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Author Topic: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...  (Read 85876 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #465 on: March 07, 2013, 04:40:27 pm »

Grogonos, I hear you and your proposal.  While I am flattered by your offer, my followers are rather few in number so my ability to sacrifice to you would likewise be rather limited.  Still if you still wish to work with me there is but one thing I ask from you.  The minor ability to create and modify life so I may use it to provide food and nourishment for my people.  Would that be acceptable to you?

Feros, your proposition intrigues me.  I do need to feed my people but perhaps we can work out something slightly different for my services.  Give me the powers over life and nature myself so that my followers will see that it is I who feeds them.  In return I will aid you within reasonable limits and provide you with sacrifices once my followers are more numerous.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 04:52:25 pm by gman8181 »
Sure thing peanut man!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #466 on: March 07, 2013, 04:58:51 pm »

Corvus, while awaiting the presence's true entry, decided to turn to Despair.

He saw the pitiful state it was in. He saw that the shades had died. He was....shocked. He truly did not want this. He held back his despair. This was not the time.

Meanwhile, he decided to put it aside for now and look for the person he'd trusted to find them. Traurig.

He saw his pitiful conditions, and decided to aid him, if anything to spare him and his followers from the hell that was Despair. And he felt that he should apologise, for failing to aid his attempt to save the shades. It was his flaw, to aid those he owed or felt he owed.

He spoke to the seaspawn.
"Traurig, I have a proposition, because I feel that I owe you more for failing to help the shades.

I shall allow you and your followers to reside on the Corvid Moon, if you agree to help me in any form I ask. In return, I shall feed and clothe your followers,and they shall be welcome amongst the Crowborn and Ravenas.

I ask, in return, that you aid me, that you do not murder me, and that you and I may be allies, in a new Pantheon, one that shall replace the olden ones."
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 05:04:16 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #467 on: March 07, 2013, 05:09:14 pm »

Finally, he had escaped the madness of the former world. They'd called him mad. They'd hunted him, and even those he'd considered his friends had betrayed him. He'd almost finished his greatest work, a magical construct that allowed one to tap the aether between the voids, to create one's own personal magic source a thousand times stronger than any natural source.

Of course, they had to barge in, and destroy his mechanics. They said it was a danger for the universe, but it was them who destroyed it. The thaumatical core was destabilized, the energy dumped directly into the void. It attracted something his mind couldn't comprehend, not even at this very moment. At last, he'd managed to safe himself, and the journey had somehow transformed him.
However, he'd been unable to find his own way into the void, and was forced to follow the beast, hoping it wouldn't notice him, and that it would lead him to somewhere safe.

The result had been fairly dissappointing. He'd been dropped amongst the stars, overlooking a dying planet, and surrounded by a castle made of light, with weaponry reaching as far as the eye could see. It would be unlikely for him to survive if he fled, but he couldn't stay here, in the void. Nevertheless, the planet wouldn't suit his needs, though it's small moon was admirable. As such he called out, asking audience with the Fort's owner.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #468 on: March 07, 2013, 05:17:21 pm »

'I ask not for the sacrafice of your followers, only that you pray to me when you gain the bounty of the oceans, and remember me when you use it. I would still ask for your blade if I require it, but I will grant you your boon.'

Act: feros grants traurig the ability to stimulate growth of both plants and animals simply by being in the area, providing enough of a boost to more than feed his followers and keep stocks ready for when the oceans are fully habitable again.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 05:21:29 pm by sjm9876 »
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #469 on: March 07, 2013, 05:22:48 pm »

However, Udil knew there are somethings that could only be fixed with time. He needed it to both survive and ensure that dwarves survive too.
His divine mind was aware of one god that ruled over that sphere. The world needed time and so Udil would call upon Vasvaldi, the Elder of Time.

" I call upon you, Vasvaldi, you who rule over the flow of things in this world, as time rules everything. I, Udil the Dragonslayer summon you to discuss the fate of this world"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #470 on: March 07, 2013, 05:31:54 pm »

Thank you Feros, I will indeed spread word of you among my followers and encourage your worship with my people.

Corvus, I can not in good conscience leave this planet yet with just my current followers.  There are still so many here who need my help and I would not abandon them unless completely necessary.  Still if your offer shall remain open, I may wish to take advantage of it in the future when I have brought together as many seaspawn as possible.  Regarding the pantheon, I do not know if I shall ever become a god but if I do, an alliance between us would no doubt be of extreme value to all parties involved.
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #471 on: March 07, 2013, 05:39:57 pm »

Vasvaldi was watching the world from the safe place he had carved for the few he had saved of the population of Hadria. He was watching as the Rift tore open further, as bright new lights and their accompanying voices appeared. He shuddered as Un'girlan, the Devourer came through the Rift seeking prey. Long had Vasvaldi avoided Un'girlan, and hopefully he would be able to continue to do so. Still for now at least, the Devourer would have a great deal of prey. Vasvaldi may even be able to devour some of the new lights to replenish his slowly diminishing power.

He became aware of a voice charged with power, calling out to him. Ah yes, the Dwarf who rose to Godhood. His voice whispered back, slowly wending its way back into the normal flow of Time.
"Greetings, God of Wrath. The world does indeed seem to have a precarious fate. The Rift above grows larger. And time continues onward. So what do you wish to discuss?"
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #472 on: March 07, 2013, 05:41:23 pm »

"Then I bid thee good luck, Traurig. I am here, if you wish to call for me."

Crows cawing can be heard, followed by silence.


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #473 on: March 07, 2013, 05:45:41 pm »

Even Gren Garnsson was not denied entrance when the Godslayer made his summons.  Not that Gren Garnsson was given much choice either; all dwarves found themselves in the great hall of Udilsbor at that moment, whatever else they had been doing or wherever else they might have been.  Udil-Volondor spared his children a moment to stare in wonder and confusion at their new home before he spoke to them, his voice resounding through the titanic chamber.

"Welcome my children. Thou a terrible fate has befallen you, I have not forsaken you. Our foes are destroyed and many of us were brought back to life. I have ascended as your true god, and now I have been transformed as Udil-Volondor, you have been rewarded with my gift to you. Let this place be both a temple to me and a source of life to you."

More was said, and more done.  Udil appointed stewards and caretakers for his new kingdom, wise dwarves who would re-order the men and women of the new Mountainhome and set them on the true path of faith.  When all was in place the God-King and his councillors retreated to discuss the organisation of the dwarven civilisation - united at last after more than five centuries of Udil's struggle.  The other dwarves scattered, seeking out new homes and exploring the cavernous new reaches of their metropolis.

Many found renewed faith in their god.  Many did not, and to those a crooked and pock-marked vagabond spoke.  He spoke in alleyways, in the new taverns being set up, in plump helmet and cave wheat farms where he found work, and in the dark places of Udilsbor.  He spoke quietly, so as not to be heard by those powers that be.

"Mighty is Udil-Volondor.  Great is he.  Who can forget how he wiped out the drakes of the jungles?  How he built mighty cities on the coasts and in the tunnels?  Mighty indeed.  Or perhaps so were the dwarves who did these things in his name.  What has Udil done?  Slain giants.  Slain gods.  Udil has killed and killed and killed, and he is a mighty warrior without doubt.  So was Az-Sho.

"What have Udil's battles won us?  Glory?  For him, perhaps.  Unity?  Yes, those of us survive are united at last, and perhaps a hundredth or thousandth of what we once were.  Udil and Az-Sho's battle laid low our people, nearly wiped them out.  And up above, on the surface, the sky is as grey as any cavern.  Ash even now continues to fall.

"Udil has built a mighty city here.  I welcome him to it.  But I can no longer place my faith in such a dwarf.  I can no longer place my faith in such a god.  After his failures, after the failures of all the divines, can you?  No.  I will find another place, and perhaps you will come with me."

The great many ignored him, disgusted by his appearance and fearful of his nature.  But those very few who followed, he welcomed to risk wilds as dangerous as he, in the hope that they might breed a hardier people free of the interference of the divines.

Gren gathers the disenchanted, the angry and the exhausted of the dwarven people and heads to the surface.  With the few that follow, he begins to carve out hill-forts in the stable patches of ground among the swamps of the Ninth Continent.  There they grow plump helmets and try to carve out a separate identity from the dwarves of Udilsbor.  If not even a single dwarf follows, he retreats there as a hermit regardless.

A month later, when Gren was busy shovelling earth from a hillock for plump helmet garden boxes, he felt a chill in his bones.  A voice growled within his mind like some ancient predator, a voice he had not heard in decades.

'What has become of you? You denied me, and see what has become of you. But I offer you a chance of forgiveness, and a possible cure. there is a being, one who a god cannot kill. But a mortal....... they can. If this creature comes before you, and you slay it, I will cure you.

Gren's knuckles grew white on the haft of his shovel.  He carefully set it down and picked up one of the slightly warped flamoak beams from his pile and began setting the support for the roof.  As he worked, he spoke his reply through gritted teeth.

"Forgiveness?  I seek no forgiveness for duty, for loyalty.  Udil was my king and my god, and if that loyalty proved misplaced it was not the fault of the virtue.  No, I have no need of your forgiveness, and if the curse I bear is for following Udil in his day then I bear it as I must.  That fault of judgement, at least, I will own up to."

Gren seized the mallet and began hammering the beam into place, pausing briefly when a coughing fit seized him.  He took a few moments to check the support before he spoke again, his voice more level and more tired.

"Your kind ruined this world.  You gods.  When I was born it was a green world, filled with lush grass and mighty jungles.  Brilliant blue seas, flush with fish and seaweed.  I nearly took a wife on the coast, you know, had the sickness not taken her from me first.  Look at it now."

Gren threw the hammer to the ground, then dropped to his knees and coughed harder, spitting flecks on blood on the freshly dug dirt.  He would have to set a decent slate floor down here soon.  He made a mental note to do so before wiping his mouth and beard and staring up at the ceiling above him.

"You want my help?" he shouted, and he shouted it not just at the one who spoke but to all gods as a prayer.  "Fix what you have broken!  You offer to heal one sick dwarf, as if that will make amends for your negligence, for your cruelties!" Gren burst into laughter, curdled by the blood and spittle in his throat.  "Heal this sick world, you bastards!  Heal it, and save it, or I pray to whatever creature you fear so that it devours the lot of you.  You'd deserve nothing less."

Gren took a few ragged breaths, forced himself to his feet and picked up his shovel.  There was still more work to be done.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #474 on: March 07, 2013, 05:53:17 pm »

Udil's demeanor was calmer than expected, the burning having a slightly golden hue to it as opposed to the fiery red hat was before the joining with Volondor.

"I wish to know if your intentions are different from those of other fools that care nothing for the world as it is, cowardly hiding on that moon of theirs. If you truly favor the mortals and desire to repair the certain state of affairs, know that I am the representative of the Overgod and the warden of the Divine Prison and that I share your goal.

I ask of no direct favor of you now, but know that if yo seek help or are faced with an attack by one of those celestial predators, know that i am behind you. I only ask that you return the favor in whatever capacity you can. We might not coincide or interact through our planes, but the common good unites us! Its only a speculation, but with time we might join forces. Only you can tell and decide."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #475 on: March 07, 2013, 05:59:51 pm »

And at last it broke through the outer layer andI HUNGER beheld a void bursting with life and chaos They are delicious

The lights of the void MINE glittered and spun, bursting with power

They called themselves gods, but it knew better
It called them food
       and there was one which outshone all the rest
                                    it consumed the others to gain their light, and it was HUNGER bright
It went towards it

Space itself screeches at the wrongness of the creature passing through it, an undefined shape recognizable only by the trail of emptiness it left in it's wake.
Un'girlan hungered.
It surveyed the gods of this universe, sizing them up as a butcher would before the slaughter. And finally, it chose the sucking pig.
The prime specimen. The one the whispers told as the Phoinex.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 11:22:29 am by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #476 on: March 07, 2013, 06:02:14 pm »

Corvus watched Udil's exchange, bored of waiting for the presence (which still bothered him, but he was curious to know what else was going on) and laughed.

"He dares call me a coward, yet he hides behind his power and backstabs many who have helped him.

The common good? Only the good that is Udil matters to the dwarf. The Overgod may yet know the taste of steel.

Indeed, the only gods who can claim truly to help are Sabt Golgo and Feros, as even as I say this, all I have done is save a single child from destruction. He shall do naught behind the back of him, save stab him with a dagger, the dagger that fell Az-Sho, Neyravah, and nearly myself.

Nonetheless, I laugh at the fact that such a treacherous, megalomaniac dwarf claims to be working for the common good!"

Corvus turned his attention away from that and back to the elusive presence. No matter who he looked to, it still bothered him.


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #477 on: March 07, 2013, 06:20:19 pm »

Vasvaldi pondered for awhile. Mere moments to those outside his little cave carved in time.

I wish to help restore this world. Save its people from the horrors that have befallen them. You may not know this but I have sheltered some of the people of Hadria. When the time is right, I will lead them back into the world. When there is a place for them, lush and green and ready for new life.

Here and now I need no aid. But I will bend my power to repairing this world. However, the Rift I think, deserves more attention now."
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #478 on: March 07, 2013, 06:24:20 pm »

Corvus sighed. He needed to stop this. Right now. He did not want Udil to trap another god, presence be damned. He would not let the dwarf trap one more in his web.

He called to Vasvaldi through his mind.

"Elder of Time,I have a warning to give you.

Do not trust the dwarf god, Udil. He is dangerous. Many have fallen because of his treachery, including an ally of mine. I myself was nearly a victim of it, but I was saved by spatial factors.

I will not identify myself, unless you seek further information, but I tell you this to warn you that this is not a good idea, for you or for anyone.

Volondor may yet keep him, but he is not to be trusted."


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #479 on: March 07, 2013, 06:26:58 pm »

Aur-Sha looked around at the world, a strange land, not enough fire, and too much water, and in the distance she saw a large mountain, strange world, still if this was what Corvus liked who was she to complain, but now she needed answers, she had waited all this time, hopefully now she would get the answers she sought. "Corvus I thank you for bringing me here, but now I need some questions to be answered, please."
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 04:31:41 pm by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

and insanity
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