After the explanation my situation felt more hopeless then ever...
Does it mean that I'm doomed to one day surrender and accept the terms of the warden? Or should I leave while I still can?
But the voices had another plan in mind. They wanted me to extend the use of my "lost fort leader roll" and look up the mayor to inform him of Rocklod's demise. It was a risky plan( I knew very little of the nobles) so I had to prepare some sort of disguise...however my funds were limited to say the least.
As I took my leave I asked Gulog for some dye, he looked strangly at me for a moment only to leave for a few seconds. When he returned he gave me a small pouch filled with a deep red coloured powder, he also threw me a bag of flour and mumbled something 'bout how I "hit my head while falling down some stairs".
Under the instructions of the paranoid voice I tried my best to alter my appearance, rearanged my hair,
dyed it red tried to dye it red, attempted to pull my beard through the earring but as it didn't fit I had to go for some strange hybrid and then finally I tied my old traveling coat around my waist.
Then I headed off towards the nobles quarters, I didn't know exactly where it was but the map gave me a rough idea. The streets were very crowded so getting anywhere involved a lot of pushing and shoving. But as I got closer to my destination the masses began thinning out slightly, suddently it was all quiet but for a hauler moving a quirking wheelbarrow filled with expensive drinks. The room I had entered had impressivly high ceiling, streching perhaps three or four stories up into the air. In the center of the room stood a massive staue, it portrayed a warrior of some sort...wierd part is that it didn't look very dwarven.
Rocklod- the fort where I came from- wasn't a wealthy fort by any strech of the imagination, all the noble titles we had was only there for show. Our mayor did as much hauling as the next dawrf and you could often see the bookkeeper working out on the fields. The world I had now been thrown into was beyond my imagination. I had never felt so out of place, every single dwarf was covered in expensive silk and many carried their wheight in gold and prescious stones.
I felt the sweat dripping down my back... Everyone gave me such dismissive stares.... I...I don't know if I can do this...
Alright how do we motivate Nerin to keep goin'?