He shrugs, and takes a bite of the bread, chewing thoughtfully.

She chuckles.  “I bet, heh.  Saw him working on the ‘moat’ earlier.  Sounds like he needs discipline.”

“He’ll definitely need it,” says Praetorian, “especially if we do have another badger pony come. He thinks we’re all doomed already.” The unicorn snorts. “If we had any other choice, I’d get rid of him, but we don’t.”

Puff nods and takes a bite of bread as well.  “Hmm... needs just a little more salt.  Anyway, I’m sure you’ll get him sorted.  I’ve never heard of the badgerponies being organized enough to doom even a small settlement, but I’m not a militiamare.” she says with a wink.  “I’m just a chef who wanted the space to make her own food and bring my own brand of happiness.”

“You do make good food,” says the soldier.

She gives him a warm smile in response.  “Thanks!  I should be, I’ve been at it long enough, heh.  I can’t wait until we have room for a real kitchen.  And a few cows.  And more crops.  There’s always something more, you know?”

“I suppose,” replies her guest. “I’m not really used to anything other than bread and the occasional fruit.”

Puff gives him an almost predatory look and grin.  “I’m going to take your pallete on a journey, hun.  This is no soldier’s mess, this is my kitchen.  I’ll accept when you don’t like something, but you are not going to get away with just fruit and bread next time.  I take my job as seriously as you take yours.”  She smiles for a few moments, then blinks and facehoofs.  “I can’t believe I never asked your name!”

“Praetorian, miss Cream Puff,” says the soldier with a smile beginning to form on his face.

“Praetorian, huh?  Sounds like military is in your blood then.  And just Cream Puff, or even Puff.  I’m not real big on formality, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.” she says with another smile.

“Hmm, no, I don’t think I would have noticed if you hadn’t told me,” Praetorian says with a hint of a laugh in his voice.

Puff laughs and stands up, finishing her bread.  “I think we’re going to get along just fine, Praetorian!”

“Perhaps we will. Perhaps we will.”

“Want any more bread or fruit, Hun?  This’ll be your last chance to get out of here with just those to eat.”

“No, I think this’ll keep me for a short amount of time,” Praetorian says, still smiling. He stands up. “I think I’d better go, then, and savour these last few moments alone.”

She nods and waves him off with a wing.  “Don’t let me keep you then.  And don’t be afraid to ask for seconds if you’re hungry!  Take care!”

Praetorian nods, and still smiling, leaves the pegasus to her duties.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 11:50:58 pm by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2013, 11:48:05 pm »

“We can forment radishes, can’t we? that makes gin, doesn’t it?” SmoothBlock looked over the vegetables she had gathered and placed on the table in the “brewery”

“Gin is usually potatoes or corn, and you’re thinking beets for rum.  If we had more wheat, you might be able to get some beer, though.” says Cream Puff, eying the improvised still.

“Beer, some beer would be nice. Think we could get Maize to go for it?” SmoothBlock rubbed her chin and lifted a barrel with her magical field.

“I think she’s growing more, but you’ll have to wait for harvest.  by ‘more wheat’ I meant ‘any wheat that isn’t flour’.  I milled all of it, I think.”  Cream Puff searches her memory, wondering if she had left any besides what Maize would need to plant another crop.

SmoothBlock put her head inside the barrel, holding it over her head with both hooves as she sat on her haunch.

Cream Puff gives the mare an odd look, wondering if she should leave the still in her hooves.

“It’s so you can’t hear me cryin...” SmoothBlock popped the barrel off her head and stuck out her tongue.

Cream Puff chuckles.  “Some simple juice won’t kill you, Smooth.  If you’re that hard up, though... hide a barrel of whatever juice you like somewhere.  It won’t be particularly strong, but in a week or so, it should do until we can get something real.  And we aren’t so hard up for drinks that we’ll miss a barrel.” she says with a smile.

“Thanks Puff, you're a dear. Maybe I can try beet juice?” SmoothBlock looked over the still again. “Do I need yeast?”

She shakes her head.  “Beet juice should work, but you don’t really need yeast.  Just leave it open with a cloth over it for a day, then seal it back up and let nature do it’s work.  Filter it, maybe distill it further, then drink.”

“Barrel, cloth, beet juice. Heh, all here. Guess I’ll get on that. Anything else you need? I really ain’t got much to do now that some pony is digging the ‘moat’ instead of me.” She levitated the lid off a barrel of beet juice.

Cream Puff thinks for a few moments.  “A real kitchen would be nice, but that’s more on the carpenters than you.  Any luck getting down to stone?  A granite top would be nice to work on.”

“Water everywhere, just a unit down, I would need to hook up a pump to drain it. I don’t know if we got the wood to spare.” Smooth placed a pigtail cloth over the open barrel.

“I know Holly is working her flank off to fell the trees, and the carpenters are working to get it turned into buildings.  Not too surprising they can’t spare the time to make a pump.”

“I’m trying to make it myself. Not going so great. Making gears out of wood is hard, I tried talking to the carpenter ponies, but they get all awkward around me. Puff, am I intimidating?”
SmoothBlock drew out a cigar and lit it with a cantrip.

“Intimidating?  No, not really.”  She considers leaving it at that, but she’s never been accused of being subtle.  “More like... distracted.  Like you wouldn’t remember details about making something complicated like a pump.”

“Oh, damn, well, gotta keep trying I guess. Not a lot of stone coming on the caravans, as in none so far, we got enough to make the well and that might be it.” Smooth took a long drag of her cigar.

Puff idly waves away the smoke with a wing, glad pegasi are able to manipulate stuff like that so easily.  “I’m sure you’ll get it eventually.  We’re hardly supposed to be a mining settlement, but it’d be nice to not have to import heavy stone.”

“Yeah. Hope I can at least dig us a well. Fresh water would be nice for, well, pretty much everything.” Smooth inhaled the smoke through her nostrils and smiled, holding the cigar in her magic.

“Ain’t that the truth.  Think all that water you’re hitting could be funneled into a well?”

SmoothBlock rubbed her chin and rolled her eyes from side to side a few times. “Yeah, but it would be muddy, unless we put it in clean cistern, with an under current.”

“Or no current.  Still water will let stuff like that sink.”  She shrugs.  “Either way, a well would be nice, for the hospital and my kitchen.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” She took another puff off her cigar “How did you mix tomato juice with peanut butter anyway?”

Cream Puff gives her a grin.  “Trade secret!”

“Heh heh, damn, things are tasty.” SmoothBlock nodded, went to the juice press and loaded it with wild tomatoes.

Puff chuckles.  “You’re the second pony to tell me that.  Flamberge likes them, too.  They aren’t bad, but I don’t think they’ll exactly be the next food craze to sweep the nation.” she says with a smile.

“Must just be your skill then, heh ha.” SmoothBlock tapped off the ash from the tip of her cigar “Has Maize been sleeping outdoors again? I’m kind of worried about her.”

“I’m pretty sure she’s been using the dorm.  She’s pretty timid, but I think she was just exhausted from... well, farming.”  she says, unsure if SmoothBlock was aware the poor mare cried herself to sleep.  “I still can’t believe she took poor Morning Dew to a bed.”

“I know right? Mare is a hero, really cares about us. Wish I could do something to make her feel more welcome here. Like, you know, like she belongs.” SmoothBlock tapped her cigar on her muzzle.

Puff nods.  “Just need to give her time and be friendly.”

“I’ll give it a shot.” SmoothBlock pressed the tomatoes into juice. “any juice you need for cooking up anything special?”

Cream Puff thinks for a few moments, then shakes her head.  “Nothing in specific.  I like cooking with just about everything, and tomato juice is the only thing I’ve really had any requests for yet, heh.”

“Back to work for me then. I’ll see about that table, maybe I can pull some stone from the aquifer with my magic.” SmoothBlock stacked the barrels of tomato juice.

“I should get back to the kitchen, too.  I hope your hooch goes well, take care!”

“Have a lovely day, Puff.” SmoothBlock smiled and waved.
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2013, 11:50:42 pm »

Two long scenes to follow...Sorry about the length, though nothing that important happens in them, and if you don't care about Flamberge/Crosshair, they are entirely skip-able.

The first scene to follow takes place the day after our first scene, so the Badger Pony hasn’t arrived yet, nor has Praetorian or Redhat.


Flamberge stands in the training field. He has his sword in his hooves, and is cleaning the blade, while waiting for Crosshair to arrive.

Crosshair was /totally/ not napping and woke up late as she arrived hurriedly, her mane was slightly messy and unkempt and she panted as she almost crashed into the ground in front of her commander, giving him a salute, “Morning Commander!” She managed with an energetic smile.

Flamberge places a hoof to his helmeted head and shakes his head, “Good morning Captain.”

Putting his hoof back upon the ground he adds, “Get your armor on and make sure you have a full quiver, we are going out to explore the area, we need to have a better idea of the lay of the land if we are going to defend this area.”

The mare saluted sharply, and with a ‘Yes sir!’ she’s already gone to gear up, putting on her armor and helmet before returning just seconds later, geared up and ready to follow her commander away to patrol the surrounding dangerous lands of mystery and unknown.

Flamberge spreads his wings, "We are going to begin by circling the area from above, keep an eye out for any signs of large animals, and especially campsites other than ours."

He smiles, "And try and keep up." and then he takes off, Crosshair followed close by. Keeping eyes out on their surroundings, and even armored, she doesn’t show to be any less energetic.

The two ponies fly around the area for a while, making a circle a couple miles in radius around the camp. Some wild boars were spotted a ways away, but they were heading away from Duskfields and were thus left undisturbed. Nothing else out of the ordinary was seen.

"Captain!" shouts Flamberge over the sound of wind in his ears, "We are going to land down there," he gestures, "and head back on hoof."

Flamberge then makes a loop in the air and goes in for a landing at a speed a bit higher than was strictly safe. Crosshair, however, was not so used to land in a crowded forest in armor, and as she circles around to land, she crashed face-first into a tall tree at a speed faster than what she’d liked, luckily, her helmet probably saved her life from that cash as the tree suddenly stops her motion with a big thick loud ‘Thunk!’

When Flamberge hears the 'thunk' he rushes over to Crosshair, who was motionless upon the ground. "Crosshair! Are you okay! Don't try to move yet." he says, fearful she may have injured her neck.

Crosshair was seeing stars, and have the worst hangover ever. “I’m fine Commander!” She said, or at least that’s what she tried to, it actually came out more as jumbled mumbles and groans as the world just kept spinning and the ground decide to dance. All she could hear was ringing from her metal helmet crashing into the tree, as she tried to stand up, she realize that she’s absolutely covered in snails.

She freaked the fuck out.

Flamberge tries to calm the frightened mare, "Crosshair, calm yourself! You just hit your head you need to stay still," he says, oblivious to her true source of fear.

Her injuries all forgotten, she tries wildly to shake the slimy snails off of her to no anvil. “SNAILS!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, possibly scaring away woodland critters in the surrounding area as she freaked out.

Flamberge realizes the source of the mare's trouble, and springs into action. "Crosshair! Freeze and I shall get them off you!" he orders.

Crosshair stopped and froze as ordered, but her legs were quivering and trembling, her eyes looking nervously from side to side rapidly, her pupil dilated into a small dot as she held her breath, trying to hold herself together, which isn’t working out too well.

Flamberge walks over to the mare and brushes most of the critters off with a few swipes of his left wing. The few that remain he picks up by the shell with his pony mouth and tosses them aside. The last one he plucks off her in this fashion had been sliding down her left cheek.

Having removed the last of the snails he speaks again, "There that's the last of them."

Even with the last of them out, the mare still looked like she’s about to cry, her legs all stiff and limp like jelly at the same time, and it’s obvious she’s having a little trouble breathing again after being covered in snails like that.

Flamberge attempt to sooth the visibly upset mare, "Shhhh, it's okay Crosshair, they are gone, you are fine, everything's fine, there is no reason to cry. Just take a few, deep breaths."

Crosshair struggle to regain control of her breathing, and with his help, began to calm down more and more, enough to finally move her legs and wings again.

"Here." says Flamberge in as calming a tone he can manage, as he begins to hover in the air, his forehooves still touching Crosshair, "Let's go sit on a cloud where there are no sn...things around."

Still shaken, Crosshair nodded silently. She’d love to be anywhere but anywhere near the possibility of having more snails fall onto her. And clouds sounds like a mighty fine place to be.

Flamberge leads Crosshair to a small cloud above the forest and the two pegasi take a seat.

The smaller pony took her seat, tucking her legs close under herself and her wings even closer as she tries to quiver all those slimy feeling off of her. And trying not to embarasses herself further in front of her commander. “I-I’m sorry.. f-for Freaking out, Commander..” she apologized.

Flamberge nods, "Its okay, a lot of ponies have irrational fears, why, if it had been me, and the snails were replaced with rodents, I wouldn't have done much better...not that you are allowed to tell anypony else that, Captain."

That actually made her smile and calm her down a little, she giggled before quickly stifles it into a grin. Doing a little salute. “Aye aye, Commander.” but that only made her return to giggling.

Flamberge smiles and chuckles a bit with the giggling mare, "Sooo. Snails? Any idea why they bother you so?"

Crosshair shudders just at the mention of them alone. “They’re all so.. Slimy and icky and have weird eyes and-” She shudders once more. “They’re just so disgusting!”

Flamberge nods, then before he can respond notices a small snail he had missed was hanging on Crosshair's mane, in an attempt to remove it without the mare noticing, and possibly panicking again, he says, “Yes, I suppose that makes sense,” and moves a bit closer to her and reaches around her to grab the snail with his hoof and then flicking it away to plummet to a snaily death some hundreds of feet below the cloud layer.

The small mare blinked in confusion as she feel her commander touching her mane like so, blushing faintly across her face. “Commander?” She asked, unsure of what he’s doing. But not moving away.

Flamberge blushes, realizing what his actions might have been misconstrued as, and knowing how inappropriate that would be with her being his subordinate, so he moves away his hoof and moves himself away a bit as well.

"Uh, sorry, you just had, a... leaf, in you mane, it's gone though." he lies.

She smiled at that, clueless as ever. “Ah, Thank you commander!” She said sweetly. plucking another string at his heart no doubt.

"No problem," replies Flamberge, still blushing.

The two ponies spend the next hour or so sitting upon the cloud keeping watch over the surrounding area, before heading back to town, and calling it a day.


Months later.
4th Limestone, 269


Flamberge and Crosshair, are walking along the edge of the town, when they hear a mare’s scream. Flamberge and Crosshair take off into the air toward the source of the sound. When the two militia ponies arrive on the scene they find one of the new migrants under attack by a Honey Badger Pony. The farmer had numerous stab wounds along her right legs and was struggling to get away.

Flamberge lets out a mad cry and slams into the Honey Badger at full speed, Crosshair was the next to slam both of her forehooves onto the badger pony, both of them effectively tackling the honey badger to the ground where It was doomed to be beaten with violence to make a diomedian blush. Crosshair had her crossbows out and whacking at the thing over and over again when her hooves just aren’t beating it enough.

The thief quickly passes out without putting up much of a fight and then in short order lays dead on the ground. Though the enraged militia commander does not stop his assault. Several moments pass, the badger's bronze helmet had been collapsed under the onslaught, badger pony brains leaking out the visor, every bone in the creatures body had been ground to meal, it was barely identifiable as a pony creature at all any more.

At some point during the beating, Maize arrived and carried the injured pony to safety.

"Ragahh!" shouts the enraged Flamberge as he continues striking it, blind to the world around him. Crosshair panted and blinked as she came out of her battle high, finally realizing what’s going on she went wide-eyed at the sight before her in surprise. “Commander! It’s dead! You can stop now!” She tried to shout at him through his enraged shouts, having to try and pull him away from the pulp.

Flamberge does not cease his attack, not until Crosshair touches him, when he turns to her, and appears about to strike her next, his face still contorted in rage. He only barely manages to stop himself in time.

The commander sits down, breathing heavily, and sees the blood on his hooves and the mess beside him.

Crosshair had recoiled with wide eyes, startled and somewhat frightful at the thoughts that her commander looked like he almost tried to strike her down like the honey badger.   

"...Crosshair...What...what happened?" asked Flamberge still shaken.

She quickly shakes away her fright, “You.. uh, went brutal on that badger pony, sir.” She answered.

"Was anypony injured...did I hurt anypony?" asks Flamberge his eyes fixed on the ground.

“Just the honey badger thief, sir.” Crosshair answered, quickly calming down from that little scare. “You didn’t hurt anypony.”

Flamberge stands up, looks at the corpse again, and says, "I...I need to get cleaned up. Excuse me." He move to walk away from the mess, toward the forest. He passes Praetorian on the way and tells him to take his squad and search the area for more Badger Ponies.

Worried about her Commander’s safety and of what he might do alone, Crosshair followed. Quickly catching up to him “Are you alright, Sir?” she asked with concern.

Flamberge stops, seems to think to himself, then says, "I... no." he continues walking.

The smaller mare followed close by. “With your permission, sir. What’s wrong?” she asked.

Flamberge looks around, there were too many civilians around, all reacting to the recent attack, “I...can’t tell you. Not here, at least, come with me.” he continues walking toward the forest.

Unconcerned of her own safety, Crosshair followed her commander with complete trust to the forest.

Flamberge leads Crosshair to a small stream in the woods, he leans down and begins to wash the blood and mud from his hooves, and does not look at the little mare, "Crosshair, you know, I've been in a number of fights over the course of my life, but... I can't remember a one of them."

That surprised her. “You.. can’t?”

He shakes his head, "No, I remember the build up sure but," Flamberge pauses, "then it all goes black, I wake up with their blood on me, and no memory of how it got there, when I go into that state, I just lose all control, I've even hurt my own best friends. I shouldn't have taken this position. I should have said no. I'm not fit to Command anypony. I thought I could control it, but I can't. I should go back to Coupledye, I should leave."

Seeing her Commander blabbering and breaking down in front of her, Crosshair couldn’t help but to walk up close to him and wrap her forelegs around his neck as she sits down, pulling him into a hug with her hooves stroking his mane softly. “No you shouldn’t.. If there’s a stallion who I can trust my life on, and knows what he’s doing, It’s you. You’re the best Commander I can ever ask for, Sir.”

Flamberge leans into Crosshair, allowing her to stroke his mane, "But Crosshair, what if next time... . The first thing I remember after blacking out, was the sight of you recoiling from me, if I hadn't stopped... I never want to frighten you like that again, and, if I had hurt you, I couldn't live with myself, Crosshair. Just being here I put everypony at risk, especially you... and the rest of the militia. I should go back to Coupledye, work in my father's blacksmith shop like he wanted."

She smiles at him reassuringly. “Commander, I’m a Markspony. I won’t be there to recoil at you the next time, Today I just have had forgotten my bolts is all.”

“So instead I attack Praetorian, or Redhat, or someother pony?” questions Flamberge.

“It won’t happen, Commander.” She said with confidence.

“It’s happened before, what makes you so sure it won’t again?” he asks.

“Because it didn’t happen this time, Commander. You stopped yourself. You can control it.” She urged on.

“Well,” begins Flamberge, “I think I was only able to stop because it was you, Crosshair.”

“Me? What makes me so special?” questions Crosshair.

“Because Crosshair, I think, I love you.” answers Flamberge looking into her eyes.

[End of Scene, we’ll get to find out what happens next when Crosshair’s player returns from her trip in three days. Good luck in your competition Kitkat.]


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2013, 01:58:20 am »


Temperance was sitting in his small office, paging through his books.  The new arrivals meant a lot of things had to be updated in his notes, so he was already setting to that.  More beds, more housing, food rations... this was going to take a while.  He frowns as he looks at the numbers.  At least they had plenty to get by. Before he can continue, he is interrupted by a knock at the door.

He looks up from the stock records he was tending to.  Now, who could that be?  One of the newcomers?  He steps over to the door and pulls it open.  “Yes?  Can I help you?”

On the other side of the door stands a bespectacled unicorn mare, with saddlebags across her back. “Mr. Temperance? I’d like to have a word, if you aren’t too busy.”

Temperance shakes the confused expression from his face and makes a smile.  “Oh, yes, of course, come right in.”  He returns to the far side of his desk and motions for her to take a seat.  “What did you want to talk about?”  What was this mare’s profession again?  Had he even asked yet?

The mare takes her seat gratefully. “Well, I suppose I should introduce myself first.” She holds out a hoof. “Dr. Serenity, Doctor of Equine Psychology, Coupledye University.”

Temperance accepts the hoof and gives a slightly weak shake.  “A pleasure to meet you Dr. Serenity.”  He raises an eyebrow.  “It seems you’ve already heard of me.”

Serenity nods. “Yes. I was asked to come out here by a Dutchess Virtue. She mentioned you frequently.”

At that, he’s completely unable to contain his surprise.  A tiny flicker of a glower forms on his face, but he quickly contains it.  “Oh, she did?  That... that’s interesting.”  He studies her briefly.  “A doctor of psychology, you said?  So... is that why she hired you?”

“Yes. She mentioned her own experiences with managing a new settlement, dealing with incompatible personalities, and the much deeper issues that seem to be so common among those who settle out here.”

That sounded like Virtue.  That sounded a lot like Virtue.  He nods slowly, putting the pieces together.  “I see.  Yes, she told me she’d had innumerable issues with that.  Fortunately, we haven’t had any problems with that out here.”  Not yet, anyway.  Maize was worrisome though...  “I’m not sure how much work you’ll have, I’m afraid.”

The doctor nods. “I understand. Still, I’d like it if you’d tell me about any odd behavior you notice. And most importantly, please let ponies know that if they have any problems, or just need to talk, I’m always available.”

“Of course,” Temperance replies with a tiny smile.  He taps his hoof idly on the desk for a few moments.  “Actually, doctor, there is somepony you may want to go see.  One of the farmers.  Maize.  She seems very evasive, to the point of sleeping out in the fields instead of with the rest of us.”  He considers if he should say more, and decides to add, “She is beginning to worry me a bit.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll see about speaking to her as soon as I can. Where might I find her?”

He sighs.  “She pretty much stays out in the fields permanently.  She has two braids, I’m sure you’ll recognize her.”  He glances down at the list of things that still needed to be built in Duskfields and said, “I, uh... imagine you’ll need someplace to really work.  It’s... going to be a while before that’s possible though, I’m afraid.”

The doctor sighs. “That does make my job a bit more difficult, but I think I can manage.”

“Sorry,” he says with an apologetic expression.  “If I’m not here, feel free to use my office though.  It’s probably the only place remotely private out here for now.”

“I appreciate that, thank you very much. Would you mind if I kept my books in here as well?”

He shakes his head.  “Oh, no, if you can find somewhere to stash them, feel free.”  There was plenty of room.  At least until he found a better place to get her situated.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2013, 06:58:30 pm »

Maize wanders through the rows of plants on the farm plot, checking the health and growth of each with tender care.

Cream Puff makes her way to the field, humming to herself.  When she spots Maize, she waves and heads more for her than simply the field.

As she finishes looking over a slightly wilted sunflower and giving it some water, Maize looks up and spots Cream Puff. “Oh, hello,” she says softly, her weak, shy voice not always easy to hear.

Puff smiles at her and flutters over the plants, not wanting to disrupt Maize’s work.  “Heya Maize!  I’ve actually been looking for you.  Should have expected to see you hard at work.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s hard...” Maize lets her head drop, obviously unused to being praised. “I’ve always liked growing things.”

“Just because you like it doesn’t mean it’s not hard work.  You’re also really good at it, Maize.  The wheat you grew was great, should keep everypony in fresh bread for a good while.”  Puff wings slow circles around Maize, enjoying a bit of quiet time with the soft-spoken mare.

Maize just shrugs and looks back down at the plants, resuming her inspection. “I’ve been wanting to ask... why does everypony keep praising me for helping Morning Dew?”

“Because you reacted to help her before anypony else.  And I mean actually help her, not just beat the stuffing out of the badgerpony.”  She lands carefully beside Maize.  “You helped her when everypony else could only stare.”

“But... that’s all I could do.” Maize’s head dips a bit. “It’s not like I was doing anything brave, like protecting her.”

Puff rolls her eyes a bit at that.  “You got her to the Doc, and basically snatched her out from under that badger pony’s nose.  Nopony else had the guts to get anywhere near her, but you carted her to a bed like the wind.”  She gently tries to lift Maize’s gaze with a wing.  “Don’t cry about what you can’t do, but be glad in what you can.”

Maize looks up at her, a bit teary-eyed, but smiling a bit as well. “I... I guess... I guess I’m just not used to being praised. Father always told me I wouldn’t ever be good for anything, and Mama didn’t really ever talk to me much. I used to think it was because she didn’t really like me, but...” She looks down and sighs. “I don’t think I should talk about this.”

Cream Puff lays a wing over her withers, hoping to reassure the mare.  “It’s alright, Maize.  I think they missed out, and I think you’re a good pony.  Just remember you’re not alone, and you can always talk to me, ok?”

Maize sighs again and looks around at the plants. She checks out one of the sunflowers, a fast-growing one that was already noticeably taller than the ones around it. “D... do you think Morning Dew would like a sunflower by her bed? I mean, if one grows fast enough to bloom before she gets well...”

Puff smiles and nods.  “I think she’d appreciate it, Maize.  Even if they aren’t her favorite, it’s the thought that counts.  I know I’d love one if it were me.”

Maize smiles and nods. “This one might bloom pretty soon at the rate it’s growing.” She looks around. “Oh, I also meant to ask. Are there any other plants I need to be growing?”

Puff thinks for a few moments, then shrugs.  “A good variety is the most important thing.  Wheat and sunflowers are great foundations for a meal, but ponies don’t live on bread alone, heh.  Pretty much whatever you want to grow is fine.”

Maize nods. “Anyone ask for anything?”

“Heh, I’ve had a few requests for the tomato juice and peanutbutter sammiches, but that’s it so far.”

“I can try growing peanuts if we have any.” Maize looks around. “I think we’ve got tomatoes growing somewhere in here, too.” The mare heads down a little more until the two reach a bare crater in the field, about the size of a pony.

The significance of the barren spot almost slips past Puff, but the gears turn and she soon turns to give Maize a stern look.  “Maize... you’re not still sleeping out here, are you?”

Maize notices the stern look and nearly prostrates herself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know...” She seems rather like she’s going to cry.

Cream Puff immediately softens and hugs Maize.  “Oh Hun... you don’t need to sleep out here.  We have the dorms, and they’re even working on getting individual rooms up.  Why don’t you want to sleep in a bed?”

“I... I do, but... the dorms are so full of ponies, it’s much more comfy out here.” Maize softens her rigid pose and snuggles a bit into Cream Puff’s hooves. “The dirt’s nice and soft in the field, and the plants smell wonderful, and the stars and firebugs are like dozens of little nightlights watching over me...”

Cream gently pats Maize’s back as she thinks for a few moments.  On the one hoof, she doesn’t want Maize to think she has to sleep alone in the field.  On the other, she seems to really enjoy sleeping under the stars....

Buck it, she’s still not sleeping alone if she can help it.  “Hey Maize... how about a little camp-out tonight?  I’ll grab a cloud and sleep out here with you.”

Maize beams, but keeps her head down a little, still submissive. “You.. you don’t have to...”

She chuckles and meets Maize’s eyes.  “I want to.  You made it sound nice out here, and Flamberge snores.” she says with a smile and a wink.

Maize chuckles a little. “I don’t even know what ‘snores’ is, but I guess it’s not very nice...”

“He’s a loud sleeper, heh.  I’m told I snore a bit, too, but sleeping on a cloud tends to keep me quiet.”

Maize nods. “I don’t think I’d mind too much. The crickets and cicadas are pretty noisy at night, and it doesn’t bother me.” She paws at the dirt of her makeshift bed a little. “What’s a bed like?”

“How about you find out tomorrow night?” Puff suggests.

“I... I don’t know...” Maize sighs. “I don’t think I could even go in the dorm with all those ponies...”

“Is that it?  I can bring a bed out here, or at least the mattress.  I can almost guarantee it’s better than the ground.”

“I think that would be nice.” Maize looks at the ground. “I’ve never slept on a mattress. Father always made me sleep outside. Said I should get used to it, because I’d be sleeping there forever.”

Cream Puff puts a hoof on her withers and gives her a gentle squeeze.  “Well, now you can choose if you want to sleep outside or not.  It’s up to you, not him.”

“Y... yeah...” Maize nods. “I still... like it outside. But I think I might enjoy it once there’s a room built for me, too.” She looks wistfully at the sky. “I guess we’ll see.”

Puff smiles, picturing Maize curled up and sleeping peacefully in her own bed, a sunflower on the window sill.  “Yeah... we’ll see.”
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #43 on: February 13, 2013, 06:44:09 am »

Ad Amici 1.6

Praetorian, captain of the hastiferi stationed at Duskfields, to Dapper Blade, commander of the Guard in Coupledye, may all the gods abundantly bless you this day and always.

I thank Nokzam when I think of you, for you have done great things for me by your training and comradeship through the years. In the battle of Mareway, your actions led to my survival, and glory to the both of us.

Today I write to you for two reasons. The first is more pleasant. We had a badger pony attack at the fort. Though one civilian, a farmer, was injured, another (by the name of Maize) rescued her while the fight was still going on (another military pony, named Flamberge, my current commander, had engaged the badger pony). Maize seems to have saved the wounded pony's life, carrying her to the sawbones for treatment.

The second is a less happy one. Though I am in nominal command here, the sole pony over which I am captain is ill-disciplined, defeatist, and seems to see no difference between a soldier and a common murderer. I have no idea why he joined up, given as he appears to have no care for his fellow ponies, nor anything besides himself.

I can tell you, Dapper, that if we were serving in a full squad, I'd have had him hanged as an example to the rest. As it is, there's little I can do. He claims experience with a spear, and if this place is as dangerous as ponies say it is, I have no choice but to keep him.

To my replacement, I have another suggestion. Wine is good, but it loosens stallions' tongues. Keep it in moderation.

The blessings of the gods be upon you all.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2013, 03:37:30 pm »

Entry 6:

Blarg,I feel lonely.


Well, I havent had the time to hang out with anyone. Luckaly, it seems like the fort is mostly complete, structure-wise, so that opens up a lot of free time. I suppose it's only fair that I say who I wish to see.

The new solder, Praetorian looks decent-ish. I thought at first he was a wine-guzzling twit that got sent up from the warmer southern coasts, but he's a genuine solder, along with Flamberge. Religious, too. Reminds me of my great-uncle.

Speaking of those two, I was thinking about setting up a party. I have some spare drinks with me, and it's not like we can't use a cheering up. Something for the ponies who have been here for awhile, or just important.

Guest List:

Temperance (Want to see him drunk.)      

Flamberge&Crosshair (Pick out a single table for them, with something mind-altering on it.)         

Case Study ( Need to know him better, probably.Never hurts to know your doctor in the mining buisness)      

Smoothblock (Going to put a move on her, Swamp Whisky in tow. Ramol help me.)
Cream Puff (She looks like a fun drunk, anyway)   

Maize (Girl needs a drink in her system)      

Praetorian (Again, looks like a decent fellow)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 03:41:39 pm by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
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