" I wished to offer help by taking mortals onto my moon and carrying them safely to the galaxy created by the overgod Taeri, but you are clearly unable to forgive.
You dare call me a hypocrite? You declare war on others remorselessly and butcher millions, but now you care about mortals? May I remind you that Az-Sho was forced to do this by Udil? Or that Thaneos blatantly ignored his own promises? And the fact that I was trying to prevent Aldemas from gaining power from my death and only killed him on the basis of luck? You know nothing of it, Lust Goddess! I will bear the burden of murdering Aldemas forevermore, and if I could, I would revive him and set him free. You would do no such for anyone.
You're as hypocritical as me. At least I am attempting to atone for the mistakes I gave made. Aldemas was not meant to die and I have attempted in my best ability to help those who would save the shades. As it is, what have you done, save cower away on other planets? I fled because I had no other choice. You had worshippers, I had none.
And as for the spawn of Az-Sho, what right have you to tell me I am such a monster for protecting her? You are protecting mortals. I am protecting a child. Of course you would know no such thing, you are incapable of loving. Such irony, you called all of us impassionate monsters at the Godsmeet, yet I am capable of forgiveness and caring for a child that is not mine, but you are incapable of letting something go for the sake of potential help. As it is Aur-Sha is as vulnerable to the other gods as the mortals, and I am unwilling to let her die so quickly. You have no room to talk, as you abandoned your own children.
Fine. Ignore my proposal. The hand of forgiveness is always open, but you have rejected it. Do not expect me to let you plead help when Aodun or Udil takes you. I wish you good luck in evading them, but I doubt anyone can. I am no puppet, not anymore. And you shouldn't be one to your own grudges, not that you'd listen to sane advice from me.
Good luck protecting what little you have from the predators. And do not call for the Crow when you are to follow those who have passed."
A whooshing sound followed, and Vanida found that she could no longer contact Corvus.
As Corvus shut the link off, several crows flew by Vanida, cawing at her derisively. They vanished before she could retaliate.
He sighed.
"She is a troubled goddess, and that perhaps shall doom her."